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Fandom Supernatural RP - Accepting Applications


Chase wasn't too surprised to hear his father had yapped his mouth off to Ashley during their time in the clinic. Reaching down he'd pick up and toss another fry in his mouth, "I mean, my work speaks for itself. Just look at Will and Mac." Those words were really all it took for Chase to take the hint and at that moment he inhaled said barely chewed fry and momentarily sat straight as he coughed for a second until it reached it's destination.

Before he could express how against this he was Chase was met with hand to shush him, though if Joe had asked her to do this it was no surprise he'd explained that Chase wasn't into the female kind. Closing his eyes he lowered his head until it landed on his arms which were on the table. "Nope, not doing this." It was awkward and frankly kind of embarrassing, his words slightly muffled by the table. "I do not need help getting laid and I'm not looking to get hitched so consider that mission of yours cancelled."

Raising his head back up Chase ran a hand through his hair, "The old man is so dead." Chase took in a deep breath, and attempted to push the conversation forwards. "So that Will and Mac thing is your doing huh?"


Thankfully the man was indeed awake, "Me, doctor? Not a chance." Joe chuckled and reached over and grabbed the back of a nearby chair and plopped it midway between the wall and Elijah's bed for a seat. Far enough that he wasn't crowding the strangers personal space but close enough to speak, "I was just a concerned citizen that helped get you to the clinic is all." Joe flashed him a brief smile, "I believe you've met my son, Chase."

"Did a little digging on you Elijah Davenport, not much, but I wanted to make sure you checked out." At this point he'd casually slipped his silver knife out of it's holster and poked the tip of it lightly against his thumb and gave it small spins back and forth. It wasn't a threat but more of a tool to get his point across. Joe's smiling calm facial features hadn't left as he watched Elijah, "I'm sure you understand, you know things. Such things that if they were to get out would, would end badly. I just need to be sure you aren't a threat to him." Joe shrugged nonchalantly, eyes going down to the knife as if he was bored momentarily before returning to Elijah, the knife going back to it's holster. "I'd just like to hear you say it."

"Nothing to worry about right now, you ready to eat?" William held his gaze steady for just a moment, considering pushing for more details. Instead, he sighed inwardly and allowed a grin to form. "Hell yes," Will said, his stomach growling. He collected some silverware for the two of them, pairing them with the plates Mac had set out. He smirked, eyebrows raised, as she withdrew a bottle of whiskey. "This is happening."

He whistled appreciatively. Will had seen the beers in the fridge, but liquor was a surprise. "Well aren't you just full of surprises. No complaints here." It had been a while since he'd been able to truly sit down and enjoy a drink. The logical part of him protested, saying that he shouldn't impair himself when there was a possibility of a Wolf attack... but Mac's talk of a day off won out long before logic gained any traction. As he waited paitently for Mackenzie to finish with the plates, Will looked over the arrangement of food approvingly. It smelled nothing short of heavenly, something he couldn't chalk up solely to his lack of a decent meal in the past day.

Elijah's eyes flicked between the knife blade and the man's face. "You won't be needing that, Mister..." he shrugged, "...Chase's Overprotective Father." Eli sighed, his tone whimsical. "First of all, if you aren't satisfied with what you hear you could probably smother me with one of these pillows if you're so inclined. Less mess for you and the nurses that way."

He paused before speaking again, more serious now, though hushed. "Secondly, as I told your son... I have no intentions of shouting what he is from the proverbial rooftops. I plan to let my partner know -- that's non-negotiable -- but beyond that... his business is his own, so long as he minds himself. Chase saved my life in New York. You know that, don't you? It's not something I take lightly. He's done nothing to suggest that he's a threat to this Colony... quite the opposite really."

Elijah coughed, groaning and rubbing tenderly at his side. "I get it. He's your son, you want to keep him safe. I'm not saying all this to appease you. I'm not like most of those Hunters out there," he said, gesturing toward the door. "I've met people that... weren't human... that deserved a hell of a lot better than extermination." He sighed. "Now, if you'd be so kind, I'd like to know the name of the man who helped save my life... and is currently holding me at knifepoint," he said, slowly offering his hand to Joe with a grin.

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Ashley laughed, head tossed back in delight as she watched Chase's expression change entirely before her. Of course he would be in denial, refusing to participate, but she would never let that win. Ashley lived for this sort of thing, loved to bring people together. She'd done it her whole life, and Chase was not about to escape her grasps.

