New profile posts

If this were my kingdom, the streets would be lined
With moon flowers, and my people would become immune.
No toxin would ever harm someone like you, someone like me,
Or anyone akin.
Flowers seem to understand the preciousness of life, they help in every way.

This kingdom breathes a rhythm of its own,
Where moon flowers glow, casting silvery tones.
A sanctuary where the air is a tapestry,
Woven with the threads of peace.

Here, the sun doesn't just rise—it awakens,
A guardian of days, each moment precious.
And when it sets, it's not an end but a pause,
A promise that light persists, without a reason.

Rivers don't just flow; they narrate,
Carrying stories of the earth within.
Trees, timeless sentinels, whisper secrets of the ages,
Their leaves writing history's unwritten scripts.

Children's laughter is a language universal,
Their hopes unbound, their spirits lifted.
Elders share their sagas not with sadness,
But as a testament to all tomorrow.

Love is not decreed; it simply resides,
In every gesture, every glance it conceals.
In this realm, where you and I dare to dream,
Our souls find solace,

Our hearts relieved.
i’m convinced RPN shut down for the sake of all students so they’d be forced to ACTUALLY study for finals

(i’m students, and yes, that 13 page essay was completed)
Is it true?
Do we no longer have to use email notifications of our previous replies pasted into Google Docs to continue RPing?
When you be reading some shoujo and you lay on your stomach and swing your legs back and forth while reading it and just be like:

when you're simping over sports anime boy:
Taking a mental health night and sleeping on it
I’m not used to being social…. And honestly I want to be lest social….. I used to love people now I hate them… unless it’s on my own terms. And honestly….. I think I’d be better on my own….
dude we're both same -_-
Some Android phones have a bedtime mode where it'll basically be put on Do Not Disturb at specified hours of the night, check your settings and see if you have anything similar
Hey y'all! It's been a while, hasn't it? I should probably update y'all on where I've been, huh?

I've been working on a game!

That's right, you heard me! I've been working on making a turn-based RPG focused around... (drumroll please) ...SPELLCASTERS! Replacing almost every main party member with some kind of caster, this game flips typical RPG party composition on its head! On top of that, it's going to have a time mechanic that allows players to experience the world as if they were a part of it! Did you rush to the next town to ambush the bad guys? You did? Well guess what, it finally paid off! Gone are the days of the good guys always being one step behind! Worried about having to go out of your way to change the party members to fit your playstyle? With a dynamic EXP system, the game will adapt to how you play! And each party member is flexible enough to fit whatever role you desire! Want to make the healer into a heavy hitter? Go right ahead! And with alignment & reputation systems in place, your actions DO matter! What you do with your time on the continent of Zynqoin will shape major events and even the ending!

I'm not gonna spoil the plot, but just know that something big is coming!

For The Throne, coming soon! (maybe) (who knows) (it'll probably be a hot minute)
Sounds like an ambitious project. Good luck!
We've already got the demo planned out, as well as the first versions of each part of the soundtrack for it!
i have less stuff on my plate and wanna RP again for the first time in months. anyone looking for people for group RPs?