ANNOUNCEMENT: Preparations for Episode 5

Heroism Statistics

I do not feel these stats fit with the characters traits as you have listed them. These do not go hand in hand with Kindness, and do they really fit someone who is diplomatic or composed.

She shows strong feelings depending on the situation. This trait also reinforces her "focused" state. Eve is an intense young woman, passionate about her beliefs and aspirations.

Eve is frank in voicing her concerns, especially if they reach shocking or controversial levels. She believes it's better to be direct and not sugar coat things. Time spent thinking of a way to sugar coat something is too precious to waste.

The woman can become abrupt in her manners or speech, but only if provoked. She would normally not put someone's good mood at risk unless there was a good reason behind it. Her tongue is sharp and will likely strike anyone who acts like an "asshole".

The history really bugs me but I don't see anything directly wrong with it. It just feels like, the points where hit, that needed to be hit to make it work. There is not a lot of information given on the true personality of Knox, to me.

Personally, I am curious if it was a struggle to get her powers working again. I mean her arms were ripped off, just after discovering her power. It seems her arms are a major way her power is relayed. That would be a huge set back in my mind. Granted it just comes from her person but figure out how to make the power work better with the arms seems it would have taken at least a couple attempts.

What range does the sound operate on? Can just anyone hear it? What does it sound like? Can no one hear it? We do have some characters that can hear ranges others cannot. That sort of info could be very handy for IC.

Natealie Natealie I am attempting to hit everyone's even if you have been approved.

They are very beautiful, but also androgynous, to the point where they could easily pass for either sex.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Give us details. Explain why you feel your character is beautiful. This is very blanketed statement. Why are they so pretty to you?

Nix cares a lot about those close to them and will try their best to make them happy.
This sounds like a people pleaser to me. People pleasing is not something I would title as Love, personally. I would put some more thought into this trait.

Nix is always thinking about how things could be improved. If they think something could be done better, they will try to think of a way for it to be done better.
This does not seem like a Dreamer. I suggest Problem solver? Dreamer makes me think unpractical or someone with their head in the clouds all day.

Because of this they can also easily read through ciphers and secret codes as if they were just plain English.
Anti-Cipher: Nix is unable to communicate in secret codes. They can lie still, but they cannot write in any form of cipher as what they express will be understood by any other. If Nix attempts to cipher something by use of code words however, anyone reading the message would understand both the normal message and the one that Nix had hidden.

This concerns me. Mostly because it feels like a strong, major power in its self. Are we talking Wind talkers War starting and ending levels of ciphers? Or like a kid passing a note in class?

Animal Communication: As an extension of their ability to communicate, they can also speak with animals. Most notably, they do this with their companion Hunter. However this can be done with any animal. Different animals will respond differently, and this is reflective of the individual animal's intelligence, their life experiences, and their emotional state. However, if Nix attempts to communicate with an animal, regardless of any of these they will understand and if they attempt to communicate with Nix then they will understand.

Again seems a power all in its self. Does not seem to directly relate to main power.

Body Language Reading: By reading into the body language of others, Nix can discern information about them as if they had said it. For example, they can easily tell the emotional state of others based on their body language, or if they are stressed or lying. They cannot however read minds so they are unable to ascertain exact thoughts.

Really again worries me. I think we had a person that had this as a subpower and it was a like a major deal. They had to be careful how they used it for fear of god modding. Again feel it reaches beyond the realm of the main power.

Not Always Knowing When to Quit: Nix tries to get things to work if they believe that they can can. While this can be an admirable trait, it also can lead to them not abandoning something when they clearly should.

Spite: As previously mentioned, Nix can hold a grudge. If they holds a grudge against someone Nix may in fact act out of spite towards them until they consider the debt repaid.

There is a certain name for these but I can't think of them. Like when you are at an interview and your telling them your "weakness" but you make it a strength. I would prefer a real character flaw over Not always knowing when to quit.

Spite is a repeat from traits. I would like to see something different here. Give us more insight into the character so we have more to work off of.
The Oldest Blueberry The Oldest Blueberry

Larry looks good as usual. I remember how hard you worked on that guy to get him in here. :closed eyes open smile: Looking forward to more of his adventures.


AllHailDago AllHailDago

HEY long time no see! I know some of these have been approved already. I am just going over all of them. Feedback is always been helpful for me.

