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Fandom UA Class 1C Character Sheets



Fantasy and Sci-fi Enthusiast
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
1.A quirk should have a downside, if only slight, if it's extremely powerful, such as Tokoyami's darkshadow being nigh unstoppable at night, but he can't control it. If you're making a Teacher, the downside can be minimized or have been trained out.
2. No 'unbeatable' quirks.
3. Please make your Backstory a minimum of 2 paragraphs, that's all I ask.
4. Teachers should be 25+, students would be in a ballpark of 15-16 as second years, to match the other hero courses.
5. Run as many characters as you want, just use what you write.
6. Once I react to your Character Sheet with a heart, you're good to go!

Hero Name:
Quirk Description:
Reason for becoming a hero:

Equipment and Appearance:


Background and Family:

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C

Power: 1-6
Speed: 1-6
Technique: 1-6
Intelligence: 1-6
Cooperativeness: 1-6

Visual Example:
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Name: Conroy Smith
Hero Name: IQ
Quirk: Analysis
Quirk Description: Conroy is able to identify any present weaknesses in something he can see, be it organic or inorganic. However, excessive usage of this can lead to migraines which will steadily become stronger the more he uses it. However, he's trained himself to be able to use it for an extended period before the headaches set in. Just because he can identify a weakness in a steel wall, does not mean he can punch through the steel wall however. The Quirk is also able to identify exploitations in another quirk users ability, such as someone who would manifest ice needing a large amount of liquid in the air.
Nationality: U.K (Moved to Japan as an infant)
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 5'8
Reason for becoming a hero: Conroy is an altruistic individual with the desire to help those in need, but it's much more than that. Lacking a real combat dedicated quirk and one that is more 'utility' in nature, he believes that by showing that thinking quick and planning can make even the most utilitarian quirk holder have faith they can become the next pro. However, deep down, there's a shred of him that feels he has to constantly prove himself to others and himself that he's worth being a hero with such a niche quirk.

Equipment and Appearance:

Hero costume below

IQ utilizes an assortment of equipment due to his lack of an actual 'aggressive' quirk. His usual equipment consists of a collapsable staff, restraining wire (Zipties, but you pull it like fishing line and then cut it), and a few stun disks which function like a combat-based mine that is tossed at the opponent, only to activate once in proximity and deliver a powerful and painful but harmless electric shock.


>Conroy is very much the 'think five steps ahead, and then act', instead of 'punch first, ask questions later' sort of person. He prefers to outsmart and outplay his opponent and villains, beating them at whatever they think they're great at.

>Throughout his life, Conroy has had a mostly 'mellow' attitude, though it is mingled with an unflinching and stoic determination. He's never quite over-enthused, he's never quite angry, he's just very...relaxed.

>Even in high school, Conroy has felt he had to compensate for his lack of physical quirk, and always has the silent fear that he'll be considered useless due to his 'assist based' quirk

Conroy was born to a rather successful family and had he could all a child could ever want. Plenty of toys and games, friendships, a good future...the only downside is, his parents were always so consumed with work, he had to be raised by the aid staff and himself. From them, he learned there could be joy in helping others with everything you have to offer, and doing simple things to improve someone's day.

As a child, and as an adult, he's always been very quiet and relaxed, never seeming to lean one way or another on the emotional scale except in extreme situations. Despite this, he always craved his parent's attention and took to doing just about anything to get it. Eventually, he found that showing intelligence was the quickest way to earn that, so that was what he pursued.

He let himself be consumed with books, mathematics, stories, whatever he could get his hands on, all so he could get a shred of attention from his otherwise work-obsessed parents. Eventually, it just became a pastime for him, instead of a means for the affection he craved as a boy.

When his quirk manifested, he quickly found uses for it in simple situations, but he was a bit worried by the lack of physical application. What was he going to do if he got into an actual fight? To compensate, he adopted strict physical health regimens and activities, trying to stay at his best, as he'd always strode to do.

With these factors, it's little wonder that he entered the top hero academy near the top of the list, and continued to shine his entire time there. He was never exactly 'popular' but he wasn't exactly 'uncool' either. He existed in a sort of limbo of a few friends, and good grades, and that was it.

It would seem that the school had more left for him now though, as he was finally coming back, to teach nonetheless.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 1
Speed: 1
Technique: 6
Intelligence: 6
Cooperativeness: 4
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Name: Akemi Tajima
Hero Name: Sightline
Quirk: Sighthacking
Quirk Description: Akemi telepathically taps into the vision centre's of nearby living creatures to see what they see, by focusing she can view the perspective of multiple creatures at the same time and create visual illusions or hide things from sight. By touching someone she can temporarily blind them.
Focusing on multiple perspectives or maintaining illusions causes increasing mental strain leading to migraine like debilitating pains and eventual unconsciousness. Incompatible with insects, arachnids and similar creatures of smaller size or significantly different eyesight.
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3
Reason for becoming a hero: Akemi craves attention and sees the fame and fortune that comes with being a pro-hero as the best way to get it while also proving a point to anyone that ever tried to coddle her because of her blindness


Wears a visor with no eyeholes over her face. Wields a reinforced cane that can telescope out into a staff.

Akemi thrives on being the centre of attention being at her happiest when she can feel all eyes on her, this tends to make obsess over looking good. She is quite nosy often using her quirk to spy on people without their knowledge on a whim and using that knowledge to ingratiate herself. While sometimes happy to play up the 'poor little blind girl' act to get ahead on occasion she can be easily goaded by implying she's incapable of doing something she actually cares about because of it.

Background and Family:
Born blind to the slightly odd pairing of a defence attorney and a police Akemi was raised with care until her quirk awakened when she was three which took a lot of effort to adapt to due to never having seen anything before. Having learned to control her quirk and learning how to see Akemi still found herself being treated as disabled and left out causing her to act out for attention.

Once the more offensive aspects of her quirk became apparent she became interested in becoming a pro hero in search of greater fame and recognition despite the stories of villains she had heard from her parents. Initially Akemi was only able to overcome her parents' objections by attending a school close to home her performance there earned her a place in 1-C at UA.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C

Power: 1
Speed: 2
Technique: 5
Intelligence: 6
Cooperativeness: 4
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Name: Sabjorn Fenrarke
Hero Name: Dragonknight
Quirk: Toxic Dragon
Quirk Description: basically has the abilities of a dragon of that specific element. His body has taken on a dragon-like appearance, such as claws, wings, and scales. He has good strength, but the interesting parts come with the element. He can poison his enemies as long as they either inhale his breath weapon or he breaks the skin with his claws. The venom isn't fatal, though, it just weakens the opponent and is excruciatingly painful, and the pain intensifying the longer the victim goes without an antidote or their body working through it. Depending on how badly poisoned, it can last up to an hour. However using his breath weapon to spew toxic fumes is a killer on his throat, and needs to be able to breathe to use it. His claws are always toxic, which is a double-edged sword if he accidentally hurts someone he didn't want to, but once all the venom is used up he has to spend some time recovering. He can use his wings to fly for a short amount of time, and is immune to his own poison, and has a resistance to others. Also, as for more weaknesses, if he's knocked off his feet he has a difficult time getting up without assistance. He's got many old leg fractures that cause him pain. He's also not that bright.
He can produce up to 1800 mg of venom, and if completely used, will take him a full week to replenish, and his breath attack drains him twice as fast as using his claws. He currently doesn't have total control over how much he administers at a time. On the other side of the coin, if he doesn't use any venom, eventually it will back up in his system and make him physically sore and uncomfortable, and if he still doesn't use it at this point, it will start to back up into his system and start making him sick.
I do plan on adding a few smaller things to his Quirk that he unlocks as he gets stronger, I can post that here or later, please give me feedback! I still have to finish drawing his hero costume.
Nationality: Born in Iceland, but grew up in America until now
Age: 16
Gender: male
Orientation: bisexual
Height: 6'5"
Reason for becoming a hero: he wants to follow in the footsteps of his late father, who was a small-time hero in America. That, and he thinks the lifestyle is cool.

Equipment and Appearance:
(See above for casual appearance)
he doesn't use much in terms of equipment, other than his dragon-themed hero costume which doubles as armor, and a shield, though they are far from indestructible. he has Bluetooth speakers and a mic in his helmet, for the purposes of communicating with teammates/police while on the move. Sabjorn himself is tall, with blond hair buzzed short except for the top, which he keeps long and pulled back into a ponytail. He is well built and muscular. His Quirk gives his legs and feet a similar look to how a dragon or other possibly bipedal lizard would have, and he has large bat-like wings that allow him flight and great maneuverability, but not speed unless he dives.

Personality: Sabjorn is an angry kid, filled with pent-up frustration and self-loathing. He hides that under a mask of anger and arrogance. Basically an asshole. However, manage to get close to him, and he becomes very protective of those he holds close. He has the potential for kindness and selflessness if he's guided the right way, and his anger management issues don't get in the way.

Background and Family: Sabjorn was born in Iceland where his mother and father were originally from. They moved to America a few years after Sabjorn was born, where he grew up. When he was 9, his mother got caught up in a villain hostage situation and was killed. Ever since then, his father put every resource he had into hero work, which ended up being his downfall as he was killed on the job when sabjorn was 12, leaving the kid alone.
since then, Sabjorn has worked hard to overcome the challenges life threw at him and got into a hero school in America, even though he did apply to UA first. Then, UA opened up Class 1-C, which he gladly accepted the offer to move to Japan and attend. Also, a note, he is dyslexic and struggles with the more academic side of things because of it. It's a miracle he was able to learn Japanese.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 6
Speed: 4
Technique: 4
Intelligence: 1.5
Cooperativeness: 3
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  • gene_20210801_135135.pngBasics:
    Name: Amara Sarki
    Hero Name: Recoil
    Quirk: Mirroring
    Quirk Description: Amara can absorb and repel force/energy. The more she absorbs/repels, however, the more at threat she is of fainting from over-exertion.
    Nationality: Greek/Japanese, moved to Japan a couple of years ago with her family.
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Orientation: Bi
    Height: 5'0
    Reason for becoming a hero: Amara wants to be a hero to help keep people safe. She doesn't really have a grand idea about it, and she's not too keen on the fact that she'll be famous when she's a hero. She just wants to be the best she can be and make sure villains don't get their way.

    Equipment: She doesn't tend to have much by way of equipment except for her costume itself. In combat, she prefers hand-to-hand on account of her quirk, so no weapon suits her that she's found thus far.

    amara costume.png
    amara gym.png

    Personality: Intensely shy, but kind to a fault.

    Background and Family: The thing is, Amara didn't really expect to be accepted into this program. Like... yes. She had great grades at her old school, but... UA? She was from the middle of nowhere, or close enough. She applied because her parents wouldn't stop until she did. So when she got accepted, she just about fainted. As good as her grades were back home, she really really hoped she wouldn't fall behind at such a big and important school as UA.

