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Fantasy The Hidden; Main Thread IC {Closed}

There was no way Leon had any idea what The Matrix was. He didn't really spare a mind to look it up. He had to admit the humans produced some rather useful technology and he was also surprised by how cheap the cell phone was for what it did. If this were the case, then there may be something that could be gleaned from human media. Leon himself didn't have much experience with it. Wolves kept each other busy hunting, sports, or games. Even then, the games they played were war-like, often strategy games which favored aggression and tactical thinking.

"THAT'S WICKED BRO! WE SHOULD TOTES WATCH IT SOME TIME." Leon answered. From what it seemed, the two roommates Leon had weren't very remarkable. Theodore looked like he might be strong, though Leon could only speculate on what his true power was, and double went for Gotras. Leon, of all people, knew better than to judge a book by its cover. His mother made sure of it. Their names were easy enough. Leon had a decent memory. He couldn't quite bring himself to like either of the two, especially as they weren't wolves, though he had to get used to them. Guess I'll just have to get used to sleeping in my human form. Leon thought. "BRODORE AND BROTRAS! COOL! YOU BROS HAVE REALLY COOL NAMES! LIKE, YOU GUYS HAVE REALLY GOOD BRO NAMES. MINE JUST DOESN'T WORK. LIKE, HOW ARE YOU GONNA CHANGE LEON? WOULD IT JUST BE LIKE, BROON? IT'S JUST NOT THE SAME. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING BRO?"
Soraya walked with Lucy and wordlessly considered her Succubus status as she thoughtlessly listened to her questions. The fact that this one-eyed man was doing those things to her, and that he might have known she was a succubus threw everything into a fresh new sinister perspective. She would certainly not forget this man's face. When Lucy finished her interrogative barrage, Soraya took a brief moment to consider her answers.

"Let's see... I've always liked pasta, we never did live in bottles, that 'smokeless fire' thing was a way for genie slaves to crawl inside of dragons' throats while they slept and bore holes in their soft inner tissue, and I'm excited to room with you too!"

Soraya obviously knew the way to her room; it was as simple as looking at the room numbers closest to you and proceeding in a semi-linear order until you get to it. Evens on the left, odds on the right, 100s are on the ground floor, etcetera. After a mere couple minutes of wandering, Soraya had arrived at her door, with Lucy in tow. As she pulled the door open, she briefly considered shouting "Open, says me!" for the theatricality of it, but decided against it on grounds of not being an irredeemable goober.

The inside of the room was... plain. It had three beds, a desk, and a bare window. At the sight of it, Soraya scoffed all the air out of her lungs and grimaced. She thought of all the amenities that a private school ought to have: queen-sized beds, opulent curtains, tasteful lighting, a closet! Almost as soon as she had thought of that, the room morphed to fit her ideals, changing in size and shape to match.

"Huh, magic," Soraya said, cocking an eyebrow. "It's quite impressive; I'll have to see how they did it. So, Lucy, it looks like we've got all the space we can work with. I'll let you make your room into... whatever little succubi like, if you'll let me make my room into what I like. You won't, um, bring anyone in, will you?"

Shining Wizard Shining Wizard
Madeleine knew she messed up, but she didn't imagine that she could have messed up this much. The Leech must have heard her voice and came running, probably to save face over what Madeleine had said to her on the bus. Either that or she was as much of a miserable creature as she looked and needed others to feel as bad as she did. She wondered how The Leech could possibly live with herself, but then she remembered she was a vampire so living had nothing to do with it. Madeleine met her glare with a cocky smile, confident in knowing that she would never be able to reach her in time to hurt her. She almost wished the mindless parasite would try something, but soon found herself let down.

As Madeleine watched her walk away, a memory came rushing back to the forefront of her mind. She tossed the gum at her hat! She couldn't let that stand, she had to do something about that! Operation Stonewall was ready to commence. Careful not to make any sound, she reached out to the wall and pushed herself along on her heelys. It was slow progress, but she managed to keep her target in sight and eventually, the moment she was waiting for happened. The vampire entered a door. Waiting a minute before she acted, she quickly approached the door and threw down the salt to create a barrier around it. While normal people like her could pass through it, horrible creatures like that vampire would be trapped inside, unable to affect the salt in any manner. Content with her work, she rolled back down the hall, but not before facing the door one last time. "Bitch."

Scion Scion
The sun set on the island and the moon rose high, not full but waning, a soft glow cast on the buildings. The two RA's, both witches, came and gathered any struggling students, showing them to their rooms. Night came and went and students woke to the sound of banging on their doors. Their RA announcing that the cafeteria was open for any hungry students and that in their respective desks were information packets in their desks with their group meeting schedules. The RA's head back to their rooms, letting students arrive or be late on their own.

Group A:
Faculty Supervisor: Aleva Bryning (Phoenix; Female)

  • Expects students to eat breakfast and promptly head over to the track field behind the main assembly hall on the left side of the campus.

Group B:
Faculty Supervisor: Alice Evanora (Witch; Female)

  • Expects students to eat as much as they want and stay in the cafeteria till she arrives and the other students clear out to make use of the large stage overlooking the eating area.

