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Realistic or Modern Zodiac Detective Agency

Is it cool if I begin roleplaying in reply to your post in the 'Main' tab..? I don't wanna start without your consent. You might be waiting for others. Also, I can play multiple characters if you need me to.
Is it cool if I begin roleplaying in reply to your post in the 'Main' tab..? I don't wanna start without your consent. You might be waiting for others. Also, I can play multiple characters if you need me to.
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]Is it cool if I begin roleplaying in reply to your post in the 'Main' tab..? I don't wanna start without your consent. You might be waiting for others. Also, I can play multiple characters if you need me to.

No, it's fine :) Thanks for checking in though. Go ahead and play your character.
Mm. My zodiac itch wasn't quite scratched from the last topic. I'd like to request a reservation for Libra if that's alright with you. I'd get it done now but I really should be asleep already. Will be finished tomorrow evening at the latest.
Ammy said:
Mm. My zodiac itch wasn't quite scratched from the last topic. I'd like to request a reservation for Libra if that's alright with you. I'd get it done now but I really should be asleep already. Will be finished tomorrow evening at the latest.
Of course, my friend! I'm glad to have you aboard!
Thanks so much. Really looking forward to this. Have a fun idea for the character already.
I hardcore want to play a Penelope Garcias like character. xD
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]I hardcore want to play a Penelope Garcias like character. xD

Oh! I would love that. Huge fan of her and it could work under Cancer.
@Brianna Ackerman

I'm a little concerned that your character doesn't fit into the Sagittarius slot. I mean, it could very well work but you'll have to be careful with it. That being said, I'm not going to worry about it too much unless your character is completely out of range from being a Sag.

All in all, you're accepted but be careful, okay?
I just said, "fuck with the horoscope's personality thing." I don't feel like changing this'ne though. Pfft. The lazy life is a tough one.
Oh! I guess that means I got Cancer's personality alright? Sweet! I don't even know what the general personality for a Cancer is. I'm Sagittarius myself, so.
Honestly, I'd say Penelope Garcias would totes be a Sag.
Cancer is usually very shy, so that's what I thought you meant to convey by making him mute. Cancer is also kind but moody and sensitive. Emphasis on moody (seriously, I've been around two)
Okay this is my first roleplay on this website but I just posted my character skeleton and hopefully he is okay! I can change anything that needs changed.
alwaysrad said:
Okay this is my first roleplay on this website but I just posted my character skeleton and hopefully he is okay! I can change anything that needs changed.
Nope! It looks really good so you're accepted. Feel free to post.
I will, don't worry :) I know Sagittarius is supposed to be fun-loving and all, which she is. But they're also very blunt and sharp-tongued. That's where that came from. All in all, I based her around myself because I am a Sagittaruis, and this is how I am.

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