I really don't have anything directly at the moment on your profile. Everything looks solid. As for the debate:

1.) How should damage transfer work on an inanimate object. Say she turns into a pot of boiling water and someone dumps out the water. Does she lose blood when she changes back? Are the handles her arms? I'm not a 100% sure how to work this and suggestions would be nice. Otherwise I can take my 100 form list (which isn't linked on purpose so that the general public gets fun surprises with random transformations too), and I can remove inanimate objects to be replaced with more living things.

2.) How should stats work for her? The power stats shown are purely human form. Clearly if she turned into a dragon fly her agility would jump, and a phoenix would have an energy stat of some kind. Each form would have varying stats. How should this work?

1) I feel it should be dependent on the object and transference allowable. I think it will be a case by case basis over all. I don't recall if you are proficient with dice or not. I think a dice factor for impact of damage dealt would be awesome for discovering outcome. Then just being creative with it based on item.

2) I have a big fear about the Hulk paradox in this RP. In the interest of wanting to keep an even playing field, I would, if it were me, would like a bit of smoke and mirrors on the bigger items. Yeah, she maybe big but not all mighty, type of deal. This however, did just trigger my brain. How is that going to work on things like being the snake. Does she really have venom now? Could she turn into something poisonous? Would the effects last after she turns back? Hmmm, maybe there is room for refining with her more after all. ;D
Galvanize Red's body can manipulate the metals within to create a defensive barrier that has been hard-pressed to be cracked. While doing this slows down his personal mobility to a crawl, the capability of withstanding the harshest of attacks can be invaluable. By default, his body does this on his own, requiring him to actively suppress it himself to mitigate the effects, both negative and positive. The process can be rather painful. Imagine having metal shoot out of your body in either one massive direction, or all over. Either way isn't pretty. The only plus to this process besides the obvious weight loss terror, is the fact that metallic shrapnel tends to hurt people around him if shot out randomly. Or, if in a single direction, that might be lethal.

I know you touched on this tonight. My thoughts. Since his limiter is normally active, what effect would it have on this skill if it was kept as a constant state of being? Movement. Considering Galvanized being active slows his movements to a crawl, I would assume it would be better for his sake, sanity, to have it off most the time. Plus, his weight would not only effect the amount of effort he puts into movement but also the amount of weight he puts on the other objects around him. I would think use of cars or other major transport would be out, short of him using his powers to move them if he were Galvanized all the time. Or sitting in a chair. Generally, interacting with his surrounds could be a struggle. Just some ideas.
The Oldest Blueberry The Oldest Blueberry

Larry looks good as usual. I remember how hard you worked on that guy to get him in here. :closed eyes open smile: Looking forward to more of his adventures.


AllHailDago AllHailDago

HEY long time no see! I know some of these have been approved already. I am just going over all of them. Feedback is always been helpful for me.

I really don't have anything directly at the moment on your profile. Everything looks solid. As for the debate:

1) I feel it should be dependent on the object and transference allowable. I think it will be a case by case basis over all. I don't recall if you are proficient with dice or not. I think a dice factor for impact of damage dealt would be awesome for discovering outcome. Then just being creative with it based on item.

2) I have a big fear about the Hulk paradox in this RP. In the interest of wanting to keep an even playing field, I would, if it were me, would like a bit of smoke and mirrors on the bigger items. Yeah, she maybe big but not all mighty, type of deal. This however, did just trigger my brain. How is that going to work on things like being the snake. Does she really have venom now? Could she turn into something poisonous? Would the effects last after she turns back? Hmmm, maybe there is room for refining with her more after all. ;D

1.) I'm proficient with dice but as I'm already possibly doing up to 3 charts worth of rolling I don't want to add more. Besides, officially inanimate objects do not come with bonus things, ex bathtubs with water etc. To avoid the issue of what if water is spilled, does she lose blood, can any water replace it conundrum.

2.) All forms come with their natural capabilities, ex. Poison, venom, flight

All things done in animal form remain an effect post animal form. Venomous bite, poisoned still when she's human. Burnt by phoenix flames? Still burnt. Effects persist. If she bit you, you still got bit even if she doesn't have fangs anymore.

As for balance, yes I'm attempting to avoid hulk syndrome. Aside from 4 of her forms, everything else should be pretty easily unhulklike. And those 4 should still be pretty solidly maintained if I have anything to say about it!
What range does the sound operate on?
The soft cap is 30 meters in diameter, the hard cap is 50. It's in her profile. As for your other feedback, I have updated the CS and the stats. I would also like to know what you mean by the stats. I've upped some of them but I'm not sure what you originally proposed.
Yikes! Activity!

