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Fandom The United States Pokemon Region- A Possible multi-Crossover...

Lois Foutley
The tall woman walked over to the side and looked upon the group and at the battle that was going on... She stood and kept a eye on what was happening. She managed to see a couple of guys commanding some blue bulging dragon. Not even sure if she was seeing it clearly.

"*To herself* Get a hold of yourself there, Lois. No way are you seeing this. It isn't happening. You're dreaming... that's what it is... You're dreaming."

She was standing in shock. Unable to believe her eyes. Not even sure if she was just hallucinating or if she was seeing... a blue dragon.
"What makes you say that? Is it because I'm famous?" She asked

O'aka: Being famous is only an added bonus. But nothing of the reason for O'aka to be choosing you. Not the major reason that is... But i choose you because i am no fool for a Merchant. I know a find when i see it. You're it, Lass. You are the right one that would work greatly with the likes of good ole O'aka. *Looking at the trainers walking along; seeing a couple making off as though they're about to stop and check his booth out* Jenny, You're one of the best... At least from what i had seen thus far in my travels to do business wherever i can. I can't begin to wonder where there'd be another quite like you. You're it.
When Dragon came out of his pokeball, he was mad. He turned around and glared at Maya, obviously he didn't like that he was called out of the battle earlier. But then the Stone Edge was called out, the sharp jagged stones being pulled from the earth and shot towards Dragon. Maya actually flinched slightly from Dragon's glare but regained her composure. As Dragon was already up and taking flight towards Salamence.

"Brick Break!" Maya called out, but the charizard ignored the order dashing towards the Salamence in a blinding fury. The first stone hit him causing damage but some how it only was making his rage that much more as it continued it's flight path towards Salamence. The Stones continued their strikes, being controlled by the Salamence. But Dragon raged on, Even smashing head on into some of the stones, but it wasn't slowing him down, only increasing it's rage.

Maya wasn't sure what to do, Dragon was ignoring her again but then realized what was going on... each hit by the stone edge, it was doing damage, but Dragon was getting stronger with each hit...

"... He's using Rage..." Maya said as the realization came to her then she realized what she could do to end this battle, assuming Dragon would listen to her command this time. So Maya waited for Dragon to finally close the gap, ready to launch an attack, he was beaten and brushed but he wasn't done. So Maya called the attack, with the close range, super effective typing, the power of the move, and with Rage increasing Dragon's attack stat for each time he was hit... there was no way Salamence would stand survive.

"Outrage!" Maya called out.

Rather it was his original intentions, finally obeying, or some other reasoning. Dragon charged up the dragon energy inside of it's body as it came in close to Salemence, and hit the draconic energy into Salamence at point blank range.

Sheik Medwinter
Sheik watched as the Charizard took damage from the Stone Edge but kept going anyway. That is supposed to be 4 times the weakness, Rock-Type attacks, he thought to himself. He didn't pay attention to the fact that a couple other people had arrived at the scene as he was caught in the battle. As the Charizard hit his Salamence, Salamence cried out at Dragon-Type move hitting him. It was only a weakness of 2x but with the other attacks that Salamence had gotten after his Protect wore off, it served to cause the Pokemon to faint. JCKane JCKane
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Sheik Medwinter
Sheik watched as the Charizard took damage from the Stone Edge but kept going anyway. That is supposed to be 4 times the weakness, Rock-Type attacks, he thought to himself. He didn't pay attention to the fact that a couple other people had arrived at the scene as he was caught in the battle. As the Charizard hit his Salamence, Salamence cried out at Dragon-Type move hitting him. It was only a weakness of 2x but with the other attacks that Salamence had gotten after his Protect wore off, it served to cause the Pokemon to faint. Tsking to himself, he released Laparas as he recalled Salemence.

"Laparas," the Transport Pokemon said.

"Confuse Ray."

Laparas's eyes glowed purple and opened her mouth as she released purple beams that struck the Charizard due to its proximity to her, given she had landed in the same place that Salamence had been moments ago. If the attack was sucessful, her master would know it by the opponent's eyes glowing red and becoming confused. JCKane JCKane
But (so plz edit) as he was just about to call out Lapras, Red spoke.

