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Fantasy Lakoria High school

Omen King

Location: Logica Commons || Interacting: Lotusy Lotusy || Mentioned: N/A

Age of Weakness gave off a lilting laugh as Wayne attempted to help him,” It’s alright, I’m not harmed in anyway.” He grew immensely interested when the can passed through Wayne’s surface. He had neglected to expend enough effort on watching his peer, if only he’d seen the spectacle in its whole. Just how was he capable to alter the solidity of his form? Omen King needed to know. Rather than asking, the colorful student began to pay total attention to what Wayne was doing, he didn’t want to miss the excitement should something fly through him again.

Omen King nodded at Wayne’s words, visibly elated at Wayne’s enthusiastic response, A teardrop indeed!” The origin of eggs is truly terrible yes, polished in the brusque fires of Hell, formed by the frailest moonbeams, there is a sort of beauty to the holy horror.” It was unclear if this was some warped view the ethereal boy had, or if it came from his own life experience. Somehow the later seemed more likely in this situation. “Oh yes, I am quite hardcore!”, declared the gentle entity, embedding a synonymy of the slang into his words, attempting to impress Wayne. “I’m constructed from the sorrows and burdens of this world, which may or may not be a metal, I don’t know.” The being laughed again at this.

“You’re welcome," Omen King dipped his head politely at Wayne’s bow of gratitude. Age of Weakness wanted to assist Wayne with the can but thought he’d only complicate things. He didn’t know how to open it either. The being looked to stand even taller after receiving praise, surprised and filled with wonder,” Many thanks, perhaps I’ll meet your friend sometime! What are they like?” Omen King loved answering questions, and did not hesitate in doing so,” I balance myself by absorbing light rays, making it easy to spin my lightweight corporeal form.” He beamed at the idea of being a ballet dancer,” What a dream! Alas no, I fear I’d be too distracting and freeze up on stage unfortunately, It is a pleasure to meet you Wayne, please refer to me as Omen King.”

He audibly gasped,” Ahhhh, so that’s why you could allow that can to pass through you, such power! you must have the wisdom of some river running through your very veins. How I envy you.” The being shook the hand of his cohort, awed at the idea of having liquid properties, endless possibilities! What other feats was he capable of? Omen King was enthralled, he looked about the room full of students, certainly they all contained wonders and ambitions of their own, remarkable! The very idea set his heart alight with delight, it was only the start of the year and prospects were looking optimistic. Of course, Omen King wasn't aware that another student had been assaulted earlier that day, and that the perpetrator had received no real repercussions, maybe hiding in the bathroom all day had its upsides? Regardless, Omen King quite liked Wayne, and was glad to meet his acquaintance.

“It’s quite good to ask questions, I assure you.” Omen King affirmed, he wished he had the resolve to do so himself.
Umeki Shou

Seeing the chaos ensuing in the common room, Umeki decided against getting involved. Maybe it's better if I just get settled before trying to meet people.. She thoughts as she pulled her hood over her ears, tail wrapping inconspiciously around her waste. Keeping ro the edges of the room, she slipped through the commons and into the halls leading towards the dorm rooms.

Finding her room, she slipped inside and leaned against the closed door. "I hope it's not always this crazy here." She said, glancing around the room as she relaxed. "Hopefully my roommate will be nice, I wondered what species she'll be." Wandering over to a bed, she trailed her hand along the mattress. "At least I won't be sleeping in the cold or wet." She sighed as she curled up on the bed, yawning lightly as she drifted into a light slumber.
Yui Nagisa
tini_vintage_syringe__left__by_king_lulu_deer-db5m0t6.gif vintage_syringe_by_king_lulu_deer-db5m0fk.gif
Yui had just returned to the Logica commons after freshening up and changing into his cutest clothes which consisted of light pink skinny jeans, a white top with a gold star pattern, a light pink bomber jacket, and light pink high tops with a gold star on the side. He hoped that they could make him feel confident enough to finally talk to Tac.
Boy was it his lucky day! This was the second time he got to gaze upon the body of his beloved! He could just cry right her and now in front of all of his Logica schoolmates. Not that he gave one shit about them right now. His beloved was putting on a show for everyone, he definitely wished that it was just for him though. Oh what he wished they could do together.

‘Is this my chance? Should I go over and talk to him now?’ He bit his lip as he watched Tac from across the room. He knew he had to talk to the man someday! He needed to do it! He took one step towards the man, this was it. Today was-


Not his fucking day.
Yui stopped in his tracks and stared, surprised, at the new girl who Tac was talking to.
‘No. No. NO! Who is this?! Why did that skank have to ruin my moment!? What was so good about her that he would scream out for her!? HE SHOULD ONLY BE SCREAMING OUT FOR ME!!’ He slowly sat down on a couch where he could still watch the two. As he sat there he began to crack his knuckles, watching to make sure that dumb person didn’t get too close to his territory.
Just letting you know that you are being watched.
tini_vintage_syringe__left__by_king_lulu_deer-db5m0t6.gif TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity Deathpelt Deathpelt AI10100 AI10100 vintage_syringe_by_king_lulu_deer-db5m0fk.gif

What was happening with these kids these days!?
One was injured
One seemed to be the cause of it all
One had yelled at him
The house was never like this! Usually his kids, with the exception of Nyx, were always good and quiet. Speaking of the devil himself, where was Nyx? 'Maybe it's for the better that he isn't here to threaten me.' He thought to himself before finally realizing that the trouble student had walked away. Hopefully back to her own house. Plum let out a loud sigh of defeat as he looked over the room. Nothing was destroyed or stained, the other students seemed to be fine...just as it should be!
"Students! Is everyone ok now? Can I start now?" He looked around the room once more before starting, "Hello, for those of you who may not now, My name is Mr. Plum! It's is nice to meet you all. Now if you could please take a seat where ever, we can then start!"

Everyone Everyone in house Haven I am too lazy to actually tag...I'll be more organized. Soon.


