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Fandom The United States Pokemon Region- A Possible multi-Crossover...

Lois Foutley

The woman stood there and watched as everyone went about their business and it seemed none were stopping to notice her. She didn't think of it much as noone even knew that she was there. So... it wasn't as though she was being ignored by them. But for some reason... she felt as if she had to follow them. She didn't know any of them... But there was one she recognized... She spotted Macie and was seeking to say something... however... for the time being... decided it be best if she were to just not say anything at that time.

She got back into her car and sat inside waiting to see what happened next. There were a lot of different people. But she didn't feel the place to speak. So... she remained quiet as she could and just watched.
Daisy stared at Wakka and Luzzu in surprise, hissing slightly before she realised she was doing it. "Sorry!" She stammered out, not sure who these people were and what they wanted.
Daisy stared at Wakka and Luzzu in surprise, hissing slightly before she realised she was doing it. "Sorry!" She stammered out, not sure who these people were and what they wanted.

Wakka: No worries, ya. it happens. First time seeing a guy like me. it happens. Nothing to worry about, ya.

Luzzu: I see that you're on a journey. Good... I trust that all's going well...

But it was only a minute later when...

Joanna Barlow (218).jpg
Joanna: *Looking at herself in the Mirror that she had brother hold up for her* That's perfect. I'm gonna look like this for a while. After what we just endured moments ago... i'm not in a normal mood.

Jordan Barlow.jpg
Jordan: It's okay, sis. I don't blame you. It's not easy going through with having to face the sole ones responsible for our parents death. I want at those two evil creeps too. I do. but don't worry. We'll get them. We'll get them.

Wakka: *Walking over to the group* Heya kiddos... What's going on, eh?

Joanna: *Pauses to suddenly look at who's approaching* Wha- Wakka?! Luzzu?!

Macie Melody Lightfoot (30).jpg
Macie: *Gasps* What're they doing here? They were still in Metropolis... Doing some work at the Leslie Burke Blitzball stadium the last we'd seen them. What could bring them out here? Macie Melody Lightfoot (43).jpg *Looking at Joanna* Do Leslie and her wife... Blossom know they're here?

Joanna: *Shrugs* beats me, Mace. I really can't say. I'd like for us to be one to say one way or another... But that i couldn't tell...

Luzzu: Macie, that will be quite enough of that. Even though... Wakka and I do appreciate your candor and concern. Wakka and I are on a personal operation to gain intel on an evil team of Pokemon desperados... The Organization known as Team Ultra. We're here to ensure that you and your group don't face a untimely fate by their hands.

Zod Gyllenhall 3.jpg
Zod: Wait... how is it that you know of them?

Wakka: What... You find it hard to believe, eh?

Zod: Well... yeah. We do. No offense. But we don't know how you and... Luzzu would already know about it.

Luzzu: We know about it because 1016Smallville1292.jpgMrs. Mercer... Tess Mercer pulled up the images and Satellite feed from the Orbiter and gathered this intel. It's troubling.

Frank: What were you able to find out?

Luzzu: *Pulling out a file and Showing the picture off* This...

Luzzu: The one in the center is known as Phantom Red. The Phantom Elite. one step lower than the head of the organization. The Admins of the Entire Team Ultra. The higher up members. Class A. They turn out to run by a certain Hierarchy all their own. The Intel shows the level of how they run from the top to the very bottom of the food chain in their organization. Which is almost the same as the normal corps. Like Team Magma and Aqua for that matter. They had their heads... the Elite members who were higher up and top dogs. Enforcers to what the Head commanded. Then the Top Grunts... who were lower than but in a higher rank and category than the bottom. The typical grunts. The Peons. Team Ultra turns out to follow the same protocol. But with this team... it's more vicious. and they're ruthless.

Luzzu then laid down the chains of the entire command...

Mr. Stein: The leader of Team Ultra... you can have them know about him or not.. but he IS the leader. He gives the orders and they follow them.

Phantom Elite: These you could consider the 'admins' of the group. But they're not entirely 'leaders'. They follow orders just like any of the grunts.. just they're the 'ones that gets things done'. However, they are put in 'leadership' postions, like field leaders...they tell the grunts what to do and they have to listen. But they don't really have any say in what missions are being pulled. They just make sure it gets done... Other times they might be put in charge of a group of grunts as they work to get a mission done... or they're not even in the mission at all as it's just grunts.

