• Old Disney: we're not afraid to talk about death on screen, kill put characters on screen, and sneak dirty jokes into our films.
    Current disney: we must always be kid friendly! More marketable characters the parents will hate but the kids will love! More jokes that are funny to only 5 year olds! No talking about death ever!
    nickelodeon : hey lets make spongebob light a fire underwater
    Sea Jay
    Sea Jay
    Nickelodeon: you know what kids love about spongebob? Gross out humor and depression and the show getting worse and never ending
    Sea Jay
    Sea Jay
    CN: lets remake Teen Titans but beast boy is everyone
    I'm about to attempt bbcode. Wish me luck.
    Salt Lord
    Salt Lord
    Careful. The smallest mistake will ruin at least a quarter of your format and at most the entire thing. (° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °)
    If your OC genderbended how would they react?
    Flowiest D
    Flowiest D
    My main guys would be confused.
    My main girl characters would go after “girls”
    I Think of that episode of gintama ahahah the girl would become so OP
    The guys would be like “it’s hard to fight cause of these tits!”
    Shrug it off, just another day in the life of a shapeshifter
    Jens: would definitely freak out
    Artemis: freaks out for a minute but then goes all "fascinating! I have to study this" because he's a freaking nerd
    Grant: "I do this on a daily basis and now it's permanant. I can't say I'm liking it but it won't be that hard."
    Karry: I have no idea, to be honest.
    Oahu: He would take the time to... Er... Experiment.
    I really want to not wear pants (because damn, their uncomfortable) but I'm a guy. Any suggestions. I don't think I'm gonna be finding kilts any time soon.
    Cause....I don't know actually.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    There's actually a professor at the lab I work at, the man wears a kilt everywhere he goes, even when he's in the greenhouse
    Togas, monk costumes, and bathrobes. For the last one, carry around a newspaper and your neighbors will hardly suspect a thing when you go outside.
    Lol. I just made a mistake and it's hilarious. I have a character who have five pet raptors. And i named three of them after old rp characters. But then i brought one of those rp characters back (he existed in the same universe) so now I have theseus the raptor and theseus the guy.
    When your getting your hair cut and the hairdresser grills you about your life.
    That's why the prices are so high.
    I just found out that kirby star allies on,y runs at 30fps but I don't even care because those graphics look gorgeous.
    I don't want to affend anyone here but: the 2nd ammendment only gives people the right to bear arms. Your rights arent being violated if there are strcter laws around the selling and buying of guns. That's all I have to say on the matter and noone should ask me to repeat myself ever.
    It was also made in a time when militia was actually a thing. It was a backlash to England saying the colonists (Americans) couldn't form militia when it was needed (which, in those times, it often was). What it wasn't intended for was a bunch of morons with road rage to say "how dare you say we should have some rules on the buying and selling of extremely deadly weapons! It's my right!"
    Plus, guns during colonial times were much less dangerous than they are now. They could still take a chunk put of you but that was provided they actually hit you. And they were tedious to load.
    Exactly. What people don't understand these days is that the Constitution was written in 1787. News flash, it's 2018! So much has changed. The Constitution was meant to be a breathing (changing) document because things change as time moves forward.
    Idea: fantasy avengers
    Cap's shield would be enchanted, or it would be made out of some super-strong alloy someone somewhere learned how to forge. Hell he probably forged it himself and it's still probably vibranium if I remember the alloy right.
    Wanda would just be some witch so basically the same. Vision……… "Haunted" suit of armor?
    Nick Fury with dragon hide coat.
    Spiderman: probably some hybrid bs or maybe just that fantasy spiderknight alternate universe that already exists. Doctor Strange: literally exactly the same. Black Panther: either a shaman, druid, or ranger.
    The kirby series has such a rich mythos of chatacters with hardly any explanation for their existance. I love it!
    Advice to Girls: if a guy asks you to make him a sandwich focus all your mental energies towards turning him into a sandwich. That will teach him to be a sexist who uses ambiguous syntax.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Only I can make my own sandwiches. It's an art! And I have very specific tastes!
    Gaius Danius Griinia
    Gaius Danius Griinia
    The Ruffian is correct... why would I let someone who doesn't know how I like my sandwiches make my sandwich?
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