    Her family consisted of her mother, Taira Sarki (40), her father, Priam Sarki (43), as well as her maternal grandparents Eren (65) and Ryobe Fujimura (66). Her father and mother had left Greece after her paternal grandparents passed away, since they wanted to be closer to her mother's family. She's closest with the people listed, but as is typical in Japan, family gatherings get... large. They lived pretty far away from any major cities, so moving into class dorms is a big deal for Amara.

    On top of all that, being away from her family and being so petite, Amara is... pretty shy. Not so much that she won't talk to people out of fear or whatever, but she's definitely scared of disappointing everyone or getting in the way or not being liked.

    Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
    Power: 6
    Speed: 2
    Technique: 4
    Intelligence: 2
    Cooperativeness: 2
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Name: Kyohei Yuri
Hero Name: Fall Up Koi
Quirk: Hair Force
Quirk Description: The user possesses unique prehensile hair with incredible elasticity and regenerative abilities. The Users holds around ten times the typical amount of hair strands composed of an incredibly strong carbyne-like material, with each strand capable of being controlled with fine motor control independently. The more separate actions attempted with her hair however the less control she has, in addition to the current range of such being around 5 meters at most.
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 10"
Reason for becoming a hero: Admiration for Foster Father
Equipment: Protective costume created from her own hair in addition to a small pouch containing bandages, scissors, disinfectant, and health drinks.
Background and Family:
Orphaned child following the Tokyo Tower incident, a event where the upper floors of one of the provinces towers exploded and rained down billions of yen over the city. Both her parents lost their lives as a result of the events surrounding this, leading to her adoption by her guardian Kizu Ryzuma. This was both a blessing and a curse as she appeared to inherit her guardians ability for getting into trouble or wrapped up in events beyond their control, something that was only compounded by the repeated emergence of ghosts from Ryzumas past.
Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
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Umemoto Ryota
Hero Name: Absolute Zero

Quirk: Sub-Zero
Sub-Zero is a mutation quirk, granting the user's body an unnaturally low temperature of -353 degrees Fahrenheit. Without special clothing, those within a few meters radius will begin to experience frigid cold temperatures, while those who touch his bare skin will instantly freeze to him. Applications of the quirk include freezing water, or instantly turning it into a layer of ice Ryota can walk on. At close range, attacking Ryota can be a nearly impossible foe to defeat if his quirk is uninhibited, however it has little long-range ability. Weaknesses of this quirk include a sensitivity to heat: Ryota's body cannot handle going above certain temperatures, and easily succumbs to heat stroke. Other blatant problems extend from interactions with teammates, as Ryota's quirk can be a threat to anyone who comes close, as he freezes the moisture in the air around him. In functioning society, Ryota requires special clothing so he can be around others and touched.

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 5'7"
Reason for becoming a hero: He wants to find his place in life.

Equipment and Appearance:
While only seen when in his costume, Ryota has a bluish tint to his skin, layered over with snow-white hair. Any hair on his body is covered with a thin layer of ice, bunching together in little crystals. His face is rather ordinary, with weak facial composition, and blue eyes that sink into his complexion. His hair is thick and unkempt, falling over his eyes. To augment hurting others, Ryota wears a special type of clothing over his skin to protect those from his quirk. It consists of a black fabric that is woven against his skin tightly that completely blocks any. As such, in a natural situation he appears as a boy with no visibility of any of his skin, aside from his eyes which are protected by goggles. He is able to layer this under any clothing or uniform. He wears his uniform normally, with an intricately knotted tie.

As with his casual appearance, Ryota's skin is protected from others. His costume consists of a glass helmet, with a metallic suit for his body. He uses no tools, but his costume is capable of many functions that allow him to use his quirk:

Air Cannons: This function allows Ryota to take advantage of his frigid temperature and blow freezing air at his opponent.

Ice Gun: A small tube of water is siphoned into a device that allows Ryota's body to quickly freeze water and use it as a projectile. It is fired from a device in his arm.

Ice Skates: When Ryota freezes water, his boots have the capability of extended ice skates that allow him to glide over water.

As per his quirk, Ryota's personality is cold and shallow. He is a brutal pessimist and does not get along with others very easily. While lethargic seeming, he is incredibly tough on himself and is an diligent worker when it comes to school work. While not quick witted, he is capable of analytic thinking and can make difficult decisions under pressure. While quiet by nature, he does make his opinion known and has little patience for stupidity. He is a no-nonsense kind of person and gravitates towards simple to execute plans. Ryota is incredibly pragmatic and knows the extent of his quirk and the risk to his teammates.

Background and Family:
Ryota's mother was a famous hero who had complete manipulation over ice, while his father had reign over the wind. His brothers and sisters inherited powerful quirks, Ryota, the youngest, was situated with a less desirable combination of his mother and father's quirk, a quirk that at birth almost killed his mother and left her with permanent scars. From his birth, Ryota would be estranged from family and friends. While an attempt at attending public school was made, his quirk was realized as a potent risk by teachers and his parents were urged to have him homeschooled. His mother retired from her career to make sure Ryota had the best education he could have. As Ryota aged, he would feel increasingly guilty about what he made his mother do. As he approached the age for high school, Ryota would make conscious efforts to attend a hero school where his quirk would be accepted, training endlessly for this goal.

At the entrance exams for U.A. Academy, Ryota would be a few points off the cut off point for classes A and B, but was later allowed entrance at the creation of a class C.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 2
Speed: 2
Technique: 6
Intelligence: 5
Cooperativeness: 1
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Name:Yuki Asuka ( Asuka is her first name)
Hero Name: Kite (its a Bird)
Quirk: wings
Quirk Description:
Her wings are similar to that of Hawks only different is they are a silver and with cobalt blue marking she can hide them a bit better and appear to look like a normal human so in other words she can make them appear and disappear at will but this took time . When she has her wings out she has a wings sapn of 502.92 cm or 16.5 feet and could reach up to 600 cm (about 20ft) by the time she finishes school.

She can harden the feather on her wings that can act like a shield if attacked during which can use her feather as blades if she plucks them after she hardens them or if they fall out while she has them hardened naturally. She will only resorts to plucking them if it is in an emergency because it's quite painful to do so, even though she as a above average pain tolerance.

Asuka’s wings are similarly designed like a common swift (bird) which gives her an edge in speed when it comes to level flying.

She is not able to wield her feather to move or pretect people like Hawks can.

Her bones are hollow but are reinforced so they do not break in the middle of a fight unless the force of the attack exceeds 7,500 newtones of force since it only takes 4000 to break a normal quirkless human bone

Asukas' quirk also has inhanced her eye sight alowing her to see great distances with little trouble like that of a bird. When looking at her eyes you will black marking in the corner of her eye near her nose that run over her eyelids just above her thick eyelashes causing her to look like she is wearing really well done black eyeliner.

Posibility: Possible Evolving?: This will allow Asuka to have more range over her wings like possibly being able to change the shape of her wings and feather. (Example she changes the shape of them in to that of a penguin which would allow her to do under water missions.)

Nationality: Japenese
Gender: female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 165.2cm (5'5" ft) tall
Reason for becoming a hero:
Her adopted parents show her that there was still good in the worlds and she wants to help thoes who cant peotect them selves

Equipment and Appearance:
insperation for her appearance but the costume is what she does wear.
her small utility belt. She tends to keep helpful supplies ( like gauze and salve as well as some flash bang and some smoke bombs for a distraction

Ear tufts

Asuka stands at 165.2cm (5'5" ft) tall. she weight 53.5kg about (117lbs) being a little above the normal. Asuka has waistlingth feather like silvery hair that she will keep in a poinytail, braid, or bun while in school making it look shorter than it really is. with her hair is out of the way you will be able to see her feather ear tufts that match her wing color. When she lets her hair down it reaches her waist while also framing her heart shaped face and slightly hides her ear tufts. Her skin is a light sun kissed tan with a pink crescent moon shaped birth mark on her right shoulder.

She also has ear tofts to help keep protect her ears from with wind.

Asuka has blue gray eyes that seem to change to a more blue or gray depending on her mood with exceptional eyesight and her eyes are framed by long thick eyelashes and her black eyeliner like markings. she has an athletic hourglass like figure due to her training.

hard worker
Very mischivious
Very protective over the the people she calls friends and family.
hot tempered
can be lazy
likes to misslead her opponents in to believing she is basicly harmless when she is not

Background and Family:
Asuka was born to a normal qurkless family that had a great dislike for those with quirks and she looked to be a normal quirless human until she reached the age of 4 when she started to show signs of having a quirk which she hid. The first sign that showed was when her ear tufts first started to grow in which itched and hurt at the same time. It took a few days before were fully in. At the time looked like grayish white down on a newly hatched bird . Asuka knew of her families dislike of quirk users so she hid them for a as long as she could until her wings made a very painful entrance in to her life. Due to how her wings formed she could not handle the pain and it ended up that she passed out. It was how her mother found her passed out on her bedroom floor covered in dry blood and bird down.

After that day her life got a whole lot harder has her older bother and sister bulled her while she was ignored by her father and tormented by her mother minor things. when she hit seven her birth family had had enough of her living with them so dropped her off at an orphanage. Just before the left they told her that she was not their daughter or sibling because they did not have a freak like her in the family nor did she deserve them. It was a while later that she learned they moved out of the country and were not planing on ever comingback. Asuka did not understand why they hated people with quirks since 80% of the world population were quirk users since she had learned than much from her old school. Thanks to the trauma her ex-family put her through she had became less trusting of others for fear of it happening again. Two years went by before a rich childless quirk couple came to the orphanage looking to adopt. The first few time the came they did not see her but around the forth time took notice of her because Asuka did not approach them to gain attention or affection from them like most of the children there instead she stood off at a distance almost out of sight. They grew curious bout her and eventually asked the orphanage care giver about the little girl that stood off at a distance. The orphanage matron eventually told them her name as well as what happened and how her pervious family treated her. The couple was horrified at what they hear and ask if they could began the adoption paper work for Asuka and a little boy called Kai who was two years old. His birth mother passed afterdue to complications after he was born and his birth father did not want him.

During the adoption process they spent as much time with the two children to so that there were still people out there that would love them and care for them. It was a rough rode for Asuka due to her distrust and fear. The couple did not give up and even went as far as to get her counseling to help her recover from her trauma.

Seven months and adoption court later the adoption was finalized and her name was changed from Hina Miaka to Yuki Asuka while her now little brother was known as Yuki Kai. The couple continued to take her counseling before she felt comfortable enough to agreed to do family counseling.