Top Grunts: No actual name. But these are the top of the normal grunts. Their in ranks of Corporal, General, Officer, Lieutenant, Field foreman. Top worker bees.

Then you have...

The Peons...

The Grunts: They're seen as the lower workers. They don't have any leadership rights. They just move in where they need to be and initiate the work that is in need of being done.

Each of the Phantom Elite Members specializes in a single type... This is based on the pokemon they've seen get use in different missions they've seen done in the past prior.

Red: Fire types

Blue: Ice Types

Black: Dark Types

Pink: Ghost Types

Yellow: Steel types.

Watchtower captured their activity over the last month and it's for the last week picked up. They've been reported being seen at the residence of the Mercers... The parents to the Singing Prodigy Ridge and his sister Gaby Mercer. The parents were abducted but things were left intact. No signs of a possible struggle. But they were clearly after something. Not sure as to what... but it was worth holding the parents for ransom. Alot of it may come to be bad intel... however... it's what we managed to get. From the details that came... it's deeply troubling.

Ridge: So... it's true... They were really taken.

Luzzu: Yes.

Gaby: Are our mom and dad still alive?

Luzzu: As far as we know... Intel detects that they still live. But as for how long... we don't know. But if they're as brutal and Vicious as it's believed... They won't be left alive. They'll meet the same fate as The Barlows.

Blueberry: *Gasps* Oh my... that's depressing.

Wakka: It worries you a lot, ya?

Blueberry: Yeah.

Luzzu: *Realizing something* Oh... Macie... before Wakka and I made way out and left the city... someone approached us... Someone named Thora Lightfoot. She gave us these two Pokeballs and said that they were for you. That you'd have good use for them. It's a Magnemite and Illumise.

Luzzu then handed the two pokeballs to Macie.

Wakka: *Suddenly noticing Maya* Whoa... who's that?

(The details and Ideas can be cultivated as one sees it. What direction will this go in... you decide)

JCKane JCKane MasterRed MasterRed Z zninjsu Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
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Kelani Aneko
It was quiet at the lake after the others had gone, much to Kelani's relief. Even that stranger had gone off like a loon with people she didn't know to rush into something that could get their Pokemon injured or themselves killed. She was surprised though when her cellphone began ringing. Not expecting it to suddenly go off, Kelani jumped and rummaged through her bag a couple moments later to pull out her cell phone. Seeing "Skull" pop up on her phone, the child brightened up and answered. "Sheik, hi!" she said into the phone, her brother's chuckle emitting from the other end. "Where are you? Are you okay?" She bit her lip, worried for her brother.

Sheik Medwinter
It only took Kelani a few minutes to pick up the phone, the teenager chuckling at his sister's excited and happy tone. "Hello to you as well. I'm fine and safe, don't worry about me," Sheik said.

"Feraligatr!" Feraligatr chimed in.

"Feraligatr says hello," said Sheik. "I have a break for the moment so decided to call you and check to see how you're fairing in Wellington. Are you still at the Pokemon Center?"

He listened as his sister told him that she had gone to a lake and Popplio was currently swimming in it but she hated how the water wasn't as blue as it was in Hawaii. The teenager moved Furret to the side and stretched out on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as he relaxed since the first time arriving at Team Ultra's HQ. "A lake?" he questioned. "What exactly are you doing at this lake?" His tone took on a note of anger. "Who were you with?"

At the lake, Kelani noted Sheik hadn't said anything about where he was but she did smile at hearing Feraligatr in the background. Of course she knew of her brother's partner. "Hi Feraligatr," she called into the phone before her brother began questioning about why she was not at the Pokemon Center where he had left her. "I ended up come across some people..." she said, a sudden silence filling the other end of the phone. Unknowingly her brother had sat up in his bed, sending Furret flying off where she'd curled up on her master's stomach. "I came across some people after you left and they invited me to go fishing....Popplio took it as a chance to swim instead of fish. But then they left and I'm the only one here with my Pokemon at the lake because they wanted to go investigate something with a big avian Pokemon you told me was a Fearow."
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Kelani Aneko
It was quiet at the lake after the others had gone, much to Kelani's relief. Even that stranger had gone off like a loon with people she didn't know to rush into something that could get their Pokemon injured or themselves killed. She was surprised though when her cellphone began ringing. Not expecting it to suddenly go off, Kelani jumped and rummaged through her bag a couple moments later to pull out her cell phone. Seeing "Skull" pop up on her phone, the child brightened up and answered. "Sheik, hi!" she said into the phone, her brother's chuckle emitting from the other end. "Where are you? Are you okay?" She bit her lip, worried for her brother.

