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Fantasy Indescribable ~Reboot~ (Closed)

"Sounds good to me. "

Reaver nodded once more while Adrian nodded, as well. Adrian then made his way to the doorway leading out of the kitchen. He'd then inhale before yelling loud enough to echo the halls. "MERCER."

Not a second more would pass before Mercer came stumbling in, hands in his pockets. "Hey."

"You up f'r scouting and herding?" Adrian grinned while pocketing his hands.

"Y' finally slipping back into business!? It's about fucking time."
Mercer grinned, Adrian sighing.

"Yes. Don't fucking die or get caught again, alright?" Adrian stated.

"Ceannasaรญ, when have I ever--" Adrian stared, daring his cousin to finish that sentence. "... Okay. Okay, point made. Where am I goin'?" And, after Adrian gave him the details, Mercer grinned and crossed his arms at his chest like an 'x', bowing. "Victor won't leave the premises." He stated, disappearing at the snap of Adrian's fingers.

"I still have no idea how y' do that." Reaver smirked as he'd watch, Adrian simply giving a 'I'm not saying' shrug while he'd head back in to grab his briefcase before heading off to get ready.
Reaver nodded once more while Adrian nodded, as well. Adrian then made his way to the doorway leading out of the kitchen. He'd then inhale before yelling loud enough to echo the halls. "MERCER."

Not a second more would pass before Mercer came stumbling in, hands in his pockets. "Hey."

"You up f'r scouting and herding?" Adrian grinned while pocketing his hands.

"Y' finally slipping back into business!? It's about fucking time." Mercer grinned, Adrian sighing.

"Yes. Don't fucking die or get caught again, alright?" Adrian stated.

"Ceannasaรญ, when have I ever--" Adrian stared, daring his cousin to finish that sentence. "... Okay. Okay, point made. Where am I goin'?" And, after Adrian gave him the details, Mercer grinned and crossed his arms at his chest like an 'x', bowing. "Victor won't leave the premises." He stated, disappearing at the snap of Adrian's fingers.

"I still have no idea how y' do that." Reaver smirked as he'd watch, Adrian simply giving a 'I'm not saying' shrug while he'd head back in to grab his briefcase before heading off to get ready.
Graham snickered before looking to his mate, "let's go have some fun, huh?"
"Your main baby." He patted Reaver on the head.

Reaver closed his eyes from the pats, smiling and simply shrugging while his thumb caressed the metal on the dragon's core. "I mean, maaaybe."
"Just checking to see how stealthy we're going to be."

"I mean, I don't have t' bring my baby. I do have fire at my fingertips... literally." Reaver tilted his head. "Was already gonna bring Rika along, too, so that's double the pyro stealth."
"I mean, I don't have t' bring my baby. I do have fire at my fingertips... literally." Reaver tilted his head. "Was already gonna bring Rika along, too, so that's double the pyro stealth."
Graham nodded, "then you okay with just doing those two?"
Graham snickered, "good then. . . now i gotta figure out what i want to bring."

"Guuuuuuuuuuns." Reaver grinned. "Guns and sunglasses t' make y' look even more badass, if that's even possible."
Graham hugged back, "anything that makes ya happy, babe. Anything."

Reaver curled his tail, softly kissing his nose. "Y'don't have t' do it to make me happy, though. Just so ya know. I'd be fine with whatever ya bring or wear."
Graham smiled, "i love it when you're right. Alright then! To the bedroom!" He then marched to his destination.

"AWAAAAAAY!" Reaver marched after him, quirking a brow. "Any ideas on what I should wear?"

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