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Futuristic Nero: The Hidden City - OOC

Kind of. Some features will not be allowed and there is a limit on how scifi you can go with it, but the limits weren't made clear yet so we're pretty much all shooting in the dark for what we like and hoping for the best
Well I’m not gonna god mod, yknow me amigo ^^
^If that's the case, I'm kind of leaning on the VS' aesthetic. EXO's a power suit so...nope.

Compromise: Use the anthem EXO suit as the Cypher avatar and the VS as the mecha. Just a suggestion if you want to use both.
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I initially planned it to be similar with Build Divers in that they have talking weasels. But almost everyone's humanoid now so...

They're not going to be doing a lot of fighting in any case. So long as it can reasonably pilot a mecha then it's okay to me.
SCSaya06 SCSaya06 are all our characters irl living nearby each other? If so, is there a name for the place? Cause you've mentioned physicaly locations where we could meet up :o

Edit: Also whats the approximate/exact time period of the rl world?
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Still working on my character. The mech design image on my end is complete though. I'll release the full CS when it's done. Then I'll be tweaking it bit by bit if I need to change something in it.
Lekiel Lekiel They at least live in the same city. Cities are still pretty big. This is set around year 2025. So there's like, immersive VR games already but no ultra futuristic stuff.

Deathchart98 Deathchart98 Read it. Approved~

We got a couple more people coming. I think we have enough to split into three colonies.
Lekiel Lekiel They at least live in the same city. Cities are still pretty big. This is set around year 2025. So there's like, immersive VR games already but no ultra futuristic stuff.

Deathchart98 Deathchart98 Read it. Approved~

We got a couple more people coming. I think we have enough to split into three colonies.

Ah... So i suppose its not recommended to actually use physical places to describe my character's current living location? Like Japan or etc.
Not completely pleased with it, butttt I guess I can say I'm done too!

Edit: Dang... this is alot of people...
Aye, with this many people.. it's gonna be fun trying to remember who is who and who is doing what xD
Yeah but I wonder would they tell each their their characters?
If we make them friends, I think they would. The two of them have pretty similar personalities, in particular both of them love talking about their hobbies and all. So I can really see them being friends, with maybe Laurie usually being the more shy, cautious of the two staying behind my character who would be the more bold and at times rash of the duo. Despite Laurie being a few months older.

The only way this wouldn't work is if Laurie is utterly unable to deal with teasing, I think, but the character personality at most suggests she might be a little bashful about it.
If we make them friends, I think they would. The two of them have pretty similar personalities, in particular both of them love talking about their hobbies and all. So I can really see them being friends, with maybe Laurie usually being the more shy, cautious of the two staying behind my character who would be the more bold and at times rash of the duo. Despite Laurie being a few months older.

The only way this wouldn't work is if Laurie is utterly unable to deal with teasing, I think, but the character personality at most suggests she might be a little bashful about it.

I’d imagine Laurie would probably be fine with the teasing! If anything I could see her personality only changing when she plays the game as Omu in which she tries to act more masculine and has the “badass tough guy” persona in which she only needs to say a few words.

They’d be a great team!
I’d imagine Laurie would probably be fine with the teasing! If anything I could see her personality only changing when she plays the game as Omu in which she tries to act more masculine and has the “badass tough guy” persona in which she only needs to say a few words.

They’d be a great team!
Sounds perfect! Lemme check the ... actually, while I've been kind of assuming everybody's in Japan because mechas, I'm not 100% sure

SCSaya06 SCSaya06 where are they?

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