Ok, so the first thing I noticed is that Greg Masterson's stats add up to 31 which is beyond S rank. Limit for A is 24 points Dano Dano

ManicMuse ManicMuse @St Sin
Manami can be knocked out with one solid hit, even in rage mode. Her agility DOES increase in the water, but only to 2. On land I play her as clumsy as if she was a 1. She does not have super speed. She swims fast because she is super strong and he muscles are optimized for swimming. Also because: c'mon, she's a fish-folk trope! Underwater super hero characters have to be faster than boats or they're useless all the time, not just on land... SORRY GUYS THE BAD GUYS GOT AWAY AGAIN! :P

As has been discussed elsewhere, Aaron is actually pretty easy to counter, just not by brute force. Part of the intent in creating him was as an exercise in creativity. On paper he is more powerful than superman and hulk put together. In practice, almost any character we have can bring him down if they think outside the "Let's punch him really hard in the face box"

Kingsley mind controlled him (sorta--I put a twist on it to avoid massive bloodshed by chipmunks)

Dr D poisoned him. Klaus and Kingsley saved him.

Dr. D also put him in a hamster ball. That was the funniest thing I have ever written.

He almost died falling off of his own deathtrap contraption; Mary had to save him with a portal

Eve could literally bury him.

Red could fill his lungs with liquid metal

Chris could toss a poison capsule down his throat from 30 paces

Kate could restrain him with her psychic shadow ropes (they only affect the mind, not directly opposing muscle)

Nobody has exploited his vertigo yet, but that offers interesting possibilities as well (Izzy chase may remember?)

Then there's allergies. Played for laughs in episode two, but anaphylactic shock is no joke.

He can get sick also. The closest we have to germ manipulation is nanites, but disease causing make a great villain power.

Nanites could also kill him from the inside potentially

Eden could stab himself in the heart and high five Aaron to death.

Which brings up another point: He has an agility of 1. His top speed (other than teleporting which has limited accuracy) is 2.5 mph. He can't swing his fist fast enough to punch, only a slow but inexeroble push. And even the push is limited by traction. He doesn't have friction enough to exert enormous force EXCEPT for moving himself. So if he pushes a wall, his feet will skid backwards unless he has something solid to brace against. He is all but useless in a real fight, except as cover for less bulletproof heroes. He can't hit anyone who is actively avoiding getting hit, and anyone who wants to can hit him. They just need to think of something other than punching and then do that at will more or less.

Aaron is a gentle giant, not a combat monster. He is a clumsy, lonely, awkward introverted intellectual stuck in a body with the power to rip a hole in space. He didn't ask for that, he's not good at living that, and what he wants more than anything else is just to try to see that nobody gets hurt. He took out two of Dr. D's droids ENTIRELY by accident, and almost took down Red and himself also in doing so. Aaron is not the OP you're looking for and you don't need to see his identification. ;)

About Lars's history: Points taken. Not changing it though. Because any or all of that could be a cover story. Might add Narcissim as a flaw though. That fits nicely. No higher form of narcissism exists than solipsism.

As for the realism of one guy being able to do all that, I agree wholeheartedly. He's ridiculous wish fulfillment fantasy. But then again, we're writing a comic book. In counterpoint, I submit to you: Batman. Lars is basically Bruce Wayne, but evil, tricksy, wicked and false. Especially false. You never know what is real with Lars. I have the germ of an idea about how to demonstrate this in the near future in game. I get wanting to throttle him. He is meant to be a guy you love to hate. Super fun to write too.

What else....

Was that all? Is Kate approved?

I feel like I am forgetting something I read on a previous page...I can't remember.
It is only 6:12 and I have been awake almost two hours already.

I want to also give feedback, and if I missed responding to anything I apologize.

I will circle back to this, but right now I need coffee. And then I want to write a prompt. It has been a very very long time.

Yikes! Activity!

Ok, so the first thing I noticed is that Greg Masterson's stats add up to 31 which is beyond S rank. Limit for A is 24 points Dano Dano

ManicMuse ManicMuse @St Sin
Manami can be knocked out with one solid hit, even in rage mode. Her agility DOES increase in the water, but only to 2. On land I play her as clumsy as if she was a 1. She does not have super speed. She swims fast because she is super strong and he muscles are optimized for swimming. Also because: c'mon, she's a fish-folk trope! Underwater super hero characters have to be faster than boats or they're useless all the time, not just on land... SORRY GUYS THE BAD GUYS GOT AWAY AGAIN! :P

As has been discussed elsewhere, Aaron is actually pretty easy to counter, just not by brute force. Part of the intent in creating him was as an exercise in creativity. On paper he is more powerful than superman and hulk put together. In practice, almost any character we have can bring him down if they think outside the "Let's punch him really hard in the face box"

Kingsley mind controlled him (sorta--I put a twist on it to avoid massive bloodshed by chipmunks)

Dr D poisoned him. Klaus and Kingsley saved him.