Sheik Medwinter
It only took Kelani a few minutes to pick up the phone, the teenager chuckling at his sister's excited and happy tone. "Hello to you as well. I'm fine and safe, don't worry about me," Sheik said.

"Feraligatr!" Feraligatr chimed in.

"Feraligatr says hello," said Sheik. "I have a break for the moment so decided to call you and check to see how you're fairing in Wellington. Are you still at the Pokemon Center?"

He listened as his sister told him that she had gone to a lake and Popplio was currently swimming in it but she hated how the water wasn't as blue as it was in Hawaii. The teenager moved Furret to the side and stretched out on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as he relaxed since the first time arriving at Team Ultra's HQ. "A lake?" he questioned. "What exactly are you doing at this lake?" His tone took on a note of anger. "Who were you with?"

At the lake, Kelani noted Sheik hadn't said anything about where he was but she did smile at hearing Feraligatr in the background. Of course she knew of her brother's partner. "Hi Feraligatr," she called into the phone before her brother began questioning about why she was not at the Pokemon Center where he had left her. "I ended up come across some people..." she said, a sudden silence filling the other end of the phone. Unknowingly her brother had sat up in his bed, sending Furret flying off where she'd curled up on her master's stomach. "I came across some people after you left and they invited me to go fishing....Popplio took it as a chance to swim instead of fish. But then they left and I'm the only one here with my Pokemon at the lake because they wanted to go investigate something with a big avian Pokemon you told me was a Fearow."

Back at where the group was and at the very end of town Ridge was looking at the entire group and making sure that everyone was there and it was Joanna who was checking up on the items... Making sure that everything was put away and set to go...

Ridge: *Thinking* Wait. Where's Kelani?

Macie: I don't know. Where did she go... wasn't she right behind us?

Zod: We didn't leave her behind at the lake... did we?

Jordan: I think that she stayed behind as she sensed that we were gonna get clobbered and she didn't want to watch that. Ridge... You go ahead and go get her. *Letting out his Snorunt* Snorunt shall accompany along. He needs to stretch his arms and legs out anyway.

Ridge: *Nods* You got it. Thanks, Jordan.

It was then that Ridge made his way over to the lake... where they last saw Kelani.
Time was pressing forward and during that time...

10-15 trainers approached him and bought things. It made O'aka at least a good 200 bucks combined with the things that each trainer that came... purchasing. It was not a huge turnout... but there was at least some business.

A Moment later...

O'aka: I believe that there be time to start closing shop and head onwards... *Looking at Jenny* Where will you go? Any ideas?

"Well I'm going to be seeing if theres any unique ingrediants in this town" she replied
Kelani Aneko
Again there was silence on her brother's end as she spoke to him but she frowned as her brother finally piped up. "What people were they?"

"I don't know...older people. One had a Fearow that you showed me and led a few...maybe half a dozen people...away. I don't know why they invited me but one of them wanted to be my friend."

"Kelani you cannot trust random strangers," said Sheik in annoyance. "Stay away from the person with the Fearow at least. If these people are rushing into trouble then they're the kind of people that will attract trouble and I can't always be there to save your neck. Did you get your Pokemon checked out?"

Kelani nodded though Sheik couldn't see it. "Yes and they're fine. Always take care of your Pokemon before yourself." She repeated the words in a somewhat mocking tone of her brother that he had repeatedly reiteriated to her, as had her mother after giving her Popplio.

"Exactly," said Sheikh with a laugh. "Promise me you will not hang out with people who rush blindly into trouble and danger."

