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Realistic or Modern Zodiac Detective Agency

I wanna let y'all know that I won't be much active (if at all) for a little over a week. Going on a mission trip with my church.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]OH NO I DIDNT KNOW THIS STARTED can someone catch me up?

Well, basically, everybody has gotten trying to solve the murder (though sidetracked by Styx's pregnancy) and Lucia separated everybody into three teams: The team staying to investigate the evidence, the team going to the crime scene, and the team interviewing a survivor. Since you weren't there, you weren't assigned so you're probably going to stay with the group investigating the evidence.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]oh ok. :/ my character doesn't really do evidence though, she's a criminal profiler...

True. It will probably depend on your character then and the interactions where she goes.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]I'm going to pull myself out of this. It's going to be too hard to catch up. Sorry. :/

I've kind of given up as well. I'm sorry guys, especially to those who tried but, after people not listening to the rules and doing whatever... It's made me really not want to continue this rp

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