Dr. D also put him in a hamster ball. That was the funniest thing I have ever written.

He almost died falling off of his own deathtrap contraption; Mary had to save him with a portal

Eve could literally bury him.

Red could fill his lungs with liquid metal

Chris could toss a poison capsule down his throat from 30 paces

Kate could restrain him with her psychic shadow ropes (they only affect the mind, not directly opposing muscle)

Nobody has exploited his vertigo yet, but that offers interesting possibilities as well (Izzy chase may remember?)

Then there's allergies. Played for laughs in episode two, but anaphylactic shock is no joke.

He can get sick also. The closest we have to germ manipulation is nanites, but disease causing make a great villain power.

Nanites could also kill him from the inside potentially

Eden could stab himself in the heart and high five Aaron to death.

Which brings up another point: He has an agility of 1. His top speed (other than teleporting which has limited accuracy) is 2.5 mph. He can't swing his fist fast enough to punch, only a slow but inexeroble push. And even the push is limited by traction. He doesn't have friction enough to exert enormous force EXCEPT for moving himself. So if he pushes a wall, his feet will skid backwards unless he has something solid to brace against. He is all but useless in a real fight, except as cover for less bulletproof heroes. He can't hit anyone who is actively avoiding getting hit, and anyone who wants to can hit him. They just need to think of something other than punching and then do that at will more or less.

Aaron is a gentle giant, not a combat monster. He is a clumsy, lonely, awkward introverted intellectual stuck in a body with the power to rip a hole in space. He didn't ask for that, he's not good at living that, and what he wants more than anything else is just to try to see that nobody gets hurt. He took out two of Dr. D's droids ENTIRELY by accident, and almost took down Red and himself also in doing so. Aaron is not the OP you're looking for and you don't need to see his identification. ;)

About Lars's history: Points taken. Not changing it though. Because any or all of that could be a cover story. Might add Narcissim as a flaw though. That fits nicely. No higher form of narcissism exists than solipsism.

As for the realism of one guy being able to do all that, I agree wholeheartedly. He's ridiculous wish fulfillment fantasy. But then again, we're writing a comic book. In counterpoint, I submit to you: Batman. Lars is basically Bruce Wayne, but evil, tricksy, wicked and false. Especially false. You never know what is real with Lars. I have the germ of an idea about how to demonstrate this in the near future in game. I get wanting to throttle him. He is meant to be a guy you love to hate. Super fun to write too.

What else....

Was that all? Is Kate approved?

I feel like I am forgetting something I read on a previous page...I can't remember.
It is only 6:12 and I have been awake almost two hours already.

I want to also give feedback, and if I missed responding to anything I apologize.

I will circle back to this, but right now I need coffee. And then I want to write a prompt. It has been a very very long time.


With all that explanation I now move from wary to thoroughly enjoying in regards to Aaron's power. Also I need Aaron and Melody interactions. She might very well be intimidated at first, but the awkward, loneky intellectual bit makes me adore the idea of their friendship.
Whilst I sincerely love the concept of Mitch, I am a bit confused about how her stats would work and being honest, I'm not actually sure how to improve on them either.
Would most certainly appreciate if someone more experienced in this area of stats gave their thoughts into this because I'm drawing quite the blank.

What are you confused about?

No problem, I really like her~
I just realized that you accidentally put an '?' Instead of 5 by her Composure tho, thought I would let you know >w<

Whoops fixing it right away
Really again worries me. I think we had a person that had this as a subpower and it was a like a major deal. They had to be careful how they used it for fear of god modding. Again feel it reaches beyond the realm of the main power.
We still have, it's Annaliese Van Can, the guidance counselor. The way Bag o Fruit does this, is by PM'ing the characters in the scene and asking the players 'What is you character thinking about when they did this?'
I got to experience that first hand when I started the parking lot scene in Episode 4 and Bag came to me, making me explain all of Kendrick's logic points and not so clear thoughts that culminated in why he had come to AEGIS for help instead of all the other possible options. That was very interesting.
What are you confused about?
Maybe move some points from intelligence to energy?
Welian described the energy stats in the doc last night as what would be mana in a RPG. So going with the science of the RP so far, the enigma particles, I guess they would have a unique configuration for each super? (Probably, similar base power have similar base configurations) And Mitch's ability probably does something like change it's configuration to match someone else's (yeah this is weird, but bear with me), I would guess, That Mitch needs at least a energy stats of 3?
IDK, it makes sense to me.

