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Realistic or Modern You Promised to Be Careful

She was in the lounge asleep on the floor with Mari laying on her playmat and trying to grab at the things dangling from it. She’d fallen asleep without meaning to but just from being mentally exhausted.
JD sighs softly and throws a blanket over her carefully. He picks up Mari and takes her into the kitchen to get food. He eats and tried to keep Mari entertained so she wouldn’t wake Carmen.
She woke up frowning some when she didn’t see Mari and jumped up but relaxed when she heard Jorges voice in the kitchen, wandering in there and smiling a little at them. “Hey. How’d the interview go?” She asked him quietly and sat down on his lap, leaning into him.
JD smiles at her and wraps his arms around her gently. “It went great. I got the job.” He murmurd and kisses her head softly. “I told them I’d start next week. Give you some more time to adjust to having Mari alone before you actually have to be alone with her again.” He mjrmjrd skftly and kisses her head. “Have you eaten since this morning?”
She shook her head. “I was busy with her.” She mumbled. “We had a bath and she had some lunch and then two diaper changes and then we played on the mat until mommy accidentally fell asleep.” She mumbled resting her head against jds shoulder.
JD frowns and sighs. “Carmen you need to eat.” He tells her softly and caresses her cheek gently. “Let me make you something.” He murmurs and watches her. “I don’t want you passing out on me again.”
She just nodded in agreement. “I’m not hungry though Jorge.” She mumbled quietly and stood up going to get into comfy clothes for the evening.
JD frowns and looks down. He thought they were getring better, but he was gonna lose her and she wouldn’t listen to him. He picks up Mari and puts her on her play mat in the living room. He kisses her head softly and when Carmen comes out he goes to their room and gets in bed.
She frowned some and watched him go but just shook her head and walked in to see him, "You're telling me to spend time with her? How about you quit getting cooped up in here and spend time with the both of us." She muttered glaring at him with her arms crossed over her chest.
JD looks up at her and frowns. “I’m not copping myself up in here Carmen. And me wanting you to spend time with her is completely different then me spending time with the both of you. I have been spending time with both of you, you’ve been avoiding both of us at all costs.” He grumbles and lays down, turning away from her and closing his eyes.
"Avoiding you?! Bullshit Jorge! You keep leaving the room when I'm around! I know I'm fucked up right now but I need you here not distancing yourself!" She spat at him "Of course I'm fucked in the head though, I was sick for nine goddamn months and then out comes this baby that is so incredibly dependent on us and right at that same time I almost lose you! How am I supposed to be keeping everything together when shit goes wrong every five minutes?!" She snapped finally breaking about it this time, "I've fucking had it! You should probably get your ass out of bed and go watch her cause I'm going for a walk!" She yelled at him, grabbing her coat but not her keys or wallet and just left, slamming the door and making Mari start crying
JD sighs and rubs his temples. He didn’t know if he could do this anymore. He was tired of the constant fighting. He carefully get up and goes to get Mari, holding her close. He rocks her gently and tries to calm her down the best he could.
Her mom stopped by and spoke to Jorge about what had gone on but eventually agreed to go home still and organised her flight back to California, said her goodbyes and headed back to her hotel room but hours and hours went by and by the morning there was still no word from Carmen at all.
When JD work up to Carmen still being gone, he got even more worried. He could drive to go look for her, so he called josh and asked him to please look into it, reloaded when Josh agreed. He was really worried and felt even worse about their fight now. If anything happened to her, he’d never forgive himself.
Josh phoned him back later on sighing heavily, "Hey man, nothing yet but just wanted to check as well what was she wearing when she left last night?" He asked him looking at the photos in front of him that he'd just been sent by a couple of beat cops he'd asked to look around
JD rubs his temple and thinks. “She was wearing some dark blue jeans, her old sneakers and a blue top.” He tells him and leans back. “She had her jacket with her to, the one I bought her last fall.” He tells him.
"Jay, you know it got down to about 20 last night don't you? She have any money with her? I know you said she didn't take her wallet but anythign at all?" He asked frowning, making a note to check local hospitals.
JD frowns. “I fucking know Josh! I don’t know okay! I didn’t really think it ask in the middle of a fight!” He snaps and hangs up, just done with the conversation. He sighs and buries his face in his hands. He hated sitting around instead of looking for her. He starts shaking and then crying.
Josh sighed heavily not calling him back until several hours later he showed up at the house, knocking on his door and sighing heavily waiting for him to answer
JD heard the door and hoped it was her. He opens the door and frowns a little when he sees Josh. “Oh, I was hoping you were Carmen.” He mutters and wheels back to the living room. “You got news I take it?”
"Yeah, grab a bag for Mari and you.... it's not great but you both should come with me, I can watch her when we get there, she's been hurt pretty bad, she's okay but... you'll see when we get there." He muttered and gestured for him to follow to the cruiser.
JD frowns and quickly gets maris diaper bag and some clothes they had downstairs for her. He heads to the closer and gets in with Mari and shakes. She was hurt and it was his fault. He looks down the whole time and just tuned everything out until they got where they were going.
He took him straight down to the station and took Mari off of him once they got inside and on the right floor, taking him through "I'll watch this one, you go talk to her." He told him gently and nodded towards the room where he could see Carmen wrapped in a blanket with another officer sitting with her while she sat there looking terrified.

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