When she hit 13 she started to loose the down feathers on her wings and ears and started to get her flight feathers in at first it scared her but she now had enough trust in new family that she could ask for help with the what was going on. The couple was more happy help with her her during the growth of her flight feather as well as prevent blood feathers. Once she all her new feathers were in they increased her training so that she would strong wing muscles as well as how to use her quirk. With the help of her new father whos quirk allowed him fly and her new mother was had an ice quirk which was able to help the little brother out as well as her. Since the age of 8 she as been in a school for people with quirks which is how she got to where she is. With her new family she is now in a happy, stable, and loving family.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 3-6
Speed: 4.5-6
Technique: 3.5-6
Intelligence: 4.5-6
Cooperativeness: 5.5-6

If i am missing or need to edit let me know
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Name: Lola Glade.
Hero Name: Insomn
Quirk: Psychic
Quirk Description: She has very strong psychic abilities that are Telepathy and Telekinesis. due to how strong they are her brain frequently gets large migraines and even aneurysms just from being awake and passively using the power. Her body naturally countered this by learning to be in a state of constant half sleep. In a sense. Unless her eyes are open. She is sleepwalking. Due to her psychic powers she is fully conscious while asleep and uses her telepathy as sort of a bubble around her to let her know her immediate surroundings. When she does wake up she can use large bursts of power at the cost of aneurysms and large amounts of physical stress
Nationality: American (Florida specifically)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi.
Height: 4' 10"
Reason for becoming a hero: "It was either this or get a degree in Herpetology"

Equipment and Appearance:
She carries no weapons or tools other than a sleeping mask and Lots of tylenol and ibuprofen

Lola is incredibly Lethargic and relaxed due to her state of being in a constant sleep. She is usually calm even when threatened or in dangerous situations. She finds Physical activity annoying and tries to avoid it. Frequently saying "If I'm going to date someone. let it be an extrovert who can handle all the heavy lifting for me." She has a carefree and laidback look on life not stressing over things and will often just go along with her acquaintances plans even if she knows they won't end well. However, one point of contention where she does show lots of emotion is her... lack of assets. Any comments on this will result in immediate retaliation in the form of probably being launched into the air by telekinesis.

Background and Family:
Lola Glad is the daughter of two famous scientists. Both working in the field of Neuropsychology and studying the quirks effect on the brain and psyche. From birth she had a fairly potent quirk. but seemed to have trouble controlling it. As long as she remained calm. It would usually be in check. However, at the age of 7 while playing at a park. A certain incident occurred, a few boy were also at the park, and as the Americans would say. Boys, will be boys. Some bullying ensued, gradually getting worse with the addition of quirks. With time and mindless repetition, dude's bullying drove her past the point of reason - when she finally sought relief, it was like squishing a cherry between her fingers. After that traumatizing event, her parents took action and proceeded to develop something to help her control her powers, this resulted in Lolas trademark psuedo sleep, a state of eternal half sleep. In this state lolas powers are inhibited, however, it has left many downsides to it. Muscle atrophy, general sense of detachment, general apathy, she is essentially blind in this pseudo sleep, as well as an over reliance on this state. As she grew up so did her powers, yet with the inhibitor lola never learned how to control her powers at a higher level. This has led to her powers being a doubled edged sword able to even cause aneurysm if she tries to use her full power. Staying like this she had easily gone through majority of her life until she was transferred to japan.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C

Power: 3
Speed: 1
Technique: 2
Intelligence: 3
Cooperativeness: 6
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Name: Yudai Ryoshi
Hero Name: Jawz
Quirk: Shark
Quirk Description:
A mutation-type quirk that grants the user a few abilities similar to that of a shark, Yudai possesses powerful jaws full of sharp teeth that can crush various sturdy materials and gives him a solid and quick body. He has a long tail that can be used similar to a club when smacking foes. Due to his unique physiology, Yudai’s body requires a more constant hydration need than the average human. His quirk cannot fully develop unless within specific parameters revolving around water sources putting him at a disadvantage in dry environments. Without proper hydration, Yudai’s body will rapidly exhaust itself making him pass out. However, if his body becomes drenched in water, such as rain, or submerged, just like when swimming, his body will shift, granting him a higher level of physical performance.
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5’6
Reason for becoming a hero:
-To seek thrills beyond his ordinary understanding
-To help those that cannot defend themselves
-To be cool

Equipment and Appearance:
An aquatic-based outfit, designed for style and his headstrong style, his suit essentially works as an extra layer of protection to help him take on more substantial hits from his enemies. It possesses a cooling mechanism that helps keep his body at a generally cold level to prevent him front sweating and succumbing to hot temperatures.


Background and Family:

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 3
Speed: 2
Technique: 3
Intelligence: 2
Cooperativeness: 2

Power: 5
Speed: 3
Technique: 3
Intelligence: 2
Cooperativeness: 2

Power: 6
Speed: 4
Technique: 3
Intelligence: 2
Cooperativeness: 2


Name: Iruka Ryoshi
Hero Name: Dolphy
Quirk: Dolphin
Quirk Description:
A mutation-type quirk that grants the user a few abilities similar to that of a Dolphin, Iruka can utilize electroreception, allowing her to locate objects and people by perceiving electrical stimuli enabling her to move around in dark areas find hidden obstacles. While not as strong as her brother, she is much faster and can outmaneuver most. While her tail can be used as a weapon, Iruka mainly uses it to propel herself for quicker movement by pushing off walls or the ground. Like her brother, Iruka has an unique physiology with a high hydration requirement and is only at her best when submerged in water.

Nationality: Japanese
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5’2
Reason for becoming a hero:
-Keep her brother out of trouble
-To show her mother that can she can become something great
-Admiration of the countless stories she's heard about heroes

Equipment and Appearance:
Like her brother's design, it possesses a cooling mechanism to help her during harsh environments. It is made of lightweight and smooth material to help compliment her quickness.


Background and Family:

Power: 2
Speed: 3
Technique: 4
Intelligence: 5
Cooperativeness: 4

Power: 3
Speed: 4
Technique: 4
Intelligence: 5
Cooperativeness: 4

Power: 4
Speed: 6
Technique: 4
Intelligence: 5
Cooperativeness: 4
: Sikitay Matsumae
Hero Name : Galatea
Quirk : Vulcan
Quirk Description :
"Vulcan" is a quirk formed from both of Matsumae's parents' quirks, Magnet Eyes (the ability to see magnetic fields and control magnetized objects from range) from her father and Armor (the ability to grow a metallic plating) from her mother, although the quirk degenerated due to an unexpected streak of mutations.

Matsumae's sight highlights metallic objects in her mind in a nondescript color, with the glow varying in intensity depending on how magnetized the object is (an industrial electro-magnet would appear of brilliance similar to staring right into the sun). However, her optical nerves are permanently metallized due to a detrimental mutation, meaning that if she tries to manipulate any object using her sight, her skin will begin to metallize from the border of her eyes, becoming an extremely sensitive and vulnerable metallic layer. In addition, she becomes functionally blind if within close range of a strong electrical or magnetic power source.

The second half of her quirk allows her to meld metal from touch, although the process will be slower and more exhausting the denser the target metal is. Any metal she manipulates this way acts as an extension of her body, meaning that she will experience a complete and enhanced nerve response from any metallic part. In addition, using this ability increases her touch sensibility but gradually dulls her senses of smell, hearing and taste the longer she keeps it active, and any melded part will slowly begin to merge with her body in a very painful process that will cause her to go berserk due to pain if let completed. Her average fusion time is 6 to 7 minutes. Finally, as with her sight, she becomes unable to activate this ability within close range of a strong electrical or magnetic power source.

She also has some degree of super strength and agility.

Nationality : Japanese (Ainu) - Indian
Age : 16
Gender : Female
Orientation : Ace
Height : 6'2"
Reason for Heroism : It's the right thing to do, and she hopes to earn money to treat herself and support other people who have self-damaging quirks.

Neon Soldier.png
  • Brightness-regulating eye lenses (to avoid being suddenly blinded by electric or magnetic flashes)
  • Face plates (Jaw and Forehead) (A protection piece first and foremost, but can deliver a minor EMP to forcefully shut down her powers in case of emergency)
  • Polymer bodysuit and armor (A non-metallic bodysuit and armor that serves to prevent her vitals from being in contact with metal. Covers the torso, the back and the neck area)
  • Earpiece (Just a standard earpiece for communication, but has a non-metallic cover)

Matsumae's main character trait is her resilience and ability to push through most sorts of suffering, be it mental or physical. She knows how hard life can be when one's own body hurts itself against one's will, and she knows what it feels like to be discriminated against because of one's beliefs and ethnicity. Hokkaido's harsh environment has given her a healthy dose of respect for the strength and wrath of Nature, and she knows better than to think man can truly dominate the natural world.

Her main heroic philosophy is that righteousness is good and that protecting is better than fighting. As such, she prefers to take on rescue and damage control roles, as she also has deep-seated self-worth issues due to he quirk making it hard for her to prove useful in combat, despite her self-professed reluctance to engage in violence (it does not help that her uncle is a famous indian hero whose powers allow him to go in the thick of fights, and she considers him a role model of sorts, as he taught her about hindu philosophy and the broader world of heroism).

Morally speaking, she would call herself a practicing hindu, although she has little in the way of faith, but she follows the philosophy of it. She strongly believes in dharma (One's path of righteousness and morality, and duty to uphold the moral order of the world), although she still struggles to find more permanent goals in life than just "do good", or to form fulfilling emotional bonds outside of her family.

: Sikitay Saburo, 41-years old Japanese Ainu historian. Quirk : Magnet Eyes. Not interested in heroics, but hopes for a person of Ainu heritage to become a famous hero in order to start a revival of Ainu culture. Has a currently rather strained relationship with his daughter due to her embracing indian religion.

Mother : Hanamura Pārvatī, 43-years old Indian-Japanese (Japanese father, Indian mother), ex-heroine (retired after sustaining a grievous lower spine fracture) now working with associates in a small restaurant/souvenir shop in Furano. Quirk : Armor. Leery of letting Matsumae become a pro hero due to some level of projecting her own failures and injuries, but entirely supportive of her daughter's goals.

Uncle : Akshat Khalid, 37-years old, #3 Pro Hero of India. Pārvatī's cousin. Quirk : Asura Electro (Body-type quirk, allows him to create an armor of electricity around him and wield lightning). His hero name is "Savitar Punch". Originally became a hero for the fame and due to some hero worship of Pārvatī, although they had a brutal falling-out after she got injured, and he still regrets it years later, which leads to some projecting of his own hopes onto Matsumae. He is fully supportive of her heroics, and tries to teach her how to be a proper hero, although he keeps the "unlike him" silent. He doesn't visit Japan often due to still being in activity in India.

Born in a family of mixed ancestry and none that was considered truly Japanese by Honshu/Shikoku mainlanders, Matsumae has had a difficult childhood rife with racism and discrimination, which led her to be rather removed from social interaction. At the same time, she rather admired her mother's heroics as well as the stories of other heroes she could see in the news and on the internet, which led to her developing a budding interest in becoming a hero, which was further strengthened after meeting her uncle Akshat.

