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  • Users: Aeshae
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Aeshae

    Fantasy Rise of the Chroniclers, The World

    ...The Chroniclers The lore of Avalloch Years ago, when humanity was new and naive, 8 almighty beings descended to the earth and gave man the power of magic. Each god gave a different aspect of magic, as well as showed man how to survive in the world. These 8 gods have come to be known as The...
  2. Aeshae

    Fantasy OoC

    For all your out of character needs!
  3. Aeshae

    Fantasy Rise of the Chroniclers =Character Sheets=

    Name: Nickname/Alias: Gender: Age: (No children. 15-20's preferred.) Orientation: (As in sexual orientation) Appearance: (A photo is required. A description is encouraged as well.) Personality: Bio: Weapon Of Choice: (Remember, this is fantasy-land, no guns or any of that stuff.) Magical...
  4. Aeshae

    Fantasy Rise of the Chroniclers

    The Bastion Lord Valtur/NPC Lord Valtur watched as the room quieted down, every single person grew tense and unsure of the coming situation. It amused him to watch as dozens of his most trusted men stood still. It was almost like the room was lined with suits of armor and he was alone waiting...
  5. Aeshae

    Fantasy Rise of the Chroniclers(Open!)

    As civilization continued to grow and develop, so too have the monsters. They had grown too lazy, telling themselves that as long as they have their magic, the monsters would never threaten the survival of humanity. They built walls and towers, thinking the monsters wouldn't get past but they...
  6. Aeshae

    Fantasy Havenworth Dice stuff

    Behold! The main center for dice rolls and whatnot. This is just so it doesn't get lost in OOC and people can have separate tabs open when responding.
  7. Aeshae

    Fantasy Havenworth Academy OOC

    Please feel free to use this thread for commentary, planning, etc!
  8. Aeshae

    Fantasy Havenworth Academy, Currently Open!

    Hello there, If you are reading this letter, then that means that at long last your powers have surfaced. Congratulations! However, like being able to ride a bike, or fathom calculations, your powers are a skill that must be trained and controlled. As such, you are hereby invited to Havenworth...
  9. Aeshae

    Fantasy Havenworth Academy, Living a School Life

    Very Important, PLEASE READ This will be a combination of the map of the school as well as rules for RP, students, and teachers. Please read over this before posting in the main thread in order to avoid confusions! RULES FIRST! These will be rules that relate to Roleplaying! This will be the...
  10. Aeshae

    Fantasy Havenworth Academy, Lore of our World

    Do not misunderstand, Our world is a dangerous one. One that would deny your your identity and your powers. Some would be betrayed and afraid of it. Others would seek to rip it out and use it for themselves. You have much to learn little one. The World as Known The year is 2018, and the...
  11. Aeshae

    Fantasy Havenworth Academy Character Thread!

    Hello there, If you are reading this letter, then that means that at long last your powers have surfaced. Congratulations! However, like being able to ride a bike, or fathom calculations, your powers are a skill that must be trained and controlled. As such, you are hereby invited to Havenworth...
  12. Aeshae

    Fantasy Havenworth Academy, a Home for the Exceptional(Open and Recruiting!)

    Hello there, If you are reading this letter, then that means that at long last your powers have surfaced. Congratulations! However, like being able to ride a bike, or fathom calculations, your powers are a skill that must be trained and controlled. As such, you are hereby invited to Havenworth...
  13. Aeshae

    Fantasy Revolutionary War in Ezerith - Neutral Characters

    Neutral Characters for Revolutionary War in Ezerith Please edit this post to suit your roleplay's needs. See Main Thread: Casual - Revolutionary War in Ezerith(Open!)
  14. Aeshae

    Fantasy Revolutionary War in Ezerith - Lore

    LORE Please read below to find tidbits of the world as well as the races, information on the two sides, and any other bit of knowledge.
  15. Aeshae

    Fantasy Revolutionary War in Ezerith - Rules

    RULES Please try to be courteous to others. If you have a problem please handle it in PM not OOC. If you wish to do a specific thing with another persons character (relationship, killing them, having a background check) please ask them There's not really a post limit or quota, but please...
  16. Aeshae

    Fantasy Revolutionary War in Ezerith

    Welcome to Ezerith, a land filled with war and chaos. 400 years ago the human race attempted to overthrow the almighty rulers, the Celestials. Since then, war is the only thing that this world knows. Humanity is now on the brink of ruins as it fights a losing battle. For as long as any...
  17. Aeshae

    Fantasy Revolutionary War in Ezerith

    @Aeshae, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  18. Aeshae

    Fantasy Revolutionary War in Ezerith

    CS! Some things to know quickly before submitting a character sheet: I will be adding a lore page soon for different race options There can be mixes, so long as it makes sense Nothing OP please Images are seriously welcome, but not required Please be detailed If you have any...
  19. Aeshae

    Fantasy Revolutionary War in Ezerith(Open!)

    Explosions fill the sky. The ground is covered in the bodies of the fallen, a wasteland of an ongoing battle. You watch as overhead several figures blast powerful rays of light in front of you, sweeping away hundred of barricades that had laid in front of you. You lay on the floor, already hurt...
  20. Aeshae

    Fantasy Fighting in a Civil War Realm

    Okay so I've been working on this idea for a while now. The overview for this RP is essentially there's a war going on in a fantasy realm. It's located on one of the continents and the main fighters are the humans and the Celestials. Basically the Celestials have held control of the humans as if...