Kelani was about to say something when she heard footsteps and rose to her feet, calling out Litten. Popplio emerged from the water and landed on her tail before moving forward to stand alongside the male Fire Cat. Popplio looked to her companion and uttered her name as the footsteps grew louder. "Kelani!"

Kelani turned her attentions back to her phone and apologized for her lapse in awareness. "Sorry," she said. "I thought I heard something but Litten and Popplio are out of their pokeballs. I'm not stupid enough to go looking for trouble."

"That I know is true," spoke Sheik. "However, there are people who will take advantage of you for their own gain and I don't want to see you get hurt. "
Kelani Aneko
Again there was silence on her brother's end as she spoke to him but she frowned as her brother finally piped up. "What people were they?"

"I don't know...older people. One had a Fearow that you showed me and led a few...maybe half a dozen people...away. I don't know why they invited me but one of them wanted to be my friend."

"Kelani you cannot trust random strangers," said Sheik in annoyance. "Stay away from the person with the Fearow at least. If these people are rushing into trouble then they're the kind of people that will attract trouble and I can't always be there to save your neck. Did you get your Pokemon checked out?"

Kelani nodded though Sheik couldn't see it. "Yes and they're fine. Always take care of your Pokemon before yourself." She repeated the words in a somewhat mocking tone of her brother that he had repeatedly reiteriated to her, as had her mother after giving her Popplio.

"Exactly," said Sheikh with a laugh. "Promise me you will not hang out with people who rush blindly into trouble and danger."

Kelani was about to say something when she heard footsteps and rose to her feet, calling out Litten. Popplio emerged from the water and landed on her tail before moving forward to stand alongside the male Fire Cat. Popplio looked to her companion and uttered her name as the footsteps grew louder. "Kelani!"

Kelani turned her attentions back to her phone and apologized for her lapse in awareness. "Sorry," she said. "I thought I heard something but Litten and Popplio are out of their pokeballs. I'm not stupid enough to go looking for trouble."

"That I know is true," spoke Sheik. "However, there are people who will take advantage of you for their own gain and I don't want to see you get hurt. "

It was a moment later when Ridge came into view from the side and saw Kelani on the phone. He didn't approach her as he didn't want to spook her. He waited till she was done and motioned for Jordan's Snorunt... which had accompanied him to follow suit and wait just as well.

As he was in the process of hopefully bringing Kelani back to the group...

Back over where the group was...

They were all waiting and going over some maps. Deciding on the path which to take to get to the next town and figuratively saw only one way there from where they were now...
Kelani Aneko
Kelani finished her phone call with Sheik and turned her phone off before putting it in her backpack. As she looked up again, she was startled to see a Snorut and Ridge coming towards her, the girl frowning as he approached. This sounded like the kind of person that her brother didn't want her hanging out with. Her mother had said before she left that if she wasn't happy on the journey or not feeling comfortable with someone that she could come home to Hawaii and remain there. However, she wasn't sure what to think about her brother's...warning was the only thing she could think of...as if he knew something that she didn't. Or maybe he was just being protective of her like always.
Kelani Aneko
Kelani finished her phone call with Sheik and turned her phone off before putting it in her backpack. As she looked up again, she was startled to see a Snorut and Ridge coming towards her, the girl frowning as he approached. This sounded like the kind of person that her brother didn't want her hanging out with. Her mother had said before she left that if she wasn't happy on the journey or not feeling comfortable with someone that she could come home to Hawaii and remain there. However, she wasn't sure what to think about her brother's...warning was the only thing she could think of...as if he knew something that she didn't. Or maybe he was just being protective of her like always.

Ridge Mercer (76).jpg
Ridge: Hey Kelani, I've come back to get you. We're all about to head off and make way to the next town. Gaby's gonna be needing a friend with her. And i already know that you're a good person for her. I just want to see my sister happy. As you are happy too. It's not gonna be safe here anymore as the bad guys will likely return and... I don't think... or the group doesn't think that you should be here alone. So... Why not come along with us. It's better to be with a group than be all by yourself.