After her mother got crippled when Matsumae was 13, she had a major nervous breakdown when she realized that the life of a pro hero was not only good guys doing great stuff, but could also result in career-ending or life-ending catastrophes. Her quirk first manifested shortly later, leading to Matsumae herself almost dying due to grievous wounds and brain overload. Three years later, she has not yet fully recovered, and she sports some gnarly scars on her legs and abdomen, proof of the dangerous nature of her powers. She also has a great psychological hurdle to overcome, in that she is really distrustful and fearful of her own abilities. She nonetheless still wishes to become a pro heroine, feeling that despite what she is and what she has, it remains the best way for her to help society.

- 6
Speed - 2
Technique - 3
Intelligence - 3
Cooperativeness - 2
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Name: Yamato Fujiyomi
Hero Name: Greif

Quirk: Nightshade

Quirk Description:
Yamato envelops herself with her own shadow. Assimilating her physical form into a light based entity, or lack thereof. This allows her to flatten herself, and travel freely within the darkness at high speeds. As long a portion of darkness exists she’s able to hide her form within it. Her eyes remain visible at all times in this form, an unfortunate downside. Should she be tracking a target, she must keep her eyes closed to remain “invisible”.
This ethereal form of Yamato has a heavy influence upon the target’s it latches onto. She’s able to delve deep into the target’s inner psyche to force the mind to hallucinate. This disrupts the targets concentration in hopes that they will make mistakes, allowing her allies to finish the job. Those afflicted by this “Greif” display noticeable changes, the sclera will blacken and began to pour wisps of darkness.

Her ability to wrench minds is her biggest asset next to her martial arts. She will often fight targets in the close quarters combat, if given an opportunity she can not escape from. Often manifesting blunt objects such a bo-staff to defend herself.

Her biggest weakness is large amount of UV-Light, when enveloped by her shadow, bright lights cause a large amount of pain. While in the direct gaze of light, she cannot transform back into a Human, or a Shadow. She will remain trapped in until she can find shelter in another location she can freely transform.
Nationality: Japanese

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Height: 5’9

Reason for becoming a hero:

Yamato wishes to follow in her families footsteps working for the Police force, and embracing her families Shinobi heritage by working for the Intel-Department. Wanting to make her Father proud of the Hero that he knew she could always be.

Equipment and Appearance:
Yamato is a slender tanned-skinned girl. Her hair an ashy white, that extends well past her backside down to her calf. Her striking emerald eyes could pierce even the darkest veil of knight. Her Hero attire tends to lean on the more traditional side. Her Hakama covers the lower portion of her body, allowing her a full range of movement. Often opting to go barefoot into combat, she still wears open toe-socks, and are fastened to the inside of her hakama. Her Tekoh are made of a thick leather, often helpful in deflecting pain and lessening the blows of her combatants. The only major break in her uniform is the backless crop-top, keeping her assets tightly fixated to her chest.

Yamato is predominantly defined by her fierce loyalty to her family and ideals, where she will not hesitate to sacrifice herself in order to preserve her friends, or loved ones. According to her family, this loyalty of hers sees her devoting the bulk of her time to training or fulfilling missions, leaving her with little time for leisure.

Yamato often presents herself as a calm, confident individual. This sense of collectedness is consistently maintained even when she is faced with tense situations. Despite the serious demeanor that Yamato commonly presents, she is still able to form meaningful relationships with others and take up hobbies for amusement.

Yamato is also known to harbor an interest in painting, a fact that sees her spending much of her free time engaging in the art. Though she lacks the aptitude for painting.

Background and Family:

Yamato is from a family who can trace their heritage back to the Edo period of Japan. Her family acting as personal retainers to royalty at the time. This family values continue to remain true today. Her family will often practice traditional Japanese ceremonies, and often teach their children the way of the Shinobi. At the turn of the Century and the Rise quarks their family would continue to do what they do best. Acting as Information gatherer’s and personal bodyguards for high-profile individuals. Yamato was born into the families main branch, thus having a lot of responsibility thrust upon her. She will inherit the families name when the time comes. Her family will expect her to join the Police Force and follow in her father’s footsteps.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C

Power: 3

Speed: 5

Technique: 4

Intelligence: 5
Nobusuke Kishi
Hero Name: Wildfire

Quirk: Inferno
Quirk Description: An emitter type quirk that releases bursts of fire from several distinct parts of the body. Nobusuke can unleash his Inferno quirk via his mouth, knees down to the base of his feet, and alongside the majority of his back. Inferno offers little pyrokinesis abilities, though Nobusuke can manipulate the flames as long as they're making direct contact with his body. Due to the fact that Nobusuke Kishi's only highly resistant and not immune to the high temperatures and burning energy emitting from his body, prolonged contact to manipulate the flames is almost always done with caution. Inferno as a quirk is difficult to use, as many settings where other heroes can freely make use of their genetic powers would see a house set ablaze by an erroneous kick. The lack of ultimate finesse and control forces Nobusuke to carefully gauge how and when to make use of his quirk.

Nationality: Ryukyuan
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 5'11"
Reason for becoming a hero: From an early age, Nobusuke has idolized heroes from a distance. Coming from a poorer family in a district of Okinawa plagued by petty criminals and villainy, Nobusuke had grown onto a silly dream of cleaning up his home turf once he's made it.



Nobusuke Kishi's attire when becoming Wildfire consists of a black, red and orange jumpsuit made of flame retardant material, with strategic openings around his shin and backside to allow his Inferno quirk to be used without resistance. His suit is rather simplistic in account of jewelry or accessories often being partially melted or ruined when paired with his volatile quirk.

As a hero (in—training,) Nobusuke keeps a carry bag sized fire extinguisher whenever allowed to use his quirk.
Nobusuke carries around ten feet of rope and an emergency cell phone in a carrying bag, in preparations for when he's an actual hero and needs to contact nearby heroes or apprehend criminals at a moments notice.


An energetic and outgoing youth, Nobusuke tends to be a bit of a loud mouth who enjoys socializing. Whether this is discussing the weather or the start of a cities infrastructure, Nobusuke seems to always have a comment (and more accurately, complaint,) to register with those around him. Nobusuke seems to think he'll always know what's best or that he has the answer, even when facing the unknown. This blind confidence has mixed results on people, usually souring them after prolonged exposure. Nobusuke's likewise fond of secrets and leading people on, causing slight mischief whenever he can. He isn't much of an idealistic, throughout the years, opting to approach problems esoteric and realistic with the same almost mechanical approach.

Background and Family:
Back on Okinawa, Nobusuke remembered having several siblings and a few "in—&—out" father figures that his mom was hooking up with. Due to the nature of their economic position, Nobusuke found himself free to come and go from his familial dwelling with his mom showing diminishing concern. Far too many children and far too little left in her bank account numbed her to the idea of her children going missing for weeks at a time, off hanging out with a group of rapscallions. Independence was almost hoisted upon Nobusuke without his consent, a fact Nobusuke came to resent as he grew older and experienced a more stable childhood.

In the back alleys of Okinawa, children were free to use their quirks with little consequence. Reckless abandon was encouraged by the older lot whilst those around Nobusuke's age — eight by this point — caused all manner of chaos on dumpsters, trash bins and whatever poor rodents and vermin fell in the guttersnipes sight. They mingled with those of a bad lot, though again the children had no greater concept of villain back then. It was a simple distinction between dangerous neighbors and the lazy ones.

Those days waxed and waned when Nobusuke was tempted by an older boy to show off what his quirk could really do—having it directly compared to Endeavors to boost Nobusuke's undeservedly big ego—and the young boy roared. Inferno had never been pushed to such lengths, Kishi wouldn't of dreamed it was anything better than a cigarette lighter. But the stream of fire blasted a dumpster, warping the metallic hull as Nobusuke turned, his fire devouring a wooden fence. Panicked, Nobusuke tried to pause his quirk, but shutting his mouth only made his legs and back erupt in flames, searing away his clothes and badly burning those he was around. Fearful of him, the children fled with Nobusuke making a panicked pursuit, flames licking away at whatever they could for over five minutes before Inferno seemed tapped.

Three buildings were badly burned, a football field ignited and an electrical transformer exploded due to Nobusuke's Inferno.

There was an unknown fear building in Nobusuke's heart, thinking the likes of All Might would descend from the sky and capture him like a lowly villain, that his mom would admonish him alongside his many siblings, or he'd be exiled from his group of friends. Nobusuke spent days scrounging on the streets, avoiding all his usual circles as he tried to find a clever excuse, someone to pin this on. It couldn't be his fault, really. He was a young kid! It was the older boys, Nobusuke tried to rationalize. Yet he never confronted them or his family, despite the repeated insistences he made.

On the fourth day, Nobusuke saw several of the boys he was with (and had burned) approaching him. They weren't alone, a man and woman dressed smartly in suits not fitting the Okinawan slum scrutinized the green haired youth. They asked if he was the cause of the recent black out and arson, to which Nobusuke tried to deny. His companions quickly sold the boy out, citing their burns as evidence. Angered and shaken, Nobusuke wanted to flee, but the commanding presence of the adults stalled him.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" The man said, his voice as unwelcoming as his appearance.

"A hero," Nobusuke almost instinctively pushed. It was every kids dream, even the poor ones like himself.

"Heroes can't go around setting buildings on fire," The woman chided him. "They need to control their quirks to save others."

A whimper was all that drawled from Nobusuke's lips, his head nodding in understanding.

"Do you want to control your quirk?" The man's onyx eyes peered down with an unknown intensity.

Nobusuke answered quickly, his mind jumping to half a million assumptions. "I want to be a hero." He reaffirmed, to the pairs delight.

"Do you have a family?" The woman resumed her questioning.

Do I? Nobusuke associated his mom too much with punishment, his siblings were distant and only halfway related to him. He felt about as comfortable with them as any somewhat familiar group of children. "No," Nobusuke lied. The pair appreciated that answer, for what came next altered the course of Nobusuke's life irreplaceably

They were members of the Public Hero Safety Commissions, part of some outreach program that was looking for hopeful prospects from less scoured sources. Nobusuke, the alleged orphan, had met their qualifications with a rambunctious quirk and few (if any) connections to the world around him. Flying straight to the mainland, Nobusuke was put in a small school filled with children like him. It was far from prestigious, no U.A. or Shiketsu, but the Commissions supplied enough to make sure the children were well read and able to practice their quirks in a safe environment.

He was to be a hero, there was no more question of that.

