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Fandom WWE Roleplay

Max got in the ambulance and held his hand tight as she listened to the paramedics tryijg her best to stay out of their way

Colby gave her a small smile and quickly finished up trying to not stay too long "Ready to go?" He asked
She nodded and smiled tiredly waiting ten minutes for him to shower before leaving with him and we to get food. “I feel like I let him down by getting better.” She whispered to Colby.

Tom stared up at her frowning some just hearing the paramedics sound like they were in the distance before the monitors began sending off alarms and he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore, his hand falling limp out of hers.
Max went wide eyed and shook her head "Tom?! Tom!" She yelled trying to get him to wake up looking at the paramedics "Help him!!" She yelled through sobs

Colby frowned as he listened to her shakimg his head "No Scarlett no, he wanted you to get better dont say that you let him down at all." He whispered
They rushed him once they arrived and made her go to a private waiting room not coming to see her for a few hours but eventually a nurse popped out to speak to her and let her know that they were setting him up in the ICU and so they would be out to speak to her shortly.

Scarlett grumbled a little at that. “But at that point I don’t think my son was intending to leave as well! God he was 12 Colby!” She yelled shaking some.
Max whimpered and nodded some following her to his room and whimpering when she saw all the wires hooked up to him

Colby pulled her close to him to comfort her and sighed heavily "Sweetheart its going to be okay. It was too soon for him to go but this for some fucked up reason was our fate." He whispered
“How are you okay already?! I don’t get how you’re so relaxed so soon!” She spat shaking some more. She didn’t know still that he had died in colbys arms. “I just wanna go home Col!” She sobbed into his shirt.

He came to speak to her after a while and took a seat opposite her. “I have good news and bad news.” He told her. “Good news is the heart attack was very minor.” He explained. “Bad news, it was a major stroke being disguised as a heart attack.” He told her. “He’s scraped through though I wouldn’t hold your breath just yet. He’s not through the woods on this one... if he does make it though maam.... I highly doubt that he will ever be able to walk again or talk or take care of himself. I know you’ve heard this before and that was the doctors preparing you for the worst.... this time I’m afraid best case scenario your husband survives and can swallow and move his head a little... there just isn’t the brain function to support a normal life anymore.” He told her waiting to let that all sink in.
Max listened to the doctor and took in deep breaths shakimg her head some "No no....no he'll make it...he will." She whimpered letting a few tears fall as she held Tom's hand

Colby shook his head some lookong at her "Scarlett please...I know how bad it hurts." He whispered before he took her to the car so they could go home
“It’s likely that he will live but maam let me be clear. He will require round the clock care to go home.” He explained “he will be alllwed visitation from children if you have any because of the nature of it.” He told her then left her to privacy.

“I’m not saying you don’t but how the hell can you be so calm about it all? He was our son Colby!”
Max nodded softly and let a few tears fall before she called their neighbors asking if they could bring the children

Colby took a deep breath as the memory played in his head "He died in my arms Scarlett.....he started seizing and I caught him before he could fall." He explained
She frowned and went quiet wiping at her eyes and reached over gripping his hand tightly. “Let’s just get home.” She whispered shaking a little not knowing how they would start to get through this.

Tom was starting to wake up just before the kids arrived and he lay there staring at her. He was well and truly trapped in his own body now and he knew it. This was different this time. He wanted desperately to grab for her hand but he couldn’t move at all.
Colby nodded softly and took her home going straight inside and making himself something to drink. He didnt like having to think about how Jackson passed that much but having to tell her just brought it all back for him

Max held his hand instantly as she saw him wake up and smiled softly "Hey there....I love you Tom, and Im so sorry for everything." She whispered
She went to the kitchen with him slipping her arms around his waist and held onto him tightly kissing his shoulder repeatedly. “I’m sorry col. I don’t wanna be yelling at you. That’s the last thing I want.” She mumbled.
He just watched her pleading with his eyes to find out what was going on. He was scared now and he didn’t want to be stuck like this.
Colby held her close and sighed softly "I dont want to yell at you either." He whispered kissing the top of her head repeatedly

Max bit her lip hard amd started to explain what the doctor had told her previously
Tom frowned watching her and just stared at her blankly after that feeling like he had nothing left. By the time the kids arrived he had been crying for ten minutes only just calming down now, falling asleep, and Iris ran over to her mom climbing on her and hugging her tightly “Is Daddy Okay?” She asked while Troy went and sat in the other chair looking over at his dad frowning and then back at max. “Momma, What’s going on with him?” He asked her quietly.