"So that Will and Mac thing is your doing huh?"

"Oh yea, honey. That was." Alright she owed some of it to Elijah, given the man took a lot of heat from Will just setting up some embarrassing moments. "And aren't you too cute, thinking you have a choice in this." She reached across the table and stole a fry from his tray, though nudged hers closer as an offering to him; he could take what he wanted. "If you don't tell me what you're into, then I'm going to start throwing random your way." She said, eyes brows raised and a smirk on her lips. "And you may or may not like what you get." She gave him a mocking sympathetic smile. "You going to make me guess? You into taller guys? Older?" Eyes widened and she snickered. "Oh! Maybe you like poppa bears?" The prospects were unending in her world, though Vitae likely had limited stock of preferential partners for the man sitting across from her, it wouldn't stop her from trying.

Mackenzie was once more delighted that William seemed agreeable to the alcohol, she had honestly expected protest from the man, given how strict and rigid he often was. She laughed a little setting down two tumbler glasses and filling each with a reasonable amount before moving on to serve out part of the tourtiere. "i'm not like Ashley," She said as she set the knife aside and collected her own plate and glass. "I won't force you to call it what it is." She gave him a wink, knowing quiet well the man was unlikely to even recall it's proper name let alone repeat it back to her. "Just meat pie." She suggested, still watching him but backing towards the kitchen table to eat.

She found it oddly satisfying being alone in the house with him, though she missed the noise of having Ashley and Elijah, Mackenzie welcomed the peace while she had it. Given the mission Hypnos eluded to, it was unlikely that peace would be something they would get much more of in the coming days, not to mention they still had a great deal to prepare for for the coming lunar cycle. She took a seat at the table, crossing her legs beneath her as she sat, and taking a sip of the whiskey. "Anything you want to ask me?" It was an open invitation for William's curiosity; she had no doubt that he had questions and he had let her ask him several before they had been interrupted, she thought it only fair he learn as much about her as she did of him, freely.

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Solomon smiled, " I make no promises Sandy, but next time I'll get you to assist me at least. " Solomon said with a chuckle and a slight hiss of pain. Laughing too much caused pain... good to know, but not too great to feel. The man sighed and after unwrapping his sandwich began digging in. Solomon couldn't help but grunt in surprise as how wonderful it tasted. After finishing that bite Solomon said, " They sure do know how to cook down at the REC center! I'm going to have to make sure to go by and see them when I get the chance. Thank you very much Sandy. I appreciate what you've done for me."
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And here he'd thought that the whole Will and Mac relationship had just happened casually. Who knew there was a puppet master pulling strings, and for a moment he wondered if somehow Joe didn't know that was exactly what she was when he asked her to set Chase up. The man shook the musings from his head just before Ashley promptly explained that it was happening whether he liked it or not.

That was a challenge.

Chase chewed at a fry as he eyed the blonde, "You act like I can't sabotage anything or anyone you throw at me." Ashley continued to go on with trying to get into his head about his likes, threatening to send random guys at him and Chase just smiled. "You make it sound like there is a plethora of gay men at the ready here in Vitae. Not likely." There were those who swung both ways to add to the mix though.

And for a moment Chase was confident he'd be able to combat whatever his father and Ashley conspired to do, that was until she delved into trying to get details of his preferences. And the flip switched from confidence back to being embarrassed, this had to be one of the most awkward conversations he'd ever been a part of. And the fact that it was about him just broke Chase in ways he didn't know he could be broken. With face starting to flush he dropped his head back down to his arms on the table.

"You are the devil." He murmured.


"Joe, Joe Keaton." The man spoke softly and took Elijah's hand giving the injured m an a careful handshake, more or less amused at the way Elijah handled himself. Confidence, sarcasm, and understanding. Joe sat back in his chair, propping one leg over the other with a wide grin. Between Ashley and Elijah, Chase sure knew how to pick them. Joe liked Elijah thus far. "I trust Chase's instincts but I trust my own more, which is why I had to meet you in person."

"No matter how Chase presents himself, no matter his words or actions. Whether they be pure or deceitful, there will always be someone willing to hurt or endanger him for what he is. That is a truth I accepted a very long time ago, so occasionally I double check things." Hence why he was here. "But it's refreshing to see that it wasn't really necessary."

