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Fandom Octowizard Tournament // plot & chat

Jannah Jannah Viserion Viserion Zeena and Vikae's RP posts look great! I can't wait to see those two interact.

Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Since we have an even number of girls in all the dorms, I'll let you choose which one you want Essie to join! Unless you would rather a random assignment for her?

mysteryxio mysteryxio Are you still interested in this thread? Do you think that you can make an RP post in the next day or two, please?
I was thinking that if anyone was interested maybe Essie could grow really close with someone’s character and eventually tell them about the curse and ask them if when it is her time if they can look after Lev for her? Like this would need to be a character she grows incredibly close to in order for her to trust them with Lev once she is gone. Anyone interested?
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Kasper would be really mystified by Essie. From his ability to read auras, he would be able to deduce that her emotions are incongruous with her behavior, so he would wonder why she's so inhibited and clearly unhappy. Then when Baba Yaga possesses her, maybe Essie's auras adopt completely different color schemes and patterns? That combined with her odd behavior would make Kasper really suspicious and somewhat intimidated by her. He probably wouldn't completely deduce on his own that she's possessed, since that's outside of his experience and he doesn't pay attention in class enough to recognize the signs, but he would pick up on something being very wrong, if that's all right? If Kasper ever does learn Essie's secret in full, I think he would feel a particularly unique connection with her, since he too sees himself as a monster on account of his Legilimency that's out of his control. While he's very empathetic and would certainly grieve for Essie, he would also feel slightly less alone to know that there's someone else out there who was bestowed with a curse she never asked for.

Oh, and Essie will be in Girls' Dorm 2 with Dakota and Gen!
Oooooo I would love the idea of her aura having a totally different shade when Baba Yaga takes over! Like it goes from pale blue to a sickening green yellow color! If we could find a way for them to become friends? I think they would be able to bond over their shared feelings of being cursed. Essie would be able to understand why Kasper hates his powers so much because like you said, neither of them asked for this. And I am totally cool with Kasper picking up on the whole Baba Yaga thing. It would likely become very clear to people when a professor tries to treat Baba Yaga like a student and Baba Yaga goes off on the professor for their audacity to treat her in such a manner! Not sure if that will ever happen but I believe it would be a funny scene.

And that dorm sounds perfect! Her roommates better be ready for many plants to be grown there!
ahhhhhhh part of me wants a wholesome friendship between Essie and Gen Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 !! Like Essie doing something that nearly gets her killed and Gen just shaking her head like,, think of your cat, are you really going to let yourself die that easy? Shouldn’t be giving you advice right now but... I pity you
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 I was thinking that since Baba Yaga is probably a secret that she wants to hide, what if V is shifted to her wolf form and is able to smell that something is off about Essie. Like she smells of death to her while in that form. So she confronts her trying to be helpful and lets her know that something might be up with her health not realizing that she’s been possessed by Baba yaga?
I was thinking that if anyone was interested maybe Essie could grow really close with someone’s character and eventually tell them about the curse and ask them if when it is her time if they can look after Lev for her? Like this would need to be a character she grows incredibly close to in order for her to trust them with Lev once she is gone. Anyone interested?

I'm yet to read her app in full but I feel like Jae-Hui really needs some close friends. He's been pretty socially isolated and stuff. Maybe we can have them somehow bond.
if Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 is going to make a Koldovstoretz student, i will probably keep Kaz as the Koldovstoretz professor, if that's okay lol

irregular-neptune irregular-neptune *yeets Gavy at Dakota* Pwots?

I definitely think that Dakota and Gavy would be friends! Dakota would be super interested in doing the party esque stuff with her and also would be very into getting into shenanigans with her whenever she decided to go!! Dakota is kind of into leaving positive graffiti wherever she goes so i think eventually when she gets comfortable with their surroundings, that would carry over into the other schools lmao

I need some plots for Gen!! She could tutor someone, teach someone archery, even be study buddies or something else!! As for Freyja, party girl central over here will 100% be down to sneak people out for late night celebration

irregular-neptune irregular-neptune Dakota and Gen are going to be roommates I believe!! We could plot some stuff with them

Dakota would definitely try to be friends with Gen, though she probably wouldn't vibe as well with her rationality because while she's not irrational, she's very about aggressive optimism, which isn't always based in logic and her motives aren't always logical, lol. I do think that Dakota would be interested in learning archery!!

