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Fantasy World of End(Rapror & Bloods 1x1)



Dame of the Moon's Darkness
Roleplay Type(s)
In this world with so many troubles how will those still left survive and while a cure to these creatures ever be made so no other lives are lost. Or will the rest of humanity finally vanish from the face of the Earth for good.

Renzel - Solo - Pet: Storm - Twin Katana's
Ren's breath was ragged, how long had she been fighting now...Storm stood need to her, a growl rumbled up from the female wolf mixes throat. The lead fortiz gave a bellowing croak and more of them seemed to appear. Ren glanced at her pet, "I'm sorry pretty girl...this...looks like it'll be our last battle together." The she-wolf crocked her head to the side, not sure as to what her master meant, soon though her master began to shoo at her and yell. Had she gone mad? "Go on get out of here Storm! Leave now, go!!!" Ren bit her lip before moving over and swatting Storm on the side, the she-wolf let out a startled yelp mixed with a growl. She turned darting off, unsure as to what was happening, Ren watched her beloved pet dart off. Once Storm was out of site Ren pulled a small red and white ring from a pouch before eating it. She felt her pulse spike up, taking an enhancement ring in her current state was super risky. It was very possible that it would send her into shock, which was always why she had wanted Storm to get free. Storm would find her way back to Leon and protect him well in her place...she smiled softly before one of the large white hard body plated frogs lunge are her. It's green tongue lashing out in hopes to snag her arm, she dodged bringing on of the katana's up and straight through the belly of the fortiz. "Not yet you bastards..." She spun around sending her second katana into the head of one of the beasts, only to hiss sharply as one of the fortiz's tongues got a grip on her leg. "Damn..." She let go of the katana still stuck in the belly of one of the creatures and grabbed at the green tongue wrapped around her leg ripping it off. But the acid of its tongue around started working at her flesh, ripping a piece of her shirt off she did her best to clean the saliva off her leg. She pulled out a yellow ring and ate it, it did almost nothing to soothe the burning in her leg for a couple of minutes before it began to work fully. She smiled, "It's go time!" She stood grabbing her katana's, slashing, bashing, and cutting her way to the big guy. He had to be the biggest fortiz she had seen yet and from the coloration of the plating on its body, he was an older Frike Predator. They were the worst, not only more skills in fighting but also the older a Frike was the tougher the bone like plating was to break. If she wanted to kill that thing she'd need to get its underbelly, the only real weak point. She dodged another fortiz, probably the mate to the big male as it seemed to be slightly bigger than the others. Ren slammed the pommel of the sword into the side of the female's head before using the other and sending it through it's stomach. Her laughter filled the air as the big male croaked, but no more of its little minions came forth, all their bodies laid on the ground, shattered. A wave of dizziness struck her at the same time as the fortiz jumped, her legs gave way and that saved her. Ren groaned slightly, the enhancer ring was taking its toll. Even with the healing ring flowing through her system her adrenaline was far too high and her heart could burst at any given time. She growled getting a better grip on her katana's and standing, the fortiz's tongue struck out but her blade blocked it. The creature let out a horrid screech as it tongue split in two, it's confusion was the advantage that she needed. She ducked lowed and moved as fast as her body was willing, slamming the blade through it lower jaw and back as far as it would go. The Frike's body twitched before it fell over, Ren's legs trembled and she hit the ground next to the creature. It was normal for the fortiz frike's to be in groups, but this...there had been about 30 of the damned things. Her blue eyes stared at the dark cloudy skies, just as they cracked open and rain began to fall. Was this how she would die? Alone...perhaps that was for the best, Leon would take care of Storm... Her eyes closed as darkness took hold of her, the rain cooling her oddly warm body.