"The pillow is a bit dramatic don't you think? Strangling you with the tubing might be more effective." Joe winked, interlacing his hands and propping them on his propped up leg. "About your partner. You trust him with your life, that's more than clear to the fact that you are partners. But do you trust him with Chase's? By all accounts you all only just met in the last few days. You want to tell him, fine. I won't stop you, I'm just asking that you be sure before you do so." Joe let out a deep breath before deciding he'd said enough on the subject.

"So how are we feeling? Clearly sore. Want me to get a nurse to up your meds or anything? Water maybe?"
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William sighed with mock relief as Mackenzie remarked that she wouldn't force him to call the dish by its proper name. "Very kind of you, taking pity on a poor Georgia boy," he said, exaggerating his normally-subdued Southern draw with a grin. He proceeded to fill his plate with the venison "meat pie", along with more of the beaver tails. Sitting down across from Mackenzie, he sipped from the glass of whiskey, pausing to savor the burn in his throat.

"Anything you want to ask me?"

Will looked up at her in surprise before nodding. "Yes, actually. If you don't mind me asking... how did you and Ashley meet?" he asked quickly, before mentally kicking himself for not considering the consequences. Their argument hadn't been so long ago. He knew things had calmed down between the two of them to an extent, but he hoped it wouldn't be a sore spot.


Elijah nodded as Joe explained himself. He couldn't fault the man for going above and beyond to take precautions where Chase's safety was concerned. Davenport had seen firsthand the things that people were willing to do to werewolves without a second thought. He had gone to great lengths to separate himself from that way of thinking... and those who espoused it. Eli chuckled as Joe mentioned the surgical tubing as an alternative murder weapon in a good-natured manner, bringing another bout of soreness to his abdomen, but he ignored it.

At the mention of William, Eli nodded again. "I understand your concerns. William will see reason, I'll make sure of it. It's not something we could hide from him for long and I'd rather he hear it from me than finding out under..." he cleared his throat. "...other circumstances. Besides, having a Councilman in Chase's corner could end up coming in handy." He shrugged, deciding to move on -- Joe had clearly been satisfied with their discussion, as unconventional as it was.

"I appreciate the offer, Mister Keaton, but I'll be fine. I was in more pain from boredom than this flesh wound when you arrived." He held up the celebrity magazine with a slight look of shame. "Hence the questionable reading material."
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Sandy laughed hearing Solomon enjoying the sandwich, "All in good time. Now you stay in bed, call me if you need something. I'll be back later to check up on you." She shook her head as she took another minutes to regard the odd many in the bed before deciding he wasn't a danger to himself while he was occupied with food. She stepped out of his partitioned room back into the hallway. Collecting the container of soup and straw for Elijah she traveled down the short hall to his room. She knocked on the door, but didn't wait for a reply, turning the handle and stepping inside.

"Mr. Davenport?" She called quietly, uncertain if the man was sleeping, but seeing another in the room she paused. "Oh, Mr. Keaton." She smiled pleasantly, "I didn't know you were in to visit. I'll just set this down and leave you two be." She did as she said she would, setting the large covered cup of chicken soup next to Elijah's bed side before exiting the room quickly, closing the door behind her to leave the two men in peace.

Ashley-May loved the mans resistance, made it very clear what type of company he would enjoy. She simply sat across from him in delight, smile ever present on her lips while he clearly grumbled and protested. "Everyone has someone out there for them." She said simply, "I'm just adept at finding them." Already on the list she could tell he needed someone with a strong hand. Someone that wouldn't be put off by his attitude, and would not stand down when he complained. Not an easy list, but they were sitting in the middle of hunter country, and those few ticks were easy to clear from the board given just about every hunter here was exactly like Chase: bull headed and stubborn. Check!

"You are the devil."

Ashley's eyes widened and her hand fell to her throat. She mocked a look of utter shock. "I am perfectly angelic, I assure you." She said with her best southern drawl. "Now fess up the details, don't make me go back to your daddy and ask him who he caught you with; that'll be awkward for the both of us."

Mackenzie had taken a bite of the pie while William posed his question and she blinked in surprise. Of everything he could have asked her, that was his question? She guessed it made sense, a better understand of the path that lead her to Vitae, after all Ashley had been that path. She swallowed before sitting back in her chair, bringing the glass to her lips and drinking deeply. As much as she wanted to keep Ashley's introduction into hunting under wraps; she trusted William and Elijah and she knew Ashley did too.