Interacting With
small lucky boye
Current Location
journey house commons
..now she offend tiny human..
a small satchel, mostly filled with forks


Atourr seemed rather puzzled for a moment. "You.. Not tiny human?" She questioned, obviously confused. The realization then hit her. She should have known! There was something about the other's height that was rather irregular, after all.. "Oh no! This no way to make friends... Daia very sorry, again." The orc pouted, baring her fangs once more. They caused her to appear rather angry, as well as a bit terrifying. Especially to someone so small. "Daia accept apology, and she give one too! If she not so tall, or if she not stand in way for so long.." Atourr sighed, looking quite dismal for a moment. However, after a moment she smiled and spoke. "But, we move past this now. My name Daiamo Shina, what yours?"


jackal fuzukoto


breathing inhaling then exhaling deeply as he was trying so hard to keep relaxed. this was the first time in a extremely long time,he had been away for over a year and he was only recently returning. this was the first time in what seemed like ages so of course he was gonna be nervous.
why wouldn't he be?
he hadn't seen anyone in so long that they might not even recognize him.
Jackal had grown quite a bit taller and put on some muscle. His once shorter dark hair had grown out and was now blonde with light blue hints. his hair wasn't even black at the roots anymore but his natural rather his natural hair color was white. he was a albino and wouldn't hide it. at first glance it might be difficult to identify him but anyone who knew him would recognize those unchanging red cat like eyes of his.
it was the one thing that would be the most familiar about him.
thankfully that was a good thing. he had arrived much much later than everyone else having missed any introductions and announcements but that didn't really seem to bother him. the assembly didn't really matter anyways since he was very aware of what dorm he would be staying in and what classes he would be taking. he already had his schedule which of course would take some time to adjust to as it was very much different than the one he had back at home. then again just adjusting to being in the school again would take some time as well as it would take some time to get used to being around the others.

the time jackal had spent away had really affected him and not in the best of ways. he wasn't even sure if he would even be able to handle being around his old friends let alone pluto. for all he knew pluto probly moved on and well jackal on the other hand had been through so much that he didn't even know if he wanted to be near him or not.

things for the shifter were rather.....complicated.

jackal wasn't the same person he used to. he was a bit broken inside and this return of his was to help him to be able to reform bonds. he needed to become apart of a normal society and to have a more normal life,a chance to be happy. or well that's how his aunt put it. this was for his own good is what he was told. having arrived and already walked through those school ground gates jackal held onto the strap of his bag with one hand and in the other was a journal he had open with finely written notes inside. jackal read through it really quick his eyes merely grazing of the neatly written text before closing it with his hand and sliding the notebook into his bag pocket. exhaling deeply he moved his red eyes and looked around at his surroundings before staring up at the sky.
everything was so nostalgic. so many memories he had of this place.

sure things have changed but he could remember those warm afternoons he had spent with everyone. it was always so fun. he could imagine those smiles so vividly and hear the laughter. he remembered catching mice and trying to feed them to the snakes. he could remember pissing off nyx even. boy that guy got so mad sometimes but it wasn't all too bad. jackal couldn't help but to chuckle and sighed.
he had dearly missed everyone.

a sad smile spread on his lips but it quickly became a frown. he stopped and leaned against a tree for a moment feeling tears well up in his eyes as images he didn't want to see flashed through his mind. he slammed his hand against the tree and started panting. it was happening again. something he didn't want to remember. quickly he shuffled through his bag in a panic and pulled out a bottle opening it. he took something out and swallowed it.

jackal sat there for a while as he tried to control his breathing and waited as the medicine kicked in. once he was calm again he stood straight looking around making sure nobody saw that. the shifter then gave a exhale of relief before he moved away and continued to walk once more.
now then. his dorm. it was haven,right? yea. that was right. haven. the plan was to get to his dorm and settle in.

if he was lucky maybe he'd see someone he knew.if he did maybe that would benefit him. it didn't take long for jackal to find his way to the dorm houses. as he approached the haven dorm he noticed the deer and smiled a teensy bit. he thought it was a rather appropriate choice from the looks of it. pausing jackal eyes widened and he was quickly reminded of something. how could he be such a idiot. he forgot to drop off his meds. he turned his arse right around and hurried back towards the school. this also would give him a excuse to avoid people. he knew there were a lot of people in haven and this made jackal slightly uncomfortable but not entirely. it wasn't like the shifter was unsociable or shy for that matter. he was just a bit not used to people like he used to be.

quickly sneaking away it didn't take long for him to find the nurse's office. when he went to go inside he spoke up. "i'm dropping off my-" he the stopped as his eyes caught a hold of someone he knew. it was pluto himself and he saw some sort of situation. it seemed weird. there was a fox of whom sounded familiar too. oh. that was nyx's voice. he looked confused. his friends really haven't changed it seemed but then again jackal could always know their scent and the sweet sounds of their voices. "pluto?" he said without thinking. "pluto,why is nyx a fox? is he okay?" he asked suddenly in his deep voice. he only just arrived and he was already a tad concerned about the situation. he was uncertain what to make of it. jackal had even forgot that his presence was probably a surprise to them entirely. he had even had his arrival kept quiet about as to not draw attention before he decided to see them. and now here he was standing before them.



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Hecate Truth
"Do you think... that God stays in Heaven in fear of what he's created?"

"Ah, robes? I don't see many witches wearing robes.. Well, at least where I'm from it's not very customary! Unless its like, you know, a cool holiday! We typically just wear these little cloaks, and even then I'm really the one who wears the-" He was cut off, and Hecate was intrigued by this piece of information. She could honestly care less about what others wear. No matter what anyone wears, they're either ugly or beautiful.

"Oh! My broom! Isn't it neat!? I've had this one since I was.. Hm, 13? Yeah, 13, I think." He beamed, and Hecate gaged. I don't want to hear a story of a child's reunion with a cleaning utensil.

"Oh? Hecate? That's a really pretty nam-" He then paused, hearing her next words. "Oh.. Well, I'm pleased to meet yours! I was hoping to become friends with another witch like me.. Could we be friends, Hecate?"

Hecate stared blankly at Mika's big, twinkling brown eyes. "..." Wait.. what? "No." She flat out responded. "We could not be friends, Mikaela." With that, she glanced away, starting to walk off, hoping to Satan.. that he didn't see that embarrassing blood stain on her robe.

