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Fantasy Rise of the Chroniclers, The World



The Very Tired Student
The Chroniclers

The lore of Avalloch
Years ago, when humanity was new and naive, 8 almighty beings descended to the earth and gave man the power of magic. Each god gave a different aspect of magic, as well as showed man how to survive in the world. These 8 gods have come to be known as The Benevolent Givers, and the land where they first interacted with man came to be known as the Kingdom of Avalloch.

Thousands of years later, and mankind has created a name for itself in the world. Villages and cities dot the lands, art and poetry stimulate the senses, and Avalloch's capital, Benevolia, stands taller than ever. However, not all was good. When humans began to learn of magic, monsters arose from the depths of the earth, jealous of the Great Gifts. They came in great hordes, each seeking to remove the light from existence. Each time however, humans drove away the darkness and lived in prosperity.

Until now.

Monsters have evolved. They have become stronger, greater, and most importantly their numbers have rose to unbelievable amounts.
The common folk still believe they can be pushed back by the sword and spell. That heroes and armies will protect their walls as they always have, and that they will have their tomorrow. They are wrong.

Avalloch's finest gathered together to come up with a solution. They devised a dark and loathsome ritual to heighten chosen individuals powers to unbelievable amounts. These chosen will be known as Chroniclers, for they will ensure that humanity has it's history protected. Since such a ritual would inflict pain and powers of unimaginable heights, a fail safe was created. In order to gain something, the ritual would ensure that the Chroniclers would lose something as well. With their powers, they would have terrible weaknesses that could be exploited by men. Not only would the Chroniclers be able to remove a Chronicler gone rogue, the balance of the world would be maintained.

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The Ritual
「What has occured」

A powerful, dark ritual created by the hands of man, the ritual is an unknown spell that was very recently created by the trusted agents of the kingdom of Avalloch. Through an extraordinarily painful process, the Chronicler gains increased strength, faster speed, and less needed sleep than the average human. Furthermore, each Chronicler randomly gains an "aspect," a unique power granted that comes with severe drawbacks.
For example, someone who gained the aspect that allows them to use more powerful ice magic with no cost to their body, however every time they use it they feel their body begin to age... Along with obvious changes, there are other, unknown side effects of the ritual that affects the Chroniclers, but no one can accurately predict what will happen next
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「Types and how it works」

Elemental: With the 8 gods came 8 elements. Fire, Water, Ice, Light, Darkness, Earth, Wind, and Time. These magics are basic spells that surround the certain elements (creating light, cleaning water)
Aura: A magic coming from inside of the body. Red for strength, Green for agility, Orange for endurance. Once a user has unlocked their aura, they cannot change their innate color.
Elementary Mundane: These magics are basic, most mundane tricks. Things like moving objects or unlocking doors.
Advanced Mundane: These magics are much more difficult, as they rely on years of studying. Illusions is a large aspect of this magic, as well as creating protective fields, speaking telepathically, and augmenting reality.
How it's used
Magic, for the common folk, is innate and constant. Most people however can only use the most bare basic of magics, and are usually self taught. The wealthy nobles or scholars pass down tomes and teach their children the more advanced forms of magic such as creating a great wall of earth, or seeing the future. Magic is cast by using mana, an inner unchangeable quantity that restores with time. Overextending oneself can leave people in comas, or in severe cases even cause death.
Most magic requires verbal phrases, although the exception is aura which can be activated by will alone, as well as a few spells that can be done with hand gestures.
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The Bastion

The bastion serves as a base for the Chroniclers. In it are many rooms that each serve a purpose to aid them.


Council Room
This serves as the meeting place for the Chroniclers, as well as a planning room. It is the most central and largest of the halls inside of the bastion, as it was designed to be of great importance.


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