"Right after I made it through the border," She glanced to him quickly shaking her head. "Supernatural beings underworld thing. I contracted my ...skills, out for a year of service to get into the states. I'm .. wanted in Canada. Felony, long story, not this one. Anyways." She set the glass down and continued. "I was in New York following a cross-roads demon; a great many former Columbia Students were being torn to shreds by invisible dogs. He didn't do much to hide his trail. I found him in Ashley. She gave up a year of her life to the demon, Murehuanon, in trade for her schooling paid for or something. " She shrugged. "I don't normally do exorcisms, they get messy and typically red flags for police, but something about her made me second guess plan A. I freed her, and left her to go back to school. Three weeks later she found me in Texas and would not leave me alone. She's persistent, to say the least."

She turned her attention back to her meal, enjoying the dish; it had been a very long time since home cooked meals. "Anything else?"

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William listened as Mackenzie related the story to him, taking a bite of the venison from time to time. At the mention of Mackenzie's felon status in Canada he paused mid-chew before swallowing without a word. As amusing as he found her ability to brush off her checkered past with the law, he could hardly blame her. He and Elijah had been lucky enough to avoid any warrants, but that wasn't to say there hadn't been a few "incidents". What really caught his attention was Mackenzie's "Plan A" in dealing with a possession. It didn't take much to connect the dots, a lump forming in his throat.

Will swallowed it down, pushing the thoughts aside. It was a weak gesture, but he couldn't bring his mind to terms with that... not right now. Instead, he forced a convincing smile. "That she is," he remarked, finding another subject -- hopefully less painful for both of them. "If you were on the road all the time, I can't imagine that left much time for school. Did you do homeschooling?" He shrugged. "I only ask because you mentioned high school earlier. And Elijah isn't exactly a good example of most legacies."


"Well I'm glad I could keep you occupied even if for a short time. None of your friends stop by yet?" The door behind him opening had Joe look over his shoulder to see one of the clinic nurses with food at the ready. "You know me Sandy, had to check in and make sure my good deed for the day didn't expire in his bed." He mused, the smell of the soup filling the room rather quickly. Luckily he'd just eaten so there was a lack of hunger, so the smell didn't do much for him.

When the door closed behind him Joe considered leaving as well, "Well you've got food, magazines, and peace and quiet. I said what I came to say so unless you want the company I think I might take my leave." By this point he'd sat up towards the edge of his seat with both feet on the ground. If the young man wanted the company he didn't mind staying, but otherwise he didn't want to impose.


"I am perfectly angelic, I assure you."

The irony was so heavy with this comment that Chase couldn't help but chuckle against his arm. Pausing only at the woman's threat, one that had apprehension and briefly he considered the alternative. Chase raised his head back one final time, "Maybe you should, but those results wouldn't exactly help you considering the span of nearly two decades now would they?" It wasn't like Joe had met more than a very few, and not nearly long enough to get a judge of the type of men they were. Chase suspected she wouldn't get much out of it so he was all for it. "I'm just not picky." Chase said, blatant lie but if she was taking this on he wasn't about to make it easy on her in the least.

"Let's go back to Rick shall we? That nickname came out of left-field. You've got a thing for the red-head's don't you? I mean you've traveled with Mac and spend time with Elijah. So how does the angel fit into things?"
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Sibéal Maclachlan Making her way back through the streets, she'd closed her eyes and started to use her sensory abilities to detect magic auras. Of course with Gods getting in the way it'll be a bit harder, though, if it were THE Solomon he would stick out like a sour thumb. And, surely enough, as she honed in and focused on the magical auras in her approximate surrounding, there he was. Although, his aura was dampened severely. Perhaps by injury, as his aura was coming from the clinic.

She needed to find out. With her mind set in stone, she began to make her way to the clinic to see the King himself.

Mackenzie could tell William had not like part of what she had said, but couldn't fathom what it was. She could read him, the slightest movement in his posture, a twitch in his lips as he continued to smile. She wouldn't press it, not wanting to bring up something that may be painful, something that would be unpleasant. That was not what today was going to be about it. It was freedom from the dark times, freedom from painful memories. She was about to take another bite when he posed his next question.

"If you were on the road all the time, I can't imagine that left much time for school. Did you do homeschooling?"

