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Realistic or Modern Zodiac Detective Agency

[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]I hardcore want to play a Penelope Garcias like character. xD


...It's been so long since I've seen anyone even mention it...
[QUOTE="Brianna Ackerman]I will, don't worry :) I know Sagittarius is supposed to be fun-loving and all, which she is. But they're also very blunt and sharp-tongued. That's where that came from. All in all, I based her around myself because I am a Sagittaruis, and this is how I am.

Okay, as long as you're sure :)



*feels attack hits*

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SAME. He is my favorite. He needs some more whump! Also, I could tell, when you mentioned the eidetic memory. That's gonna be hard to play, ya know?
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]SAME. He is my favorite. He needs some more whump! Also, I could tell, when you mentioned the eidetic memory. That's gonna be hard to play, ya know?

It may be a challenge, but like I said, I based this character around myself. I graduate high school early, and I do have the very rare eidetic memory. Not as fast of a reader or as high of an IQ as Reid, but still pretty diddly dang good xD
Okay so I'm really anxious about being new on this website especially because I haven't roleplayed with new people in about two years so please please tell me if I do anything wrong.
alwaysrad said:
Okay so I'm really anxious about being new on this website especially because I haven't roleplayed with new people in about two years so please please tell me if I do anything wrong.
You're doing good! Don't sweat it ;)
alwaysrad said:
Okay so I'm really anxious about being new on this website especially because I haven't roleplayed with new people in about two years so please please tell me if I do anything wrong.
Dont worry about it my dear. You're doing perfectly fine! You can't really tell that you've been out for a while, actually! And don't worry about the site. It's pretty intimidating, I know. But you'll be owning this in no time. Hell, you already are!
I wrote that someone was already at the crime scene so if someone could take that, I would be forever grateful, lol.

And, yes @SeaBreezy Taurus is open. I usually keep the reserved spots up-to-date :3
I think we should have a post order or something, because people are typing so fast I can't squeeze my messages in fast enough. xD
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]I think we should have a post order or something, because people are typing so fast I can't squeeze my messages in fast enough. xD

Very true, it's the same with me. I've never had to deal with such fast posts lol!
I'm just like deleting everything right after I send it because it makes no sense after someone else's message, so I'm just like... Well, sugar honey iced tea.
So we should have a post order then? I think it would make things less jumbly jumbly.
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]So we should have a post order then? I think it would make things less jumbly jumbly.

NekoQueen49 said:
Very true, it's the same with me. I've never had to deal with such fast posts lol!
Or at least guidelines. Like, if one of us wasn't on for like 3 days with no explanation, it would hold up the rp and prevent people online from rping.
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]So we should have a post order then? I think it would make things less jumbly jumbly.

Yes, that would make more sense.

[QUOTE="Brianna Ackerman]Or at least guidelines. Like, if one of us wasn't on for like 3 days with no explanation, it would hold up the rp and prevent people online from rping.

Well, I was just thinking for now and when everybody is so active.

For now, it should probably go me, @Brianna Ackerman , @Sugar Honey Iced Tea . Decided that at random, so yeah. That okay with everyone?
Works for me! :)

One question. If there's a side conversation going on that involves ONLY two characters, does the order still take effect? Like, if they aren't involved in the main ply at the time
I should kill off Elliot and make another character. I don't like him already.
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]I should kill off Elliot and make another character. I don't like him already.

If you want, but I think Elliot is cute af though. You make me want to just hug him all the time TBH
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And @Brianna Ackerman and @Shadow Alpha I don't mean to be mean or rude, but please keep the OOC in the OOC tab.

As for your character, I know I accepted someone who knew five languages, but I found I was a little iffy about it. For now, I'm going to ignore it but please remember that this is in a small town setting so there's little reason for people to have such a large knowledge. So, yes, you're accepted :3

[QUOTE="Brianna Ackerman]Works for me! :)
One question. If there's a side conversation going on that involves ONLY two characters, does the order still take effect? Like, if they aren't involved in the main ply at the time

If they're not interacting with the main group, there's no need to change what the others have written so I'd say it's fine to ignore it. The reason it's made is so that we don't have to be concerned about 'ninja'ing. But if something happens that involves everyone, then it would be implemented.

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