Group C:
Faculty Supervisor: Sen Alvra (Fae; Male)

  • Expects students to grab a quick bite and head over to the school pond fed by the cliff side water falls.

Group D
Faculty Supervisor: Bliez Ingouf (Wolf; Male)

  • Expects students to possibly forgo breakfast and head straight to the gymnasium located in its own building right beside the track and field on the right end of campus.

Group E:
Faculty Supervisor: Poppy Dunford (Elemental; Female)

  • Expects students to eat and then meet her in classroom 308 in the main building across from the dorms and to the left of the cafeteria.
Lucy's eyelid twitched a little at the genie's continued patronizing attitude, but those breathing exercises her therapist taught her really seemed to be working out for her. She almost regretted killing the guy but, hey, hindsight is 20/20. she slid out of Soraya's arms and (ugh) actually stood properly on her own two feet for the first time since getting on the boat. It was, as always, an unpleasant harbinger of possible-actual-effort to come.

"Goody gumdrops, do you really mean it? Mother never let me decorate my room at home!", Lucy squeezed her eyes shut, "So I just imagine it, and it'll come true? Genies are a~ma~zing!"

(Shit, what does a little girl's room look like these days? I think they're, like... Frilly? And pink. Definitely pink. What I'd really like is a nice, ice-cold beer. Beer and a couple cigarettes. Aww, dammit, now my craving is back. If I light up in the bathroom, will she notice the smell?)

A set of double doors, painted hot pink and framed by a set of tacky lace curtains, the sort that don't actually keep any light out so you wonder why the owner even bothered, and a nameplate reading LUCY VENUS.

"Oh my gosh, it really works!"

Lucy skipped over to the doors and, she had to admit, some of the childlike wonder she was displaying was legitimate. She flung open the entrance to her new room like a ten-year-old opening presents on Christmas day, revealing a great...


...Beer cave?

"Well then...", she mumbled, letting the doors fall shut, "...This is, uh... This is a little awkward."


The next morning, Lucy sat quietly in her corner of the cafeteria, eating a cold bowl of corn flakes with a heaping side of crow. Yeah, you did great Lucy, outed yourself to your roommate day one and now she knows you're a weird loli hag and won't even talk to you.

And your magic beer cave wasn't even stocked with anything good it was just weakass Mexican piss beer.

Fucking wizards.

DrBones DrBones
*Previous night*​

Torrin was quite relieved that Krrr could understand her. She had to pick the words she understood and base the rest on context, but without a lot more exposure to that dialect, she didn't think she could speak remotely the same, though she bet it would be hilarious if she tried. She wondered if they would take it as an insult that she was butchering their tongue, or a compliment that she was trying. Best to stay quiet for now. Their speech really was fascinating, though. She would have to do some research, if she got the chance.
She also caught herself wondering where they might be from. They had said something about Crocodilian, which is fascinating in and of itself. She had never thought about crocodiles having a language, but then, since her world had been turned upside down by the discovery of the Hidden, she supposed anything was possible. She figured they must be from outside of the US, though, since she didn't think there were any crocodiles native to the US. Then again, if anything was possible, and because off the top of her head she was fairly certain that the dialect they spoke was native to her country, then perhaps they might be from Louisiana or Florida.
She was pulled out of her musing when they roared, "MRRRUURAAAAAAA KUUURAAAA MRRAAAAK KRRR UUURRAAAGH RRK!" She blinked at that, barely stopping herself from covering her ears. Ear plugs were sounding better and better. Then Krrr thanked her and trundled off with a wave. Torrin waved back with a smile, glad that she was able to be of some help. She turned to head back to head to her room, pulled up short, and looked back at the disappearing bulk of the big green giant. Wait a second, they said something about a message, and I think they were trying to say Azazel? Torrin scratched her head again, attempting to puzzle out what they had said while she was lost in thought. Did they say they weren't going to stay in the dorm? Is that even allowed? I guess I don't really blame them. I wonder if that was the message they wanted me to pass along? But I don't think I'm allowed to go in the boys side. Hmm, maybe I'll just write a note and slip it under their door. Azazel is bound to see it eventually.
With a course of action in mind, Torrin pulled out a piece of paper from one of her many notebooks, a neon green that would be hard to miss, and neatly penned a quick message explaining that Krrr had decided they did not wish to live inside the room, and that they would be finding a place outside to sleep. Then she quickly slipped into the boys' wing, slid the paper under Azazel's door, and went to her room.
It was quite late by now, so Torrin took care to be quiet, in case Yumi was already in the room. She was glad she did, too, because there was Yumi on one of the beds, still in the clothes she had been wearing earlier, silently slumbering away. And there by one of the dressers was Torrin's suitcase that someone had kindly delivered. Torrin glanced about the room, taking in the spare setup, and double checked her notes. She could have sworn there was something in her notes about the rooms. She found what she was looking for and a smile split her face. The room was magical? And it could shape to fit her will? And it could be bigger on the inside than the outside?! Her room was a TARDIS! Well, aside from the fact that she probably couldn't travel in time or meet the Doctor. But still! How cool was this place? She decided not to mess with anything tonight, and left with her hygeine kit and some sleep clothes to find the showers.
Deciding to forego the search for real food, Torrin pulled out a couple of protein bars from her bag. Downing them quickly and slurping water from the faucet (the water was cold and clear as a mountain stream), she stripped and scrubbed the lingering odor of garlic from her skin and hair before donning some clean Star Wars pajama pants and a white sleeveless shirt. Then she washed her clothes in a sink to remove the smell from them as well. She would have to figure out the laundry situation. She doubted that students were expected their students to wash their clothes this way, but she couldn't just leave the clothes as they were. That garlic smell would be everywhere by the time she woke up. Sometimes her nose worked against her. Taking the damp clothes back to her room, she draped them over her desk chair to dry, and with her stomach somewhat appeased for now, she plugged her phone in to charge before vaulting into the top bunk and racking out for some much needed rest.
Mentions: Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6

