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Fandom YA RP ooc page

also, boutta spend $40 on marvel stickers/pins because while the analytical marvel fan in my is going 'nooo that's cringe' my autistic monkey brain is goin 'heehoo marvel buppis'
4chan autistic brain activates
This is so hectic and beautiful. Also, I feel like poor Seb is gonna get there and they have a few magic but one of them has the dark hold and one of them is in a symbiotic relationship with a god and one is the baby demiurge. Poor guys gonna just throw the ancient one’s trust advice out the window, like, do none of you know what you are doing??
This is so hectic and beautiful. Also, I feel like poor Seb is gonna get there and they have a few magic but one of them has the dark hold and one of them is in a symbiotic relationship with a god and one is the baby demiurge. Poor guys gonna just throw the ancient one’s trust advice out the window, like, do none of you know what you are doing??
im doing good over here i think...
yeah wait untill he accually gets friendly with the crew only to find out its even more confusing.
This is so hectic and beautiful. Also, I feel like poor Seb is gonna get there and they have a few magic but one of them has the dark hold and one of them is in a symbiotic relationship with a god and one is the baby demiurge. Poor guys gonna just throw the ancient one’s trust advice out the window, like, do none of you know what you are doing??
Exactlyyy, he's gonna loose his shit when he gets to find out that. He'll go to the Ancient One and say "Seeeeeee"
This is so hectic and beautiful. Also, I feel like poor Seb is gonna get there and they have a few magic but one of them has the dark hold and one of them is in a symbiotic relationship with a god and one is the baby demiurge. Poor guys gonna just throw the ancient one’s trust advice out the window, like, do none of you know what you are doing??
And dont forget daughter of Satan
Sebastian be like:
the cast:
- archer who will flirt with anything that moves
- golden retriever magic boi
- slightly less peppy magic boi who may or may not be evil
- spiderkid with trust issues
- actual satan (but female)
- extremely unimpressed avatar
- parallel dimension iron kid who's tryin his best
- sorcerer losing his mind over everyone having the power to kill everything
- black panther who's kinda just there
- utterly confused symbiote and his utterly confused son
the cast:
- archer who will flirt with anything that moves
- golden retriever magic boi
- slightly less peppy magic boi who may or may not be evil
- spiderkid with trust issues
- actual satan (but female)
- extremely unimpressed avatar
- parallel dimension iron kid who's tryin his best
- sorcerer losing his mind over everyone having the power to kill everything
- black panther who's kinda just there
- utterly confused symbiote and his utterly confused son
the cast:
- archer who will flirt with anything that moves
- golden retriever magic boi
- slightly less peppy magic boi who may or may not be evil
- spiderkid with trust issues
- actual satan (but female)
- extremely unimpressed avatar
- parallel dimension iron kid who's tryin his best
- sorcerer losing his mind over everyone having the power to kill everything
- black panther who's kinda just there
- utterly confused symbiote and his utterly confused son
that's literally everyone in summary and i love it
and thn we have seb just screaming his insides off of how many of these people can break everything by sneezing wrong
the cast:
- archer who will flirt with anything that moves
- golden retriever magic boi
- slightly less peppy magic boi who may or may not be evil
- spiderkid with trust issues
- actual satan (but female)
- extremely unimpressed avatar
- parallel dimension iron kid who's tryin his best
- sorcerer losing his mind over everyone having the power to kill everything
- black panther who's kinda just there
- utterly confused symbiote and his utterly confused son
and thn we have seb just screaming his insides off of how many of these people can break everything by sneezing wrong
Sebastian again:

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