Also an intelligence stats of 6 seems quite high for someone whose ability isn't directly tied to intelligence (counter example: Jordan). Maybe if she had a innate capability of understanding someone else's power in the spot, which is not the case since she has to see it being used before.

Do others think this makes sense? This is just food for thought that came from Sin's interjection and last night's stats discussion. I just hadn't thought of this before.

How about keeping the same stats layout (intelligence > Willpower), but take a point from each and toss them into energy?
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  • AspectScaleTotal
    Ability Statistics
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  • Heroism Meter
    Ability Statistics
Last edited:
I was scrolling back through the chat I missed last night, and I went on a bit of a rant this morning before coffee. As is the way with chat, it will likely be swallowed up by the flow of chat and lost to the dim mists of history. I wanted to make sure that Dano Dano ManicMuse ManicMuse and Syrenrei Syrenrei saw it though because it seemed like that was where the core of the confusion surrounding Aaron lay. So, cleaned up a bit for grammar, here is my chat-rant about Aaron with thoughts about S ranks in an E rank world generally.

So it seems a number of people are confused about how Aaron's powers are related. I went over this with Swoob over a year ago, but I guess it bears repeating since there is mass confusion. Aaron has one power. He has the mass of a planet in the volume of a largish human male.

That is a ridiculous power to have, so it has ramifications:

gravitational 'radar' is just gravity

gravity is weak

the only reason you notice gravity at all is because earth is very massive and nearby

Aaron notices everything in the solar system, even though it is far, because HE is massive

The wormhole part is speculative to be sure, but spacetime does funny things around a black hole

Everything else is down to necessary elements so his own power doesn't kill him and everyone else on earth
(which is what would realistically happen)

He is off the charts strong because he has to be able to move his arms and legs, each of which masses more than the earth

He is off the charts on defense because otherwise just being that massive would kill him, and the defense works two ways:

His extreme defense protects nearby things from being ripped apart by tidal forces, which again, is what would realistically happen.

If people are concerned that he is stealing spotlight time, I appoloize for writing in a selfish way. That was not my intent, and I will work to remedy that.

But if that is the concern behind these proposed edits, I would appreciate it if we could address that directly rather than attacking Aaron as a badly conceived character. I worked really hard on him, and I think conceptually he is pretty tight:

He is a living singularity, and that is all. Five words covers it. The rest is direct consequences of that idea.

I thought a LOT about what that would mean. Like a LOT. More than is healthy.

I have also thought a lot about how to make him a reasonable participant in activities on a (super) human scale

I have made a conscious effort to make sure to give 'screen time' to others in every scene I put him into, whether it was class discussion, a death trap, or a fight scene.

The park, I can see looking back, I barged into, and I apologize for that.

I tried to respond to Luci's text as I felt Aaron naturally would, and also out of concern as a writer that there was an absolute bloodbath brewing...

I still think that scene ended well, but I will cop to dominating it inappropriately, and I am sorry for doing that.

I don't think though, that any honest reading of any of Aaron's other scenes have him as the dominant force. He responds and gives openings for response. I have been very careful about that.

The main concern other than raw power I kept seeing was that he broke the Main: support, support mold
I respectfully disagree, and have tried to detail my reasons above.

As to the concern that no E rank can matter in a world that has such people in't
I also respectfully disagree.

If Aaron is dominant (and I don't think he is) that is not down to his CS, it is a flaw in my writing that I will endeavor to correct.

I will add, to anyone who feels their character doesn't matter: Find a way to make them matter!

And I will just throw out there: If anybody ever feels I am scene stealing, PLEASE dm me about it
I don't want to do that, and I am more than happy to work with people to find ways to give their character some spotlight,
even (especially!) if it means having one of my characters take a dive

I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about other people's characters, so if you are stuck and want a suggestion about how to make a bigger splash, I am happy to be a sounding board for scene I am not even in. I read it all, and I think about it obsessively when I am driving or mowing the lawn or what have you.

I just want a good story.

Thanks for listening. Sorry for bringing a rant to an only tangentially related thread. Just wanted to make sure it was heard as well as said.