*The next morning*​

Torrin woke to someone knocking on the door and saying something. As she words made it through the sleep fog of her brain, she bolted upright. Did they say food? She lightly leaped out of her bunk. Now they we're talking! So was her stomach, if that growl was anything to go by. She grinned at Yumi who was still in bed but starting to wake up.
"Mornin', roomie," she greeted, but not too loudly. "Hope you slept well?" She rushed over to her suitcase and dug out some clean clothes, then dashed down the hall to the bathroom for her morning routine. When she stepped out, she was wearing blue jeans and a black T-shirt with a silhouette of Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek Voyager and a saying that said, "There's the right way, the wrong way, and the Janeway." Was she a nerd? Absolutely. Did she care? Absolutely not. Returning to her room and hurrying to her desk, she grabbed the info packet to read over breakfast, slipped her phone into her pocket, and slung her backpack onto her shoulders.
"I would wait for you, but I'm too hungry to think straight, so I'ma go get some food. Good luck on your first day!" she said on her way out the door. She felt a little guilty, like maybe she was abandoning Yumi, but she really was starving. Plus, she was excited for their first day. Pulling out her phone, she looked up the map and jogged to the cafeteria. Honestly, she probably didn't need the map. She could have just followed her nose, the smell of all manner of foods practically causing her to salivate. Her stomach's growl grew more insistent the moment she stepped through the doors. It looked like she was one of the first ones there, so thankfully, there was no line yet. With a tray piled high with grits, eggs, and sausages, and a glass full of the most heavenly sweet tea she had ever tasted, she looked around for anyone in her group. Not seeing any of them, just a grouchy looking little girl in one of the corners (a succubus by the looks of it), she picked an empty table near by one of the big windows with a decent view of the school grounds, and coincidentally with the best view of the entire cafeteria, she dug into her meal voraciously, pausing only to open up the info packet and spread it out on the table before her to peruse. Now and then she would check the students coming through the door for any signs of her group.
Duwang Duwang littleberry littleberry Kasime Kasime sophie. sophie.
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It was not much, but it was a step in the right direction. The swamp creature was unfortunately, much to its dismay despite a general expectance of it, unable to claim proper swamp-land as its territory. Obviously this would not deter the bayou-born as they would not live in a shed like a barbarian.

So Krrr harkened back to a lecture it had learned long ago in its float, dominate the land for its own good. As such Krr took over a pond upon the school grounds. It was nowhere close near the marshes that sustained Krrr, but it was a starting point. Expansion would come later after further exploration to find suitable nesting grounds. It might not have been much, but it was Krrr’s and Krrr was not about to let anyone deny it this.

And as such Krrr had started taking liberties in making the pond less of a disgustingly crystal clear blue abomination, in favor of it being a warm and murky depth fitting to be called a mire. At this point vegetation would be hard to come by and introduce, but Krrr was at least able to introduce lots and lots of dirt.
So there Krrr was submerged partially by its new depths. The swamp creature remained near its shore, vigilant and ready to fend off intruders. But as it kept its vanguard, the bayou-born dug near the shoreline with thick strokes. And whenever it struck a set of wriggling worms, they quickly dumped the dirt into the pond before slurping the meal into its ravenous maw.

And so did Krrr feast content for now with a belly of worms. For now the swamp creature would bide its time for impeding hunts, or the threat of intrusion and of course having a dignified pride over the genesis of a new swamp.
Name: Tristan Ardor
Clan: Phoenix
Mention: Hubub101 Hubub101 EasternGhost EasternGhost Shining Wizard Shining Wizard
Tristan awoke with a start at the banging of the doors. The RA's certainly had a very delicate way of going about things. He stretched his body out as he left the bed. There was no ambient light since the room had no windows. Probably for the best given his new roommate Dro was a vampire. If it was to be believed that all vampires had an adverse reaction to sunlight. Tristan certainly wasn't going to be the one to test that theory out, regardless of his inquisitive tendency. Instead he opted for a different source of illumination.

He shook out his hands and extended one in front of him with his palm facing up. "A simple fire spell to brighten up my morning. How did that incantation go? Siv il phan fir lumos?" Not the most confident sounding incantation he has ever performed, but the result spoke for itself. As he completed the incantation a yellow flame appeared into his hand. This was a simple spell that he picked up from a book. It could float and didn't cause any harm so it was perfect for traversing in dark areas. Tristan made his way to a desk as they never did decide on who's was who's in the room and opened one of the drawers to find the packet that the RA's spoke of. He read what little contents were in there and nodded after committing the instructions to memory.

