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Fantasy Deadman S.W.A.T OOC

Ace Cream Ace Cream @Ian Temero WARWOLF01 WARWOLF01 Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian FentasticFen FentasticFen Sybil Sybil Goonfire Goonfire @Pepsionne LibbyM098 LibbyM098

Guys I am gonna impose another new rule. Try not to push where the team is. At this point it seems like everyone is is 20 different places. Where I say the team is is where they are at that time. Not saying I will force your characters to do anything, but try not to keep in mind where I have placed the characters and stick around that so nothing is confusing. Like no getting on and starting the plane. Just leave the big group travels to me
Oh boy, more interesting choice of buddy for the mission dynamic but she is gonna grumble a helluva lot. Perfect
I’m curious as well, if we are doing anything like editing let’s state it since it will be more concise for everyone including fantasydoctor
Well some of us were getting ahead of ourselves by boarding the Sky Whale when we’re not quite there, so I “backed up” and edited out shit Orson was doing on-board. I dunno if you wanna do the same or something.
I mean... It isn't really... necessary? Fantasy Doc just told us to be mindful of moving as a large group in the future, I don't think it really mattered what we did before he said that. Just to keep it in mind for the future.
I’m picky about my own writing and have had problems with consistency before. When something gets pointed out, I take it as a sign to edit for consistency’s sake. Probably not necessary, but editing keeps me satisfied with my own work.
I dunno if anyone shares such a quirk. Call it... perfectionism? Don’t take it as me nagging you to edit your own work tho.
Well, it is up to personal preference, at the end of the day; whether to edit your posts or not. It's all chill.
Ace Cream Ace Cream @Ian Temero WARWOLF01 WARWOLF01 Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian FentasticFen FentasticFen Sybil Sybil Goonfire Goonfire @Pepsionne LibbyM098 LibbyM098

You guys, there is a HUGE misunderstanding here. The team does not capture. They are an execution team. The Deadmen they hunt are mindless and know only fear, pain, anger and bloodlust. There is no capturing and they only time they use non-leathal is in AAO events. Other than that, they are all kill. Their mission is literally "Kill the Deadman with as little collateral damage as possible". No captures. Each mission is a kill mission as if they don't kill it, it will kill countless.

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