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Fantasy Pure Moonlight OOC +

America! That's where I live now, but I live in a really boring state, where no one goes on purpose. But I was born in South Korea.
That's awesome. I had a foreign exchange student from South Korea.
I habe friends from everywhere. Turkey, Ireland, China, Indonesia, just to name a few.
Urf hell if i know

I sincerely hope this RP survives. I like the idea and I want to evolve Kyle a bit more. He's still human ffs.
I suppose Sunday is just a busy day maybe? I know I want it to stick around too. I really like this group.
a little heads up: I will be here and there since finals are approaching and so I will be coming on to check on RPN to say hello and to see what's up. But, replies are scattered, in character wise.

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