Tristan quickly changed into his regular clothes and made sure he had a pocket notebook in every pocket accompanied by at least 5 or so pens should one run out of ink. He turned to his roommates as he made his way to the door. "I'll be heading out first gentlemen. See you down there. If not hope you have a great first day." With that he snuffed out the floating fire and made his way to the cafeteria.

The smell of freshly cooked breakfast was none no one should ever go without. It was the most important meal of the day after all. Tristan wasted little time collecting the items for his meal. Waffles, eggs, sausage, an assortment of fruit, coffee, and an english muffin. How he managed to fit all of that onto a tray he would wave it off to a combination of spacial awareness, balance, and just a pinch of magic. Tristan cared not where he sat. So long as it was someplace he could open a notebook and write while he ate. Choosing a spot at random he sat across what appeared to be a small child as he gently placed his tray down. "Pardon me young lady." He said taking his seat. With nothing more he pulled out a notebook and began writing with his right hand while he ate with his left.
Evelyn woke at the crack of dawn, right as the sun was coming up. She set her alarm early, allowing herself to have enough time to shower and unpack. Since it was so early, barely anyone was in the bathrooms. She was able to use as much hot water as she wanted without bothering anyone else, which she loved. After almost half an hour of showering, she stepped out happily awake and clean. After that, she spent another half hour organizing her side of the room. She had brought a few music and comic book posters, and hung them up on her side of the wall. After doing all of that, she changed into clothes that she could easily move in.

Though she felt a little bad doing so, Evelyn left for the dining hall without talking to her roommate. She was still asleep, so there was nothing to be done about it. When she arrived, her nose was met with a plethora of good smells. Immediately, she felt good. She filled her cup to the brim with coffee and piled her plate with an omelet, bacon, and sausages. Once she packed her plate, she was off to find a table. The teenager noticed one of her group mates by herself, and decided that it was the best spot to be in.

“Hey, groupie! Torrin, was it? I’m so excited for today’s mission! I hope it’s something good.” She sat down next to her, smiling. She began to eat, enjoying every bite. Thank god she wasn’t a vampire, otherwise she wouldn’t truly enjoy food. Imagine drinking blood all the time!

AGent87 AGent87
It had only taken a few minutes to read the packet that had been provided. Okay, so maybe it took a little bit longer. She was pretty focused on her food, after all. Protein bars just never quite hit the spot, and if the school was going to offer a spread like this at every meal, well, who was she, a mere mortal, to argue with them? "Packet" was a bit of an exaggeration though. It was barely a leaflet, and didn't provide nearly enough information. She couldn't wait to find out what their training would be like. The part about how life-threatening it was had her particularly intrigued. Sounded pretty exciting to her. Best not to tell her mom, though. Mom would shit bricks for sure. If she even got to talk to her mom at all. Maybe she could write a letter? She chuckled to herself as she instantly pictured her mom receiving a letter delivered by an owl.
Once she had read and reread the information, she had pulled out her phone and begun to look over all her "notes" from the day before. It still wasn't enough to satisfy her curiosity, but at least there was more to it than the leaflet.
She was about half of the way through the mountain of food on her plate when someone plopped down beside her with their own pile of food.
"Hey, groupie! Torrin, was it? I’m so excited for today’s mission! I hope it’s something good.”
Torrin had never been so glad that she had already swallowed the bite of food in her mouth as she involuntarily snorted. That would have been...uncomfortable.
"Hahaha! Groupie?" It took Torrin a few seconds to stop laughing. It was enough to make her belly ache, albeit not unpleasantly. She had needed a good laugh after feeling homesick for her mom. "Aw, man, good one. Sorry, dude, I swear I'm not laughing at you. Just, groupie! That's funny. Maybe not the best word choice, yeah? Maybe, I needed that though. So yeah, super duper excited for today. How you likin' it so far? Is this place cool or what? And the thing with your rooms where you can kinda make it do whatever you want? How awesome is that? Sorry, am I rambling? I'm rambling. Aaaaand...shutting up now."
Torrin turned a little red as she refocused on her food. She just couldn't stop herself sometimes.
sophie. sophie.
Soraya waited for Lucy to head to breakfast herself before leaving; joining her would mean conversation, and that would create far more problems than it would solve. She decided that bottling up the disgust she felt at last night's revelation would work quite well for the time being.

When Soraya got to the cafeteria, she picked up a tray and got her breakfast: two hotel-grade pancakes, reheated sausage link, and a corn muffin. She looked at the orange juice available and decided that she'd rather risk a trip to the water fountain than risk tasting it. Food in tray, she moved to the nearest empty table and began eating.

As Soraya ate, she tried to remember the photos on her group's listings. There was that blonde girl with milky eyes-- Martyr, was it? Soraya liked blondes. She'd probably be able to make friends with her easily. Then there was a vaguely Asian-looking brunette, Galynthia-- she seemed nice from her picture, working with her would be nice. There was an irredeemably blurry photograph under the name 'Krrr'? Whatever it was, it didn't give her any idea of who 'Krrr' was. She hoped they'd be personable. Finally, there was Gotras Eldro, who seemed glum, had an eyepatch, and looked exactly like the weird retroactive reverse-pedophile pervert she saved Lucy from yesterday. Shit.