Nobusuke imagined he'd graduate the Commissions private tutelage in the next three years, before being made the sidekick to someone decently famous. But when the likes of the League of Villains reared its head and began to disturb the stability, his future was once more thrown off kilter. Nobusuke was recommended to join U.A. for the rest of his teaching, those overlooking him recommending it as a way to "learn from a wider pool of prospective heroes". Nobusuke diligently nodded, putting himself in line for U.A.'s first ever third hero class.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Speed: 3
Technique: 4
Intelligence: 3
Cooperativeness: 2
Kagawa Ken
Pro Hero Clavis
UA Faculty - Search & Rescue Teacher

  • Metalmorph
    He can bend and shape any kind of metal at will as long as he’s in contact with it. This ability also allows him to lift and carry large amounts of metal, as they are nearly weightless under his control. It takes hours of training and practice to master manipulating a specific kind of metal, but the more familiar he is with the material, the faster and more efficiently he can shape it. Pure metals are easiest to manipulate, while alloys and impure compounds are stubborn and require increased concentration to reshape. The metals he works best with are steel, iron, copper, nickel, aluminum, and platinum. He uses a trained mind and his environment to the fullest to make up for what he lacks in raw power.


    • • His Quirk relies on the presence of metal for it to be useful to him, which is why he carries metal equipment. However, in the instance that he ends up in a situation where there is no metal available, then he's just a slightly stronger-than-average man.

    • • When he overexerts himself by manipulating metals he is unfamiliar with, he experiences "metal fatigue" and his muscles will start to give in as if he was using physical strength to bend the metal. This is due to his ability being mainly psychological, and having a connection with the materials he's using causes less strain on his body, whereas having little or no familiarity results in physical repercussions.

    • • His control over the metals weakens the further they are from the point of contact. He must be touching the material in order to use his Quirk, and the maximum distance he can stretch a particular metal depends on its malleability and/or ductility.

    *Note: The contact rule involves any body part, including hair. He wears support gear embedded with his DNA, so he is able to activate his Quirk through his clothing so long as his clothing is in contact with his body.

    Fun Fact! The most malleable metal on Earth is gold (Au) and the most ductile is Platinum (Pt). At top form, Ken can manipulate a 1-gram piece of gold into a sheet 0.5 mm thick and a gram of platinum into a wire that's 10 meters long. For reference, gold leaf is about 0.12 microns (0.00012 mm) thick and one gram of platinum can be stretched over 2,000 meters (1.24 mi) long!

Power: ★★★☆☆☆
Speed: ★★★★☆☆
Technique: ★★★★★★
Intelligence: ★★★★☆☆
Cooperativeness: ★★★★★☆​
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Name: Donny Yang
Hero Name: Dark matter
Quirk: Black Beast
Quirk Description: Donny has a heavy mutation quirk that has transformed his entire body into a black mass. His amorphous body is highly resistant against blunt physical trauma, and it can freely change it's shape to fit in narrow spaces. His body is also naturally sticky so those who make contact with him may have a hard time getting free. In addition Donny is able to create various organs and appendages, enabling him to do things like create multiple eyes or ears to improve his senses or many arms to grab and strike at his enemies. He also can consume inorganic matter easily, which he usually uses to dig tunnels or clean up big messes.

However Donny is critically weak against extreme temperature, freezing and burning very easily. Additionally while his body is resistant to punches and kicks he has no particular resistance against bullets or blades, so it's entirely possible for Donny to be slain via being shot to death. His strange form also prevents him from blending in with people easily and even his "disguise" moves awkwardly. His strange physiology makes him far too heavy to swim and despite being a slime creature Donny does still need to breath so he always risks drowning if he goes into deep water.
Nationality: American
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 5'10 (Can stretch up to 11 feet)
Reason for becoming a hero: Wants to prove that he can be more than just a monster, and use his abilities to help the world.

Equipment and Appearance:
This is what Donny looks like when he is simply trying to blend in with others. He moves awkwardly but otherwise can pass as human as long as he doesn't have to do anything too extreme.

Donny's true form is simply a black mass though he has a white mask which he uses as a "face" when interacting with others. He doesn't actually have a head so it doesn't matter where his mask is on his body until he needs it.

As for equipment, Donny carries an expensive video recorder that he can easily have hidden inside of his body. He uses it to record things that happen so he always has some video evidence of things happening. It also has a nightvision mode so he can see in total darkness. If he has a wifi connection he can stream his recording directly to the internet.

Donny also tends to carry snacks inside of his body for him to eat later. Candy, chips, even soda.


Donny is a fairly shy youth who is quite aware that he's very awkward and can sometimes be frightening to others. While he prefers to be by himself he's trying to be more social and shed his old neet personality. Though he's still a bit of a dork and stutters a lot around people he's not familiar with. However if he's talking about something he's really knowledgeable about he's much more eager to talk and can even go on and on about his favorite topics. He looks up to heroes, especially ugly or fearsome ones, who are able to do good despite what they look like. He's especially a fan of the type of heroes who were formerly villains and are looking to reform, as it gives him the hope that even if he has done nothing bad people would be willing to accept him as long as he works hard.

Background and Family:

Donny has two fairly mundane parents. His father is quirkless while his mother can grow and change her hair at will. When Donny was born he looked like a normal baby but when he turned four he suddenly became this strange slime monstrosity. His parents had feared that something had happened to him but when the doctors examined him they concluded that as bizarre as he was this was simply the manifestation of Donny's quirk. His parents had no idea how to deal with Donny but they knew someone who could. His maternal grandfather, who had a quick that seemed very similar to what had happened to Donny. So at a young age Donny moved to Japan where his grandfather lived, in a village where many people with ghastly mutation quirks lived. It was here that Donny learned how to use his powers but also had to deal with his monstrous quirk. The village helped him disguise himself among normal people but he had many cases where he accidentally revealed himself and caused a disturbance. But thanks to his grandfather, as well as some heroes with similarlly monsterous quirks, Donny was inspired to keep working hard to become a better person even a hero himself.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 3
Speed: 2
Technique: 5
Intelligence: 3
Cooperativeness: 5
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Name: Gary Dworkin
Hero Name: Hogwild
Quirk: Hog
Quirk Description: Mutant quirk that grants Gary some of the physical attributes and adaptability of a hog.
● Hog Nose:
○Enhanced Sense of Smell: Gary's sense of smell is far beyond a quirkless human's, capable of identifying certain odors in excess of 5 miles. Gary's snout is also adept at picking up lingering scents, identifying the smell of a human on an object up to 3 days after they've touched it. Gary's also adept at identifying covered scents, being able to smell things buried under dirt that a human normally would not.
○Shovel Nose: The shape of Gary's snout allows him to use it to dig through dirt and earth. This ability is greater than that of even most hogs, allowing Gary to dig tunnels for himself to move through. Gary is only able to do this in material as soft or softer than soil without special equipment.
● Hog Ears: Gary's sense of hearing is more acute than a quirkless humans, allowing him to hear a whisper over 100 yards away thanks to his hog-like ears.
● Thick Skin: Gary has the thick hide of a hog, granting greater protection to his vitals and greater resistance to cold and venom based attacks.
● Hog Speed: Gary can run at speeds of up to 30 mph.
● "Cast-Iron" Stomach: Gary can digest most organic and some inorganic matter without a problem. He also has a much bigger appetite than most humans. This trait helped get him into trouble before being made to move to Japan.
● Adaptability: Gary's physical appearance changes depending on the situation he finds himself in. In calm, day to day situations his body hair remains short and quite fine as well as not having any tusks. However, in stressful situations his hair rapidly grows longer and he quickly grows 2 long tusks.
○Tusks: bone growths from Gary's face that can deliver slashing and impaling damage. They also regenerate extremely quickly and fall out when no longer needed.
● Pig Tail: He hides it even though its cute.
● Hooved Feet: he can't hide these.
Nationality: American, European descent
Age: 16
Gender: He/Him
Orientation: Het
Height: 5'10"
Reason for becoming a hero: At first it was forced on him, but an experience with a friend who couldnt manage his quirk made him want to learn to control his own so that he can do good for others and help others like his friend.

Equipment: Gary's hero costume consists of a pair of shorts as well as
● Harness: a harness he wears that relieves tension from his muscles in his upper body when he moves.
● Snout Shovel: a diamond attachment to Gary's snout that allows him to break through material harder than stone with his snout. Acts kind of like a 3rd tusk in combat.
● Digging Dusters: diamond tipped gauntlets designed to assist in Gary's digging as well as enhance the power of his punches. He can also punch walls and and hard vertical surfaces and embed the dusters into said surface, allowing him to better climb.

Appearance: a big, broad shouldered kid with tough pink skin. Retains a mostly human appearance but has a hogs ears, snout, hooves, and tail. When stressed, grows long fine hair all over his body as well as two long tusks from his face.

Generally laid-back, but pretty sassy. Has a problem with authority in so much that hell do what hes told but will probably find something to complain about while doing it. A quick learner and much smarter than his demeanor suggests. Gets most excited at combat and meal time (which is all the time.) Prefers the outdoors but does have some indoor hobbies hes picked up while waiting to start class in Japan, like calligraphy. Does like to roll in the mud. Willing to work with others if they dont make pig jokes.

Background and Family:
Gary is one of two children and the only son of a quirkless, well to do Midwestern American family. Gary's father is a well connected contract lawyer who works closely with government offices, his mother is an in-demand interior designer. The manifestation of Gary's quirk when he was born forced his parents to change their previously held anti-quirk attitudes. However, this wasn't a seamless transition and they placed high expectations on him to live up to. In addition, there were behaviors associated with Gary's quirk that they were not prepared for.

Gary was enrolled in a junior hero training program in the US near his home state of Indiana. He always tested well, but he never did homework. He was disruptive and was more concerned with finding something to eat rather than anything hed consider busy work.

He had one friend hed made in the junior hero program, a boy named Wayne. Wayne had a quirk called Hyperdigestion that allowed him to eat literally anything and digest it rapidly by metabolizing it and releasing it as steam off of his body. The two were often caught skipping class together going on adventures to one up each other with feats of eating large amounts of gross things. Each outing one upped the last.

They were both likely to eat anything and everything. Gary always had a hard time competing with Wayne, but did an admirable job. Wayne started using his quirk to one up Gary in ways that he couldnt match, first by digesting toxic substances, then live creatures. Gary noticed once he couldnt keep up with Wayne that Wayne would keep going, eating more and more taboo things without regard for the contest. The outings would continue though, as Gary preferred Wayne's company to any of his classmates that might call him pig boy or make jokes about turning him into bacon and he also couldnt help gorging himself.

This eventually came to a halt when they were caught in a local resident's house. Many things were itemized as stolen from the house in the police report, including the family's dog. The boys were going to be charged with theft until the police were made aware of the boys quirks at which point they accused the boys of eating everything including the dog and added animal cruelty to the charges. Gary swore he never saw a dog, but Wayne just smiled through any of the questioning.