"That's enough," He said, "The mission is over, we are to return to base."
O'aka: Being famous is only an added bonus. But nothing of the reason for O'aka to be choosing you. Not the major reason that is... But i choose you because i am no fool for a Merchant. I know a find when i see it. You're it, Lass. You are the right one that would work greatly with the likes of good ole O'aka. *Looking at the trainers walking along; seeing a couple making off as though they're about to stop and check his booth out* Jenny, You're one of the best... At least from what i had seen thus far in my travels to do business wherever i can. I can't begin to wonder where there'd be another quite like you. You're it.

"Maybe, we shall see" she replied
Sheik Medwinter
As he was about to release Laparas, Red spoke and said the mission was over. Sheik frowned at Red but only nodded and walked over to Salamence. "Return." Salemence was withdrawn into his pokeball and the teenager began walking off, there was no way he would be leading these brats back to where Ultra was and Salamence could use some rest. He could possibly use Alakazam to get them back to the base but he didn't want to reveal his Psychic Pokemon yet. He would use Alakazam once they were away from these other kids. JCKane JCKane
Sheik Medwinter
As he was about to release Laparas, Red spoke and said the mission was over. Sheik frowned at Red but only nodded and walked over to Salamence. "Return." Salemence was withdrawn into his pokeball and the teenager began walking off, there was no way he would be leading these brats back to where Ultra was and Salamence could use some rest. He could possibly use Alakazam to get them back to the base but he didn't want to reveal his Psychic Pokemon yet. He would use Alakazam once they were away from these other kids. JCKane JCKane
Phantom Red looked at the group. Including a few of the new incomers. Before she turned around she she held up her hand, some kind of sphere in it. She tossed it down as it exploded in a beautiful display of fire and colors... very artistic work.

During which time Red and Sheik were invisible from view. During this time Red walked over to Sheik and placed aa hand on his shoulder. Suddenly, they teleported off... the sensation might seem familiar to Sheik if he had just had his Alakazam use teleport. When it was done, they found themselves in the office of Mr. Stein. He was sitting at the desk as he looked up towards the two. When he spoke, he directed his question at Sheik.

"So," he asked, "How did it go?

---- Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow

Back with the others, they saw the beautiful fire explotion. When it cleared, Phantom Red and the other Team Ultra Member was gone. Dragon didn't look to happy but Maya quickly recalled him.

"What was that even all about?" Annabelle asked, "They just show up to challenge you to a one on one battle?"

Maya shrugged her shoulders. She had no idea why they'd care to battle her anyways. Not that she had anything they'd want...

"That was pretty insane," Kasey said running up to them, "You're Pokémon was all Roar! and his was all like, oh no! Then they just left like a Houndoor with it's tail tucked between it's legs!"

Maya shrugged slightly before turning to the girl who had showed up with the Drudregon... maybe she was part of the reason they left.

"Uh... thanks for the help," Maya said to the girl. MasterRed MasterRed
Sheik Medwinter
Sheik knew the sensation of teleportation, having had Alakazam practice with him so that the Psi Pokemon could teleport him and some simple things away if needed. However, he hadn't called out Alakazam and hadn't expected for the same feeling to hit him. When he opened his eyes, having shut them during the teleportation from Red touching his shoulder as far as he could tell, they were within Mr. Stein's office The man immediately asked how the mission had gone and he sighed. "The target's not dead and we didn't get her or her Pokemon," said Sheik. "The girl is also unable to control her Charizard, it repeatedly attacked without command and seems invulnerable to Stone Edge or other Rock-Type moves though they're 4x weak against Charizard." His face twisted into a scowl at that. "I didn't get a chance to try the Riolu it was pointed out that the girl had, others appeared before we got there though my Laparas managed to clip the Fearow's wing as it took off and partly froze it, not that it helped matters.