Soraya debated whether she ought to tell the group about him, and decided that that too would need to be bottled up. A little bit of bile rose up in her throat, which helpfully masked the taste of processed maple syrup-like condiment product from her pancakes. Relegated to the fact that this year was going to be the most viscerally uncomfortable experience of her life, Soraya kept on eating and waited for her groupmates to arrive.

Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 Darth Darth Scion Scion girl_on_fire girl_on_fire
On Leon's plate sat a pile of scrambled eggs and breakfast sausages with a banana on the side along with a glass of orange juice. He wasn't on any particular diet, he simply didn't eat many grains back home. With the sort of spread he was allowed and with how much he was able to take, Leon was glad to take whatever he could and no one was going to stop him. He lined up, quickly scooped up his food, and looked for a place to sit. Without fail, he had spotted two familiar faces, those being of his two teammates: Evelyn and Torrin. While the two were chatting, Leon dropped his plate of protein on the table, small bits off egg falling off the plate, before laying down his glass of orange juice and finally sitting down next to the two.

Though it wasn't so obvious at first, a closer look might reveal slight bags under Leon's eyes. He hadn't slept very well the night before, unable to decide whether to do so in his human form or more comfortably in his wolf form. His pride, of course, favored him sleeping in his human form. Even if it was dark, he couldn't risk the other two seeing his true form. The bed wasn't the least comfortable thing to sleep on, though his form was. He was fairly tall and his blanket couldn't quite cover him all the way, which made not having fur much worse on him. In addition, he simply tossed and turned, unable to get any rest until late in the night, and before he could get enough, there was knocking at everyone's door. Luckily, he was a light sleeper and could hear the RA's when they started down the hall, courteously waking up his room mates in the process ( Zerohex Zerohex Darth Darth ).

As Torrin snorted, Evelyn laughed a little as well at her groupie comment.
“You’re probably right, it just happened and I let it roll,” she chuckled. She didn’t mind Torrin’s rambling at all. “This place is quite lovely, it’s like living in a castle!”
The girl took another few bites at her food, and a sip of her coffee. She knew it was unhealthy, but coffee kept her going in life. She basically came out of the womb with a caffeine addiction, thanks to her parents. By the time she was 14, she was drinking coffee almost every day.

Evelyn practically jumped out of her seat as Leon approached, booming.

“Holy goddess above, are you always that loud?” Evelyn always exclaimed in absurd ways, due to her love of mythology and hesitance in believing in one sole god. “I thought you were just excited last night, but I guess not.” She let out a surprised sort of laugh, and carried on. “I slept pretty well. What about you? You must have, considering your energy.”
Mornings and Axus had a love/hate relationship. After an evening of half hearted get to know you, Axus had slumped into his bed with little concern beyond sleeping off the social strain. His rest was assaulted by the banging on the door. Axus admittedly jumped a bit at the suddenness, but was fine overall. That wasn't the healthiest way to wake up, but it would suffice.

He was quick to rise thereafter, taking some time to change and some time to read his packet from one of the desks. A wave of dread hit him like a freight train. His group would be meeting at the gym. Axus and gyms never got along very well. Some of the worst prejudice he experienced growing up either came from his school mates during gym or from the gym teacher them self. The fact that his group supervisor was a member of the highly athletic clan of werewolves did nothing to soothe Axus' worry. But, this was merely an obstacle. No gym or lycan will halt his march to greatness, and neither would fear.

He took this time to equip himself. Considering the time crunch, he wore his photosynthetic coat, which would keep him nourished without needing to eat. Probably not healthy, but effective. Not knowing weather or not combat would be involved, he took his shadow saber, a small rod that emitted an illusionary blade that struck at the victim's mind as opposed to their body. He also brought his forge rings, in case ehe had to improvise. He didn't bring much else, considering how today would be how he gauges what he would need for the future. With his things gathered and attuned, he set off toward the gym to receive his first assignment.

I woke up quickly at the sound of the knock, trying to remember what had happened yesterday. Finally, it came to me, and I smiled while getting prepared for whatever the first day of school brought upon me. I quickly stuffed the pockets with little snacks and other necessities.
"I think I know where the pond is." I called out, mainly to Madeleine. Then, I quickly left and ran towards where the crowds of people were. I was able to safely assume that it was the cafeteria when I peeked inside. I sighed and sniffed the air before fully entering the cafeteria. Grabbing something quickly, I looked around for Madeleine, realizing that I seemed to be a little pushy today. Oops.. hehe.. Sorry Madeleine!
"Sorry! Do you want to eat along the way, or eat here?" I asked, hoping from one foot to the other. Nervousness was starting to get the best of me and I wanted to try to remain as calm as possible so I would have a clear head.

((Let me know if I should change something))
KnightOfNight KnightOfNight
Charlotte Paige Rhodes

"Nngh like five more minutes~" grumbled out the vampiress, who had decided to enter the bed out of boredom as well she got bored playing on her phone through the night, still underneath the bedsheets. But while still nearly napping, the RAs were persistent with their infernal rapping, a dreadful tapping at the chamber door. With a precise, quick and fluid motion Charlotte rose up her torso as she turned towards the door as she snarled out towards the door. "Like I said... Five. More. Minutes!"

