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  • Purr
    The Alpha One (or Excalibur if you like that name)? No, they're not up to that particular beast-of-a-machine yet. That YF-19 is super-bad! =)

    At this stage in the game, the Army of Southern Cross is virtually new as is the A.T.A.C. model Ajax and VHT-A1 Veritech Hover Tank. Those particular machines aren't going to stay at the top of the mountain for long, though. =)
    That's rad, I'll probably be lurking around in those posts now and then, so don't get too scared if you see me in the shadows XD. Thanks again, sir!
    You're welcome, sir. At the risk of sounding macho, it'll take more than a friendly lurker to scare me. Lurk away, Simon. =)
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone (or whatever you may celebrate)! Have fun together this holiday season! =)
    Remember - today is Pearl Harbor Day! "Lest we forget!" =)
    Thanks for posting this, Dannigan! Because of this status, I've been reading the Wikipedia article on Pearl Harbor and educating myself. c: Lest we forget.
    Good on you, Daisie. I feel we should never have another World War. Lessons learned and kept in history can help. I'm glad you were interested enough to read about what we know now (as opposed to what we knew back then)! =)
    Yeah, honestly it's been really nice! I remember so much more if I seek the information out actively, and it's been super educational. I feel very satisfied, and I just keep learning more.
    You changed your profile pic! :o
    I did! Thanks for noticing, Wolf! See DWiz's for details (and my Custom Title)! =)
    Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it; have a happy day any way if you do not! =)
    You need more posts by other people on your profile! Shall I fetch a wolf pack or two? Disclaimer: I can't vouch for the after-state of the profile in that case *rrrrrr*
    Hah! Sure! If they're wolves you know, they'll be worth having around! =)
    Time to dive into the music again... see my ego fall away... let my mind and feelings wander as they will... and create adventures to share. =)
    To everyone affected by what Hurricane Florence is bringing, prayers have been sent your way.
    I *really* *really* like this new look! Especially on my beloved Dark Theme! Thanks again, RpN! You guys and gals rock! =)
    No, Dannigan. No! Do *not* consider running yet another game! Two is enough! StopItStopItStopit! Hee hee. =)
    Wisdom does not come with hitting, but instead through self-knowledge and self-discipline, that once exercised, fortifies the spirit in ways the flesh cannot reach.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    So you’ll have to hit yourself, got it
    Wishing you and yours a Happy New 2018 and beyond! Make it a good one, everybody! =)
    Ghan Christmas with Trans-Siberian Orchestra! If you weren't there, you missed out! Thanks, Ghan! =)
    Merry Christmas, everybody (or whatever you may or may not celebrate this time of year)! =)
    Rush is my favorite band, but ABBA is absolutely top five! This interview with them is very special. Very few have such good hearts. =)
    Little known, but interesting, fact: one of the ladies in ABBA is a Lebensborn baby.
    My heart is still beating, I am still breathing - despite the hurricanes, today is still a good day. May it be for you and yours, too. =)
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