Mentioned: N/A || Interacting With: okmelonn okmelonn

Emma Ayuzawa
"The more you weigh, the harder you are to get kidnapped. Stay safe, eat cake."


This, is officially the worst, yet best day ever for the freckled girl. She was at the nurse's office, dying inside. But, she's already dead, so that doesn't work out. She caused a fight during the tour, and she had gotten a few scratches. The boy that picked on her was currently on another bed, and he had broken bones everywhere. Emma only had a few scratches here and there. But, by "few", she means a bunch of scratches and bruises. Her ebony black t-shirt was covered in salty sweat. She blamed her velvet black scarf, though.

=She groaned, poking at her deep cut on her arm. She glanced at the boy, who recoiled at her glare. She gazed at her green coat, that was laying on the bed. She sighed, and winced while touching her scars. She snapped her head at the boy and shouted, "FOR THE LOVE OF PEACE, LOOK WHAT YOU-- OW!" She yelped, and touched her head. Her delicate fingertips touched the scar on her head that was bandaged. It was still bleeding bright crimson, which pissed Emma off even more.

She took a deep breath. "Alright.. okay.. okay... Emma.. keep calm..." She took five more deep breaths, her eyes closed. She slowly opened her eyes, and spotted a hot nurse lurking around in his office. She smiled sexily. Thank god he isn't an eyesore.

Mentioned: N/A || Interacting With: Lotusy Lotusy (Nurse)
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Interacting With

Current Location
haven house commons
broom-chan but sadder



If you had been near the witch-boy at that moment, you could see the slight heartbreak found in his eyes. For anyone, he might have been close to this sad. But for a witch..? Someone of his own kind who wasn't interested in befriending him, let alone even talking to him? Oh boy. That hurt. That really hurt. He let out a dismal sigh as the other walked away, mumbling a small, "Okay, bye.." As she headed off. He sat on his broom as his bottom lip began to tremble, legs crossed with rather astounding balance, placed his hands on his face, and began to cry. Would nobody want to become his friend? Would he spend the rest of his years here at Lakoria solemn and alone? He heard the teacher begin to speak, though he already had his own personal seat so he supposed that it didn't matter. Lifting his hands from his face, the sad witch settled in for yet another lecture.​

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Haven common room
Current form: Human
Interacting with: SpiritOwl SpiritOwl
Mentioned: Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai

Cayman supposed that a lot of the students at Lakoria wouldn’t have an interest in the human world, why would they? Being a part of their own culture would be much easier and more interesting than what lies in the human world. Nodding his head, he agreed with Syke. “Yeah I don’t think I’m cut out for the human world either. I tried, but it’s just too busy and noisy for me.” While he was looking forward to graduation, he was nervous too. It’ll be nice to be an alumni of course, but what was he going to do after his stay at Lakoria? Go back home? It wasn’t really an exciting option. Maybe the teachers will help him find a place where he’ll be able to fit in. The thought passed out of his mind rather quickly, he still had plenty of time before he had to worry about those kinds of things. Although, the next thing that Syke said was peculiar indeed. "Oh my, if my people had the power to hide so valiantly, we would have no need for magic." Cayman was taken aback by the statement. Hiding? Valiantly? He never thought that he’d hear those two words in the same sentence. Although thinking about it, a being of myth would need to be able to hide quite well. “Being able to hide is an important part of my culture, without our abilities I doubt we would have survived as long as we have.”

He couldn’t help from smiling at Syke’s enthusiasm towards learning, the library here was quite nice and although he hadn’t spent too much time there last year, he could understand Syke’s excitement. “It must be quite daunting to come here on your own, do you have someone to help you around the school?” His eyes wandered away from Syke as he watched Rae make her way out of the door with the fox Nyx in tow, and he could only feel relieved at the sight. Hopefully she wouldn’t return to the Haven house anytime soon, Nyx alone caused enough trouble for Plum and the rest of the Haven students. Speaking of Caymans favorite teacher, the soft spoken ball of yarn chose this moment to speak up. "Hello, for those of you who may not now, My name is Mr. Plum! It's is nice to meet you all. Now if you could please take a seat where ever, we can then start!" Cayman sighed, the meeting was finally getting underway. Hopefully he won’t have another terrible roommate like last year.​

Kareek- Little
images (1).jpeg

Kareek didn't understand the idea that that someone challenging you could be not worth crushing. He pondered this for what felt like days while things happened around him. "Perhaps tomorrow then. Fairy Jon would you also assist with the thing called assignments?" Even as Kareek asked he was sure the fairy boy would agree it was so determined to serve him after all.

It was just then that Kareek paid attention to something besides the fairy Jon prey. He recognized that sound and smell. It was a human sign of weakness! "Jon there seems to be a vulnerable prey. Let's check on it." Kareek started dragging Jon along the besthe could. It seemed it must be another fairy prey as it was in the air. "it should be right about there." Kareek eyed toward the boy on the broom.

Interactions: Jon ( GingerBread GingerBread )
Mentions: Mika ( okmelonn okmelonn )

Mistral Aquilo
✧・゚:*Magical Uniboy*:・゚✧
Current Location: Logica House Restroom
Mistral would've been taken aback: precious - yes, glorious - yes, and he knew Mistral thought so as well - no, no - because Mistral knew so. He didn't dwell on it though, he knew he was a pinnacle of physical perfection - and as long as he knew, what care have he towards what others thought? If they disagreed, well then, their subjective view of beauty was simply incorrect. Mistral knew his own beauty so well, he very much doubted that any other being could see the whole that encompassed it. From all this and more Mistral knew he was prone to attracting eyes, he had such an unfortunate experience only recently - but wasn't too sure about how 'striking a deal' worked. Uhg, the mere idea of what it may imply left him with a headache, contracts and obligations of any sort didn't really work with his lifestyle. He didn't think such transactions were beneath him per say, but with the way they boggled his mind gave him a serious mistrust for such subjects. It was difficult to be wary when in the presence of someone with such over-compensating dramatics within their inflection, though. Nevore was not the most bubbly personality Mistral had met that day, but he did find the manner with which he spoke memorizing in its own way. Maybe, because he was less-so focused on his actual words and more so on the bubbles his movements spawned within his helmet.

