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Fandom OOC Lounge

I was planning on waiting on Mitsu but now I have family coming over today so I won't be posting until tomorrow night. I do plan on having Miu take up the offer of the resound spell though despite Azani saying it was time to leave

Awesome! I shall wait then^^

Poor Miu so misunderstood

Haha, indeed. Tho it won't be as bad as Azani-sama seems to think~ Kintaru's a samurai after all. Pompous tho he can be, he does follow a bushido 😏
The school is doomed.

My immediate thought was this, since there's so many spirits that have some ties to the school in one way or another:


I wouldn't be surprised if there were one or two conspiracy theories in the past 30 years that just didn't stick
yep i don't know how dark it was in the past but i am playing the school as being much more phantom free 30 years ago
yep, thanks! at least il have spring break to make a post for Ekibio though, so he doesn't just disappear during a conversation ( Hachiman will come take him away)

Lol, It's easy enough to say his phone broke n he never got the text...tho I cannot say one way or another how Hachiman would act =p
Azani needs a phone one day I wonder if yomi gets service

*shrug* I doubt it given how sealed off it seems to be...but I won't question how wifi works.


Since Kiun can apparently send text messages to Heaven.

If Hakuka had grabbed those chips she’d of spit them out when Roka began asking questions lol

He's a fairly curious sorta guy^^

Btw, I found this...


While reading Kagutsuchi vs Kazuma. Before I though borderlines were effective against gods, but it would seem that gods cannot be 'slain' by it, even if a line can be used to trap/barrier a god -_-
*shrug* I doubt it given how sealed off it seems to be...but I won't question how wifi works.


Since Kiun can apparently send text messages to Heaven.

He's a fairly curious sorta guy^^

Btw, I found this...


While reading Kagutsuchi vs Kazuma. Before I though borderlines were effective against gods, but it would seem that gods cannot be 'slain' by it, even if a line can be used to trap/barrier a god -_-
Lol azani is just to old to keep up with all the kids back in her day you wrote on thin strips of bamboo and you liked it
Yep side note exploring the whole death and rebirth of gods and how that affects the gods who rarely die is fun

I hope Zani-sama doesn't make Miu sad with her decision.

Kintaru + Usagi post is up next. I'll try to get it up by the end of today.

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