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Realistic or Modern Writing our Sins one at a time

Eddie went over to her and grabbed her arm gently "Carmen, please. Tell me you'll watch yourself in the future, I don't want you to be in danger if it comes out where you come from."

Max smiled wide and nodded "Yes sir." She said before running up to their room and getting into her nightie.
She frowned and looked up at him. “Fine. But you put him in his place next time then alright?” She asked, kissing his cheek and going to finish getting ready for bed.

He got everything locked up and headed up, ready to join hee in bed but frowned when he saw her on the phone and groaned in frustration when he heard Richie’s voice on the other end, going to get changed instead knowing it would have killed the mood.
Eddie gave a nod in compromise and sighed heavily. He got stripped down and into bed smiling some when she came out after her nighttime skin routine "Mmm we need to do those masks again sometime. My skin is feeling dry."

Max sighed heavily when she saw her brother's name flash on her phone. She picked it up and mouthed a sorry to Aaron when he came in "Look, let me talk to you tomorrow okay? We can grab some lunch." She said and quickly said goodbye. She reached for Aaron when he came back into the room "Hey, I'm gonma have lunch tomorrow with my brother."
She smiled a little and got cuddled up. “I did include a facial for the spa day.” She told him. “But if you just used the moisturiser that sits full by your sink … you wouldn’t have this problem.” She pointed out, resting her head against his shoulder.

Aaron sighed but nodded and pulled her in a little closer. “Alright. I just wish he would stop calling at the worst times.” He muttered.
Eddie sighed dramatically and shook his head "But you do it so much better." He teased while he pulling her close to him kissing the top of her head.

Max nodded some "Yeah, its because he is just leaving work." She murmured before kissing him lovingly "You still up for some fooling around?"
He frowned and shook his head. “Not while you’re thinking about your brother im not.” He muttered. “Get some rest alright? Call me tomorrow if there’s a problem.” He sighed.

Carmen smiled and shook her head. “Sometimes I wonder how old you really are yknow. Acting like a child.” She teased.
Max frowned and shook her head "I'm not thinking about him." She murmured sighing when he still refused "Fine...you owe me tomorrow morning mister." She said before turnimg over to go to sleep.

Eddie laughed and gave her a cheesy grin "Its always good to keep your inner child alive."
He grumbled a bit and turned away from her for the rest of the night.

She rolled her eyes and turned her light out. “Goodnight Eddie. Get some sleep. You need it.” She told him, keeping close throughout the night.
Max woke up in Aaron's arms the next morning and smiled to herself. Even if they'd gone to bed upset, some how they always ended up like this in their sleep. She smirked seeing he was still asleep and decided to let herself disappear under the covers to get him to wake up.

Eddie woke up the next morning and groaned softly feeling his back aching. He sighed heavily as he rubbed a hand over his face doing a quick stretch.
Carmen was already up and sorting herself out for the day, "When do you start working today?" She asked him, yawning a little and throwing her hair up to get dressed in comfy clothes, not planning on leaving the house if she could help it.

Aaron groaned a little, lifting up the covers to see what she was doing and frowned "Honey.... It's so fuckin' early." He grumbled a little
Max pouted and sighed a bit before getting up "Sorry..." she muttered before going to the bathroom to get ready and leave him alone.

Eddie got up and held his back some "Around noon, shit you got massages planned for that spa day? My back is killing me." He muttered as he popped a few painkillers
She frowned a little and moved to stand behind him. “Where?” She asked as usually it would build for a few days first for him but she’s heard no complaints. “Ed you gotta be careful.” She sighed, “you wanna go get breakfast if you don’t have work til later?” She asked him.

He sighed and got up, a little grumpier than normal. Stressed over what Richie was going to end up telling max about why he looked the way he did right now. “Call me when you’re done with him please. Just so I know when you’re on your way back. I’ve got some warehouse visits so I don’t know if I can answer but at least I’ll have it logged on my phone.” He told her before heading out the door
Eddie pointed to his lower back and sighed heavily "I will babe I promise." He murmured before turning to kiss her gently "Breakfast sounds good, what do you want?" He asked happily.

Max nodded some and gave him a kiss goodbye without another word. She sighed heavily as she got ready for the day deciding to go out and do some light shopping before her lunch with Richie.
She shrugged. “Surprise me.” She smiked, going to get changed just nice enough to leave the house for breakfast and met him down by the car, seeing he’d tied his hair back for once.

Richie finally met her at the pizza place they’d gone to all the time as kids and sat opposite her, looking and feeling like he’d been out through a meat grinder. In a way he had been but the meat grinder was her husband.
Eddie reached for her hand and smiled a bit "Come on beautiful lets get going." He said happily before takimg her to the car. "Mind if I drive us?" He asked knowing she hated his driving most of the time.