"Firing a Flamethrower at the girl's friend got her into the battle. However, due to unforeseen circumstances on my part, others appeared and began attacking." Sheik's tone became filled with annoyance at himself for not succeeding in the mission and irritated at the fact that his battle had been interrupted repeatedly. He'd been enjoying himself and the battle as he tended to do when battling and doing contests...and those had mostly been among his friends and a local contest back home that he'd entered and come in second place. It was got him into contests in the first place. "...And I need to get myself an all Electric-Type Pokemon," he mused as his mind went to the Fearow. Finishing his overall summary of the event, Sheik waited for Mr. Stein to say something or decide a course of action. JCKane JCKane
Sheik Medwinter
Sheik knew the sensation of teleportation, having had Alakazam practice with him so that the Psi Pokemon could teleport him and some simple things away if needed. However, he hadn't called out Alakazam and hadn't expected for the same feeling to hit him. When he opened his eyes, having shut them during the teleportation from Red touching his shoulder as far as he could tell, they were within Mr. Stein's office The man immediately asked how the mission had gone and he sighed. "The target's not dead and we didn't get her or her Pokemon," said Sheik. "The girl is also unable to control her Charizard, it repeatedly attacked without command and seems invulnerable to Stone Edge or other Rock-Type moves though they're 4x weak against Charizard." His face twisted into a scowl at that. "I didn't get a chance to try the Riolu it was pointed out that the girl had, others appeared before we got there though my Laparas managed to clip the Fearow's wing as it took off and partly froze it, not that it helped matters.

"Firing a Flamethrower at the girl's friend got her into the battle. However, due to unforeseen circumstances on my part, others appeared and began attacking." Sheik's tone became filled with annoyance at himself for not succeeding in the mission and irritated at the fact that his battle had been interrupted repeatedly. He'd been enjoying himself and the battle as he tended to do when battling and doing contests...and those had mostly been among his friends and a local contest back home that he'd entered and come in second place. It was got him into contests in the first place. "...And I need to get myself an all Electric-Type Pokemon," he mused as his mind went to the Fearow. Finishing his overall summary of the event, Sheik waited for Mr. Stein to say something or decide a course of action. JCKane JCKane
"Very well," Stein said as he was listening to him recount the events of the mission. He glanced to Phantom Red who nods his hands to confirm what Sheik was saying. Stein paused as he began to think a moment before looking back to Sheik.

"You have done you're part well," Stein said before looking towards the ceiling in thought, "It would seem we underestimated those she was traveling with." He then glanced to Phantom Red, "Did you give them the ultimatum?"

Red nods, "It got them to back down," He replied, "But it seemed to fire them up more." There was that intrigue again from Red. But Stein didn't match his emotion.

"Very well then," Stein said, "Next time, we may need to try something else."

He paused again as he thought before looking at Stein.

"I'll be getting a full report from Phantom Red," Stein said, "But based on what I've seen thus far, you haven't failed. So you are dismissed."
Sheik Medwinter
He stood quietly as Mr. Stein spoke to him, not interrupting and allowing the man to think in silence. His eyes watched as Mr. Stein confirmed briefly with Red what he was saying, the superior going quiet for a bit before finally speaking again though it seemed, to Sheik, as if Mr. Stein were speaking to the ceiling which was odd or just himself. As he was told that he hadn't failed in his mission and that Red would be giving a full report later, he nodded. Upon being dismissed, Sheik saluted Mr. Stein as well as Red before making his way out of the man's office and down the corridors to the small infirmary that housed Pokemon and people. Depositing the pokeballs of Swinub, Salamence and Laparas with the Nurse Joy working with the organization, Sheik left and went to his room where he shut the door and released his Furret, Alakazam, and Feraligatr. "We've got some training to do and an Electric-Type to catch soon," said Sheik.




