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  • It feels nice to put more into the universe than you take. I'm part of the Folding@Home project and my computer is one of millions that are actively folding proteins and collecting data to fight COVID-19. Sure, I'm just one raindrop out of many, but together we make one heck of a hurricane! =)
    That moment when you've thought up a lot of Game Master ideas and you're in that stage of letting them all "simmer" until it feels right. That's where some good ideas become even better or get shown to be duds. Either way, taking time to think something out often pays off. Even away from the computer! Wow!
    Who would'a thought?! =)
    I take walks very often and listen to music when I do! I get most of my RP ideas from there honestly. It's really good for the brain. ^^
    Oh, absolutely! When the body and senses are in motion, so too is often the brain. I wouldn't know what to do without walking and music! Heck, Stephen King writes in his book (On Writing: Memoirs of the Craft) how he enjoys long walks. Keep it up, Daisie! =)
    Rest in Peace, Mr. Neil Peart of Rush.

    Your lyrics are ever lessons to me, your rhythms have superconducted my imagination since I was a boy, and your bright and compassionate personality bring me closer to the heart. May your headlong flight to Xanadu remind each of us that "life is a diamond turning to dust" and to cherish each day.

    Thank you for sharing your magic with us, Young Gandalf.

    Honor and sorrow,
    The treasure of a life is a measure of love and respect
    The way you live, the gifts that you give
    In the fullness of time
    It's the only return that you expect
    Happy New Year everybody! May 2020 be enlightening, safe, and full of good times for you and yours! =)
    That happy moment when you look back on your busy week and with humble satisfaction can say, "Wow! I got a lot of good things done with my time!" =)
    Those are always the best days. c:
    Hi Daisie-Dragon! You are super! 8D
    You're pretty super, yourself, Dann the Mann. c: Glad you were productive this week.
    Greta Thunberg is Time Magazine's Person of the Year! Thunberg - a person with a neurodevelopmental disorder (and a very important message)! As a person who has always lived with a serious neurodevelopmental order of my own, this just makes my day! Hooray for Thunberg! Hooray, hooray! 8D
    Rest in Peace, Marie Fredriksson - lead singer from Roxette! Your music has fueled the dreams of many of my games for a very long time! Thanks so much for that! =)
    Heya friends! Kaerri and I are in Hurricane Dorian's path at the moment and we are as prepared as we can be. In the days ahead we may go dark for a while, but we'll be back on as soon as we can. Whatever happens, we'll be together which is just where we want to be. Stay healthy and happy, everyone!

    Honor and fun,
    Dann =)
    Stay safe! Dorian's a bitch, but I trust in you to be safe.
    Happy Memorial Day (U.S.A.)! Remember and honor the fallen (everywhere)! They too had their dreams and stories before the hell that is war took them.
    you only need to post in like three or seven more places to have your name and picture all over the place. It's your choice but I suggest jumping on this, taking a picture and then make a cup of tea to sip while the aliens determine if you or Kim Kardashian is more important.
    I'm leaning towards you buddy
    Ha ha ha! And you are a trip down Creativity Lane! That made me laugh out loud, Flowiest-D! Thanks! =)
    I love music. I listen to it daily. While we have a terrific artwork Gallery here in RpN, we have no (to my knowledge) such haven for music. So, I'm just going to post this instrumental (that popped in my head after having not heard it for more than 10 years) here. =) "The Brazillian" by Genesis (unlike the remaster, the original here keeps in the percussion power) =) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmlgPjxO7VI
    The Alpha One (or Excalibur if you like that name)? No, they're not up to that particular beast-of-a-machine yet. That YF-19 is super-bad! =)

    At this stage in the game, the Army of Southern Cross is virtually new as is the A.T.A.C. model Ajax and VHT-A1 Veritech Hover Tank. Those particular machines aren't going to stay at the top of the mountain for long, though. =)
    That's rad, I'll probably be lurking around in those posts now and then, so don't get too scared if you see me in the shadows XD. Thanks again, sir!
    You're welcome, sir. At the risk of sounding macho, it'll take more than a friendly lurker to scare me. Lurk away, Simon. =)
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