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Fantasy Pure Moonlight OOC +

Accalia: You're both humans. So no.
you bring up a good point about that. I think I know how Charlotte would react to werewolves. Omg.

At the same time, she used to love them but now she's like indifferent or doesn't think of them too often.

you bring up a good point about that. I think I know how Charlotte would react to werewolves. Omg.

At the same time, she used to love them but now she's like indifferent or doesn't think of them too often.

How I would react to dogs like that: oi m8 wanna fite me?
How Sam would react: Oh... uh yeah humans are a bit dumb
How I would react to dogs like that: oi m8 wanna fite me?
How Sam would react: Oh... uh yeah humans are a bit dumb
Me in real life: *flings myself at doggies and makes them love me*

Charlotte: *waves from afar before going her own way*
Calibutcher Calibutcher : reading your writing again makes me happy omg. you've improved so much and I'm like teach me senpai
Ahhh you are to nice you know that. I'm glad my writing has improved. Thanks for letting me know that's a huge morale boost. I have started college so maybe that has helped. It is sooooo great to write with you again too. Your writing is super cool and in depth. I get dragged into every character you make.
Ahhh you are to nice you know that. I'm glad my writing has improved. Thanks for letting me know that's a huge morale boost. I have started college so maybe that has helped. It is sooooo great to write with you again too. Your writing is super cool and in depth. I get dragged into every character you make.
I knoooow! I'm so happy to write you again! Ahhh! I'm glad that it helped boost your morale! You know I'm always here as a support hehehe.

And moiii! I'm in the U.S

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