Gary's father was able to get him out of trouble, but refused to assist Wayne in any way. Gary's father then used his considerable influence to enroll him in an exchange program between the US Hero School and Japans UA Hero Academy, having been impressed by the drive the students had shown in several televised incidents that hed seen and wanting to keep him as far away from Wayne's influence as possible. Gary was then swiftly sent to Japan with no contact with his friend Wayne.

In waiting to start his semester while in Japan, he felt incredibly lonely being removed from his one friend and not being able to go out and eat offal to his hearts content due to the tight watch of his foster family. He was pretty much only allowed to call his family, do physical exercises, and study japanese. His sister back home was the only one who he could talk to about how he felt, and what was happening to Wayne back home. Wayne was in a rehab center for troubled youth.

One day Gary asked his sister about Wayne and she was silent. He pleaded until she told him that Wayne had now been transferred to a SuperMAX facility. Apparently the rehab wasn't taking with Wayne and one of the patients went missing from a room Wayne was found trespassing in past curfew. He was accused and convicted of eating the patient.

This destroyed Gary as Wayne was the one friend who didnt make him feel weird about his quirk. He even supported him. He felt like he couldnt support Wayne in the same way, and if they and kids like them had more support they could have controlled their urges better, but since they didnt have desirable quirks they weren't given the support they needed. So Gary vowed to learn to take care of himself and control his urges so that he can help others to do the same, and to show that he can help people because of his quirk even if it is seen by many as undesirable.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C

Power: 5
Speed: 4
Technique: 3
Intelligence: 2
Cooperativeness: 2
Name: Koichi Kido

Hero Name: Whirlwind

Quirk: Breeze

Quirk Description: Koichi’s quirk is all about controlling the air around him, which is a versatile quirk yet it’s a matter of delicate fine tuning (or as he likes to call it, an Art) to actually be able to control all the air gases without catastrophic results, and maintaining it even more so, which takes a high toll on his body leaving him exhausted beyond belief after even briefly using the power for longer than a few minutes however there is one very critical flaw of his quirk: That being humidity, as the amount of water vapour in the air increases, his control over it decreases and that means depending on the place, day and time, Koichi’s powers can either be extremely effective or utterly useless

Nationality: Ryukyuan-Japanese

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 1.71cm

Reason for becoming a hero: “It’s the duty of those of us born with such gifts like mine to serve the interests of the masses thus for the betterment of society, it's my obligation to be a hero.” How can one claim to serve the people when they are so far removed from the very people they are supposed to serve?


His Hero uniform consists of a Hygrometer to monitor the humidity, protective glasses and nailed boots (Knocking yourself over is no fun after all.)

Personality: The Hierarchical system is deeply ingrained in Koichi’s mind, there are only three types of people: superiors to be obeyed, peers to compete against and subordinates to be ordered around. A top down to bottom system that governs all, simple, easy to follow and utilitarian system. Just the way he likes things to be.

He is rather stiff, awkward and seemingly unfriendly with what seems like a perpetual scowl etched into his expression. While often only joining into conversations with short and terse quips, he tries to keep being as polite as possible.

However he is much less reserved with people who he considers to be his friends, rivals, equals. Among such people, his demeanor shifts considerably, becoming much more emotive and talkative: the neutrality of the perpetual scowl shifting into a full on sneer or leaving it’s place to a smug smirk, perhaps even a satisfied smile here and there, his fondness of theatrics, back-talk and sarcasm manifesting in full force.

Extra: Koichi will go out of his way to avoid people during particularly humid days when his quirk is rendered near useless. The lack of control and perceived weakness he feels during such times often puts him into an awfully foul mood. (“Soon enough every and each one of you will taste the sour conception of DEFEAT! We’ll see who’ll be laughin then!”)

Background and Family: Early childhood is a blur of memories that have faded like a photo left out to face all the might of the sun in its full glory. Half-forgotten, details lost to time. Yet he could remember some vague memories. He was presumably born in the Island of Okinawa as he was raised in an orphanage there, yet his parentage remained a mystery, which was a question begging to be answered, and he'd find the answer sooner or later. Other than that all he remembered was that growing up, life there was quite idyllic, if a bit hectic with all the other kids running around. Life was alright.

Then his quirk decided to manifest itself, which while at first was kind of odd and a little scary yet not overly so. It did make life more than a bit problematic for him, nobody wanted to be around the kid that could knock you down by accident just with a knee-jerk reaction (Or accidentally set the Dorm’s kitchen aflame, but we don’t talk about that now do we? It’s just a memory better left untouched. After all, how could a dimwitted child like him know that air currents combined with fire are bad… Bad idea? It was a simple mistake! A silly game with the other kids. No one was seriously hurt!) It was a new normal for him, got used to living like that, after some point it wasn’t scary anymore but it sure was lonely So that’s why he was more than eager to do as told when one of the “Inspectors” from the mainland came and told him he had a one of a kind chance to get a ticket out of his situation, as well ass access to better education both accademically and quirl-wise, plus better home. (never mind the fact that their arrival probably had something to do with the nuisance his quirk caused) A small endeavour to prove he could be useful. He couldn’t remember all the details of what was asked, he was too young and the anticipation of getting out of the orphanage, a chance of a new begining was all that he could think about, some questions and a test of his quirks effectiveness probably. In the end what was asked of him didn’t matter, he had done what was asked of him, and would be rewarded for it. Plus He was going to a hero now right? That’s what the nice lady had told him, they did as they had promised, he would have proper education and training now, the third part about better conditions? Well... It was comparatively satisfactory at least.

Things after that are much more clear and easy to remember but it’s as if they were taken with a monochrome camera, clear but lacking the substance the old memories carried with them, almost sterile. alternating between studying and trying his best to perfect his quirk which proved harder than expected, rinse and repeat for the next decade. A bit monotone and boring, even by his standards but such was life until out of nowhere ttold that he should pack his belongings because he was gonna be transferred over to a new school, which really came as a surprise, he rarely questioned the logic behind what was decided by the powers that be yet it did seem odd that he’d be the one transferred to the legendary UA High of all the other possible candidates.

Well, that was just one more question to figure out.
Appearence:EpXoSRsU8AEHYG_.jpg_small.jpgLast name: Reiko
Firstname: Azuza 'Zuzu', 'Zu', or 'Zuza'
Future Hero Name:??? (I believe that I'll discover something for her depending on story progression.)
Quirk: Fox Fade.
Quirk Description: upon activation the space with a certain distance starts to shift and distort, she then uses this to increase her movement and maximize her strength by compounding the space and using it like a rubber band pulling, stretching, and releasing it behind her strikes.

Side note: her quirks zone acts like a bubble that she is in. it is centered around the hand she snapped with and will follow her until her strength is drained or she snaps with the other hand. it can be entered and exited by others. Entering is far easier than exiting.

Drawback: while her Quirk is indeed powerful the zone created is currently 1 and one third yards. Or 4 feet. On top of the limited space she must be capable of snapping her fingers, she had tried multiple different ways to activate her powers but this is the only way she's found to make it work.

Nationality: Japanese.

Age: 15.
Gender: Female.
Orientation: Demi-romantic Bi-sexual.
Height: 5'6"
Reason for becoming a hero:

Azuza was more or less pressured by her parents to become a hero due to her quirk in the beginning. She at first didn't want anything to do with the idea. While this remained true through most of her childhood it changed when in her last year of middle school.

During that year she had multiple different heroes show up at her school for various reasons. The one that made the biggest impact, was during an invasion by a villain. It just so happened that she went to the same school as a heiress to a multi-billion yen corporation. They were after her for ransom. Unfortunately for Azuza she was in the same class as that girl. The villain wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Azuza had a decision to make, did she do her best to protect her classmate from harm or let this evil man get what he wanted.

A hero arrived and she made her decision, once the villain was distracted at their arrival, she made her move. Her father's teaching of self-defense take downs was what she used coupled with adrenaline and her Quirk assisting she took him down with a blow to the back of his legs and a hard kick to the back of his head.

It surprised the Hero and after being scolded for being reckless, praised her for her bravery and assistance. Telling her, she would be a great hero herself one day. If she wanted to save people like her classmates the best way is to go to U.A. and become a hero herself. Inspired by the praise and the suggestion by that hero she shifted her attitude and devoted her time and energy into her studies and working on her Quirk with her father. She felt inside she had a new responsibility. If she had the power, she should use it to save others.

Skills outside her quirk: advanced self Defense, basic weapon training, cooking, baking and studying.

Equipment: s-l400 (1).jpg
s-l400 (2).jpg

Azuza is a kind girl by nature, loving spending time with her friends and family in almost any situation. However when she's focused on a task or studying she absolutely hates being bothered until she's finished. Will drop everything if someone she cares about if hurt or sick.

While she now dreams of being a real hero she firmly believes there is good and bad in everyone. It's a choice to be good or evil, she believes that everyone has the ability to be good even if they are labeled as evil and vice versa.
Dispite her small stature and young looking appearence she acts rather mature for her age and hates above all else being belittled or being called a child.

Background and Family:
Azuza's family is and has been in hero agency's as many things informants, lawyers, health advisors, and even secretaries to name a few for several generations. She being the first in her family to have a Quirk strong enough to be capable of hero course classes she is the pride and joy of her whole family.
Her mother, Aria Reiko was (retired now) legal advisor for three different hero agency. Her father, Takashi Reiko is a self-defense and close combat instructor, as well as a health advisor for heros with bright futures. He still works with heroes day to day even if he isn't as active as he used to be, helping them keep their skills sharp and eating right.
Azuza spent a lot of time with her parents. Her mother much more than her father, who was working most of the time. While with her mother she was taught how to think critically and how to study efficiently. Almost all the time her father was home she spent learning from him. Due to this Azuza is proficient and skilled at self-defense, weapon use and disarming, and mixed martial arts, primarily kick boxing. Also learning how to cook and bake healthy and tasty things that promote an active lifestyle. Due to this she is confident she can do things on her own and doesn't work well with others due to her complete reliance on herself and her strength.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 3
Speed: 4
Technique: 5
Intelligence: 4
Cooperativeness: 1

Name: Clair O'Reilly
Hero Name: 'Ádh' is what she technically registered as her name but due to its pronunciation being hard many have taken to call her 'Lady Luck' instead.
Quirk: Luck of the Irish
Quirk Description: Clair subconsciously generates an aura around herself that alters probabilities, causing her to receive “good luck” while her opponents suffer “bad luck.” This causes improbable (but not impossible) things to occur within her line of sight, and can vary from having an enemy’s equipment malfunction to hitting just the right button to shut down an overloading machine. While she cannot consciously control this ability, she can activate it by placing herself in a situation in which she could be harmed or suffer a loss. (In the future this quirk may become controllable but consecutive uses in a day result in less and less luck until of course, only bad luck is emitted)
Nationality: Irish
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi-sexual
Height: 5 ft 8
Reason for becoming a hero: In all honesty, Clair applied for UA just to see if she could get in or not. I mean what are the odds of an Irish kid being accepted into Japan's most advanced and renowned hero course with no practical experience whatsoever? Now be it extremely lucky or just a coincidence this year UA founded the third class for students that just didn't quite make the cut. Clair being one of those students received her acceptance letter to her utter surprise.