A climbing reputation was what Mistral desired beyond any earthly wealth, he didn't realize why show people casually just threw around the pet name baby - but babies were cute and thus he could only assume it was another compliment. Mistral didn't know what he'd do with his cut of, profits? Really, a being such as he had no need for such frivolous wordly objects. He supposed he'd deposit the goods at some means of charity. "I'm sure you'll do your part as well," Mistral complimented, self assured that it was himself in reality that was bound to carry the spotlight in whatever endeavor they would take in an effort to become Lakorai's Next Top Idols. Mistral wasn't sure how he felt about dictatorship, anarchy was more his style, but if ruling the school was the pathway to success, he supposed he would walk it.

"Of course," Mistral relayed before pondering that perhaps as verbal confirmation he actually needed to repeat Nevore's final word and thusly did so, "yes."
Mistral didn't know much about modeling, asides from the fact models were beautiful, and thus he imagined himself a perfect candidate.
okmelonn okmelonn

Syke Cria
Miniature Mage

Current Location: Haven House
Syke was inspired to learn more about Cayman's culture come the future, she had learned so much of others already! Like, hmm, how Nikiri had magic jewelry bestowed on her from what could be nothing less then gods - though she thought her the true god. Upon hearing an opening to gush about her friend, Syke took it, "My dearest friend Nikiri saved me from death!" She dramatized waving her arms, as if her terror was renewed, "When all was lost for me, Nikiri the gentle and strong helped me to stand once more and depart to this school of magics with great success. Oh she is simply lovely Cayman, you must meet her!" Syke drew herself together and stood with a great poise, "Nikiri is blessed with only the most delicate features, bouncy lavender hair, soft waggling ears, a perfectly practical tail, skin softer then any petal," Syke shuffled her feet a bit at this line, oh my, she hoped her nettley-self wasn't agitating Cayman's skin too much, "Eyes more green then any grass to ever grace the earth, tattoos," Syke moved her hands to the side of her face, pretending her three thorny fingers upon her tortoise-y face could ever compare to the markings of the pleasant and talented Nikiri, "which only ever serve to enhance her glowing features;

but through all her girlishness, it is undeniable that my true-blue friend Nikiri holds, throughout every inch of her being, with every angle and curve - holds a power to cease ships, a power to which one would throw themselves to damnation simply to be near, the power to tear civilizations apart through sheer existence! Oh my friend Nikiri is assuredly a woman through-and-through and I aim to find ways to familiarize and inhabit myself with a similar gentle strength." Syke frowned, not finding she had it in herself to climb herself to such heights of personage, but could not keep such an expression when speaking of the girl who, if not re-enforced Syke's mission the day she found her, saved her life, "She has a greater ambition then any person I have ever met, and thousands have I met," Syke didn't see fit to mention that most of the thousands happened to be other Ohom, "She is fierce as well as fiercely kind and fiercely honorable. To me, she runs for days without tiring, and her being is always clean - she smells sweetly of berries with or without her perfumes and soaps and shampoo," Syke let out a strange noise, that served as her giggle, "she is as dangerous as she is feminine. Clever, too! My only despondence is that our house is not one and the same."

She bopped her head against the side of Cayman's in a movement that was likely playful, "I'd die for Nikiri!" She expounded enthusiastically before faltering, "Well," she interjected modestly, "I'd die for any given number of people," perhaps the inevitability of her death lead Syke to devalue her life, so few Ohoms to escape their childhood years ever chose to live on after twenty, and by forty they were no doubt knocking on death's door. If she was not large in size, she was so in heart. "But you must understand," Syke said for the first time in a hushed tone that without closeness would be impossible, "that she is a bit of an idol to me; and in every and all scenarios, I would fight with my all to protect her, I only wish I had more to give." Syke clicked the thorns of her hand-stumps together anxiously, "I was a bit nervous that my house was different then hers at first," Syke left the exploits of crawling about underneath the nearby table wallowing in tears to herself, "but I suppose I have a knack for meeting friends in high places." She let out a strange noise once again. She had never had many - any - friends back in her community, she was just to great an oddity, but here she had Nikiri, and Cayman had for all she could know had just saved her life. Ah, but it was a life she would gladly lose! After all, in that instance, she had been defending Nikiri, but, it's not like he could've known.

Syke found it difficult to believe someone could not know of Nikiri, people were always catching onto things far before she could even entertain a thought, but she was happy to have a chance to gush. At any given point in time, Syke had little clue as to what was happening, and thus much of her world was based on trusting the information given to her by those nearby. But if there was one thing her heroic heart could detect on its own, it was the song of sorrow. How else would her people find the bodies left in the Beast's Wake come morning?! "Oh my!" Syke expressed abruptly. She looked all the ways about her, though could not find much. "Oh, Cayman," She implored, tugging the small satchel on her back the wrong way round so she could clutch it as though it were a security blanket, "Someone is weeping! We simply must help!" Syke began to frantically run from one of Cayman's shoulders to the next, Naruto style. Who could be so bereft?! Talk of Nikiri had put Syke in a noble mood and she would not quell the fire in her figurative heart until this sobbing ended!
Mistborn Mistborn Mentioned: NyxNightmare NyxNightmare okmelonn okmelonn
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As Angelica finished her speech a few droplets of sweat formed on her head, she never experienced an opportunity like this before and she could very well mess it up. Each mannerism the bird made caused another ball of sweat to swell up. As the bird was about to speak it felt like time was about to fold in on itself and everything was going to be destroyed. Is it all over? Am I done for? Before I even made one poster? One hat? Before one sale? Wait! There was that one lad... I guess if it all goes trits up I should pay him a visit. Maybe be his friend. Same for that box guy. Everyone could be my friend and give me moral support! she winced as the bird opened its mouth but as he finished she wiped her head and her devilish grin was wider than ever before I'm invincible! I'm so believable I could fool anyone! Imma make bribaly millions! I don't need no friends! Unless that friend is fortune! Forget knight and box guy! I'm ready! For fortune! I'm ready! For fortune! That jingle rang in her head a few more times, excitingly thinking of the future. She glanced at the birds hand, trying to keep her Godly posture, her eyes burst open as she saw what was in his hand Holy poop salad! That's a cauldron ton of money! I could buy those good grobady bottles I've had my eyes on! Who knew this feather brain was so rich! I should make them my main customer! Angelica was on the verge of her look breaking down as she wanted to go over and shake the birds hand, thanking them for their generosity. But was taken back when he asked about the other gent paying her as well, she didn't really know as he didn't buy a potion but he did believe in her Godly ways. She moved her right hand to tap her chin as she pondered "Your Godly lord of Goddess has depsided that this believer should not pay as they did not buy one of my top-notch potions. On this gopgob day only bird dude should give me the riches!" Angelica stated, trying to keep a booming voice which was had for the little squeaker.