At this she flushed, cheeked turning a deep crimson, she discarded the fork and took up the glass of whisky and finishing it before standing and returning to the counter to retrieve the forgotten bottle. "Well," She said, turning back to the table and she poured more of the amber colored liquid into her glass. "I went to school when we lived in Boresti." She said as she reclaimed her seat, setting the bottle down near by she sipped the glass again before continuing. "But after that, nothing. Brody taught Douglas and myself what we needed to know." She was embarrassed, though she had never felt this way about her education, or lack there of, until she had met Ashley-May.

Ashley-May raised an eye brow as the man proclaimed he was not picky. Liar. If that were anywhere near the truth she would have heard it already among the hunters. There were those that had no trouble falling into other beds, especially given their occupation, one never knew when the next patch of free time allowed for exciting bed mate. Not to mention most of those that counted themselves as hunters knew any day could be their last. However if Chase had not been picky, she would have known about his preferences long before his father told her, as well, she would have known whom he had dallied with.

He was swiftly turning the topic back to the angel, only confirming her suspicions that his father had told Chase about the apparent pregnancy; she was not convinced herself, though had not taken any measure to validate her fears. "I do have a thing for redhead." She mused, her smile fading just slightly. "And Rick was a good time, but he's gone now." In fact, she hadn't seen him in hours, not since the abrupt arrival at the clinic. There had been no sign of him anywhere since, and she dreaded that she had made a rather sever mistake. "Lucky for you I'm not your type. " She smirked, looking at his hair. "I'd say you've got a bit of red to you." She was attempting to keep the humor in their conversation, not wanting to dwell on consequences she was not ready for.

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As the Nurse left him Solomon was able to enjoy the entirety of his meal in relative piece. Though as he was placing his trash back into the little brown bag he could hear Pan whispering to him. At least this time it wasn't more of the 'release me' he had been forced to listen to for the previous few hours. Solomon drew his silver blade and looked at the seal burned into the metal, " If I undo some of the restraints you've got to stop yelling all the time. Your making my head hurt." Solomon said shortly before saying a brief incantation that released a few of the limits he had placed on Pan. With some of the enchantments gone Pan could tell for certain. That the Witch who had been in his forest was approaching. Pan warned Solomon to be on his guard, but there wasn't much he could do in his state. " Don't worry Pan, if something should happen I'm sure you'll do your best to protect me. Now let's await this Witch shall we? Though I am feeling a nap come on." Solomon said with a yawn.
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William nodded at Mackenzie's answer, picking up the glass and draining it. He had noticed the deep blush of her cheeks before she stood up for a second serving of whiskey. As endearing as he found the scarlet coloration on her, he hadn't intended to embarrass her. He wanted her to know that she had nothing to prove to him -- or anyone else, for that matter. There was a lot more to being a good Hunter -- a good person -- than being a scholar. He wasn't sure how to broach the subject further without making the situation more awkward, until an idea struck him. "Nothing wrong with that," he said genuinely, reaching across the table to claim the whiskey bottle and refill his cup. "Don't tell Elijah I said this, but school can be overrated," Will continued with a smirk. "I learned more about life and the world in the Army than I ever could have in a classroom. They offered to pay for college classes so I could keep studying... but I didn't see the point."

He offered his now-full glass toward her in toast. "Here's to the University of Hard Knocks."

When Sandy entered, Elijah flashed his best dazzling smile at her as she set the food down. "Thank you, miss." He could practically feel his muscles atrophying away in this bed. He'd be damned if he let his charm go along with them. He watched the nurse leave before turning his attention back to Joe. "Where were we? Oh, right. No, the gang stopped in earlier. Not that I remember much; I was, ah, slightly 'impaired' at the time."

He turned to sniff the air, basking in the scent of the soup as his mouth watered. "Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll try my luck with this soup for the time being," he said lightly. Elijah turned back to Joe, giving him a warm smile. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Mister Keaton. Give your son my regards if you see him?"


Chase might have enjoyed the verbal confirmation that her and Alaric had indeed done the dirty if not for the fact that the woman in front of him was clearly hurt by the fact that the angel had disappeared. Chase let out a low sigh, Asshat. And briefly he wondered if Alaric knew of the pregnancy and that was the reason he'd taken off. "I'm sure he'll show back up when we least want him to. Angel duties and all that." He shrugged, reaching over at the offered tray and grabbing a pepper. At least he could blame the food for any shades of red his face turned.