As to why she went and accepted well, she would have had to be insane not to right? Being accepted into such a prestigious school was like hitting the jackpot and if UA believed her quirk could be an asset then who was she to debate? Besides being a hero sounded like quite the opportunity, after all there we hardly any pro heroes in Ireland and those that had come before her were all self-taught. If she could secure a good education and graduate from UA then really she could make a huge difference at home right! Granted there's not all that much quirk related crime in Ireland but still, it was a step in the right direction. Besides helping people was the right thing to do.

After a long discussion with her parents and with the principal after a guided tour Clair and her parents decided UA was the place for her and although she has little experience she hopes to help in whatever way she can. After all, if at the end of the day she could protect even a single person then it would be effort well invested!

Equipment and Appearance:
Clair's current hero costume is as depicted, all of her clothing has been constructed with high physical resistant fibres and her gloves have specifically been made to aid her in the art of 'slight of hand'. She also has a set of dice and multiple sets of cards alongside a deck of metallic cards sharpened for use as projectiles. Clair also has a mask made much like her clothing that can cover her face for protection when needed. In fact, it's supposed to be worn at all times but she tends to forgo that and only wear it when it suits her.


Clair could be accurately described as 'happy-go-lucky'. Caring very little about her own future and very much living life one step at a time the Irish student is prone to dealing with the cards she is dealt right as she's dealt them. After all, with such incredible luck, counting cards would be a waste of time and effort! Clair is a very kind soul who cares deeply about those she meets or shares a bond with, never one to shrink away from a friend or stranger in need. Although she'd adamant her actions are minor Clair actually quite often goes out of her way to help those in need and her actions although small can really make a difference in the long run. Despite this and when presented with praise however she is very humble and insists her actions were nothing out of the ordinary and unworthy of praise.

Clair is a compulsive gambler unbeknownst to herself. Where there's a bet to be made or a game to be won Clair can often be found. When it comes to competitions Clair is highly motivated to win and her drive to do so can bring out quite a different side to her. If there are odds at play Clair cannot help herself from jumping into the fray 'trying her luck' as she goes.

A generous and kind soul Clair is very social and tries her best to keep her friends happy and close. Often a mediator in fights between companions Clair also tries her best to keep the peace and resolve disputes peacefully and with as little collateral as possible. She loves soft toys and coffee is sure to brighten up her day. Always energetic Clair does her best at everything she tries except math. Clair hates math yet for some reason her answers are always correct!

Background and Family:

Clair is an only child and thus far has lived a very average life. Her parents didn't die in a tragic accident and she has no deep dark secrets hiding in her closet. Actually, she comes from a very happy home in the middle class. She didn't excel at school nor did she struggle. Clair got her first job in retail at fourteen and has never been spoiled by her parents. Her Grandparents are still alive and she has a good relationship with her relatives. All and all Clair is abnormally normal.

I mean if you want to get into something that perhaps may be different then I suppose you could mention how she inherited her father's horns and her mother's Quirk. You could mention how she has been gambling in underground dens for a few years now earning quite a pretty penny with her quirk. You could mention how she has become quite an expert at sleight of hand tricks and card games. I suppose you could also mention that up until a few months ago she had no intention of being a hero at all! That's different to most who apply to UA right? No?

All and all up until now Clair has never been trained in combat or in saving lives, Ireland's crime rate is low and hardly any pro heroes exist there and only one lacklustre hero course too. Perhaps this whole acceptance thing was luck or perhaps it was a fluke. Only time will tell if this aspiring hero has what it takes to make a difference in this ever-changing world!

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 1
Speed: 3
Technique: 4
Intelligence: 4
Cooperativeness: 6


ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
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Name: Haruto Shima (In proper japanese it's Shima Haruto)
Hero Name: Arachnid

Quirk: Spider
Quirk Description: Haruto can do anything a spider can do, however this means he suffers from the same drawbacks. If he is somehow flipped onto his back he is practically useless until he gets back onto his feet. He also has a limited supply of spider silk, he gets more silk the more he eats and the stronger it is. His bite is Venomous however his venom only paralyzes whoever he bites, and only for a few minutes. His spider silk can also be manipulated to produce varied results from being elastic and sticky to being rigid and tough. The silk in it's toughest form can be as resistant and strong as steel, while the more elastic it is the stickier it can be.

Nationality: Japanese
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 8ft
Reason for becoming a hero: To protect his Sister

Equipment and Appearance:

Personality: Haruto keeps to himself and tends to be a loner. He isolates himself more out of habit rather than choice, unconsciously thinking that everyone hates him due to his form. This behavior doesn't mean he is shy, far from it in fact. He is more playful and Energetic than at first glance and is quite willing to be friends if it pops up. Often he is seen making things and running around a lot, however he can get too overboard and can also be seen sleeping in a web hammock. He also tends to make clothing for people out of his silk if they are his friends.

Background and Family: Haruto belongs to a textile family that has been making clothes out of silk for generations. He has always been interested in making clothes and accessories because of this and often helped his parents. He never wanted to be a hero, as he felt his best when making clothes. He often tried giving people at school clothes that he made but was almost always rejected due to his appearance. This broke his self confidence down a lot, so he tended to avoid people besides his family. When his little sister was born, he was happy there was someone else like him.

They became inseparable, like glue to paper. She thought he was the best, the coolest brother she could have. One day however as they walked to school, villains tried to take her to use her silk to make some cash. Haruto tried to stop them, but they simply tried to beat him to death. He lost the fight, but was saved by the local hero who apprehended the villains. He was taken to the hospital and vowed to never let his sister get taken away again. He abandoned his dream of running his own textile shop and pursued that of becoming a hero.

He trained hard to get ready for highschool, He even applied for U.A. as well though he knew that more than likely he wouldn't be able to get in. When he did the practical exam he did alright, however there were students who did much better than him so he was rejected. He knew this was an outcome and had already applied for a lesser known school. It was to his shock that during his time at the other school, U.A had extended a hand to him calling for him to take place in their new Hero Course class. He readily accepted the offer, fearing that it would be lost to him if he didn't.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 3/6
Speed: 4/6
Technique: 6/6
Intelligence: 5/6
Cooperativeness: 2/6
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Name: Kai.
Real Name: Daichi Lovelock.

Hero Name: Endurance (the 2nd).
"The People's Hero".

Quirk: Bottle it up inside.

Quirk Description:
Physical and emotional pain is converted into a form of energy inside his body, much like the kind that sends signals throughout our bodies. It’s stored in the heart, the more energy that’s stored the faster his resting heart rate. With this energy he can disperse it around his body to increase healing factor or his strength and speed. Physical pain is a quick and sudden burst of energy whilst Emotional pain is a slow, gentle build-up. Since his quirk is managed by mentally diverting energy around his body; his biggest weakness is the brain. Once the brain shuts down then he no longer has the mental capacity to divert this energy and thus his quirk is disabled and he will die.

If he takes a fatal amount of damage to anywhere that isn’t the brain or loses a fatal amount of blood then he falls unconscious as the body rushes to divert all of its available energy to the healing factor. If he stores too much of this energy without venting it then he will go into cardiac arrest and as blood stops flowing to the brain, he will lose his powers and die. There is a small window he has to vent some of this energy and restart his heart.

Nationality: Japanese/English.
Age: 16.
Gender: Male.
Orientation: Unsure.
Height: 5'7".
Reason for becoming a hero: To prove his step-dad wrong and reveal his name to the world again.

Kai has a scar across his neck, the scars looking like forks of lightning that have burned his skin. When he lived at home he used to do his younger sisters make-up for her, as a result he got very good at using foundation. His scar is almost always covered by make-up.
Hero Outfit:
With him, he carries a pair of collapsible batons.
The mask is the main part of his outfit, otherwise he just wears what he wants.


Dachi is a surprisingly calm and down to earth person. Despite everything he’s been through in his life he displays a great deal of patience. A caring and sweet person, he shows empathy and has a habit of helping people with very mundane tasks. He spends a lot of time mentally managing his quirk which is a skill that he’s honed since he was a child. Whilst he’s usually good at multitasking he can be caught off guard when surprised which combined with his terrible punctuality gives people the impression he’s scatterbrained.

There is one exception to his patience rule. Dachi has a habit of rooting for the underdog and hates the idea of bullying and abusing someone who is already a victim. If someone around him is a predator, he will make them prey.

His favourite genre of music is ‘club music’, EDM with a quick and ferocious beat. He loves hot bubble baths, the hotter the better.


Dachi doesn't talk much about his home life before.

To put it simply, Daichi is a runaway. When he was a preteen he ran away from home, unable to withstand any of his step-father's physical and emotional abuse any longer. Somewhere deep down in his heart he knew he should have said something but he couldn't cause that argument. The last thing his mother needed was to lose another husband, he knew that what he was doing was best for her. He took refuge in another part of the country, only giving people the answer of 'Kai' when people asked for his name. From there, he honed his quirk in secret and eventually pushed himself into a hero school so he could develop himself further.

He never thought he would have made it this far. U.A. Despite being belittled and told his entire life he was pathetic and would never amount to anything. Here he was, standing at the gates of U.A. to enter their never before class 1-C. Amazing!

Father (Deceased): Adrian Lovelock, 'Protein Powered Hero; Endurance'.
Mother: Tadame Miyamoto (Formerly Lovelock), 'Reflector'.
Step-Father: Uta Miyamoto 'Lightning Bolt'.
Younger Half-Sister.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C

Power: 3.
Speed: 3.
Technique: 2.
Intelligence: 3.
Cooperativeness: 2.
Name: David Listman

Hero Name: Manipulator, as it seems to the general public he is telekinetic and stops enemies from moving or moves objects around at will.

Quirk: Capsule

Quirk Description: Air Pressurization (See Below)

Nationality: Japan

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Height: 6'0"

Reason for becoming a hero: When he was studying, he saw plenty of villains hurting the innocent and wanted to intervene, but was restrained by his mentor on the warning of legal action. He wanted to make a difference and became a hero.

Equipment and Appearance:



David is easy-going, and almost nothing makes him mad. He'll get upset quickly if you try to force him to do something he believes is wrong. He doesn't talk much at first, but will talk your ear off once he gets to know you.

Background and Family:

The son of a fisherman and his wife, he grew up in a quiet riverside village without much excitement. When he got to the age of 11, he was given the option to pursue education or become a fisherman like his father. Though he didn't mind the water, he had seen rich people while sailing abroad as a child and learned that one needed knowledge to become rich. He had discovered his quirk at a young age, and wanted to learn more about it and how to earn money using it.