Also I think that Lis would get along with Gen because they are both more on the rational side

Also, Lis would actually be pretty fun at the student-thrown parties too and would really enjoy them, so that might lead to some interesting plots when we get there! He's a lot more open when party activities are involved, lol.

Also, I posted! I will get Kaz's first post up sometime later when I have some idea of what to do lol.
Aviator Aviator Sure so any ideas? Maybe have them meet somewhere or have one of them be rescued from Pr. Bautista?

Also was thinking about one of the challenges since 8 way wizard chess seems somewhat hard. This idea would only work if both the champion and alternate are still in the tournament. Pretty much the champion would go into a fight against both other competitors as well as untold obstacles without their senses and have to rely on their alternates to lead them.
Also, I just thought of something. How is it going to be decided who wins each task and then who wins the tournament overall?
mysteryxio mysteryxio Great idea for a challenge! I'll add that to the potential list on the first post.

Jannah Jannah Excellent question! So, I've been thinking that each challenge would require certain skills more than others, and prior to the start of those challenges, all of our students are going to have their own unique set of battle stats. Everyone will get a set point total for battle stats, and then they can spend those points on the battle stats in whatever distribution they like, but each category will be ranked on a 1-10 scale. Then those categories will be applied to the challenges as needed. For instance, if a certain challenge calls for aptitude in flying, social skills, and herbology, whichever champion (or team) has the highest total in those combined categories will win. Here's what the various stats will look like:
1) Charms
2) Defense Against the Dark Arts
3) Herbology
4) Potions
5) Transfiguration
6) Flying
7) Athletics
8) Intelligence
9) Emotional Strength
10) Social Skills
Been looking around for dresses for Essie and I was thinking she would want a dress that covered her Mark of Baba Yaga so I think I am going to go with a black lace one-sleeve dress. It should look something like this. She would want to look beautiful and feel powerful (mostly because she seldom gets to feel that way) so she is going to be showing some skin for sure. The lace sleeve should be enough to hide the mark on her arm because she hates when people ask about it.

artfvlly artfvlly a wholesome friendship between Gen and Essie would be the best! My sweet girl needs someone in her corner because her whole life she has been told this curse is a gift and that she should be honored! She tried to fight it at first but has never been able to make any difference in regards to her fate but she would still appreciate having someone who wants her to fight it, even if she doesn't know how to. Maybe if they grow close enough and if Gen and Lev get along well enough Essie could suggest to Gen that when her time comes Gen look after Lev for her?

Viserion Viserion ooooo that would be super cool! I could just picture V being like "Ummm you might be dying." and Essie just rolls her eyes and sighs in the most casual and accepting way and V is like "HOLD UP! DID YOU NOT HEAR ME?"

Jannah Jannah I would love to plot a potential friendship between these two! How would your babe deal if he found out that Essie had less than two years left?

irregular-neptune irregular-neptune ooooo would you wanna plot with your prof and Essie? Also, Gavy would totally want to learn how to do graffiti art from Dakota! I could see them partying it up with others or just having random dance parties together in the middle of the hallway hahaha!
Jannah Jannah I would love to plot a potential friendship between these two! How would your babe deal if he found out that Essie had less than two years left?

Honestly, I think he would try to make the two years memorable for her. He's accustomed to hardship and such so I think mentally he could potentially handle it(even if he will have to resort to the bottle often). This family is pretty resilient. I play a couple other members on another site.
jrink jrink Please join us! Rotimi will be in a dorm with Caelum and Jae-Hui, if you don't mind?

As much as I love Rotimi, I dunno whether he and Kasper would get along that well lol. Kasper would probably find him a bit overwhelming, what with how confident and outgoing Rotimi is, whereas Kasper is pretty modest and shy. Additionally, Rotimi's routine usage of objective logic will probably get on Kasper's nerves, since he tends to prioritize his feelings over rationalization and acts according to his moral compass. Kasper also doesn't like arguing, especially about philosophical or conceptual matters, which he deems a waste of time, so Rotimi might end up unintentionally offending him. However, Kasper will like the part of Rotimi that's adventurous and spontaneous and chooses to eschew schoolwork in favor of having fun and breaking the rules, things in which he strongly believes. Since both of them take Quidditch seriously, I could definitely see a friendly rivalry developing there. Kasper also likes working out (especially during class time lol), so maybe they could do that together?
Jannah Jannah that sounds so nice! I feel like both our babes need a friend in their corner who understands the stress of family and status! Maybe they could have even known each other for a while since I believe both of their families are very prestigious?

jrink jrink HI FRIEND! WANNA PLOT!?
Jannah Jannah that sounds so nice! I feel like both our babes need a friend in their corner who understands the stress of family and status! Maybe they could have even known each other for a while since I believe both of their families are very prestigious?

jrink jrink HI FRIEND! WANNA PLOT!?

