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Dice Robotech - Southern Cross Adventure - OOC

I'm sorry if I was not clear in my post. Neo is the team's communication specialist, not the squad leader. She was just relaying the good news about the defenses being on line once more, and is saying hello to Gabi and Ryuko.
Psychie Psychie I thought you were clear in your post.

Are you allowing us then to create our own NPC support groups? I was under the impression that we each had one character and only one.
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Psychie Psychie I thought you were clear in your post.

Are you allowing us then to create our own NPC support groups? I was under the impression that we each had one character and only one.
Thank you.

The comments that were posted from the background soldiers were not out of line, but lets try to keep the playing of the NPCs to me.
Now that I'm back from a somewhat grating week at the cube farm, updated the last post to a real one and not a phone post. =P
Over the course of the next several hours, everyone has a chance to get some much needed food and rest. When the team rolls out of bed once more, you discover that the night shift work on the mecha has been fruitful, and right now, Ryuko's Ajax is back to full armor and is just getting its fresh coat of red paint on the arms. The only thing left to fix up in the Third Heavy's equipment is the second PPC that needs to be installed. That will leave the team with two of the older projectile cannons in reserve, with a good supply of shells available for the rest of the Spartas Hover Tanks in the team.

There has been some discussion on modifying the tanks a bit; do you wish to try installing a second main gun into one of the tanks to give it a double barreled attack capability? If so, which tank will get it?

Now that everyone is refreshed and ready to go once more, several items of interest do come to light. First off, the hover cycle that Antonia took out to La Fuente is missing. The GPS tracking signal in it shows that it is still there, currently parked outside a local hotel. Second, the computer searches have come up with a list of several hundred encrypted computer emails that were sent out to an IP address that appears to be a mobile point located inside the Zentraedi Control Zone, using a number of assets in the region to transmit the coded messages back and forth.

Comparing this to Antonia's personal computer, there is a one-to-one correlation on the signals and a list of corrupted email files. It is now looking like Antonia is the one that sent those messages using her own laptop. It is going to take a bit of time to reconstruct the messages to see if there is anything recoverable, but at least you have another piece of the forensic trail.
Do we have anything meaningful in terms of security camera footage at the time and location of the explosion?

It strikes me as odd that there is such perfect evidence for her leaking data, yet she seems to have an alibi for the bombing.
We will go in with our MDC buddy armor and weapons, along with some sun batons and some lightweight weapons that won't vaporize her if she is still there and is resisting us taking her into custody.
(bold mine)

"Buddy armor?" "Sun batons?" If I didn't know any better, I'd say AutoCorrect wants us to be very, very nice to this Antonia! Or maybe Antonia's hacking skills are so strong as to have hacked into RP Nation? No, no, we don't apprehend Antonia - we bring her ice cream! Because everyone loves ice cream! *immediately upgrades his anti-virus and firewall* =)
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
It was good to see Ryuko contributing. Smiling and chuckling Gabi told her, "You got the face, amiga ("female friend"), but everybody knows you're broke in the Charm Department. Who's gonna listen to you?"

There's an additional reason I'm adding this in-game. If Psychie is playing "by the book," then Ryuko's looks (Physical Beauty of 30) will almost certainly get her within speaking distance of a person who knows something, but that's probably just the first part of the challenge. Then comes either a Mental Affinity check (which Ryuko's attribute is a 10) or a roll of social or Espionage-type skills (and I don't see any that might help her on your Character Sheet). Just thought you should know.
I realized what time it was when I also realized you weren't referring to gorillas.

As for tracking... we don't need to track the bike, we have GPS on that. a 36-hour old trail is difficult but not impossible starting from the bike though it would likely just fall off at another pickup point at worst. Just reading the text of the skill in the Robotech book made it seem like preventing a tracker took significant active effort, rather than it defaulting to huge disadvantages for the pursuer. I'm not familiar with the scientific trappings of hover-tech in setting, but if it relies on realistic lift rather than gravity force manipulation, tracking by following subtle displacement is still possible, though difficult.
Nah man, we got the LAR-10, it's at least as good as the Eu-11.

But really, I think she's micronized, but we can ask Psychie Psychie to confirm.
The Assault rifle, we just have to target the knee caps.

Actually, now that I think of it... would we want to start with Mega-Damage weapons in a residential area? That could have rediculous consequences iirc.
I thought it sounded familiar.

Marlon has the Mk. 25. And that's basically as good as a 105mm. Could probably put a request for some stun grenades. Even a Zentraedi would have a tough time handling a six grenade burst stun barrage.

It really depends how big she is. As well how much of a danger she poses. After all, someone who is willing to do what she did to the bases may not have much sympathy for civilian life either.
Besides asking for the Stun Batons, Sherwood's post did also mention lighter weapons which I understood to be the SDC stuff.

By the book, the Silverback is only available to the UEEF, but I might go ahead and let that transformable ATV to be introduced to this game. Let me think on that.
Besides asking for the Stun Batons, Sherwood's post did also mention lighter weapons which I understood to be the SDC stuff.

By the book, the Silverback is only available to the UEEF, but I might go ahead and let that transformable ATV to be introduced to this game. Let me think on that.
Awesome! Let me know, Marlon might try to bring something like that.

But if it is UEEF only, I'm not interested in pushing the issue if it isnt something the ASC is likely to have. Might save it for somewhere it's more logical to have.

Besides, Marlon would also be happy to bring along a jeep with a mounted gun.

Oh yeah!
Psychie Psychie Is first Sergeant Antonia micronized or macronized?

As that would sort of determine the scale of "light" weapons.

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