As she finished her awesome speech some weird looking tribe cult guy came running over and dived into the frame of followers she was gathering. Angelica's face turned to shock "Who dares steal my Godly God spotlight! Did I mention I'm a fo real Goddess!" She anxiously claimed while her eyes jumped to each person in front of her while trying to keep her stature, hoping she could bring the spotlight back to her until she could get the $30 and make a poster. However she took back her statement when the boy added some lore into her already weird and made up story. Wait what is this guy on about?!?! Am I a real Goddess???? I thought this was a campaign?? No i cant crapity be! I'm too poor!! He must be mistaken! Nice to now I'm as fabulous as a God! Unless that God is ugly!! How rude of him! Angelica pouted but quickly changed to embrace what the boy said "Yes it is me! I think... Here to bless you my children! My gang! My younglings! My homestrinos!" She boomed, graciously placing her right hand on her chest again. However she was taken by surprise when the new kid huddled the other two and started to whisper What do you think you're doing! You shlopperty Goddess is here and you turn away! Pouting once more she tip toed her way slightly closer to the lads, but she gasped and jumped back when she heard her apparent legend and the fact the kid was ruining everything. She then watched as her original follower, the one from the start, was starting to be turned into a none believer. Oh no what am I going to do!? All I want is tin foil! Well not all but still! What would that cell guy write about me now! I know how to fix this! Angelica cleared her throat, as she tried her hardest to think of a way to save herself "umm errr yea so! You know how your great Goddess of generosity and stuff may have said before that this 'as dude' or something didn't have to pay...well...No one has to pay! Aha! I know right! Shocking! Want to know why! It was all a dream prank...or something... I was testing your loyalty to yours truly! So put that...wonderful...lovely...pile..of...money... uhm away! I don't need it! I think that's all...Well one last thing! To prove I am the God this lad speaks of! Let me show you my power!" And as she nervously finished she reached into her bags to find something to maybe prove her power, but at the same time the birds feathers burst into a load of mushrooms. Angelica's hands quickly retracted out of the bag as she looked at the bird in surprise. "Oh gosh golly!" She shrieked, running over to the bird in a panic, she pulled out a old bottle of dirty washing up liquid and put some on the bird "Scrub bird scrub!" Angelica cried out, the liquid allowed the mushrooms to painlessly fall off the boy.
SpiritOwl SpiritOwl Loony_Bin Loony_Bin NyxNightmare NyxNightmare Mistborn Mistborn

Kareek the cute snek
Mikaela "Karma" Abigail Thomson
Haven House

Jon nodded as Kareek asked if he could help with with assignments. "I can try to, I'm not the best... I mean, I'm too cool to do those, but since your so cute, I can make an exception to help you.. yeah" He wasn't sure how much of his act he should keep up around Kareek, on one hand he was an adorable snek.. but on the other hand he was also a student. What if his reputation got ruined because Kareek told people he was too nice? Jon figured that it'd be best to keep the act up either way. When Kareek notified Jon that he'd found another ''prey'', Jon was a little worried that the snake was planning on attacking or even worse, eating someone else. Though when the snake started tugging him towards the ''prey'', Jon was surprised to see the cute boy from earlier in the gym 'Oh no, he's so cute when he's sad'

"He's... not prey" Jon told Kareek as he made his way over towards Mika, wanting to help cheer up the boy. He didn't want to see him sad, but he also didn't want to destroy his persona, since the room was getting quieter and more filled up, since Plum had finally began to get started on talking to everyone. "Hey.." Jon went silent for a moment as he tried to recall what the boy had said his name was back in the auditorium. "Karma..? You okay? Only losers cry you know.." Jon muttered the last bit, not wanting to upset the boy even more, but still wanting to say it just in case anyone was eavesdropping on them. Jon, was in a way worse state than when Mikaela last saw him; His clothes were torn up, looking more like rags hanging off of his body than actual clothes. Even though Nurse Jay had healed him up, he still had a rather large scar across his chest, which was made visible by the state of his clothes. Plus himself and the clothes he had were covered in dried blood from the incident earlier with Nekomancer.

Trinity yawned sleepily as she slithered through the school grounds. It was her first day and as usual she had managed to get lost already, not to mention she had over slept. Dragging her backpack with her school books across the the ground she stops by their dorms. Looking at them then to the other two "oh now which one was mine again? Who do I talk to or ask....I cant remember!" Looking around frantically trying to figure it out.


Interacting With

edgy fairy boye!
Current Location
haven house commons
oh boy, really worried for his little fairy friend


A few stray tears rolled down the witch's face, getting caught in his lashes and streaking his cheeks, causing them to appear shiny and wet. His head was hung, and his lip still quivered. He knew he must have seemed rather strange, sitting on his broom and sulking against a wall, but he couldn't help it. He wanted nothing more than to retreat to his room at that moment. That was, until, he heard a voice. A voice he recognized. His heart skipped a beat upon thinking who it was, and looking up, he croaked out the other's name softly, "Jon.." He said, a small smile coming to his face at the other's concern. "A..Ah, yeah.. I'm okay.." He wiped at his eyes, enjoying the other's biting attitude mumbled at the end of his sentence for once. He found it comforting, in a sense, to know that he had let up his demeanor. If even for a moment. It was only then that Mikaela got a good look at the fairy-boy. "Jon! Your clothes! T..They're ripped! And covered in blood, and you have a.. Oh my. Oh no, what happened?? Are you okay?! I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you!" He spoke in a rushed, rather loud tone. At the same time, he moved ever so closer to Jon. The witch seemed extremely distressed and showed much concern, even if he had only met the fairy that same day.

