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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

Shooting through the roof was never my issue. Servants plow through buildings all the time. It's the aiming that I take issue with.

Also reminder that if you land your shots, you also kill Saber rofl. I wasn't kidding when I said you hit Saber. He's standing behind Vita, any round capable of going through a building and killing servants would go through Vita like she was made of paper. And if the shots are too much for Rider to react to, due to the various distractions, that also applies to Saber.

Literally teamkilling.

You're treating Assassin as an amateur sniper, and not as a Regend of Sniper
It'll work out because if you have plot armor, assassin has plot skillzorz XDDDDD
You misread it then, as you said she can turn into objects. Yet it states she can also turn into anything organic so long as it's the same mass as her. I.E. she can't shapeshift into a big ten story tall dragon, but she can turn into another cute middle schooler.
Transformation into other organisms or objects with more mass cannot be done
My bad. It's this part^

"Mimicry: D
Allows Rider to transform into various of objects. Transformation into other organisms or beings that exceeds the amount of mass of Rider cannot be done. Presence is concealed whenever transformed as another object. Doesn't take much time to switch back. "

There's no mass limit on objects. However for organisms and beings, she can't transform into something that exceeds her mass. So she CAN transform into a Tiger II Tank, but she can't transform into an elephant. But she can transform into a cat or some random kid.

Gotta read what's written.
"Mimicry: D
Allows Rider to transform into various of objects. Transformation into other organisms or beings that exceeds the amount of mass of Rider cannot be done. Presence is concealed whenever transformed as another object. Doesn't take much time to switch back. "

There's no mass limit on objects. However for organisms and beings, she can't transform into something that exceeds her mass. So she CAN transform into a Tiger II Tank, but she can't transform into an elephant. But she can transform into a cat or some random kid.

Gotta read what's written.
"Transformation into other organisms or beings that exceeds the amount of mass of Rider cannot be done." THOSE ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!

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