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Realistic or Modern The Pharaoh's Soliloquy | OOC

Hmm, good point guys. Anyways, what do you think will happen to this guy? I personally think he'll spend the entire story trying to get everybody else to drink his kool aid or something but people like Odysseus will either try to break his shell open or kill him.
Oddy would probably swing him over to his side. Make up a story about some cure they made in Japan or China. Seeing as the thing killing him is made from a plant extract, there must be a herbal based cure, no?

Of course the moment Jerry catches on. Its either a .357 magnum to the head or Odysses' favorite form of execution: The Dante.
Oddy would probably swing him over to his side. Make up a story about some cure they made in Japan or China. Seeing as the thing killing him is made from a plant extract, there must be a herbal based cure, no?

Of course the moment Jerry catches on. Its either a .357 magnum to the head or Odysses' favorite form of execution: The Dante.

Whatever that is, it doesn't sound good to Fred at all.

Mmm, I'd like to see what character development can do to Fred, but he's the kind of character that's most resistant to any kind of development. Fuck it, I'm not going to think too hard about this subject, I'll just kick him around the place until I get some results. It's no use worrying about him too much, he can make it on his own.
Whatever that is, it doesn't sound good to Fred at all.

Mmm, I'd like to see what character development can do to Fred, but he's the kind of character that's most resistant to any kind of development. Fuck it, I'm not going to think too hard about this subject, I'll just kick him around the place until I get some results. It's no use worrying about him too much, he can make it on his own.

I think a semi-antagonistic position suits him. Perhaps, he meets death in a very poetic fashion? And only then he realizes the folly of his actions. Or maybe, he just clings onto his beliefs; gets shot by Guy, Oddy, or Clay — or maybe all of them shoot him at the same time?

A classic end for a classic villain.


Anyway, I'll get to writing shit. My post is going on to be shorter — like Hemingway short — and lacking any exceptional quality — except for, of course, Hemingway conciseness.

I'm extremely sick right now, and I've got a very sore throat, stomach and head. Everything's dank and sore. Damn it.
Oh, and I have an idea, Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow :

How about Oddy keeps the transmission on a loop, making things more tense as our heroes are forced on a goose chase to shut off the comp from where the disrupting signal is generating from?

Since, the sudden news — and one that's on constant loop for no reason at all — I believe, should fan the flame of the riots to an irreparable extent.
Oh, and I have an idea, Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow :

How about Oddy keeps the transmission on a loop, making things more tense as our heroes are forced on a goose chase to shut off the comp from where the disrupting signal is generating from?

Since, the sudden news — and one that's on constant loop for no reason at all — I believe, should fan the flame of the riots to an irreparable extent.
Hm. Good call. I was planning on having the transmission loop around on the various transmission towers. Oddy has agents planted in most of the radio stations in Atlanta who would be in charge of making a copy and randomly playing it. All done in secret of course.
Hm. Good call. I was planning on having the transmission loop around on the various transmission towers. Oddy has agents planted in most of the radio stations in Atlanta who would be in charge of making a copy and randomly playing it. All done in secret of course.

And then there's the sea of suspicion — who killed Larson and the overseer? The rats, Oddy and his mooks, or some other mysterious faction?

Hehe, this is going to be a wild mess.
And then there's the sea of suspicion — who killed Larson and the overseer? The rats, Oddy and his mooks, or some other mysterious faction?

Hehe, this is going to be a wild mess.
You can strike Oddy and his Kelphts out of the list. They said they didn't do it. Otherwise, he would have broadcasted the fact that he did to the whole city.
Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow
Is your character based off of Milo Yiannopoulos?
Indeed. Red herrings are the bane of detectives. They'll have to find the actual Oddy first though — not a weird double of his — and I doubt they can do that...
I was planning on making a post where Oddy just walks into the Pinkerton office. Mails a handwritten letter with an ungloved hand and leave.

Then by the time they notice, Oddy already escaped into one of his safehouses.
Milo has much style. He called feminism cancer in a debate and won. A true hero. I think Milo is better than Oddy.

Just a thing.............
Milo has much style. He called feminism cancer in a debate and won. A true hero. I think Milo is better than Oddy.

Just a thing.............
Well, Milo is a real person. Oddy isn't. Let's just put it that way eh?

Btw, if you pay attention to my post, you'd realize that Oddy is very progressive for a white male in the 20s. He's helping a female mechanic and trusts an African-American with the radio and communication cables. Heck, even him calling the Chinese 'Chinks' is done in good humor. (Humor for the 20s at least.)
I think a semi-antagonistic position suits him. Perhaps, he meets death in a very poetic fashion? And only then he realizes the folly of his actions. Or maybe, he just clings onto his beliefs; gets shot by Guy, Oddy, or Clay — or maybe all of them shoot him at the same time?

A classic end for a classic villain.


Anyway, I'll get to writing shit. My post is going on to be shorter — like Hemingway short — and lacking any exceptional quality — except for, of course, Hemingway conciseness.

I'm extremely sick right now, and I've got a very sore throat, stomach and head. Everything's dank and sore. Damn it.

Regarding this, I don't think Fred is that much of a villain or is even generally evil in reality. He's just stupid, Elephantom, and he's been sheltered most of his life. I just think that there's always somebody out there that's out of touch with reality, but it's not too late for them. The truth is just waiting out there for him, he just has to learn to accept that. It'll be the hardest lesson he has to learn, but it's the only lesson he has to learn.
Regarding this, I don't think Fred is that much of a villain or is even generally evil in reality. He's just stupid, Elephantom, and he's been sheltered most of his life. I just think that there's always somebody out there that's out of touch with reality, but it's not too late for them. The truth is just waiting out there for him, he just has to learn to accept that. It'll be the hardest lesson he has to learn, but it's the only lesson he has to learn.

But isn't that what most villains ARE? He's demonic.

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