Jason would've blushed if he was still an actual person, so instead he just hid his face behind Pluto's neck. 'He's so perfect! Why can't I have him!??'
'Because you are a loser?'
'Also a snake attached to anouther person, so that's somthing!'

Pluto tried to hide his smile from Jay as he scolded him on not asking him the right questions. Because of school he never really had time to stop by and talk to Jay. Well except for the time Jason made him fall and break his arm...or the time Jason made him fall down the steps...or the time Jason made him eat some bad food and gave him food poisoning...Come to think of it, Pluto should have a talk with Jason.
"Sorry Jay...I'll try my best to stop by more. Then I can ask you questions about your life Heh."
'Ask him if he'll marry me?' Jason whispered from his hiding spot.
"Jason also has some questions for you." He chuckled, "But those are for later....My uh classes have been fine as usual. This year should be as boring as usual. The real question is what kind of things do you hear from the teachers??"

Meanwhile, The snakes were laughing at Nyx's misfortune.
'Hah! Look at that tiny asshole!'
'How pathetic! But also kind of cute!'
'Yeah, look at how cute he is, aaaaawwwww!'
'You wanna come up here? You wanna be held? Aaaaaw, what a cute little baby!'

That's when Pluto noticed that the snakes were taunting Nyx, which means he might want somthing. So he picked him up and Held him in his arms. "Oh uh...Nyx is a fox now. Just so you know." He said as he turned to Jay. It was then that he heard a voice behind him. He would've thought it was just another student but the dude said his name in such a normal way that it had to be someone he knew. He looked up to the tall guy and looked him over, when the realization of who it was hit him, his eyes widened and the snakes hissed. "Jackal?"

GingerBread GingerBread Lotusy Lotusy TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity N Nonexisting
Current mood:
Familiar’s form: Currently not visible
Location: House Journey Hallway
Interacting with: NyxNightmare NyxNightmare SpiritOwl SpiritOwl Loony_Bin Loony_Bin metalcity metalcity

With the little context that Elliott was hearing, he was struggling to simply pay attention in his current state, everything that the group in front of him said seemed hilarious, getting a little giggle out of him every so often. What was even funnier was the sight of mushrooms sprouting from the girls head where her hair was, along with the following sight of said mushrooms being shoved into Asad’s mouth! He couldn’t help himself from laughing, doubling over on the spot. He spent he next minute or two recovering from his little laughing fit before standing back up and carefully making his way closer, only stumbling once before standing still next to Asad. He definitely looked familiar... where had he seen his face before? Once Mac showed up, however, everything finally clicked into place. There was no way Elliott could mistake that mask of his. These were the two who had been messing with him earlier in the day!

He was about to start yelling at the two of them when Mac said something about a... goddess? This scrawny little girl in front of him was a goddess? He started to laugh again but was interrupted, yet again, as goddess “Aine” demanded a “tribute” in the form of $30. Elliott didn’t have any money, having spent the last of it on snacks during his trip to the school, and so he didn’t even bother trying to find something to give. Was the bird boy actually going to give her money? It seemed so, even going as far as to prod Asad for cash. Guessing based on the delayed response Asad had, Elliott thought he didn’t have much dough to part with either. As Mac huddled in with the group, Elliott leaning on the feathery boy to keep from falling on his face, he relaxed as the situation was explained to him. A goddess of love and growth? That seemed a little more reasonable to the drunken boy. Why did that make more sense you might ask? Why not? At least she wouldn’t, hopefully, smite him down for not worrying about contribut(e)ing anything.

He didn’t mind it so much when the two put their arms around his shoulders, having completely missed Asad’s remark about where the party really was, he knew that he had drank just a little too much tonight and he appreciated their help. That however didn’t stop him from having a stupid looking smile plastered on his face and giggling every now and then for little to no reason, getting drunk had still been a great idea. As the bird boys feathers exploded into a cloud of mushrooms he couldn’t help himself from laughing, stumbling back into Asad as he nearly doubled over again. This was one of the funniest nights he’d ever seen, too bad he probably won’t remember it in the morning. He barely noticed as the “goddess” went over to help the poor bird, he was simply too busy trying to stay upright to pay attention to much else that happened to be going on around him.​

Wayne was excited to find the Omen King matching his bubbly enthusiasm, glad to have found an equal in fervor and passionate speech. "It's great to make your acquaintance, Omen King!" He followed, responding to the awestruck being's handshake with an equally reverent one of his own, attempting to hold back his excitement from showing in a wild handshake. He found himself inspired by the Age of Weakness's answers to his bizarre questions, spinning equally bizarre, yet enthralling answers of his own. In the moment, Wayne entertained the idea of hell-forged eggs, the Omen King as a ballet dancer, and even Nevore's field day once he would catch sight of this magnificent being. "Well, I'm sure you're going to have a blast here at Lakoria, whether I can see you ballet-dancing or not! I'm sure you'd be surprised with yourself!"

Wayne eventually fell silent as his new acquaintance made a remark on his watery powers. If a were possible for a water spirit to blush, Wayne certainly would have - but instead, the Omen King's praise simply heated up his watery composition, causing him to rub the back of his neck bashfully. "Aw, you really mean that? Thanks! I mean, I've never thought of the wisdom, but..." he trailed off, thinking back to the much wiser spirits of his river. I sure wish I really had that wisdom. I mean, there's a lot of things I wouldn't have to regret. A bittersweet smile crossed his face for a split second, though it became his signature, blazingly enthusiastic one as he turned back tot he Omen King. "Anyways, I'll be sure to live up to those expectations, don't you worry! You'll never find a wiser wave in any river!" He neglected to mention the numerous counts of student-inconveniencing and theft that he'd played party to through the day, of course, doing his best to fill these new shoes of responsibility that he'd been handed.

