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Fandom You Said Forever

She nodded some "Then let's go home... try and get settled huh?" She murmured, kissing under his chin and held him tight, inhaling his familiar smell as she made her way out with him to her car, letting him drive them home.

He frowned some and looked at her "Okay? I never made you stay away from them. That's a you problem." He muttered, shaking his head. "Don't look at me like that. You're acting like I'm the problem here... You can leave anytime you like.... You're not the one stuck. In a goddamn chair the rest of your fucking miserable life!" He snapped at her
Angel gave a small nod before kissing her cheek and got her into the car before he drove off to their house. As they got home he smiled softly getting her inside quickly "Let me know what you want for dinner okay? Anything you want." he said softly to her as they got inside.

Max glared at him a bit shaking her head some "No I'm not but I am the one who is here to fucking help you! I have been here to support you but all I fucking get from you is how it doesn't matter!" she yelled before she slammed the door to the den shut and stormed off to get herself ready to leave for dinner.
She smiled some and went to get changed into some of her own comfies but kept his t-shirt on, heading back out to the lounge and curled up in his lap while he watched TV "You wanna door dash some olive garden?" She asked him quietly, "Cause I think I could eat maybe 20 breadsticks." She smiled some.

He threw the remote at the door and waited til he heard the front door slam shut before he left the room and went to get himself something to eat from the kitchen, muttering under his breath
Max arrived at her father's house about thirty minutes later smiling happily at him "Hey Pops, how are you?" she asked quietly before she hugged him tight and stood there for a minute trying her best to stay calm, cool, and collected.

Angel smiled and instantly wrapped his arms around her as she sat on his lap "Mmmm you are definitely speaking my language." he said happily kissing all over her face before he pulled out his phone and ordered their food for them "Tomorrow you wanna go get you a new phone?" he asked quietly
He frowned when he finally pulled away and got a good look at her "Are you okay mija? Your brother is in there burning the kitchen down." He told her, kissing her head and tok her inside. "Angel and Carmen won't be joining us as per usual." He explained 'Yeah but it's cause they're dealing with stuff. I told you pops... Hey Max" EZ hugged his little sister and got back to working on dinner for them all.

Carmen smiled some as she watched him "I think... I'm gonna wait a few days before we do that... I don't really want to be in public with my face like this." She told him quietly, leaning back against the couch and watched him some,
Max gave a small nod and smiled softly "I'm okay pops." She murmured as she walked inside hugging EZ tight as she got into the kitchen "What are you making tonight?" She asked as she sat down with her dad

Angel gave a nod and kissed her cheek gently "We can definitely do that." He said softly stroking her cheek some "I love you my dear, so very much." He whispered
Carmen smiled some, leaning into his touch "I'm just glad I'm finally home." She mumbled, kissing his palm and relaxed with him all evening until they got their food and she ate quietly, sitting on the floor and leaning back against the couch like she often did, resting her head back against his legs. "You can't keep your eyes open... you've had a long day too babe, let's get you to bed." She murmured, getting up and helping him up off the couch.

He smiled at her some "Hey, fajitas. Something easy. Plus the old man didn't have much in his fridge." He told her "You okay? You look like you been crying." He told her quietly, passing her a soda from the fridge.
Max gave a small nod and sighed softly "Yeah just....Ivar isn't doing well and its just hard." She said softly to them before sipping her drink "We'll be okay though. Just a bump in the road." She assured them

Angel chilled and ate with her quietly giving a small nod as he pulled himself to sit up better "Mmm lets go." He murmured getting up and yawning before he made his way to bed
She got him to their room and smiled some, making him face her, "Angel you have... Oh hold on." She giggled, brushing the crumbs out of his beard then took his kutte off for him, laying it on the back of the chair and went to the bathroom to finish her nightly routine before getting into bed with him.

He frowned some shaking his head "It's been a bump in the road for a year now... Remember you can come home any time. Angel and Carmen have space at their house too." He told her frowning as he finished up dinner nd got it onto the table.
Angel grumbled softly at her and lrt her do what she needed before he collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep almost immediately

Max sighed heavily and gave a small nod "I know EZ its just.....they really screwed him up over there." She said softly before giving him a small toothless smile while he put food out for them.
Carmen smiled as she looked over to find him asleep already, just turning the lights out and leaning in closer to him to go to sleep.

EZ sighed heavily shaking his head some, knowing he wouldn't change her mind right now, just having dinner with them before letting her go home.