Leon - Scientist - Glock
A shiver ran up Leon's spine as he bandaged up a person, he glanced out in the direction Ren had ventured off to. They had been out on a mission after hearing news of survivors, but those humans were unable to get passed the Frike predators. There were also a lot of children within the group which was surprising... It turned out to be an orphanage that had been surviving through this whole thing until the Frike's increased in number suddenly. "You'll be fine now, just come to me if it starts bothering you any. The medicine i put on it should have it healing right up." The teenager nodded, "T-thank you, sir..." He stuttered before darting back over to the group of kids huddled together. They weren't giving off the scent of fear thankfully, they had been living through this on their own for so long they likely didn't know how to fear anything anymore. Nope, they shivered due to the cold air, and then the rain came...this was the end of winter and the start of spring. The cold still gasped at them strongly though, as if it refused to be forgotten, he grabbed a few blankets from a bag and walked over wrapping them around a few kids. "S-sir will she be back...the lady with black hair and bright blue eyes...s-she saved me..." Leon gave the small girl a smile, "Of course Ren will return, she is the strongest guardian I know..." The little girl pulled the blanket around herself trying to stop the cold, "T-thats...g-good...then we can leave right?" Leon nodded, "Yes, once she is back we will head out to a place much warmer and secure than the outdoors." About 20 minutes passed when he saw a figure in the rain limping, it wasn't human... His hand moved to his gun ready to take down the beast, but to his surprise it was Storm. He rushed to the wolf mixes side as the canine whined looking at him with pain and confusion, his stomach dropped and his legs went weak. "N...no...." He grabbed Storm burying his face into her thick fur and tears began to fall, "No...she's okay...she has to be....Stormy...she can't be...she can't..."

( Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine Here ya go! Hope this is a good start, I figured one of your characters could either come across Renzel as she is passed out. Or I can have Leon and storm venture back to find her! :) ))​
Dusk was moving through the area towards where he heard the sounds of many frotiz crys. Normally he wouldn’t be so concerned, but given how many it sounded like, along with the fact that their screeches were pained, he felt like he had to hurry. When he got there he found that they were all dead, and in the epicenter of the corpses was a black haired girl. At first he thought she was dead too, until he noticed her breathing. “Well can’t just leave her here, guess I’ll take her back to the company and-“ he paused upon noticing the wolf tracks leading away from the girl. “Eh what the hay, might as well.” He muttered as he picked up the unconscious girl and started following the wolf tracks.
Meanwhile the sound of fluttering feathers filled the area that Dr. Dringo and storm were in as Rufus flew down to roost on a tree near the pair. “All clear... All clear” he squawked out in between his caws, completely oblivious to the scene going on beneath him.

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Renzel - Solo - Pet: Storm - Twin Katana's
The rain had cooled Ren's body down a lot she shivered as the rush of adrenaline faded leaving her cold. Soon she felt warmth in her darkness, she instinctively snugged closer to the hard warmth. "Storm....I told you to get away...." She whispered in her unconscious state, a couple of tears sliding down her cheek. Not that it could be noticed in the rain much, a faint smile crossed her lips, "You are such a spoiled loyal pup..." Her hand reached out stroking Storms fur in her sleep. She and Storm often fell asleep curled up to each other and Ren felt the best when petting Storms thick fur. Little did she know she was currently petting a random mans chest.

Leon - Scientist - Glock
A soft nip from Storm seemed to bring him back to his senses. He felt the eyes of others on him and he forced himself to straighten out his act. He couldn't scare these people if he could help it, if he fell apart then they could fall apart as well. "Storm lead me to her...we cant just leave her there..." He turned to one of the adults, "Ill be right back you keep watch." He stepped out of the makeshift shelter faintly hearing something say something he turned to look in a tree. His eyes landed on the white body of a bird and he tensed. Was it a Frikë? No it couldn't be it didnt seem to have any of the strange bone like plating. So it was a white raven, "How...rare..." He said a bit surprised, he was brought back to the task at hand as Storm tugged on his long muddied coat.

Kylin - Two - Metal Whip Sword
"Just how long have i been walking now..." he said with a groan wiping at the rain as it dripped down his face. He knew he was supposed to be close to the location of the group, but there were no signs, "Must be my luck..." he muttered darkly still remembering the words of those at the base.