We could potentially make that work somehow. I kind of have a headcanon that North Korean students would be going to school in Russia and Jae-Hui does have family in North Korea. Maybe they could know each other through one of those cousins or something.
jrink jrink Please join us! Rotimi will be in a dorm with Caelum and Jae-Hui, if you don't mind?
sounds good!

and on Rotimi and Kasper, I have to agree that I don't really see them meshing well, if at first. Rotimi would likely be the one to initiate any chat they did have, out of curiosity for this foreign student, but he likely wouldn't see past his somewhat shy/quiet exterior from the get-go. Because of this, he'd probably lose interest in him quickly as despite being rather sociable, he doesn't really have the patience to tempt quieter people out of their shells unless there's some sort of benefit for him involved. Once he does find out Kasper plays Quidditch as well though (he's very enthused about Quidditch lol), he would definitely actively seek out his company, maybe even pull him into some work-outs like you suggested. Since they probably have very different regimes as Kasper is a Chaser where Rotimi is a Beater, Rotimi will definitely try to put him through the Uagadou Beater regime one day, see if he can make it through lol. And he would definitely try to pull Kasper into little friendly competitions, probably starting with little things (who runs the fastest, who can do the most push-ups, who flies the fastest, etc.) And on the (very likely chance) that Rotimi does try to discuss something deeper with him, it's highly probable that he would offend him and not notice it lol. And on the off chance that he did notice, he would in the moment tell Kasper to stop being such a baby, which wouldn't exactly be the most conducive to friendship lmao and probably start an all out fight. Which could be good for some potential angst in plot

Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1
yes, yess we must!! I just read over your girlies and I have some ideas!

For Gavriel, Rotimi will definitely find her fascinating, considering she's a Metamorphmagus as well as quite the selfless - and seemingly genuine about it - person, something he's not fully accustomed to seeing in his daily life. I don't think he'll fully understand what in her drives her to stand up for absolute strangers, but he'll admire her for it all the same though if they do become friends (which I think they will) he'll - to her face - criticize her for taking risks that are far from calculated and could spell out more consequence for her long-term (which is a little hypocritical but eh). Also, I did read that Gavy is into swimming and diving. If Rotimi finds out, Gavy should be wary of extremely impassioned (and at times abrupt) talks about such riveting subjects as the best angles of entry when diving and attempts at comparing worst back-flop and belly-flop experiences. Outside of that though, it seems both Rotimi and Gavriel are avid risk-takers in the name of fun (though I think Rotimi goes a little farther then she does in that pursuit). That could spell out trouble though, long-run as he might be a bad influence in that sense.

For Essie, Rotimi would likely be confused by her as although she exudes a calming presence (in his opinion), she comes off as quite cold and at times rude in conversation. He'd find her paradoxical nature odd but by the same lense think her strangely interesting. It would pique his natural curiosity enough to probably push him to attempt conversation with her, shrugging off her inevitable rebuttal at first, though long-run - unless he sees her actually switch to Baba Yaga - he might think she just doesn't want any friends or acquaintances and let her be.
jrink jrink Hahaha, Kasper likes a challenge, so he will definitely be up for whatever Rotimi can throw at him in terms of the Beater workout, but in retaliation, Kasper will try to teach Rotimi the basics of ice hockey and insist that they go skating together sometime lol. Kasper doesn't usually hold grudges, so even if Rotimi did unintentionally offend him, he'd probably forget about it by their next meeting, unless it's like a repeated thing, of course.

mysteryxio mysteryxio Yes, so everyone's individual dance cards can be found on the first post, showing with whom they'll dance to each song. You can RP it any way you want, but I figure probably one post for each dance? That way there will be time for a thorough interaction with each character before moving on.

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