Jordan's Snorunt squeaked in agreement... It even shot a playful blast of Ice towards her... as if saying: "Trust us. We protect anyone like as if they were one of our own."
Kelani Aneko
As Ridge appeared in front of her with the Snorut, he began speaking about the group leaving though Popplio and Litten remained on edge around the older male. She wasn't entirely sure what to think when he spoke of her being a good friend to Gaby though the other girl might be nice, Kelani didn't know the other well enough to make the assumption that they would be friends. "I don't know. My brother and mother wouldn't be happy with me going with people who go up against bad people and seemingly look for trouble," she said. She frowned to herself. "My brother doesn't want me going near any Fearow or trainers with Fearow either." She shrugged at her last words. She assumed it was because of her brother's Salemence being attacked by Fearow when it was a Bagon.
Kelani Aneko
As Ridge appeared in front of her with the Snorut, he began speaking about the group leaving though Popplio and Litten remained on edge around the older male. She wasn't entirely sure what to think when he spoke of her being a good friend to Gaby though the other girl might be nice, Kelani didn't know the other well enough to make the assumption that they would be friends. "I don't know. My brother and mother wouldn't be happy with me going with people who go up against bad people and seemingly look for trouble," she said. She frowned to herself. "My brother doesn't want me going near any Fearow or trainers with Fearow either." She shrugged at her last words. She assumed it was because of her brother's Salemence being attacked by Fearow when it was a Bagon.

Ridge: He's worried about that? That's nothing. Jessie's fearow wouldn't attack anyone unless threatened. But he pretty tame. You're already a friend to us. My sister likes you. She feels good having a friend around her. Plus... There are some things about being alone... which don't sound so good. Maybe even dangerous. We'll protect you though. We're very protective around one another. *Grins with a smile*

Jordan's Snorunt Smiled and circled Kelani... It liked her and felt trust around her....
Kelani Aneko
Does everybody just think you're an automatic friend when they pop out of nowhere and convince you to come along with them? Kelani wasn't so sure. "Yes," she said after thinking. She listened as Ridge explained about the Fearow and that it was tame. She was not too sure that this information could be trusted. "You protect your own but yet you all went off like fools to investigate something that could have got your Pokemon hurt or killed," she admonished. "That doesn't sound very smart to me." She really couldn't help how she was sounding, everything she'd learned in school and her mother's own raising of her had said don't go into trouble and don't look for trouble, to leave if there was trouble.

As the Snorut moved around her, Popplio made a bubble at it. Litten just let out a merow sound and engage the Snorut as it flew around his trainer's head. Still, Kelani made no point of moving at all to go with Ridge as she continued thinking things over. She wasn't really alone. She had her Pokemon with her. Maybe he was talking about human company? She looked down at Litten and then at Popplio. Neither gave her any insight or opinion into whether to travel with this stranger and his friends or not and she didn't want to bother her brother when she wasn't sure how long he would have free. She wasn't even really sure what her brother did, only that he had said he'd be participating in any contests that came up and the gym league. Maybe he would appreciate her cheering him on and maybe she might learn something from watching her brother battle for a badge? It was worth a shot and if he was at the gyms then she could talk to him in person instead of over the phone. "Very well. I suppose I can try it and leave if it doesn't appeal to me," she said after thinking things over. Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow
Kelani Aneko
Does everybody just think you're an automatic friend when they pop out of nowhere and convince you to come along with them? Kelani wasn't so sure. "Yes," she said after thinking. She listened as Ridge explained about the Fearow and that it was tame. She was not too sure that this information could be trusted. "You protect your own but yet you all went off like fools to investigate something that could have got your Pokemon hurt or killed," she admonished. "That doesn't sound very smart to me." She really couldn't help how she was sounding, everything she'd learned in school and her mother's own raising of her had said don't go into trouble and don't look for trouble, to leave if there was trouble.