And despite the consequences of what he was about to do Chase decided to humor the woman, as this whole investigating the type of man he likes and trying to set him up with someone might be something for her to focus on instead of the angel. So in a moment of self-sacrifice Chase threw her a bone without being completely obvious, "Sorry Ash, you don't have enough facial hair. Distinct lack of masculinity there. Besides, I've always been a blonde, it just gets darker as the years go on." At that he reached up to rub at his own scruffy trimmed facial hair.


"It was nice meeting you as well Mr. Davenport. Next time I'll keep the knife put away, promise." Joe spoke rising from his seat and placing it back in it's original space. Joe turned back towards the man before exiting, "I'll tell Chase you said hello. And I'll also tell him to bring better reading material when he decides to drop by for a visit. Enjoy the soup and get some rest, you deserve it. You did just save the entire colony after-all, don't let anyone underplay the fact that the people of Vitae do owe you now." With another flash of a smile Joe pulled on the door and exited Elijah's room.
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Mackenzie wasn't certain how William would react to her lack of education. She smiled raising her glass to his and giving it a slight 'tink' before bringing it to her lips and taking a deep drink. "Glad to hear it." She said honestly. "Ashley was less... accepting. She hounded me for weeks wanting me to take exams on her damned laptop to prove what I did and didn't know. She wanted to teach me, so she said." She gave a little shrug, drinking more. Food forgotten, the whiskey was her new friend. She laughed a little, giving a sheepish grin. "I rigged her laptop, the next time she opened it, it triggered a pressure trap in it. Shattered the damned thing way better than I thought it would. I told her when she could rebuild my trap, I would let her teach me." She leaned forward, across the small table to snag a deep fried pastry.

"Hmmm." She mumbled as she sat back and ate the pastry, considering. "Not really much else about me. " She said after a moment. "I hunt." She shrugged. "That's it, really." She could already feel the alcohol taking it's toll on her thoughts, there had been something she wanted to know, but hadn't had the courage before she had started drinking. "Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer, might not want to answer it." She bit her lip as she waited for his answer.

Ashley tilted her head aside as Chase attempted to comfort her over the angel, but she played it off. As much as she wanted to match him with his soul-mate, she did not want to talk about her personal issues. Eyes brows raised as he provided a list, albeit short list, of preferences. It was a start, something she could work with at the very least, and she laughed. "Ah, nuts." She said with a playful wink. "Maybe in a different universe."

Eyes already were traveling over the small amount of people that were within the Mess Hall, though she didn't find any prospects, she turned her attention back to Chase. "So, how long have you been hunting? Really hunting. You dad kinda said he forbade you from doing it. And I know Eli and Mac are both legacy's too, but you're.... different from them. I don't know why. Maybe because you dad didn't want you to hunt and their did?"

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After the toast, William pulled the glass back, taking another deep drink before setting it down. He could feel the warmth settling in his gut. He wasn't buzzed just yet, despite his low tolerance, but his size made up for it. The story about Mackenzie's laptop brought another smile to his face as he shook his head. The two sounded like siblings at times -- eternally bickering, but nonetheless inseparable. He continued the meal, putting away most of the venison.

Will had just paused to take another sip of whiskey when she spoke up again. "Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer, might not want to answer it." He lowered the glass, his eyes finding her dark brown ones. Her obvious reluctance wasn't lost on him. "Anything," he said quietly.


Elijah rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably as Joe made him out to be some kind of savior. Embarrassment wasn't an emotion he showed often. Still, he gave Joe a thankful nod as the man exited. Left once again in "peace and quiet", he sighed deeply before reaching for the bowl of soup. He took a bite, his eyebrows raising as he grunted in appreciation. As heroes' feasts go... not so bad.

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"Oh did he now?" Chase figured Joe had spoken about him when the older man and Ashley had time at the clinic. "Not surprised, I'm sure he probably talked your ear off." Chase huffed with a light smile, "No, he taught me the smaller aspects of hunting. To defend myself if work ever followed him home, if you catch my drift. As I got older I started to worry about him, realizing how dangerous it was out there. So I kept tabs on what he was researching and if it was something that made me nervous....well I may have trailed him on a few cases."

