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  • Cat Vampire: Let me in!
    Me: Ok.
    <Opens door>
    Cat Vampire: You fool! Now I will drain your blood! Mwuhaha!
    Me: . . .
    Cat Vampire: I changed my mind. Let me out.
    Me: So Christ's body is the bread?
    Priest: Yes.
    Me: And he rose from the grave.
    Priest: Yes.
    Me: Was it because of the yeast?
    Priest: Um, no.
    Me: Ok, I'm officially confused.
    Me: I just love my new indestructible walls. I just wish I had some Kool-Aid.
    <audible thump outside>
    Me: What was that?
    I don't understand why people don't instantly respond to the question of 'what superpower would you want' with the ability to alter probabilities. Just think about it. What's the probability that someone is about to just drop a million dollars in front of me? 0%. Lets change that to 100%. What's the probability that I'll wake up tomorrow and Gillian Anderson wants to come over to my place and hook up with me? 100%. What's the probability that I'll walk into the bathroom and find that the bathtub has been filled with tapioca pudding? 100%
    I wouldn't want to eat pudding that's been sitting in my bathtub... Ew.
    That’s so great. Could probably use it to acquire other superpowers too. “What’s the probability that I’ll be able to fly right now?” “What’s the probability that I’ll go invisible right now?”
    A monkey was arrested at the zoo for flinging his feces at people. Three zoo employees were taken to the hospital with turd degree burns.
    I believe that a lot of conflict in the Wild West could have been avoided if cowboy architects would simply have made towns big enough for everyone.
    God: How many more animals are there to create?
    Angel: Two.
    God: And how many legs do we have left?
    Angel: One hundred.
    Centipede: Dibs!
    Snake: Asshole!
    The Beauty Industry:
    For men: this can be used as shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, lotion, mouthwash, toothpaste, engine degreaser, spackle or sunscreen.
    For women: we have a special bottle for your left elbow.
    I overheard a guy at Target the other day trying to return a pile of 30-some odd pool noodles. When the cashier asked him why, the guy says, "The shopping list just said noodles. Boy, was my wife mad!"
    God and the Mammoth are having a conversation:
    Mammoth: I want you to take out the dinosaurs. <slips him a stack of bills>
    God: <pocketing the money> How do you want it to happen?
    Mammoth: Make it look like an accident.
    God: I'll hit em with a rock.
    Mammoth: I said an accident.
    God: A big-ass space rock!
    *during the creation of the kangaroo*
    God: Ok, so the deer was a big hit. Lets work off of that.
    Angel 1: What if it could carry its offspring with it for protection?
    God: That's kinda weak, but we'll add it.
    Angel 2: What if it could kick the shit out of you?
    God: There it is.
    I am not in denial, I am just selective in the reality that I accept.
    That's almost as poetic as "I'm not in denial because I'm not in denial."
    Leaving a watermelon on someone's doorstep in the middle of the night is a pretty inexpensive way to occupy a portion of their mind forever.
    What do you call 2,000 mockingbirds?

    2 Kilomockingbirds! Ha!
    Kilomockingbirds sounds like “kill all mocking birds”
    My wife asked me to take her to one of those restaurants where they make the food right in front of you. I took her to a Subway. That's when the fight started.
    Heck, I hope whoever I marry will be both witty and brave enough to pull that crap on me
    Blood is thicker than water, but maple syrup is thicker than blood, making pancakes more important than family.
    Ever since Universal made the '50 Shades of Gray' movies, I've been wondering if there will be a corresponding ride at their theme parks.
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