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Futuristic Nero: The Hidden City - OOC

No strict age limit. As Idea said, so long as they can still travel and play, why not?

Idea Idea Yeah, I remember those who requested to be on one team. When I randomize, I'll just jot you guys as one variable.

Alright, before we proceed, do you want to randomize the teams? Or do you want to pick your own colony? Colony lore is up on the lore page for reference.
No strict age limit. As Idea said, so long as they can still travel and play, why not?

Idea Idea Yeah, I remember those who requested to be on one team. When I randomize, I'll just jot you guys as one variable.

Alright, before we proceed, do you want to randomize the teams? Or do you want to pick your own colony? Colony lore is up on the lore page for reference.
Personally I think picking colonies would be less messy.
@Hengleford Overview is pretty much just a general description for your mecha. Like, where does it specialize? What was its creator thinking when it made certain things about it that way? Kind of like that.

And yeah, you don't have to stick to those series I mentioned. I just gave them as examples because that's what I'm familiar with. Do note however that we're not going full-on with the realism here as well though since it is technically still a game.

I'm also making a hangar thread later since I'll be allowing up to three mecha per character (if you want). The one listed on the character sheets is just their main mecha or the character's favorite. Oh, and no Einherjar types for now.

Idea Idea I'll add more to the lore tomorrow. It's getting a little late on my end.
Three Mecha huh? I may take you up on that
Alright, before we proceed, do you want to randomize the teams? Or do you want to pick your own colony? Colony lore is up on the lore page for reference.

I would personally prefer a randomized process as it would force characters that would normally not interact to have to work together but that's just my preference.
I'm going to have to pass on this. Hope everything goes great with the RP~!
That's too bad, after reading over your character I was really looking forward to him/her. Hopefully we'll get to do something another time.

I wanna say that's hilarious but at the same time I feel like they still wouldn't exactly work together XD
I do think there would be resistance from certain people but I'm a sucker for the 'people getting roped into a situation where they must learn to put their differences aside and work together' trope.
Alright, before we proceed, do you want to randomize the teams? Or do you want to pick your own colony? Colony lore is up on the lore page for reference.
Both random teams and chosen ones sound good to me, I'm fine either way
Ok here are my thoughts. First, I think we should pick our own colony.

You made the colonies so they all are for different purposes. One is for casuals, another for up and coming fighters, one explorers, and last one for elites. Based on some characters backgrounds, for example mine, it wouldn’t make sense for him to be apart of certain colonies. So because of this, I feel it is better to let people chose the colony that would best fit their character’s play style and background.

Second, I am not sure what you mean by official team in reference to the colonies. If this means they are the top team of the colony, then cool. If not and they are just a static default team that everyone on the colony is apart of, then I am sad. With a game like this it only seems right that you could form your own teams with friends, and attempt to be the top team of a colony.

Last, how big are the colonies? I assume they are planet sized, but I wanted to check. Also, is there anything stoping someone from making a colony of their own? There seems to be a good amount of freedom in the game, so what’s to say that a group can’t get together and buy, find, or take over a planet to make a colony of their own.

Welp, those are my thoughts. Let me know what you think.
I like being able to pick your own colony. Like others have said, some people may not be too happy about being part of a colony that isn't a good fit with their character/goals.

Question: Is there a way to travel between colonies? For example, if someone from Astraea wants to chat with someone from Titania, how will they accomplish that?
Idea Idea
Done and dusted. 1000 squats left to go. :grinningteeth:
Yeah I've always found that kind of 'gap' to be funny. It's like hearing some kid on voice chat telling you that he's "gonna bash your head in" with that baby voice haha.

GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
I'm sure Riki would reply with something along the lines of: "The only warrior you'll ever be is a keyboard warrior lol."
Done and dusted. 1000 squats left to go. :grinningteeth:
Hey you got the reference! Golden star!

eah I've always found that kind of 'gap' to be funny. It's like hearing some kid on voice chat telling you that he's "gonna bash your head in" with that baby voice haha.
Yep. Gap humor can be really hilarious. Especially when the character is in on it too or completely unwillingly trapped in it :P (genderbend comedy, love it <3 )
Idea Idea
Done and dusted. 1000 squats left to go. :grinningteeth:
Yeah I've always found that kind of 'gap' to be funny. It's like hearing some kid on voice chat telling you that he's "gonna bash your head in" with that baby voice haha.

GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
I'm sure Riki would reply with something along the lines of: "The only warrior you'll ever be is a keyboard warrior lol."

That moment when Laurie actually does try to find him and he sees a twelve year old girl with punching gloves. "C'mon! You said fight IRL!"

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