Chase couldn't exactly tell her some bits about how Joe wanted him out of the life of a hunter so he didn't end up on the other end of that silver blade. "He made me graduate highschool before he allowed me to join in full time. I think he also had a hard time allowing me to be his partner because his previous one was my mother. I believe he felt it was almost a betrayal to her, bringing me into danger." Chase scratched at the back of his head, leaning back a little on the seat to stretch, realizing he'd veered off course a little. "I think it didn't matter what he or I did, that in the end I was going to get sucked in. But I don't regret it one bit." He was a Werewolf, there was no way he could avoid the Supernatural world forever.

"So to answer your question I followed him on my first hunt at fifteen. And what about you, miss not a legacy. How long you been on the job?"
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Mackenzie watched his expression for any detail that might elude to how he felt about what she had asked, but the alcohol had done enough to subdue her ability to to judge his thoughts. She hesitated, wanting to back pedal on her initial question, but when her lips parted she asked. "What was your Dream?" Eyes widened slightly as she realized her error, and she shook her head. "I just, I mean. I wanted to know if yours was the same as mine. If all hunters have the same one."

Mac was bringing the glass to her lips again, finishing the second helping as quick as she had the first, though she set the glass down on the table, not moving to refill it just yet. "If it makes you uncomfortable, don't answer. I was just. I'm just curious." She winced. "Sorry."

Ashley-May smiled listening to Chase's admitting to following his dad around when he went off to hunt, she was surprised to hear that he and his father were stationary enough the Chase could attend school consistently; far different from what other legacy's had been raised on. He had mentioned his mother, and how his hunting felt like betrayal and she could only imagine the heart break that would have lead to that sort of feeling. She knew better than to poke at the dark spots of hunters memories, even if embarrassing tales of their youth were not off limits.

"Me? Just around five years now. Mac saved my butt and I've been keeping her sewn together ever since." She smirked. "But looks like I found myself a replacement medic, so... Well, we'll see if this whole thing sticks." Ever since speaking to Joe earlier she had been second guessing her choices; many of them. One of the largest being that decision to have abandoned her education for the life of a hunter. She laughed a little, and shook her head at the thought. "You know, you're pretty lucky to have you dad around." She smiled to him. "I mean it. I didn't know my dad, he took off when I was three or four. It was just me and my mom. He's full of great advice."

Safton Safton Crono Crono

"Five years? Lookout people we have a green-ey on our hands." Chase was teasing of course, five years hunting is like living ten normal years. "Don't tell me you put her and William together to try and replace yourself?" Chase eyed her, the accusation if it could be called that very half-assed because he didn't believe the question himself.

Chase nodded at Ashley's comment about being lucky to have his dad around. "I know it, sorry about your dad. Screw him, his loss." It wasn't a sorry feeling contest but Chase felt he could share his own similar situation, "My mother didn't survive the childbirth. So I sort of know what that's like. Not getting the best of both worlds, ya know? But we wouldn't be the people we are today if we did." Chase cleared his throat, "By the way, don't listen to my dads advice. Terrible. He once advised me to try hitting on a girl at a bar once, more or less he wanted to see if my charm worked on both genders. Turned out she was a vamp and he was using me as bait." Chase flashed a sarcastic grin, "He paid for that one, but that's a whole other story."
NanLia NanLia

"What was your Dream?"

William's eyes flicked to the table as he considered the question and -- more importantly -- how to answer it. From the way she approached it, it was clear which "Dream" Mac meant. When Hypnos' horn had wormed its way into his mind, sending him into bliss while his body became an unthinking, unfeeling instrument of death. Will knew he could lie: say that he didn't remember it well and avoid the subject entirely... but that was a lie. The Dream had imprinted itself into his brain from the moment Mac sang to him, bringing him back to her.

She deserved better. She deserved the truth.

Apparently noting his silence, Mac quickly spoke up again, telling him that he didn't need to answer the question if he was uncomfortable. He shook his head, waving her concerns away. "No, no. It's okay." Finishing the glass of whiskey, he set it down before taking a deep breath. "I was back home in Savannah. On the coastline, watching the early morning tide roll in. I was... back to normal. No Hunting, no prosthetic." He shrugged. "I was happy."

Will looked up at Mackenzie again, making eye contact and holding it. "But I wasn't alone. There was someone there with me... a woman. At the time, I didn't know who it was. Couldn't bring myself to turn around and look. But I know I cared about her. I think I could have loved her."

His mouth curved into a wan smile. "Then I heard a song. Not the horn. It was the song that cut through the fog, that brought me back from the brink. And just like that, I knew who it was on that beach with me." William paused for several moments before speaking again, his voice barely above a whisper. "When Hypnos wanted to show me a paradise, he showed me a future with you."

