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(Yes I think so....Peter's birthday is later in the year right? So Aqua is at the beginning so they have that weird age gap were she is older for most of the year XD just to explain how they were still in the year in UA. But he had a birthday so woukd it be more 17 18? Or were they 15 16 when we started?)
Aqua didn't not say a thing as she watched the verbal interaction between the two.
(15 and 16 at the start)
Venom aquared up to sans
The girl (Summer?...thinking of names XD) that fought San's gasped at how easy Venom got rid of the wall
(Well now she has to be a character) Sans made Venom's soul appeared and tried to push him to the ground. Venom didn't go down. He had a tendril sticking to the ceiling.
(Well now she has to be a character) Sans made Venom's soul appeared and tried to push him to the ground. Venom didn't go down. He had a tendril sticking to the ceiling.
(Well she dosent have to be XD...but could make her one ...but if I should go for it...like the name or should find a name that means summer or light X3)
Eyes from all the students were on them wondering what would happened next.
(Well she dosent have to be XD...but could make her one ...but if I should go for it...like the name or should find a name that means summer or light X3)
Eyes from all the students were on them wondering what would happened next.
"good deal," Sans said. "you pass." He said.
"WHAT?!" Summer said standing up "all this is for a grade?....and how can you justify the last part a win?" She said angrily
"simple he didn't get caught in the same trap you did. if i was fighting seriously there are only two of you here who may have a chance of winning."
"simple he didn't get caught in the same trap you did. if i was fighting seriously there are only two of you here who may have a chance of winning."
"Puff...whatever he was able to avoid it because he knew it was coming..." Summer said crossing her arms. "Oh and really who are the two that woukd have the chance?...the oil slick and who else?..." she asked
"Yeah because I'm out fightinf villains most the time. And its arachnid not insect." He said.
"Whatever....arachind....bug its all disgusting .." she crossed her arms and lifted her nose away "sure...Sure... villans...like you would...bet you just out there helping old ladies cross the street.." she added

"Hey! You take that back!" Aqua said standing up. "Just because you lost you have no right to be taking it out on other's...sure Peter has helped an old lady or two cross the street...but.." Aqua said being interrupted by Summer laughing.

"He has!? Hahaha I was just....haha big hero" Summer laughed.

Aqua frown her tentacles speckling from its normal blue to red. "...you have no idea what he has been through and the type of villans he has faced .....many in which you couldn't imagine or even try to bet...so who cares about your opinion!" Aqua yelled back (she is trying she is horrable at arguing/ fighting words type person XD)

"...sit down shrimp....who would even believe you?...your just making a scene....im done with this stupid argument.." Summer said turning away from the class as she sat there with arms crossed.
"Whatever....arachind....bug its all disgusting .." she crossed her arms and lifted her nose away "sure...Sure... villans...like you would...bet you just out there helping old ladies cross the street.." she added

"Hey! You take that back!" Aqua said standing up. "Just because you lost you have no right to be taking it out on other's...sure Peter has helped an old lady or two cross the street...but.." Aqua said being interrupted by Summer laughing.

"He has!? Hahaha I was just....haha big hero" Summer laughed.

Aqua frown her tentacles speckling from its normal blue to red. "...you have no idea what he has been through and the type of villans he has faced .....many in which you couldn't imagine or even try to bet...so who cares about your opinion!" Aqua yelled back (she is trying she is horrable at arguing/ fighting words type person XD)

"...sit down shrimp....who would even believe you?...your just making a scene....im done with this stupid argument.." Summer said turning away from the class as she sat there with arms crossed.
Peter got between them. "Aqua its okay it's alrigh-" He stopped as Summer spoke and turned to her. "Don't call her shrimp. You lost a fight. Get over it. God your petty."
Peter got between them. "Aqua its okay it's alrigh-" He stopped as Summer spoke and turned to her. "Don't call her shrimp. You lost a fight. Get over it. God your petty."
"Pfff...whatever like if I care.." she said looking away, arms crossed.

Aqua frowned holding on to the tentacle that draped over her shoulder as she sat back down.
"Pfff...whatever like if I care.." she said looking away, arms crossed.

Aqua frowned holding on to the tentacle that draped over her shoulder as she sat back down.
"If you didn't care you wouldn't respond." Peter said. .

Venom had approached her silently. "Aqua is a friend of ours. If you call her a shrimp again we will become mose upset." He said baring his razer sharp teeth in a smile so she could see every single one. "So don't do it again. Capiche?"
"If you didn't care you wouldn't respond." Peter said. .

Venom had approached her silently. "Aqua is a friend of ours. If you call her a shrimp again we will become mose upset." He said baring his razer sharp teeth in a smile so she could see every single one. "So don't do it again. Capiche?"
(Aww so they are good friends. Think I'm going to make Summer just be a problem and cause a bit a chaos here and there for a little bit)
Summer just sat there facing away from the three as well as the rest of the class, arms crossed and nose up in the sky. She did get a bit startled when Venom made his way over her. However she did everything in her power to keep a serious and not bothered face as she stared at his face and his teeth.
(Aww so they are good friends. Think I'm going to make Summer just be a problem and cause a bit a chaos here and there for a little bit)
Summer just sat there facing away from the three as well as the rest of the class, arms crossed and nose up in the sky. She did get a bit startled when Venom made his way over her. However she did everything in her power to keep a serious and not bothered face as she stared at his face and his teeth.
Sans tested everyone else until it Aqua's turn. As she walked forward Peter leaned next to her. "don't forget you cam camouflage."
Sans tested everyone else until it Aqua's turn. As she walked forward Peter leaned next to her. "don't forget you cam camouflage."
Aqua stood up from her spot, holding on to the tentacle draped over her shoulder. She stopped as Peter leaned against her, she gently nodded at Peter's comment to her. She let out a small sigh as she walked over to her spot in front of Sans.
Aqua stood up from her spot, holding on to the tentacle draped over her shoulder. She stopped as Peter leaned against her, she gently nodded at Peter's comment to her. She let out a small sigh as she walked over to her spot in front of Sans.
"ready?" He asked.

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