As the Snorut moved around her, Popplio made a bubble at it. Litten just let out a merow sound and engage the Snorut as it flew around his trainer's head. Still, Kelani made no point of moving at all to go with Ridge as she continued thinking things over. She wasn't really alone. She had her Pokemon with her. Maybe he was talking about human company? She looked down at Litten and then at Popplio. Neither gave her any insight or opinion into whether to travel with this stranger and his friends or not and she didn't want to bother her brother when she wasn't sure how long he would have free. She wasn't even really sure what her brother did, only that he had said he'd be participating in any contests that came up and the gym league. Maybe he would appreciate her cheering him on and maybe she might learn something from watching her brother battle for a badge? It was worth a shot and if he was at the gyms then she could talk to him in person instead of over the phone. "Very well. I suppose I can try it and leave if it doesn't appeal to me," she said after thinking things over. Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow

Ridge Mercer (57).jpg
Ridge: You'll be fine. Really. You got your pokemon with you. Surely they'd be there with you to protect you from harm... Just as well as we would. Gaby... She'd be there for you. It'd be okay. And i get it... your brother is protective of you. I know what it's like. I'm the same way with my sister. And now with that evil team having her and my mom and dad captive... Possibly killing them. I'm deeply protective of her. And i know you're okay. That my sister was okay around you. If she wasn't... we wouldn't be coming back for you. but the team all feel trusting towards you. I do too. *Nods*

Ridge started to make on back towards where the others were... Seeing that time was fleeting and some road was needed to be hit for traveling.
View attachment 410400
Wakka: No worries, ya. it happens. First time seeing a guy like me. it happens. Nothing to worry about, ya.

View attachment 410401
Luzzu: I see that you're on a journey. Good... I trust that all's going well...

But it was only a minute later when...

View attachment 410403
Joanna: *Looking at herself in the Mirror that she had brother hold up for her* That's perfect. I'm gonna look like this for a while. After what we just endured moments ago... i'm not in a normal mood.

View attachment 410404
Jordan: It's okay, sis. I don't blame you. It's not easy going through with having to face the sole ones responsible for our parents death. I want at those two evil creeps too. I do. but don't worry. We'll get them. We'll get them.

Wakka: *Walking over to the group* Heya kiddos... What's going on, eh?

Joanna: *Pauses to suddenly look at who's approaching* Wha- Wakka?! Luzzu?!

View attachment 410405
Macie: *Gasps* What're they doing here? They were still in Metropolis... Doing some work at the Leslie Burke Blitzball stadium the last we'd seen them. What could bring them out here? View attachment 410406 *Looking at Joanna* Do Leslie and her wife... Blossom know they're here?

Joanna: *Shrugs* beats me, Mace. I really can't say. I'd like for us to be one to say one way or another... But that i couldn't tell...

View attachment 410407
Luzzu: Macie, that will be quite enough of that. Even though... Wakka and I do appreciate your candor and concern. Wakka and I are on a personal operation to gain intel on an evil team of Pokemon desperados... The Organization known as Team Ultra. We're here to ensure that you and your group don't face a untimely fate by their hands.

View attachment 410408
Zod: Wait... how is it that you know of them?

Wakka: What... You find it hard to believe, eh?

Zod: Well... yeah. We do. No offense. But we don't know how you and... Luzzu would already know about it.

Luzzu: We know about it because View attachment 410410Mrs. Mercer... Tess Mercer pulled up the images and Satellite feed from the Orbiter and gathered this intel. It's troubling.

Frank: What were you able to find out?

Luzzu: *Pulling out a file and Showing the picture off* This...

Luzzu: The one in the center is known as Phantom Red. They're the Elite of the team. The higher up members. Class A. With a arsenal of 300 pokemon. All ranging from fire to Dragon. The Leader... Phantom Red... He's the head of their flock. The mastermind of all operations. The others all follow suit on his command and they work as a single unit. When Red gives the command... they execute. Watchtower captured their activity over the last month and it's for the last week picked up. They've been reported being seen at the residence of the Mercers... The parents to the Singing Prodigy Ridge and his sister Gaby Mercer. The parents were abducted but things were left intact. No signs of a possible struggle. But they were clearly after something. Not sure as to what... but it was worth holding the parents for ransom.

Ridge: So... it's true... They were really taken.

Luzzu: Yes.

Gaby: Are our mom and dad still alive?

Luzzu: As far as we know... Intel detects that they still live. But as for how long... we don't know. But if they're as brutal and Vicious as it's believed... They won't be left alive. They'll meet the same fate as The Barlows.

Blueberry: *Gasps* Oh my... that's depressing.

Wakka: It worries you a lot, ya?

Blueberry: Yeah.