"But first...I'm checking on Kelani and making sure she's safe. I didn't see her at the battle but knowing her, she's likely to end up across those people sooner or later and I don't want her traveling with them. I'd hate having to attack my own half-sister and her Pokemon." His Pokemon nodded and he removed his outfit, retrieving his bag where it had been deposited in his room after leaving and changed into his regular clothes. Pulling out his cell phone, he dropped it on the bed and put his uniform up in the closet, tossing his bag back inside. Closing the door, he made his way back to his bed where Furret had snuggled up on the pillow. Stroking the Pokemon's head, he flipped through his short list of contacts until he came to Kelani and dialed the number.
The group stood there in a loss and unable to shake off what happened. They looked at one another before letting out a sigh.

Joanna Barlow (129).jpg
Joanna: *Looking down and to Jordan* Jordan, I don't know... if i can think about going on. Not like this...

Jordan Barlow.jpg
Jordan: Why's that?

Joanna: Because... our parents are dead. We just came face to face with their murderers... I should've gone at them and chased them. But... I just stood there. Frozen in grief. Jordan... How could i just stand there... They killed our parents. They have Ridge's parents.

Jordan: *Sighs* I know... i know.

Ridge Mercer (103).jpg
Ridge: *In devastation* ...

Gaby: *in tears* Mom... Dad. They're... they're gone.

Ridge: ...

Zoey Tina Rhapsody-Trent (137).jpg
Zoey: Who the hell were those assholes in masks?

Greg: i don't know. But Poor Ridge. He's being hurt by those brutes. Those evil men... are just awful...

Ken: Tenacious. Writhing in agony.

Paul: I really don't think this will be the last we see of them. They're gonna be back. You know that...Right?

Jeremiah: And the idea that they now know about the pokemon that Ridge's sister mentioned having. They're gonna plan on abducting her and Ridge... or both... for those pokemon. They're gonna want them. No doubt about it.

Frank Holden (69).jpg
Frank: *Looking at the others* We have a problem...

Zod Gyllenhall 3.jpg
Zod: What?

Frank: Those men came to infiltrate this town. They were seeking to conquer this town and yet there was nothing here for them to take. But then they see Maya and Annabelle. Without thinking twice they instigate an assault on them. Going at Maya. They hid under the guise of battling her... But they didn't want to battle. They were gonna kill her.

Zod: Kill her? Why?

Frank: because they see her as a threat. A threat to what they're after.

Zod: They even tried to destroy Dragon. It was like a game to them. They were enjoying it.

Macie Terrace 2.png
Macie T.: Then when it came out that they were behind the murder of Joanna and Jordan's parents... it was the knife through their hearts. Then gave an ultimatum of us all surrendering... unless we wanted something to happen to Ridge's parents. There was something dark about that. They were using the abduction as like some bargaining chip. Wanting more control.

Zod: What'll we do?

Frank: I don't know. But i do know that i don't like how this is looking.

It was then that they had to start healing up their pokemon and gather right on back up their stuff before doing anything else.
The group stood there in a loss and unable to shake off what happened. They looked at one another before letting out a sigh.

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Joanna: *Looking down and to Jordan* Jordan, I don't know... if i can think about going on. Not like this...

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Jordan: Why's that?

Joanna: Because... our parents are dead. We just came face to face with their murderers... I should've gone at them and chased them. But... I just stood there. Frozen in grief. Jordan... How could i just stand there... They killed our parents. They have Ridge's parents.

Jordan: *Sighs* I know... i know.

View attachment 410348
Ridge: *In devastation* ...

Gaby: *in tears* Mom... Dad. They're... they're gone.

Ridge: ...

View attachment 410350
Zoey: Who the hell were those assholes in masks?

Greg: i don't know. But Poor Ridge. He's being hurt by those brutes. Those evil men... are just awful...

Ken: Tenacious. Writhing in agony.

Paul: I really don't think this will be the last we see of them. They're gonna be back. You know that...Right?

Jeremiah: And the idea that they now know about the pokemon that Ridge's sister mentioned having. They're gonna plan on abducting her and Ridge... or both... for those pokemon. They're gonna want them. No doubt about it.

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Frank: *Looking at the others* We have a problem...

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Zod: What?

Frank: Those men came to infiltrate this town. They were seeking to conquer this town and yet there was nothing here for them to take. But then they see Maya and Annabelle. Without thinking twice they instigate an assault on them. Going at Maya. They hid under the guise of battling her... But they didn't want to battle. They were gonna kill her.