He set off to do just that and found education in the nearby large town of Fikimushi. That's where he met his mentor. His teacher ran a school that taught both academics and pro hero prep, and the student chose whether to continue in Quirk Development or High School after four years.

David wanted to explore his quirk, and on the written recommendation of his mentor, enrolled at U.A. Upon graduation, he continued his higher studies and also taught at U.A. He now has his Masters in Criminal Justice and is the pro hero Head Instructor at U.A.

Occupation: Hero Class 1-C Auxiliary Teacher, Support Teacher, Pro Hero

"Air is Everywhere.
Air is Everything.
Everything is Air.
Treat her well, and she will guide you.
Be her friend, and she will protect you.
Be her tool, and you will be unstoppable."
- Elkon Durden, David's Mentor and an Air Quirk Holder

Air is the first element. It is where all other elements have their foundation. Without air, everything would perish. With air, life thrives.

David is an emitter. His quirk allows him to control air pressure on a microscopic level.
His greatest strength is being able to feel the air around him and respond quickly based on the disturbances, similar to a spider feeling her web.
Almost nothing escapes his sense.
He has helped rescuers find trapped people in collapsed buildings dozens of times using his quirk, and rescued many more.
Explorers looking for lost treasures or people trying to locate a family heirloom would hire his agency often.
His honed control of air pressure allows him to move and manipulate all matter, both inanimate and organic.
This is easier with less dense objects, or those that have more air in the space between their molecules.
Trying to lift a large obsidian block is nigh impossible due to its density and weight.
He can redirect water, stop projectiles, snuff the oxygen around a flame to douse fire, fly, and even contain things in his pressurized control.
He can set temporary barriers that will fade over time. The timeline depends on the amount of air pressure used.
If it is high, the barrier/cage will last hours or days. If it is low, just a few minutes.
Minor tasks, like keeping a pressurized barrier around his body to protect him from accidents, falls or small projectiles are easy.
Large tasks, like moving clouds, a large object, large-scale rescue or wide-area sensing takes quite a bit of concentration and effort.
By expanding the air pressure inside an object, he can reduce almost anything to particles within a few seconds.
He has forbidden himself to use this on people, except villains as a last resort, if he can't beat them any other way.
He can make the air and certain objects cool by immobilizing the air in a certain area or create heat by causing friction.

Strengths: Advanced tactical response and reaction due to his sense.
Weaknesses/Drawbacks: Heavy/Large-scale operations wear him out quickly.
His sense of air disturbance is limited to a 100m radius unless he focuses on a specific target or widens the area consciously.
He can only focus on a specific area if he's been there before.

Likes: Partly cloudy days, chocolate, steak, teaching, helping people less fortunate than himself.

Dislikes: Bullies, Villains, Cantaloupe and Honeydew

Non-Quirk Skills: Hand to hand combat, Melee, Fishing, Sewing, Cooking, Housekeeping, Drink Mixing

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 4 - He's above average in physical strength, but not superbly so
Speed: 5 - See quirk
Technique: 6 - Being an emitter, technique is his primary strength
Intelligence: 4 - Above average but not a genius
Cooperativeness: 3 - He interacts when necessary and tries to help others. See personality
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Name: Kana Kobayashi
Hero Name: Kinectica

Quirk: Kinetic absorption
Quirk Description: Absorbs and stores the energy from physical impacts through the hands and feet nullifying any force behind the strike, the stored energy can then be released in explosive palm strikes and kicks. While able to stop physical attacks dead as long as the hit is blocked by the hands or feet it is ineffective against energy based attacks like electricity or fire. She is able to store a large amount of energy but a sufficiently powerful impact or many rapid strikes can overwhelm this storage causing the excess force to be transferred up the arms and legs with potentially bone breaking consequences.

Nationality: Japanese
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Height: 6'3
Reason for becoming a hero: Kicking ass, taking names and generally the thrill of it.

Equipment and Appearance: Goes barefoot when fighting

Kana is a high-energy woman constantly chasing something be that her next thrill, academic achievement or a simple craving for an obscure type of mochi. Experience of occasional trouble caused by charging into things has tempered her headstrong nature somewhat but she remains frequently guided by her own whims.

Background and Family:
Once a scrappy girl going around picking fights with random punks for kicks in the streets of Yokohama Kana seemed destined to be a troublemaker until she bit off more than she could chew and angered an actual villain, fortunately a hero intervened and inspired her to redirect her considerable energies towards becoming a pro-hero. Once she was fully qualified her energetic style endeared her to the public as she battled heavy-hitting villains in her hero work.

As she neared thirty Kana developed an unusually persistent desire to have and raise a child leading her to step back from hero-work somewhat in search of options, now raising her five year old son Makoto she jumped on the chance to join the teaching staff at UA.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 5
Speed: 3
Technique: 6
Intelligence: 4
Cooperativeness: 4
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Name: Mi Shi-Mun
Hero Name: Flip-Side
Quirk: Inversion G
Quirk Description: The user is capable of shifting their own personal gravity and objects they remain in contact with, the effect they may extend to the local area increases the longer they are stationary with both feet remaining in contact with the ground. Should they make direct contact with an item they may fully invert the gravity of the target that may produce a variety of effects, an ability they themselves seem to be unharmed by.
Nationality: Korean
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 2"
Reason for becoming a hero: Provide Money for Mother
Equipment: Spray Cans, Steel Wire, Matches, Glass Marbles, Graffitied Modified Stop Sign
Background and Family: The child of a North Korean defector smuggled into Japan illegally. Their early life was not to be easy however, with their mother's limited education and official papers they would rely upon the grey areas of the Japanese underworld to get by, working primarily within a Soapland as an undocumented employee. This unfortunately would often leave Shi-Mun under the care of the other workers due to the hours required and expose her to a variety of unsavory situations. By the time she had grown up enough to understand the situation, she would attempt to seek out ways to allow her mother a better life given what she had been through for her which eventually lead to the benefactor when money troubles became direr. While initially taking the man for a loan shark, he was an extremely strange one if so, promising a long-term 0% loan provided they pass a test that would be set. His actual request was not a simple one however as he tasked them with gaining admission into UA, with the offer to increase the amount should they then graduate the school, simply claiming it to be an investment in the future.
Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 6 / Speed: 4 / Technique: 5 / Intelligence: 3 / Cooperativeness: 2
Name: Eliza Mizuno

Hero Name: Cryo Freeze

Quirk: Cryo-manipulation


Quirk Description: User can change the temperature of water into ice and shape ice and levitate it, basically controlling all aspects of ice. User must be touching water in order to freeze it. User cannot create ice from nothing. She must drink lots of cold water (it must be ice cold) in order to use her abilities, if anything dehydrates her she’s basically useless in terms of power usage. This quirk also allows her to passively withstand very cold temperatures so naturally any fire based quirks will drain her. Her quirk will absolutely not work in desert climates or extreme heat because the water evaporates too quickly.

Very advanced techniques include: wrapping herself in ice to allow her to levitate, and turning the water/humidity in the air into ice but she hasn’t gotten that far yet, and she can’t freeze too much water at a time or else she will get a brain freeze because of her lack of endurance. Eliza has currently been perfecting an ice board maneuver that allows her to “snowboard” across the ground at fast speeds using ice in the shape of a snowboard at her feet. // y'all when she realizes how to turn humidity into ice, it's over xD, won't need to use her water backpack as much ; ) //

Other things to note: She can’t eat hot food very well, she prefers to eat food at room temp or colder, frozen treats are the best. She doesn’t take to warmer temperatures easily either, so she is usually seen wearing minimal amounts of clothes to stay as cool as possible, and she prefers temperatures under 10C. She likes to skateboard (this helps her with her balance abilities). Her body temp is naturally a bit lower than other people not crazy though, it's enough so that she can withstand her own freezing ability. I'd say she can basically sleep in temps below -1 to about -12C which is just under freezing point, any lower than that and she'd most likely start actually feeling cold, but still that is a very cold temp normally. Also, if bundled up correctly she can deal with temps below these, but not for super long periods of time. When she was younger she could only be in temps from 10C to 4C so her range of withstanding cold has increased, and could possibly increase further with more training and knowledge of her quirk.

Nationality: Swedish/Japanese - Moved to Japan when she was 4.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual | Biromantic

Height: 5”6 | 168 cm

Reason for becoming a hero: She just enjoys helping people and wants to perfect her abilities. Also due to the nature of her dad being a pro, villains are always messing up her fun time so she hates them.

Hair: Medium Length, half up half down usually with braids on the side. A very light blonde-blue tone.
Eyes: Grey blue - lashes are the same color as her hair
Complexion: Pale pinkish with cool undertones
Distinguishing Features: She has a single streak of black in her hair that is natural.
She’s often seen with one of those insulated water backpacks on (the ones used for hiking).

Hero Outfit consists of a water tank backpack that runs into water donut shaped arm braces which she can use to then freeze and control, as well as drink for a refresh. Her hero outfit consists of a waterproof cropped shirt and shorts, with sandals that expose parts of her feet (she can use her feet to make water into ice as well so she needs her feet to be exposed).
Her many outfits: (Yes I drew these myself and very quickly colored them so the colors are a bit splotchy)

Personality: INFP persona type | Dexterous | Creative | Free-thinking. She’s a go with the flow type of person. She usually doesn’t like to talk about herself to others. She enjoys helping others at any chance that she can get.

Likes: Cold weather, rain, snow, milkshakes, smoothies, frozen treats, kindness, (favorite thing to snack on is flavored ice cubes that she makes herself with water flavor enhancers).

Dislikes: rude people, hot weather, the desert, any temp higher than 10C, feeling useless, spicy/hot foods.
fun fact: to combat the heat, she usually protects herself with a thin layer of ice around her body when the weather is being undesirable to her.

Background and Family: Eliza is from a semi-rich family. Her dad is a current pro hero and her Mom is a well known chef who owns a fancy restaurant chain. She was born in Sweden, but moved to Japan at the age of 4 because of all of the well known hero schools in the country. Her parents wanted Eliza to grow up in a place where she can hone her abilities and take them to the next level. Her dad’s quirk is manipulation over water vapor (not ice or liquid water, only the vapor form) this allows him to create clouds of water vapor to block his enemies sight, among other things like taking water vapor out of an area to induce dehydration. Her mom has a snow quirk which lets her breathe out snow. These abilities combined and basically gave Eliza her quirk to manipulate ice.

Statistical Analysis at Admission into class 1C
Power: 4 (when it’s raining/very humid this goes up to 6)
Speed: 4 (decently fast when using her “snowboard/iceboarding” technique)
Technique: 3
Intelligence: 5
Cooperativeness: 6

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