Deciding to break take quick a break from talking, Wayne hopped down from the seat, bouncing aimlessly around the Omen King while attempting to pry open his can of cola. Eventually, he discovered the oh-so-convenient tab, popping open the cola with a satisfying fizzle. "Ooh," he muttered, peering down into the can and suddenly coming up with an interesting use of its contents. "Hey, Omen King, want to see something cool?" Wayne's finger dissolved into a stream of water, snaking its way into the can - and when it finally made contact with the soda within, his whole body began to fizzle and pop, just as soda would when exposed to air. "Oh man, that tickles!" He began to laugh, hopping around in excitement, and with every hop, the fizzles redoubled in their intensity, sparking across his body like miniature firecrackers. This scene continued for a little while, but Wayne eventually decided he'd had enough, withdrawing his finger and calming the pops across his water body. He bared a cheeky smile, hoping he'd impressed his friend. "What do you... think of that?" He panted, forcing out the question between heaves as he slowly regained composure. "I know powers aren't something to show off all the time, but there's mine! It's like a little party trick! Do you have any of your own - besides your beautiful ballet, of course!"

Foxu Foxu


As he began running out of steam, Jay's anger faded into a sort of resigned happiness - though he couldn't show it, of course. Instead, he doubled down on his work, let one more flash of orange light leave his hands, closing Kast's head injuries for good. With the deed done, the overworked nurse began washing his hands, holding his best fake pout as long as he could. "Hmph. Well, as long as you don't come in carrying another dying kid next time, I'll consider it a success." A faint smile crossed his face as he shut off the faucet, becoming slightly visible as he turned back to Pluto. "But it's good to see you again."

Satisfied with the current state of non-emergency, Jay allowed himself to relax a bit. The nurse headed straight for his desk, leaning back on it with folded arms as he listened to Pluto's description of school life. "Good to hear it! It's not Lakoria if the classes don't bore you to death, right? I mean, it sure beats actually dying! You wouldn't believe how many students have just failed to grasp that today." With another pause, he mulled over Pluto's question - what exactly was it like, being privy to the teacher's meetings now? "Well, they've definitely become more interesting now that I'm not their student, you know? I mean, we just had our first faculty meeting today - oh, did you know Coach Coro brings a teddy bear to meetings? Then Mr. Plum told me something about him 'counting on me' - I'm starting to get what he's talking about. I mean, Haven's a mess!" Once he finally found his groove again, Jay began opening back up to his old friend, becoming an almost a spitting image of his younger, chattier days. "And then Dr. Schmetterling just came up to me and said something about seven days? Like I'd know what that means!" Jay let out a laugh, warm yet tinged with exhaustion - the stress of the day was beginning creep up in more than his attitude. "But yea, they're still your boring old teachers! What can you do?"

Jay eventually found his attention captured by Pluto's snakes, who he noticed furiously hissing at something beneath the gorgon's feet. The nurse couldn't understand what they were saying, but the one thing he did catch sight of was the fox butting Pluto's leg. Alarmed, Jay reached for his broom, though he held himself back when Pluto picked up the fox, only giving the gorgon a puzzled look. Things became clearer once Pluto explained who it was, though that didn't stop Jay's surprise (or anger). "That's Nyx?" He asked, his eye twitching in irritation. "Oh no, Pluto. You do not know how much I've wanted to get my hands on him. Back up."

Rolling up his sleeves, Jay advanced on Pluto and Nyx, his fiery glare fixed specifically on the latter of the two. "You..." He plucked the fox from Pluto's arms, though he took special care to do so gently. His lifted the Nyx-fox into the air, with his eyes boring into Nyx's for a few more tense seconds... then Jay broke into laughter, setting the fox down on the same cot as the injured kitsune girl. "Oh, Nyx. You never change, do you?" He looked between Nyx and Kast, easily drawing the connection from the previously noticed puncture wounds. "I was going to scold you for making more messes - which I'm cleaning up now, by the way - but this just is rich!" Jay wiped a tear from his eye, still caught in a low giggle. "You know, I don't mind you sulking back in here if you look like this - just go easier on the kids' heads, alright?" Still suppressing a giggle, the nurse ruffled his foxed friend's head and let him be, shaking his head at the hilarity of the moment. "A fox! He's a fox!"

Finding himself content to leave his friends alone for a while, Jay turned back to tend to the back of the infirmary, unfortunately missing out on the long-awaited return of a certain shifter friend from his earlier days. It had been so long, in fact, that when he heard "Jackal," he assumed it was just Nyx transforming again, chuckling to himself as he left. Pulling back the curtains parting his office, Jay found both of his 'less-urgent' patients still alive, breathing a sigh of relief. And of course, this had to be from a fight, too. What is it with kids and fighting on the first day? Sheesh. The nurse looked between the scratched up girl on one bed and her utterly trounced victim on the other, shaking his head in amusement. They seemed in stable enough conditions, so Jay busied himself with re-organizing his cabinet - at least, until the scratched-up girl started yelling.

"Oh, you're awake!" Jay noted, still keeping his back turned as he closed the cabinet. "That's good! Sorry if the racket out there bothered you at a-" Jay froze as he noticed the expression on the girl's face. Oh god. Was that a sexy smile? He gulped. I hope not. Probably just a trick of the light, right? Jay tugged at the stethoscope around his neck, quickly regaining his composure. "So, how're you feeling?" He asked, taking a seat on the cot across from Emma and her beatdown target. Catching a glimpse of the scar she had been pressing gingerly, the nurse only shook his head. "Here, let me take care of that." More orange light snaked from his palm to the scar, completely closing the small wound with little effort. With the deed done, Jay clapped his hands together with a touch of finality - though he couldn't help being amused at the disparity between Emma the boy on the other cot. "Consider that the payoff for coming out on top. Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised with you kids and your fights these days. Should I even ask?"