Zod: Kill her? Why?

Frank: because they see her as a threat. A threat to what they're after.

Zod: They even tried to destroy Dragon. It was like a game to them. They were enjoying it.

View attachment 410366
Macie T.: Then when it came out that they were behind the murder of Joanna and Jordan's parents... it was the knife through their hearts. Then gave an ultimatum of us all surrendering... unless we wanted something to happen to Ridge's parents. There was something dark about that. They were using the abduction as like some bargaining chip. Wanting more control.

Zod: What'll we do?

Frank: I don't know. But i do know that i don't like how this is looking.

It was then that they had to start healing up their pokemon and gather right on back up their stuff before doing anything else.
MasterRed MasterRed

Maya turned around from the girl with the Dudgegeon after thanking her. She had no idea if she was the cause of them leaving or what. But she took a few steps away, not really sure what to really do next. She listened as the others began to talk about the situation... she couldn't even imagine what Joanna and Jordan were going through... Same for Ridge and Gabby. Yet, with all their talk, she couldn't help but think that this was all her fault. What if her very choice to travel with those guys was the cause of all their trouble. It was tearing her up badly inside.

"...Come on Annabelle," Maya said, "We need to get far away from here... Maybe... Maybe we should just head back home... It's probably safer for everyone that way."

Annabelle looked at her. She could see her friend was hurting, yet she was charged with helping her in the journey she was taken.

"Give up?" Annabelle said, "But what about..."

"I DON'T Care about that any more," Maya interrupted Annabelle, tears flowing in her eyes, "I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me...Besides, they can just give Dragon to Britney... I'm sure she'd be able to train him just fine... she's not a failure like I am..."
Macie overheard Maya crying and felt terrible. She felt so bad about previously giving up on her and was all for just cutting Maya off from her life. But... now after hearing Maya wanting to just go home and give up... She couldn't bare it...

Macie Melody Lightfoot (60).jpg
Macie: *Emotionally exclaiming at Maya* Sweet mother of senses... Maya... Stop it! You're gonna wind up with a heart attack with all that crying. Stop it! *Walking over to Maya out of impulse and confronting her* You are giving up on everything because of us. It hurts us to know that you are giving up because of what could happen to us. But it's not you who's to blame. It's those bad awful men. It's their fault. Not yours. Those men are the ones to blame. They have no pity. No shame. You shouldn't feel like a failure because of that. It's them... they're the failures.

Macie was about to break down and yet couldn't bare the pain. She suddenly hugged Maya out of the impulse that she felt her pain and felt that they all were to blame...
Macie overheard Maya crying and felt terrible. She felt so bad about previously giving up on her and was all for just cutting Maya off from her life. But... now after hearing Maya wanting to just go home and give up... She couldn't bare it...

View attachment 410372
Macie: *Emotionally exclaiming at Maya* Sweet mother of senses... Maya... Stop it! You're gonna wind up with a heart attack with all that crying. Stop it! *Walking over to Maya out of impulse and confronting her* You are giving up on everything because of us. It hurts us to know that you are giving up because of what could happen to us. But it's not you who's to blame. It's those bad awful men. It's their fault. Not yours. Those men are the ones to blame. They have no pity. No shame. You shouldn't feel like a failure because of that. It's them... they're the failures.

Macie was about to break down and yet couldn't bare the pain. She suddenly hugged Maya out of the impulse that she felt her pain and felt that they all were to blame...
But Maya pulled away from the hug.

"You don't get it," Maya said, "If you guys are right... then me just being around you is hurting you. You saw how they used Ridge and his sister's parents card on you guys... They probably did that just to make sure they could do whatever they were after me for... which I don't even know... they could be trying to kill me... they could want to kidnap me and ransom me to my parents for all I know... Maybe even want my wristdex..."

"... if they wanted that wouldn't they of tried to battle me too?" Annabelle piped in and Maya just sighed.