Scarlett frowned a little and kissed his cheek pulling away and going to lay down in bed until he joined her.
Max took a deep breath letting a few tears fall as she held her children close to her "Your daddy had a very severe stroke, because of this he can no longer move or talk, but he knows you are here and he can see and hear you." She explained hoping they understood

Colby laid with her and gave a heavy sigh smiling as Cujo curled up at her feet
Iris frowned and looked up at her. “But he gonna get better like me when I was sicky last week yeah?” She asked her putting her little hands on her moms cheeks staring at her.

She rolled into him resting her head on his chest and slowly drifted off to sleep. All she had ever wanted was Colby back and acting like he used to but she hadn’t wanted it to be under these circumstances. “I want my baby boy Colby.” She whispered shaking a little.
Max looked at her little girl and faught every single urge to burst into tears "No baby girl....they dont think he will." She whispered feeling a tear slip past her eye and onto her cheek

Colby nodded softly keepimg her close to him "I do too Scar...more than anything. If I could bring him back I would." He whispered
Troy sat quietly the whole time frowning over at his dad while Iris asked question after question until she finally got tired and moved to curl up next to tom having her mom help her to keep his arm around her.

She sighed quietly just nestling her head into his shoulder and kept her arms around him smiling tiredly as she played with his hair some. “You got grey hair coming through mister.” She smiled tiredly and kissed his cheek.
Max held Troy close taking in a shaky breath as she watched Tom "Do you have any questions Troy?" She asked quietly

Colby chuckled and nodded "Im an old man now, gotta let it show." He joked befpre cuddling up close to her
Troy just shook his head and kept staring at his dad.

Tom was sent home after a month during which time they had given max full instructions on how to look after him and training on his equipment as well. After four months of being home though tom was still miserable constantly. The one thing that cheered him up was when Iris would come cuddle him. Troy barely looked at him anymore and it stung more than he could have imagined. He had been starting to refuse to eat some meals though and everyone was getting worried about his weight.

Scarlett was finally doing better. She would always miss Jackson more than anything but she had realised that she needed to keep moving forward. She’d been given a second lease of life and she was finally enjoying herself again. She pulled up to the academy and walked in going to wait to speak to Colby by sitting on a bench.
Max came into the room and checked him over sighing softly "Hey my love." She said happily kissing him gently before she helped him sit up and change his clothes. She had adusted just about as much as she could with what jad been happening. She was concerned about Troy though and worried her son might be slipping from her too.

Colby sat at the acdemy just watching today giving a smile as he saw Scarlett come in. They had been growing stronger these past few months and the fact they had eachother to lean on during them both processing the loss of a child made things a little easier for him. He got up and went over to her kissong her gently "Mmm hey babe."
He hated that’s part of the day the most. All he ever wanted to do was help and do it all himself but he was useless at it by now. Once she’d got him out to the kitchen for breakfast he again refused to eat anything clamping his mouth shut and turning his head away as much as he could. It wasn’t that he wasn’t hungry. He still had the same appetite he always had. He wanted to put them all out of their misery and speed this up.

Scarlett smiled slipping an arm around his waist and standing next to him. “Good morning handsome.... I don’t have anything better to do today. Cujo has been for his morning walk and now we thought we’d come see you down here. Max has a doctors appointment with Tom so we couldn’t go hang over there.” She mumbled resting her head on his shoulder.
Max watched him and frowned trying her best to get him to eat. She was so worried about it all and she knew he was purposefully doing this as well. She hadmt said anything about it but she was finally reaching her breaking point. She slammed the spoon down onto the table and stared at him with tears gushing down her face "Damn it Tom stop this! Please! I know youre doing this on purpose but please stop it!" She said through sobs "I'm sorry our lives arent how they used to be but I dont care, I have you here and thats all I need so please Thomas...please eat." She whimpered

Colby gave her a smile and placed his arm on her shoulders "No problem, youre more than welcomed to stay here." He said happily checking everyone over once more "How are you feeling?"
It was driving him crazy that he wasn’t able to communicate back to her anything but he was in so much pain and he was so tired of being trapped. He just kept his mouth shut refusing to look at her until they had to leave to get to his doctors appointment.

She shrugged and sighed a little rubbing st her face some. “I’m okay I think. Just tired of still being tired all the time.” She told him. “You wanna go get some lunch on your break? I know I did you those sandwiches but you can have those later.” She murmured.

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