I hope this helps to allay some concerns. Please reach out to me if there are other issues that I missed.


  • Heroism Statistics
    Ability Statistics

Someone help me figure out appropriate stats for telepathy while I work on the rest of the profile. Technically Morgan has higher willpower than Chernov atm, also I don't like his intelligence being at 4 because his powers don't really modify his intelligence. He's good at recognizing emotions in people, but it's only because it's a skill that he's picked up over the course of using his powers.
He's good at recognizing emotions in people, but it's only because it's a skill that he's picked up over the course of using his powers.
That sounds more like a skill than anything else then >w<


  • Heroism Statistics
    Ability Statistics

Someone help me figure out appropriate stats for telepathy while I work on the rest of the profile. Technically Morgan has higher willpower than Chernov atm, also I don't like his intelligence being at 4 because his powers don't really modify his intelligence. He's good at recognizing emotions in people, but it's only because it's a skill that he's picked up over the course of using his powers.
I like where Willpower is at, but would probably put intelligence back to 2 and throw points at energy. Heck he can do the whole dream sharing thing and the whole broadcasting thing, that sounds more than normal telepathy (which is usually more about reading minds than anything, usually?) and totes yell 'energy!' at me.

Not sure how to give you numbers to work with tho. Probably energy on 3 or 4...? Maybe 4 or 5 since I suggested 3 for Mitch? I'm bad at this XD
Just a couple, unmatured ideas. More like, intuition.
welian welian : Here's what I think. You can have two people at 8 willpower that use it for completely different powers.

In my mind energy is reserved for abilities that are not psychic (mind to mind) in nature. From what I understand of Morgan, all of his abilities affect the minds of others and do not culminate in tangible, physical alterations of the world that 'mana' might require. Just like in tabletop RPs, psionics and psychics rely on a different subsystem than a mage might. That's not to say they are completely dissimilar but how they do something is very different.

Where does this leave Morgan? I'd give him intelligence of 3; that makes sense. He's a very bright person even if he doesn't apply himself all the time. You don't need to be ambitious to be a genius. Actually, some of the smartest people I know are lazy assholes because they never had to develop a strict work ethic. I'd leave energy at 1 because I don't see why everyone needs energy. If everyone uses energy to 'fuel' their superpowers in addition to another stat, I think it will skew the system in ways we don't really want to see. Characters with high energy would dominate every scene, every time, regardless of the other stats involved.
Portal Creation
The ability to generate a gateway between two separate places. For Mary, this power manifests as a pair of circular holes, although other simple geometry shapes is possible. Beside that, it doesn't posses any special mark expected from a portal, like a glowing edge.

I want a glowing purple hue when she makes a portal, just a flash of it. :3:

That was about the only thing I could come up with.
I am interested in the difference in her stats in full human vs full beast on the stats bar. Is there going to be a huge difference? I love the concept because its so different from a lot of what has come in. The mere fact that her power is such a set back is intriguing. Just as the personality traits clearly fit based off of the history. The drive of maternal instinct, cause of past and just a nice play on her monster-nous power. I can't wait to see her in action. Can she really not talk all that well in full human form or is that just a joke? I want her to have a seriously thick accent. :closed eyes open smile:

Aubin-Mignault, A


  • Heroism Meter
    Ability Statistics

Can she really not talk all that well in full human form or is that just a joke? I want her to have a seriously thick accent. :closed eyes open smile:
Check her in the Monster mash mission. The players in there often needed Frixz (or Nicole) to translate whatever was typed down XD
"Nawl jes'n acsent y'all ken pick owt en the bayou. 'Ent hard teh be naowin what he say o' wah she be say. Jes takea couple oh ours teh learn"

I do hope a running gag is psychic individuals being fully capable of reading her mind but having no clue what she is saying.

As for powers developing with her body, it depends on what she's grown and what it does. So I'd say she's got incremental growth to her 'max' stats
"Nawl jes'n acsent y'all ken pick owt en the bayou. 'Ent hard teh be naowin what he say o' wah she be say. Jes takea couple oh ours teh learn"
"New Orleans is just an accent you can pick out on the bayou. It's not hard to know what he says or what she is saying. It just takes a couple hours to learn."

Help me.
"New Orleans is just an accent you can pick out on the bayou. It's not hard to know what he says or what she is saying. It just takes a couple hours to learn."

Help me.
Oh so that's what the first sentence was!
I could read the rest, just not that one XD

Time to google 'bayou'

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