Like, c'mon! It was syllabus day! Everyone and their mother knew that syllabus day was just a meet and greet day to look around the classroom and get a general vibe of the professor. Basically it was a free skip day! But these nerds couldn't seem to get it through their skulls that this was Syllabus Day and so they had to pester people who would've been perfectly content to use that day for more proper activities, rather than attending classes.

Though maybe that packet would list what classrooms her classes were. Although she couldn't quite remember what major or minor she had signed up for. The vampire could just say she was Undeclared for awhile. So the vampiress remained in her bed, adorned with a white sleeping mask she was just slowly starting to take off. With a yawn the vampiress emerged out, dressed in the pink night gown adorned with pastel blue stripes and some white frills, of the bed and proceeded to grab the essentials of the day.

First off would be her hairbrush, which would be followed by a plethora of body cleansers and other essential showering equipment, her collection of make-up would follow after and then topping that off would be her choice of attire for after she had finished her routine. All of these were stuffed into a top-handle bag. Black. Gucci. Only the finest of luxuries, which were in season of course, were worthy of suiting her personal palate and tastes.

And as Charlotte Paige Rhodes headed for the door and began to open it, she felt a terrible and horrible presence wash over her!


The magical and protective properties of salt were well known and documented throughout the course of time. Salt already possessed an intense power on its own, so it was easy to understand why it, alongside other horrible protective items such as garlic or holy symbols could ward off the foul creatures of the night such as the vampiress Charlotte. There was no way she would be able to pass this barrier. She was trapped, stonewalled, locked into these quarters with no chance of escape!

Gritting her teeth the vampiress howled out in agony, "YOU TOTES MISERABLE WRE-" and that's when the damned compulsion struck. Charlotte looked down at the grains of salt which were taunting her with their hallowed power over the likes of her damned soul, or lack thereof, and in as if in a state of trance. "Onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentytwentyonetwentytwotwentythreetwentyfourtwentyfive..."

littleberry littleberry
Azazel walked down to the cafeteria. He had already stopped at the feeding station before hand. He got a cup of seriously weak coffee and a lot of sugar for it. It was okay, but not what he was used to. He walked in and tried to find someone he could talk to. He found a little succubus sitting alone. He would have thought she'd be popular. Then again, wouldn't he? He shook the thought off and sat down next to the girl.
"I'm Azazel. It's a pleasure to meet you."
He smiled and offered up his hand for her to shake.
Shining Wizard Shining Wizard

Martyr sat in the cafeteria. She sat alone, thinking over her first day. She had to wait until everyone was gone. At least that was her understanding of the instructions. She had have them read to her and that made her feel useless. A blind witch. But her blindness did allow her to see the future clearer. She slowly ate her breakfast, making sure she wasn't making a mess. Her staff rested against the table beside her. She hoped no one tried to mess with it. She reached her hand out and felt for it just to make sure it was still there. She sighed softly when she found it there. Her staff was precious to her. It hadn't been given to her by her father or anything of that sort. It simply was useful to her.​

~Prior to Time Jump~

Sephoriah offered a ready smile as the Phoenix girl took her hand and gave a welcoming face. However, what lie beneath that face was hardly a mystery to Sephoriah's unassumingly discerning eye. There was an errant flame dancing across Marcilyn's body... it seemed agitated, if not controlled.
Not that Sephoriah at all blamed her new roommate's trepidation... distrust was a plague sowed ubiquitously by the infernal bloodline of succubi. What were they known for but seduction, manipulation, and summary selfishness? Likewise, Sephoriah had no idea what to expect from her Phoenix clan roommate. She knew something of her royal family, which was wealthy and influential for sure -- the idea of potential benefits of this arrangement briefly flitted through her mind -- but the Phoenix clan was not one that she had dealt with in her hundred years of intrigue. This would be most interesting.

"The trip was pleasant enough. There are some rather... raucous characters amongst us, but. A siren was so kind as to offer his services to ease the time. How about yourself?"
As she spoke, the woman took a moment to finish moving in her singular large trunk which sh had temporarily left at the door in order to greet Marcilyn. It was a very old piece of workmanship, with black leather and brass cornerpieces, whose relatively light tarnish belied their age. The caster wheels looked like they could have been some sort of dark ivory, banded in brass. The inside of it was in fact, due to enchantment, much more voluminous than its appearance would suggest. It contained a good number of various outfits...in comparison to some of them, the one she was currently wearing was conservative. There were also a few other necessities to make a functional room. Other decorations, she planned to purchase or otherwise obtain. I do hope that shopping is something that can be done on this island, she thought, it is one modern convenience that I very much enjoy.

“So, Marcilyn. What are your thoughts about decorating the room? I sure our styles are rather, well, different, but. It would be nice if we could find a way to coordinate.” She set about unpacking her clothes into whatever sort of modern wardrobe equipped the room.