"How should I know?" Maya said, "... I just.. I'm not cut out for this. I barely got Dragon to listen to me during that battle... had that girl not shown up... I might have lost... he had more pokemon after all..."

Maya didn't know what kinds of Pokémon he may have had but he did know he at least had a lapras and a swinub. Who knew what other Pokémon he had... not to mention what kinds of Pokémon Phantom Red had.
But Maya pulled away from the hug.

"You don't get it," Maya said, "If you guys are right... then me just being around you is hurting you. You saw how they used Ridge and his sister's parents card on you guys... They probably did that just to make sure they could do whatever they were after me for... which I don't even know... they could be trying to kill me... they could want to kidnap me and ransom me to my parents for all I know... Maybe even want my wristdex..."

"... if they wanted that wouldn't they of tried to battle me too?" Annabelle piped in and Maya just sighed.

"How should I know?" Maya said, "... I just.. I'm not cut out for this. I barely got Dragon to listen to me during that battle... had that girl not shown up... I might have lost... he had more pokemon after all..."

Maya didn't know what kinds of Pokémon he may have had but he did know he at least had a lapras and a swinub. Who knew what other Pokémon he had... not to mention what kinds of Pokémon Phantom Red had.

Joanna: *Shaking her head* You can't give up, Maya. Giving up is the worst thing you can do. Besides... haven't you guessed it by now... that you giving up is exactly what they're wanting. You give up... they win. You give up... You die. They will kill you whether you give up or not.

Jordan: It's not some idea to let the act of calling it quits just take over.

Jessie: You guys... There's more to all this... A lot more than this... There's something about the truth... Something that Maya once had said... which was before the so called battle or Standoff...

They all froze... They right then knew without a thought other than what they were seeing... There was more... They could tell.
Issac arrived to witness the last moments of the battle due to getting lost along the way, he was still unable to been seen due to Shade’s illusion but couldn’t feel like he shouldn’t do something about the devastated group before him. “Hey pal, what say you to giving these guys a bit of inspiration, ya know the boost we got about five years ago.” The Zoroark knodded as the two walked back a few feet out of view from the rest of the people there. When they stoped the illusion shrouding then dissipated as a new one took its place, one of a giant mostly red bird Pokemon with white and green tiped feathers that shone with a rainbow hue and also left one behind as it soared past the group ahead of him as he rushed looking exhausted as if he was chasing after the bird. “Wow, was that what I think it was?” He seemed to ask himself as he stopped before the group as he looked up at the sky and watched the illusory construct disappear into the horizon. “Yea is was! After all this time I’ve finally seen it again!” He exclaimed with a genuine enthusiasm as illusion or not that was his goal that soared past them, a goal he will accomplish one day.
Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow JCKane JCKane MasterRed MasterRed
Daisy turned around to the new arrival, after watching in a mix of confusion and a feeling she shouldn't get involved. "Hi!" she said.
Maya was feeling terrible. She heard as Joanna tried to warn her about quitting. But right now to her, quitting was the best option. Her parents were rich, had state of the art secutiry, and weren't to bad in a Pokémon battle... unlike herself. Plus, this was hurting the others.... their families.... Then Jessie spoke up, mentioned to the others about what she told him before... about her past, about her promise to her mother, but that all wasn't important, she was about to break that promise....

Suddenly, something flew overhead, it was the rainbow Pokémon, Ho-oh! Maya's watched as the Pokémon said to bring good luck to those who see it pass over.

"That's..."Maya said as she couldn't believe her eyes as she watched the rainbow colored Pokémon fly into the distance.

"Wow, that's a pretty one," Kasey mentioned as she came running up. She had been there watching the battle unfold and had even tried to track where Phantom Red and the team Ultra Grunt went. She also noticed the boy as she held up her arm, the black device on her arm, "Hey Foxy, what kind of Pokémon was that?"

"Accessing Pokedex," Came a voice from the device, but it wasn't eletronical at all, it sounded completely human suddenly a holographic display appeared on the device showing now ho-oh, but a different Pokemon, "Zoroak, the Illusion Pokémon. It is said that If it thinks humans are going to discover its den, Zoroark shows them visions that make them wander around in the woods."