Max went wide eyed when she saw Richie later that day "Richie what the fuck happened to you?!" She whisper yelled as she sat across from him "What did you get yourself into?'"
He frowned a little and smirked. “This? All this was done by someone you know. I see he’s back to being eddies lap dog again.” He muttered. “Some bullshit over eddies girlfriend.” He told her. This was why Aaron couldn’t stand him. One moment he was a mess and couldn’t think straight but the next he was turning things around as if it was everyone else who was the problem.

She shook her head and got in the passenger seat “I’m too tired to care right now. It’s been a very long week.”
Max frowned deeply and shook her head some "Well what the fuck would you do if your significant other had been taken?! Goddamn it Richard you can't be fucking around like this!" She hissed seeing right through his bullshit. She always tried to see the best in her brother, but she knew who he was, and she knew his tells for when he was lying.

Eddie smiled and gave her a nod before taking off with her. He drove them to the little diner down the way and sighed happily just content to have this time with her.
She got out, taking his hand and smiling a little. “I want me some eggs Benedict. Extra sauce.” She told him. “You gonna order it for me?” She smiked at him. Sometimes, when they were on their own, it was easy to forget the bloody nature of their lives which she enjoyed from time to time. She loved the benefits the life came with but not the worry and stress or the risk.

He rolled his eyes a little then shook his head. “And I didn’t do anything to her. You know Aaron knows right? He did this to me max. I told you o don’t like you being around him. He’s a psycho.”
Eddie chuckled softly and nodded "Yes of course." He said happily before looking over the menu. These were some of his favorite times, just them acting like a normal couple. He smiled happily taking her hand in his "So...would you ever think about marriage?"

Max frowned deeper and shook her head some "He did his job Richard. Why do you constantly make me choose between the two of you?!" She spat before getting up and wiping the tears forming in her eyes "You need to stop putting yourself in danger, before you end up dead."
She watched him and nodded. “Of course. If this is a partnership then we help build each other up at all times and if something were to happen to either of us. The other should be able to keep what we worked for. If I lost you tomorrow and the family didn’t let me have our sentimental things? I’d shoot Jackson myself.” She told him “Plus on the nicer side of things, I think Mrs. Carmen Munson has a great ring to it.” She winked

He waved her off and watched her go, shaking his head.

Aaron frowned when his phone rang twice in a row and excused himself to go answer it. “Hey everything…. Sweetheart what’s wrong?” He asked her concerned. “You need me to come to you?”
Eddie smiled widely at her and gave a small nod "Well thats good to hear. Would you want some large ceremony and reception? I'd honestly just prefer something small, with Wayne gone I'd honestly just go to the court house and sign the papers." He explained just wanting to get on the same page with her about it all.

Max called Aarons soon as she was in the car and sniffled a bit while she cried freely. She took a deep breath when he finally picked up relaxing some as she heard his voice "Hey...no...no I'm sorry I just needed to hear your voice." She said before holding back another cry "My brother is such a fucking idiot, I'm sorry for whatever he did, but thank you for not killing him. If I know Eddie, I know thats probably what he wanted. Listen, I'm heading home okay? I'll see you later and we can talk more."
He frowned but nodded. “I love you. Drive safe once you’ve calmed down alright? I’ll be home soon as I can.” He promised. “I love you.” He reminded her and finally hung up, going to finish that meeting then told eddies othe guys that he was done fore the day and he would catch them later as he had to deal with something at home first.

She shrugged. “I don’t think drawing attention to ourselves with a large wedding is the best of ideas is it?” She pointed out, letting him order once the waitress arrived and just sat back watching him.
Max got home a bit later and sighed heavily as she went straight to the kitchen and started to make some food. She'd found cooking recently as a good stress reliever for her and she hoped this could help her feel a bit better. She gave a small smile when she saw Aaron enter a few hours later and waved "Hey...I got some cookies in the oven." She said quietly

Eddie went on with their breakfast happily definitely needing this relax time with her. By the time he was going into work it looked like Aaron had handled most of his minor things which he was thankful for. He looked at Gareth and raised an eyebrow at the concerned look on his face "What is it?"
He frowned and stepped over, pulling her in close. “You okay?” He asked her quietly, just holding her tightly and swaying gently with her.

He frowned and shook his head “Ira nothing really. Just Richie being a little snitch already. Aaron had to leave early to go sort out home issues.” He muttered. “We just got the meeting with the port chief.” He told him.
Max hugged him tightly before breaking down in his arms "Why does he continue to do this and play the victim?! Trying to tell me you're a psycho and make it seem like you beat him just for the hell of it." She explained

Eddie rolled his eyes and sighed heavily "Richie is a damn idiot." He muttered before nodding his head "Thats good we got that meeting, what time is it?"

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