Luzzu: *Realizing something* Oh... Macie... before Wakka and I made way out and left the city... someone approached us... Someone named Thora Lightfoot. She gave us these two Pokeballs and said that they were for you. That you'd have good use for them. It's a Magnemite and Illumise.

Luzzu then handed the two pokeballs to Macie.

Wakka: *Suddenly noticing Maya* Whoa... who's that?

(The details and Ideas can be cultivated as one sees it. What direction will this go in... you decide)

JCKane JCKane MasterRed MasterRed Z zninjsu Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
Maya was torn away from the confusion of the Zoroak/Ho-oh illusion as the new set of people came up. They seemed to be some kind of police officers or maybe work for some security? They did mention the champion and her wife after all. SO maybe they worked for them?

Suddenly, one of them brought her up. She was a bit glad they didn't seem to know who she was exactly.

"... I'm Maya," Maya said not bothering with her last name again, "I uh... who are you guys?"
Maya was torn away from the confusion of the Zoroak/Ho-oh illusion as the new set of people came up. They seemed to be some kind of police officers or maybe work for some security? They did mention the champion and her wife after all. SO maybe they worked for them?

Suddenly, one of them brought her up. She was a bit glad they didn't seem to know who she was exactly.

"... I'm Maya," Maya said not bothering with her last name again, "I uh... who are you guys?"

Wakka: *Raising a fist in salutation* It's a pleasure to see a new face around, Maya. *Walking over to shake hands with her* I'm Wakka. Coach and Captain of the Metropolis Blitzers from the Leslie Burke Blitzball Stadium, Bruddah!

Luzzu: *Walking over and shaking Maya's hand* I'm Luzzu... Captain of the guards and head security of the Blitzball stadium. It's a nice surprise to be meeting you. We haven't heard about you... But from the looks of things... You appear to have a highly spectacle reputation to live up to.

Wakka: That's some heavy weight on you, ya? How are you pulling it off?

Jordan Barlow.jpg
Jordan: Ooooh... she has her ways. We've been well to see that. She's crafty.

Joanna: Plus... She's a good friend to us. She sees herself as a constant danger... to us. But us... we don't see her that way. She's got her issues. But hell... who doesn't? We all got our issues. Some more severe than the others.

Macie Melody Lightfoot (51).jpg
Macie: Of course... it's rather biased. Even if it's because we're having to see it up close.
View attachment 410566
Wakka: *Raising a fist in salutation* It's a pleasure to see a new face around, Maya. *Walking over to shake hands with her* I'm Wakka. Coach and Captain of the Metropolis Blitzers from the Leslie Burke Blitzball Stadium, Bruddah!

Luzzu: *Walking over and shaking Maya's hand* I'm Luzzu... Captain of the guards and head security of the Blitzball stadium. It's a nice surprise to be meeting you. We haven't heard about you... But from the looks of things... You appear to have a highly spectacle reputation to live up to.

Wakka: That's some heavy weight on you, ya? How are you pulling it off?

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Jordan: Ooooh... she has her ways. We've been well to see that. She's crafty.

Joanna: Plus... She's a good friend to us. She sees herself as a constant danger... to us. But us... we don't see her that way. She's got her issues. But hell... who doesn't? We all got our issues. Some more severe than the others.

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Macie: Of course... it's rather biased. Even if it's because we're having to see it up close.
Heavey weight on her...

"So... you know who I am?" Maya asked.
Heavey weight on her...

"So... you know who I am?" Maya asked.

Wakka: Not necessarily... But there's been talks in Metropolis about you. You being a young famous girl. Out training. That's got some major clout behind you.

Luzzu: How did you and these guys run into each other?
Wakka: Not necessarily... But there's been talks in Metropolis about you. You being a young famous girl. Out training. That's got some major clout behind you.

Luzzu: How did you and these guys run into each other?
Seems they did know who she was. At least what the news has said about her... she didn't think she was 'famous' exactly, the news usually left her alone.

"I uh..." Maya said thinking back, "... I was giving chase to three men from... Team Ultra, after they stole a pokemon from Prof. Queen. Dragon got hit and I was knocked off.. he... saved me but it was too late as we crashed. That's when I met those guys..."
Kelani Aneko
Kelani recalled Popplio and Litten before picking up her bag, dropping the two pokeballs in it and following the older person.

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