"Hey, that's not the same Pokémon," Kasey said.

This caused Maya to stop as she glanced over at the new person who just walked up. She had actually given in to the possible hope that it was Ho-Oh...

"Did... you do that? Maya asked mixed emotions coming across her voice.
Maya was feeling terrible. She heard as Joanna tried to warn her about quitting. But right now to her, quitting was the best option. Her parents were rich, had state of the art secutiry, and weren't to bad in a Pokémon battle... unlike herself. Plus, this was hurting the others.... their families.... Then Jessie spoke up, mentioned to the others about what she told him before... about her past, about her promise to her mother, but that all wasn't important, she was about to break that promise....

Suddenly, something flew overhead, it was the rainbow Pokémon, Ho-oh! Maya's watched as the Pokémon said to bring good luck to those who see it pass over.

"That's..."Maya said as she couldn't believe her eyes as she watched the rainbow colored Pokémon fly into the distance.

"Wow, that's a pretty one," Kasey mentioned as she came running up. She had been there watching the battle unfold and had even tried to track where Phantom Red and the team Ultra Grunt went. She also noticed the boy as she held up her arm, the black device on her arm, "Hey Foxy, what kind of Pokémon was that?"

"Accessing Pokedex," Came a voice from the device, but it wasn't eletronical at all, it sounded completely human suddenly a holographic display appeared on the device showing now ho-oh, but a different Pokemon, "Zoroak, the Illusion Pokémon. It is said that If it thinks humans are going to discover its den, Zoroark shows them visions that make them wander around in the woods."

"Hey, that's not the same Pokémon," Kasey said.

This caused Maya to stop as she glanced over at the new person who just walked up. She had actually given in to the possible hope that it was Ho-Oh...

"Did... you do that? Maya asked mixed emotions coming across her voice.

What it taught them... was that there was something to face and fight for. There wasn't much left for them to do but get on the road. But they looked at the girl Kasey and took her in. Joanna and Jordan were all for accepting her. Ridge all for accepting Kelani and it may have been a possible lead to a disaster which is only begging to come... But at that moment... Ridge and Gaby didn't care. They figured that with their parents possibly gone that they didn't have anything left. So... it didn't make much difference to them and they believed that they had nothing more to lose besides their life.

Joanna saw the one girl... Daisy and grinned briefly. She accepted the idea of her coming along and wanted to see that she would be safe.

It was as they started to leave for the next town/city...


Issac arrived to witness the last moments of the battle due to getting lost along the way, he was still unable to been seen due to Shade’s illusion but couldn’t feel like he shouldn’t do something about the devastated group before him. “Hey pal, what say you to giving these guys a bit of inspiration, ya know the boost we got about five years ago.” The Zoroark knodded as the two walked back a few feet out of view from the rest of the people there. When they stoped the illusion shrouding then dissipated as a new one took its place, one of a giant mostly red bird Pokemon with white and green tiped feathers that shone with a rainbow hue and also left one behind as it soared past the group ahead of him as he rushed looking exhausted as if he was chasing after the bird. “Wow, was that what I think it was?” He seemed to ask himself as he stopped before the group as he looked up at the sky and watched the illusory construct disappear into the horizon. “Yea is was! After all this time I’ve finally seen it again!” He exclaimed with a genuine enthusiasm as illusion or not that was his goal that soared past them, a goal he will accomplish one day.
Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow JCKane JCKane MasterRed MasterRed

Jessie looked at Issac and wondered what he was getting at... But then saw the illusions and could only watch in silence... Not sure what the others were gonna do... But he watched in awe and just took the peaceful sight in.
"Maybe, we shall see" she replied

Time was pressing forward and during that time...

10-15 trainers approached him and bought things. It made O'aka at least a good 200 bucks combined with the things that each trainer that came... purchasing. It was not a huge turnout... but there was at least some business.

A Moment later...

O'aka: I believe that there be time to start closing shop and head onwards... *Looking at Jenny* Where will you go? Any ideas?

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