Magical Squid Senpai Magical Squid Senpai TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity GingerBread GingerBread N Nonexisting Emmi Emmi
Omen King

Location: Logica Commons || Interacting: Lotusy Lotusy || Mentioned: N/A

“The same to you!” If Wayne hadn't managed to quell the earthquake out of his handshake, it would be unlikely that Age of Weakness would have noticed. The friendly gesture made him feel more welcome in his foreign surroundings. “I most certainly will! If meeting you is a sign of what’s to come.” The being pushed his hands apart from each other in a spreading motion while he said this, as if he were smoothing out the surface of a map. A fortunate omen for an Omen King? He found himself laughing at the concept. “Perhaps I will find the meaning I’m seeking in the walls of this building.” He said more to himself than his watery friend. Nodding carefully. His mind trailed in much the same way as Wayne’s, always enchanted at the idea of new and unexpected things. Experience abounds.

Omen King began to fret at Wayne’s sudden silence, had he said something insensitive? He found it deeply upsetting until he realized it was because he’d rendered Wayne humble. “Ahaha, yes I speak with earnest honesty! I once met a water spirit who was so entuned with the rain they knew when it would fall years in advance.” Or at least that’s what it had told him, Age of Weakness wasn’t far off from gullible. The brief flicker of bittersweet in Wayne’s smile disquieted Age of Weakness, he couldn’t decipher the expression, but he knew he’d felt the feeling before when thinking of his mountain home. Aaah, how he missed the deafening hum of his brothers at work, he could almost hear it now, ringing in his memory. Maybe a bell was just going off in the school somewhere. He was brought back to the present by Wayne promising to live up to Omen King’s expectations, forgetting what had distracted him in the first place, he had no reason to not trust the boy. Knowing Age of Weakness, he’d still have faith in Wayne even if he’d stolen the stale gummy bears out of one of his many pockets right then and there, he’d been caring those little guys around for weeks now!

Omen King had watched Wayne display his power devotedly, tantalized by the idea of having soda skin- and impressed at the speed in which his peer was able to take on the qualities of the drink. It made him wish he could have fizzy flesh. Age of Weakness placed a hand on his arm while trying to think of what it must feel like. Endlessly impressed and amused, Omen King responded with clapping hands, which were slower than he would’ve liked them to be, but it was hard to clap fervently while being watched. “Oh my, I have never seen anything like it in all my days, I will remember this always.” His myriad voices sang jovially,” I do enjoy party tricks, oh! I can do this- hold on one moment, yes.” The Entity stepped down from the seat he was standing on and turned to face the closest wall, walking back from it a short distance,” I can show you something from my journey through life!" At this a thin ray of light appeared from the front of his weird egg head, landing upon the wall like a projector, a great expanse of sand could be seen, a teal sky with no clouds, little dark figures moving across the horizon. The colors were muted, no doubt the result of being transmitted via head-illusion. Omen King thought showing a memory from his distant mountain would have pleased his friend more, but he didn’t want to make himself sad. “The sand glistened like the countless stars when the moon shone upon it.” The being said as the image faded away from the wall. “I fear my skill is not nearly as exciting.” He said with shyness as he turned back to Wayne, laughing nervously. He was still thinking about the sound the drink had made, it had been such fun!
I needed to draw this good water boy. I didn't make him watery enough though lol
Alana yawned as she walked through the halls as she made her way to the haven dorm room. Alana was normally a shy but friendly girl to most people that she meet . But being a dragon or even In her half dragon form she still gets a short temper sometimes. She looked around the hallways amazed at the beautiful school house and amazed at how big it was compared to her old tiny school .

Soon she made it to the dorm then she knocked on the door with her tail as her arms were full with books and her laptop , which she was trying to not let it fall on the ground and break before she got inside the dorm.

( anyone?)
Greed Mcknob

Greed really wasn't sure what to think of this giant green person, because of her height, he though she looked scary specially when it looked like she was making some type of facial expression. One minute it was like she apologizing than her face became terrifying, making him want to run away like he did with that terrifying creature he had the displeasure of meeting, but no, he stood his ground before smile. "Aye oi'm not a tiny 'uman, so don't go callin' me wan again." He said to her with a glare, he really didn't like being compare to a human, after all, he was a leprechaun, the luckiest of them all. "Den again, it wus me fault for not lookin', oi mean who cud miss someone dat tall unless they ain't payin' attenshun ter their surroundin'." I mean honestly, she was so tall that it would have been obvious that someone was standing there even if you where walking, even someone as tall as him could had been able to see it but then again, he hadn't been paying attention to his surrounding. "Is mise Greed Mcknob, de luckiest av dem al', pleasure ter meet yer." He introduced himself with a bow.
Interacting: Atourr okmelonn okmelonn
Alana yawned as she walked through the halls as she made her way to the haven dorm room. Alana was normally a shy but friendly girl to most people that she meet . But being a dragon or even In her half dragon form she still gets a short temper sometimes. She looked around the hallways amazed at the beautiful school house and amazed at how big it was compared to her old tiny school .

Soon she made it to the dorm then she knocked on the door with her tail as her arms were full with books and her laptop , which she was trying to not let it fall on the ground and break before she got inside the dorm.

( anyone?)
Trinity slithered behind Alana quickly, poking her back with the tip of her tail. "Need s-some help?" Reaching down and opening the door for her. "Is this Haven?" Her voice quiet and soft. She started getting nervous, blushing as she shrunk her size down and coiled up on her backpack shaking.
Tsutarji Tsutarji
Alana gasped when she was poked then she noticed Trinity " oh yes I believe this is haven " she said before she bent down " I'm Alana what's your name " she asked before she put down her stuff inside the room. She then went back outside to bring Trinity in the room " where's your bed " she asked

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"I usually just sleep on a pillow, it makes the room feel bigger" laughing nervously as she was picked up. "I dont take up much space so I can sleep anywhere as long as it is warm" slithering up Alana's arm and curling around her neck. "I'm trinity what is your name?"
Tsutarji Tsutarji
Alana blushes as Trinity wrapped lightly around her neck then she smiled " I'm Alana ...so can you get big and small ..." She asked shyly " I'm very warm ...I'm a fire dragon " she said quietly. before she gently pet her tail

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

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