Suddenly fearful that the whiskey had gotten to him and he'd said too much, the smile faded from his face as he sank back into his seat, averting his gaze once again.

Ashley-May rolled her eyes at Chase's teasing, he was right, she hadn't been hunting very long, but she appreciated him opening up about his mother. It certainly had not been what she had assumed, which was a hunting incident, she imagined this would have been far worse for Chase, to simply never have known her. At least she knew her dad was who he was, even if he hadn't been bothered with her, but to never know a parent would have been tough.

She listened to him with curiosity as he spoke about his dad's advise getting him into trouble. "So men and lady vampires are your thing then... good to know." She laughed, at least that would explain his want to keep the vampire's identity hidden from last night. "I don't know how bad your dads advice really is, to be honest. What he suggested to me yesterday has made me re think some things." She gave a shrug, uncertain.

Mackenzie listened with interest into the detail of William's dream. She had not seen hers, only glimpsed it over her shoulder, but she understood what it had felt like. Paradise. Home. Perfection. She smiled hearing about his home, free from hunting, free from injuring, but the mention of a woman, one that he cared for, made her expression slip. She was uncertain how she felt about this dream woman. It annoyed her to hear it, even thought it was only just a dream.

He spoke of the song, her song and she blushed all over again, recalling how hard it had been to see him trapped by the horn; believing he had been lost. She regretted asking him about his Dream now, she should never had asked him to dredge up the painful memories, she was about to say as much when he continued.

"When Hypnos wanted to show me a paradise, he showed me a future with you."

Dark eyes watched him carefully, unable to speak for a time, considering carefully. She couldn't read him, tell how he felt about his last statement but then she frowned, idiot. She stood from her chair, collecting her glass and the bottle before slipping around the table to his side. She carefully poured him another glass before leaning down to whisper quietly into his ear. "Damn that god, eh Doc?" She gave a soft laugh, playfully nipping at his ear lobe before moving away, through the kitchen towards the back of the house to the living room where she poured herself another glass setting both on the coffee table. "Bring ice packs!" She called to him; she was not about to let him feel sorry for himself.

Crono Crono Safton Safton
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William stared down at the table, waiting for Mackenzie to say something -- anything. He had put himself out there further than he intended, further than he had in a long time, maybe ever. The silence was killing him. At the sound of her standing up from her chair and approaching he looked up. His eyes widened as she filled his glass before leaning in toward him. He didn't move, muscles tense, his body locked in place. He was totally at the mercy of whatever she said next.

"Damn that god, eh Doc?"

He barely had time to process those words before she laughed softly, nipping his ear. He reared back in surprise, watching silently as she moved toward the back of the house. William was stunned. He wasn't sure reply he'd been expecting from her: joy, awkwardness, rejection. But that had not been one of them. Will was snapped out of his daze by her command to bring ice packs. That was it. He leaned forward into one hand, chuckling to himself as he rubbed his temples.

Standing up, he went to the freezer and opened it up. Sure enough, the gel packs were still there. He grabbed them, along with handful of dishtowels to wrap them in before heading toward the living room cautiously -- as if he was stepping into some kind of trap. He found her standing by the coffee table, whiskey glasses next to her. Emboldened, he smirked, "You know, I don't make house calls for just any of my patients."


Chase shook his head, "I was joking, he gives decent advice. But if something he said got you thinking then they are important enough to keep around. Doesn't mean you have to act on them any time soon though. But whatever works." He wasn't going to ask what they were if she didn't want to give up the information. Though he mused at the thought of Joe giving the woman something to think about that stuck that much.

"So how's your mom then? Living a carefree life back in wherever your from? Occasionally I wish my old man was back in Illinois, away from the crazy."​
NanLia NanLia
Sibéal Maclachlan As she approached the clinic, she'd intentionally make her magic aura completely silence itself. With years of practice, she'd learned to master it pretty well. *knock knock knock* was all that would have been heard as she stood outside the door before softly pushing it open. "Hello?"

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With Pan's help Solomon was able to sense the magic presence to just before it suddenly suddenly cut off outside the door to whatever room this was. A few moments later there was a knock, and after setting the dagger on his bed side table Solomon said, " Enter." Though he didn't who this was at least they had more courtesy than the other girl simply by knocking.
SynKast SynKast

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