The lights were all off once she got back, except for the kitchen light and Ivar was in a chair at the counter, watching the TV a little and almost entirely through what had been a full bottle of whiskey
Max walked into the house and frowned some seeing Ivar sitting there watching TV "Ivar? Baby what are you doing?" She asked seeing the bottle next to him giving a heavy sigh "Baby come to bed."
He looked over at her, clearly drunk and just smiled, pulling her in close. “There’s my wife.. mmm, I missed you tonight.” He slurred, letting her get him back in his chair to go to bed, getting snuggled in super close to her, placing little kisses all over her face and neck. “Mmm, I love you.” He murmured quietly, kissing her nose and holding her to him gently.
Max gave a small sigh and helped him to bed kissing him gently as they finally got into bed "I love you too." She whispered missing this side of him. He used to be this loving and affectionate to her daily, but ever since his second deployment it was rare she ever saw this side of him
He groaned some and pulled her to straddle his hips, running his hands up her shirt and keeping her close. “Mmm show me.” He mumbled against her lips
Max bit her lip watching him some but gave a small nod kissing him lovingly and got down to business with him. After they finished she rolled off of him panting softly before she cuddled up close to him and falling asleep. She woke up the next morning and sighed softly seeing him laying there staring at the ceiling "Good morning."

Angel woke up groaning some before he cuddled up close to Carmen smiling as he saw her in his arms "Good morning beautiful." He murmured before kissing the top of her head. He had definitely missed having her in his arms like this.
She smiled and leaned into him some. “Mmm morning... you wanna go deal with that morning wood you got there?” She asked him raising an eyebrow

He didn’t even respond, just pulled the pillow over his face to try and soothe his banging head, trying his best to go back to sleeo as he turned away from her.
Max gave a small sigh and got up getting dressed and getting him some aspirn "Here baby." She said softly kissing his cheek gently before she went to make breakfast for the two of them

Angel groaned some as he pressed himself into her ass smiling a bit "Mmm I definitely would like some help with it." He murmured letting a hand roam down her body while he kissed and nipped at her neck
She frowned and pushed him off. “I said go deal with it.” She muttered, pulling the covers up to her chin and curled up more.

he again didn’t respond and just lay there, ignoring her calling him for breakfast and just moved to his chair and took himself outside to the back yard, lighting a cigarette and staring out at the yard
Angel frowned some but gave a heavy sigh "Alright alright, I'll be back." He murmured pecking her cheek before he grabbed his phone and went to the restroom. He came back a little while later and crawled back in bed pulling her close "How did you sleep?"

Max gave a heavy sigh as he ignored her and went outside to smoke. She guessed the loving Ivar of last night was long gone and he would be back to his now usual ways. As he came back in she ate quietly before she looked at the clock on the wall "You want me to take you to physio today?"
She curled in close again, burying her face against his neck, "You wanna make me waffles?" She asked him, smiling some "By make me waffles I mean stick a waffle in the toaster." She giggled, kissing his cheek and just tried to relax as she held onto him.

He frowned looking over at her "I'm not going." he told her simply and took himself to the lounge to get comfy to watch TV instead
Angel chuckled some and nodded "So demanding this morning, my love. Yes of course I can make you some." he murmured softly to her pushing some hair from her face "How are you feeling?" he asked softly before he got up and carried her to the kitchen so he could make her waffles.

Max frowned and brought his food into the lounge so he could eat it while he watched TV "Ivar you have to go to your physio if you want to get any better." she said softly giving a heavy sigh "Ivar the physio will help you legs get stronger. I thought you wanted to go there to get help and hopefully walk again....don't give up please." she said almost pleading with him. He had told her multiple times that he wasn't going to walk again no matter what they told him.
Carmen smiled and held onto him til he set her on the counter "My face hurts... My throat is kinda sore.... But I'm home... I got my man here.... I'll get there." She murmured and kissed his chin, gently tugging on his beard "This is getting a little crazy." She smiled.

He frowned and looked over at her "Are you dumb? Tell me you're not that fucking stupid right! It severed my spinal cord.... They told you point blank the day I got back here that there was no way I'd ever walk again. So tell me what the fucking point is!" He snapped at her.
Angel chuckled some and kissed her gently as she tugged on his beard "I kind of like it." he grumbled before placing his hands on her hips sighing softly "But if its too crazy for you then I will trim it down." he said softly stroking her cheek gently

Max flinched some and looked at him heartbroken "Ivar....I...you...you told me you would find a way and I was supportive of it. What happened to your determination on it?" she asked but soon stepped back from him when he yelled at her again "I'm sorry I....I just want you to be happy.." she whispered before she retreated from the room
She shook her head "I never said I didn't like it." She mumbled, leaning into his touch, "I wish more people knew this side of you papí... You're gonna be an amazing father you know that right?" She murmured, "Now where's my toaster waffle?" She giggled.

He glared at her "That was all you! I never wanted the fucking physio!" He screamed at her, grabbing the nearest thing to him, being the plate of food and threw it at the wall as hard as he could then grabbed his keys and made his way out of the house and down the street to get out of there before he did something he would regret.

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