~After Time Jump~
“Well, I suppose we ought to make our way to the dining hall—er—cafeteria?” She groped for the contemporary phrase for a moment. “I understand that we have another team member that we should get acquainted with at some point. Another Phoenix if I recall...Let’s go find him, shall we?”
Upon reaching the dining room, Sephoriah’s eyes roamed its current inhabitants. Not only to get a reading on the people that she would inevitably be working alongside, but also to spot who was getting a reading on her. Not that she at all minded that; it was just useful to know for future reference. She did after all dress to impress.
Making her way to one of the food lines, she picked up a tray and soon filled it with fruits, meats and breads that belied any sort of diet or effort to maintain a slim figure...which, innately, was effortless. There was a bit of disappointment at the selection...mass produced academy food couldn’t be expected to compare with the lifestyle that Sephoriah had left behind. Could it?

Taking her tray towards the tables, Sephoriah decided that now was as good a time as ever to start off relationships with the other students. As she scanned the room and the as of yet few people in it, her eyes fell on a witch sitting on her own. She seemed to stare straight ahead, her hand reaching to fid the staff nearby without turning her head. She’s blind.
Sephoriah approached, making sure that her footsteps gave the witch a comfortable amount of auditory notice.
“Hello,” she addressed the lonely stranger, pouring some calming magic into her words. “May I sit here?”

M03M03 M03M03 Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6
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Torrin grinned as she continued eating, the red slowly fading from her cheeks. This chick was alright. "Oh heck yeah, very castle-like. It's our own little Hogwarts, dude!" Dang but this food was good.

Just then, Torrin caught a glance of Blondie approaching the table. On instinct, she slapped her hands to her ears, right before Leon showed up and dropped heavily at the table with them as he thundered, “GOOD MORNING TEAM! DID YOU ALL SLEEP WELL LAST NIGHT? I HAVE A FEELING IT'S GONNA BE A GREAT DAY AHEAD OF US. WE'RE GONNA GET SOME REAL GOOD TRAINING TODAY!" The acoustics in the cafeteria were impressive, because his voice this morning sounded the loudest yet.

Torrin let out a groan, and was about to snap something at him when Evelyn replied first. “Holy goddess above, are you always that loud?” Her teasing tone and light manner about it managed to leech some of Torrin's ire away, so that she was able to add on to Evelyn's question with, "For real, bro. Inside voice, dude. Please? Like, can we save the yelling for outside? Kinda feels like my ears are about to start bleeding." She chuckled a little as she ended in an effort to convey she wasn't angry. Just...frustrated. Plus, something felt a little off about him this morning, though she couldn't quite put her finger on what. She thought maybe his enthusiasm sounded just the tiniest bit forced, and she definitely couldn't find it in herself to be angry after that. She went back to what was left of her food (she noted a little sadly that the place was almost empty, and wondered if she could get seconds) as Evelyn carried on with her conversation.

Maybe I could toss some of the fruits or something in my bag before we head out to the track field. Her eyes wandered out the window. She hadn't really taken in the view yet because she had been too busy, but morning at Prapos looked magical out there. It was even more surreal than it had been yesterday evening. All of a sudden, Torrin's eyes tracked back to something that seemed out of place. She could just make out a body of water, most likely the pond, and if she remembered correctly, it was a very picturesque sort of blue, but now it looked...muddied. She squinted her eyes and studied it. Wait. Was that-? Is that-? Krrr? Did he do all that? That's...that's pretty damn cool. Crap, I wonder if any of the RA's knew to let him know what he is doing today. Probably not. They couldn't even account for his language barrier.

"Um, hey dude bros?" Torrin said to her group, not knowing if she was interrupting or not since she'd lost track of what they were saying. "Is it just me, or do you also see someone big and green over there in the pond? Cuz, I think that's Krrr, and I bet no one thought to let them know what's up. I met them last night, and they didn't seem to keen on the idea of living in a building."

Duwang Duwang sophie. sophie.
Madeleine didn't remember falling asleep last night and she didn't remember waking up this morning either, in fact, she didn't really know where she was. Her roommate dragging her along didn't exactly help with that either. It was times like these that made her thankful of her choice of shoes as it meant she didn't have to walk with the girl and could be easily pulled with. "Eaaaaaat... Wait!" The events of last night returned to her in an instant! "I need to do something first, follow me!" Running down the hallway away from the cafeteria she found exactly what she was hoping to see. It was that vile leech stuck in the doorway, but instead of banging on the barrier in some desperate attempt to break through, she was instead counting the salt grains. She hadn't considered that as a possible outcome and it was a little less funny than what she imagined, but it was still a very pleasant sight. "EIGHT NINE TEN! FIFTY-TWO FORTY-NINE EIGHTY!" Normally such behavior would never be considered by her, but that vampire really had it coming. She was rude, nasty, self-important, and in all honesty not nearly as attractive as she thought she was. Not even close! "Hey, uhh, roomie. See her? Yeah, she's evil. Don't talk to her and especially don't invite her into our room."

While she was perfectly content with watching the vampire suffer, Madeleine's stomach had other plans and was sure to remind her of them. In a poor attempt to cover up the sounds, she laughed as loud as she could. "Maybe I'll bring you back a grapefruit so you don't starve in there!" As soon as she turned a corner and was out of Charlotte's sight, she doubled over and whispered to her roommate. "We need to hurry, I'm starving. Also, what's your name?"

