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Realistic or Modern Writing our Sins one at a time

He frowned and shook his head. “I don’t know sweetheart. I don’t know. Next time you go to see him though I want to go with you. Just in case.@ he told her, kissing her head and swaying with her. “You make the good kind of cookies?”

“In forty minutes. He’s coming to the house.” He told him frowning. “Aaron was asking me questions about Carmen this morning by the way.” He told him frowning.
Max gave a small nod and took a deep breath "Yeah they are." She murmured happily before kissing him gently.

Eddie frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "Keep tabs on him asking." He muttered
-2 months-
Aaron shook his head, rubbing his temples, “I’ve fucking had enough Ed! You think you can bullshit me then you’ve gone fucking stupid.” He snapped at him. “There is something you’re hiding from me about Carmen and if you don’t tell me then I can’t help when it bites you in the ass!” They’d been arguing nonstop the last couple weeks and Aaron was beyond exhausted but work had been hectic and there wasn’t a chance to slow down right now.
Eddie frowned deeply as he glared at his best friend "How many fucking times must I tell you to drop it! It is nothing you need to concern yourself with everything is fine!" He spat back as he rubbed at him temples. Things were tense beyond belief right now. Aaron constantly trying to get information on Carmen and the port chief double crossing them.
“then why are you hiding her away every time there’s meetings?! I know you. I know you wanna flaunt her. But you Lock hee away upstairs. You can tell me and I can help whatever trouble you’re in or you don’t and it’s on you to fix your own fuck up.” He muttered, getting up and heading out of there to go home, seething the whole way.

Carmen was at home doing some rearranging in the living room and smiled when she heard eddies footsteps. “Hey! I’m in the lounge!” She called to him.
Max was sat in the lounge when she heard Aaron come through the door "In the lounge love!" She called to him and smiled wide as he walked through the doorway "Hey there, how was your day?" She asked as she went over to him and pulling him to her.

Eddie stormed into the house and took a minute to himself before going to see Carmen. He relaxed a bit when he saw her and sighed heavily "I want shit greasy food for tonight. I've had an absolute shit day." He muttered as he collapsed onto the couch and running a hand over his face.
He frowned and just held onto her for a moment before his legs gave out and he fell to the floor, taking her down with him, laying there and staring ahead of him a little spaced out in his exhaustion.

She frowned but nodded, texting Alyssa that she was going to order them takeout and to take the night off, going over and locking the living room door before heading back over to him and tying her hair up. “Then you sit there and relax.” She told him
Max squeaked when she fell to the floor with him and frowned as she moved to straddle hia waist "Hey. Hey look at me." She said as she made him look at her "You need a break love, you're getting exhausted again."

Eddie took a deep breath and sighed heavily "I need to tell Aaron...he's getting less and less trusting of me about this. He won't hurt you though."
She shook her head. “I’m not the one who thought it would be good to keep secrets from him.” She reminded Eddie.

He frowned a little and just passed out on the floor, vaguely aware of someone showing up and getting him on the couch before it was just max again but he was out for a few hours
Eddie sighed heavily and gave her a small nod "How has your day been?" He asked softly

Max frowned deeply and quickly got up to call someone. It was another few hours until he woke up again. "Hey....hey stay laying down." She said softly to him when she saw him awake.
“Eddie… shut up and let me take care of you.” She smiled, moving to her knees in front of him… by the time they were finished she could see him a lot more relaxed and moved to sit next to him smiling. “So…. You wanna pick dinner?” She asked, giggling at the stupid smile on his face. “You keep smiling like that your face is gonna get stuck.”

He frowned a little but nodded and just adjusted himself carefully, letting her help him out. “What time is it? What happened?” He mumbled, playing with her fingers
Eddie gave her a happy grin and laughed some "Mmm I'm thinking pizza." He murmured before kissing her gently "You know how much I fucking love you?"

Max frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "Its seven now. You passed out as soon as you got home. I called the doctor and he said its just exhaustion but you gotta take it easy babe."
She smiled and nodded, straddling his waist and passing him the menu on her phone so he could pick. “I do.” She smiled, kissing him gently.

He frowned but nodded and reached for her. “Cmere…. I can’t miss tomorrow. We got a massive shipment job.” He mumbled. “But then I’ll take a holiday. Promise.” He murmured, losing his eyes again.
Eddie gave her a quick kiss back before he started to order their food. Once done he tossed her phone to the side and pulled her in close gripping at her hips "Now, we have twenty minutes, so its my turn to return the lovely gift you gave me." He murmured to her.

Max frowned deeply and shook her head again as she sat with him "Aaron no, you need to rest. I'm not having your nearly die again like the last time this happened. You keep saying you'll take a holiday and you never do."
He frowned and shook his head. “Last time I left Eddie to handle things I ended up in prison. It’ll be fine. I’ll just get a good nights sleep tonight and as soon as the warehouse is finished then I’ll come home and take some time off.l

She shook her head and smiled “I’m good Ed really. Let me just take care of you sometimes.” She murmured.
Max frowned deeply as she watched him a bit but gave a small nod "You come home straight after." She said seriously before cuddling into him some.

Eddie pouted and watched her some "Aww and here I thought I could get my dessert early." He said before giving her a cheeky grin
She shook her head. “Not tonight sweetheart.” She murmured, clinging to him like a koala and keeping her face nestled into his collar bone.

He gave her a weak salute and just held her close frowning. “I just can’t leave him alone right now. Something doesn’t feel right about this.” He muttered right as he drifted off to sleep.
Eddie pouted but just cuddled her instead. By the next morning he was waking up early for the meeting sighing heavily as he ran a hand over his face.

Max woke up the next morning and sighed heavily when she saw Aaron getting ready "You come home straight after the meeting." She muttered quietly
He glanced over at her and nodded “Promise love.” He smiled and leaned over, kissing her forehead before heading out the house

Carmen held onto him a little tighter than normal until he had to get up and she watched him carefully. “Stay safe today please. Focus on the job and we will deal with Aaron later.” She murmured, feeling a little uneasy about the dau
Max gave a small smile and pulled him in to give him a kiss before letting him leave. She had a really bad feeling about today and she just wanted it over and done with as soon as possible.

Eddie gave a small smile and kissed her gently "Of course beautiful. I'll be home before you know it. I love you." He said softly before leaving
She nodded slowly. “I love you too.” She murmured, watching him go an eventually getting up to go down and feed the dogs.

Aaron headed out and drove straight to eddies place, waiting for him to get in the car. “The others have gone separate. Just in case.” He told him.
Eddie went out when he heard Aaron pull up. He sighed heavily and nodded "Alright sounds good, listen I want this done quick and fast if possible. Be on the look out okay?" He explained
“Quick and fast huh? Good to know you’re just as stupid as ever.” He muttered to himself, his hands already shaky from still not being up to par right now. And he couldn’t shake this feeling in the pit of his stomach that something wasn’t right.
Eddie sighed heavily and ran a hand over his face "I just want it done and over with. Something feels a bit off." He murmured before checking his gun to make sure he had a full clip.
He nodded and pulled up to the warehouse, getting out and walking inside with him, staying right next to him during the checking of the merchandise, watching Gareth and Lewis bring the money in when he should have focused on the entry points to the room.

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