TeikiFox TeikiFox Scion Scion
Martyr snapped her head in the direction of the noise. It was another girl. Her eyes shifted as if she was searching for something despite being blind. Her shoulders relaxed slightly.
"Yes. You may sit here."
her voice was calm and even, just as she always aimed to keep it. She held out her hand in the direction of the girl, not sure if she got it right.
"I am Martyr."
Scarlett Wyverne Scarlett Wyverne
Galynthia yawned, stretching and smacking her lips. She rolled over and peeked sleepily at the other side of the room. Apparently, sometime during the night, her roommate had come in-- but they'd already left without so much as a hi or bye, which made Galynthia a bit sad, but she understood. Climbing out of her bunk, Galynthia opened a drawer and pulled out a change of clothes: skinny denim jeans, a cheery yellow tee which read "I'll Flip You the Bird", and a black sweatshirt. Heading into the bathroom, Galynthia brushed her teeth and attempted to brush her hair, pulling her mass of brown strands into a semi-messy topknot. She changed and then went to the dining hall, after much confusion about where the dining hall even was. Sitting at one of the tables by herself after getting some toast, eggs, and bacon, Galynthia began to dig in.
“Thank you.” Sephoriah set her tray down and took a seat. She smiled and with a slight movement to the side, she took Martyr’s hand and shook it.
She was briefly intrigued by the name and its meaning in her rather long memory. But asking would not be becoming just now.
“Pleasure to meet you. My name is Sephoriah, of the Succubi clan. You are...of the Witches’ clan?”
Charlotte Paige Rhodes
"...Onehundredandthirtytwoonehundredandthirtythreeonehundredandthirtyfouronehundredandthirtyfive." Charlotte continued counting, the dreadful and most precarious counting of every single grain of salt that formed that barrier. As soon as she fulfilled this compulsion, the vampiress could finally focus on a way on escaping the barrier and bringing forth that hell she was suffering upon the dweebs. But of course meticulously and accurately going through each and every grain would be an arduous endeavor requiring the utmost of her concentration. Even the slightest deviation from this task could result in a mistake, a singular mistake, which would ruin all the work she had accomplished until this point.

"Eleven, eighty... two..."

It was as if on cue...

The good for nothing, flower picking, bane against the beautiful people had shouted out a multitude of numbers at her. Charlotte's blood began to boil for a brief moment she gazed at her and that sure to be dreadful looking lackey. Well this was important to note for a few things, the most important being that Madeleine did in fact have lackeys but also the fact that Madeleine while she might not have had an eye for fashion at least understood the basic concept of keeping someone uglier than you to make you look better. Though, with that said, now that Charlotte had a closer view of Madeleine with another girl to compare her to, Madeleine actually looked pretty...


Snarling and breathing in and out, clenching both of her fists together and in turn dropping her stylish bag of supplies while baring her fangs at them.

Charlotte's eyes traced the two as they fled down the hall as she swung her arm pounding the allegorical cage bars. "Onetwothreee- LIKE YOU THINK -fourfivesixseven YOU SEALED ME BUT YOU'VE JUST -eightnineteneleven TOTES LOCKED -twelvethirteenfourteen YOUR FATE! I -fifteensixteenseventeen WILL TEAR YOU -eighteennineteentwenty APART YOU -twentyonetwentytwotwentythree PIECE -twentyfourtwentyfivetwentysix BY MISERABLE -twentyseventwentyeighttwentyninethirty - PIECE! LIKE thirtyonethirtytwothirtythree WHEN I GET - thirtyfourthirtyfivethirtysix HANDS ON seveneigh- LIKE YOU'LL WISH HELL HAD YOU AND YOU WEREN'T IN MY LIKE, VERY CAPABLE HANDS! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"

Rocking back and forth barely maintaining to hold onto her fury, she had to once again start from the beginning.

KnightOfNight KnightOfNight TeikiFox TeikiFox littleberry littleberry

I nodded at Madeleine's previous comments and looked back at the girl counting salt. She appeared to be stuck, though I wasn't sure why, my only indication being a line of salt. Noticing us and Madeleine's taunts, she glared at us. The she started snarling, and shouted wildly at us, swinging her arms around in her little bubble. It was all in all scary, confusing, and slightly funny. Until she started threatening out lives. While counting the salt. And shouting loudly, the ringing in my ears getting louder and louder. I cringed and quickly ran, realizing that Madeleine had already almost turned the next corner. I caught up with her as she laughed in embarrassment, before saying something. I couldn't hear the comment because of the ringing quickly sifting away from reality. I gave her a confused glance, but she continued on.
"We need to hurry, I'm starving. Also, what's your name?" Madeleine whispered.
"Oh! My name is Artemis. Are there any nicknames you prefer to Madeleine?" I asked as we ran to the cafeteria. The food smelled delicious and most people were gathering around and talking to one another, starting to form their groups.
"Sorry! Do you want to eat along the way, or eat here?" I asked, hoping from one foot to the other. Nervousness was starting to get the best of me and I wanted to try to remain as calm as possible so I would have a clear head.

((Some of this is copied from last post since I went a little ahead. Sorry...))
KnightOfNight KnightOfNight
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