"Who would like to go with Kylin to check on the group." the whole room went silent and he laughed making a few people move even farther from him. "It's fine sir, I've practically been a solo fighter for a long time now." A couple of people whispered between themselves, "That poor group of people, they are going to have the worst luck with him around." Another snickered, "Maybe that's why they haven't returned, fate knew Luckless was going to go fetch them. Maybe they already met their end, if they're lucky enough."

He paused looking around once more still hunting for them. He looked up towards the skies for a while, "Things never change Selen....if it had been you who survived it would have been better."

Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
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And now the girl was petting his chest like he was some dog, great, well at least Dusk knew his hunch to follow the tracks was a good call. He continued to follow the tracks up until he stated hearing someone headed his way, guess that was his cue to set the girl down and leave, though not before taking out a bangle marked with his company’s symbol, a striking red bird, and snapped it to her wrist. He then set her down beneath a tree and darted off, but not far enough way to where he couldn’t see her. He just couldn’t leave her without knowing that what was approaching wasn’t frike.

At a clearing a white haired girl was fighting off a decently sized Sekti, swiftly dodging its strikes with fluid dancing motions, and retaliating with similarly fluid strikes. She kept up this dance for a while until some of the muddy ground she was standing on slipped out from beneath her, causing her to come tumbling down and at the snake’s mercy she began to think. “First birdbrain had to fly off to do whatever knows what, and now this. Good to know this day couldn’t possibly get any worse”
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Leon - Scientist - Glock
Storms pace picked up making Leon run after her, soon his eyes landed on a shadowed figure under a tree. His heart leapt with joy and relief. Storm rushed over to her master sniffing and licking at her. She paused though smelling the scent of some stranger on her master. She turned following the scent in a direction with her eyes but not leaving her masters side. Leon kneeled down next to Ren reaching out to touch her cheek gently, "Ren....you had us worried to death my dear girl....we cant loose you. Not out here...." He felt her pulse and sighed, his eyes caught site of a red bird bangle on her wrist and he inhaled sharply. He turned looking around for anyone who was out there but his eyes found nothing. Whoever had saved her was someone he likely didn't want to deal with. He pulled a vial out of his pocket and then opened it, "This is new and i hope it works...and im sorry for not asking to test thus on you first." Storm glanced at him a soft growl coming up from her throat. "I wouldn't hurt her on purpose Stormy...you know that." The wolf mix watched intently as Leon pour the substance into Ren's mouth, it was bitter to the taste and a shock to her system. Ren began to cough almost as if she were choking on the liquid. It spread through her body making her twitch, finally though her eyes opened. Everything was blurry, "Glad to see that it worked..." She knew that voice, "L-leon..." Her throat felt like she'd been walking a dessert for days and her body felt as if it had been hit by a bus. Ren coughed a few more times, "W-what the hell did you give me. My mouth feel numb and there's a super bitter taste..." Leon chuckled, "Think of it as the raw version of the healing ring. Except it was just full healing with a faint bit of the enhancing liquid." Ren shook her head, "Well it tasted like crap...lets not feed me that again..." He laughed, "Lets get back to the small camp and get heading back to base." Ren stood slowly before glancing to her wrist, "Where'd this come from..." Leon shrugged as she stared at it, she smiled softly, "It's pretty."

Kylin - Two - Metal Whip Sword
He headed down a slight slope, letting himself slide down was much better than fighting it. His feet hit the ground and he looked around at the clearing before him, his eyes landed on movement he saw the body of the sekti before he noticed a smaller form. "Great...is this thanks to my unluckiness as well." He rushed forward just in time to see the person fighting slip. "Crap...no not again!" He pulled the blade from his side hitting one of the buttons. The solid blade made an odd clicking noise as it turned to a deadly whip, he reeled back his arm swinging the whip in a circle before flinging it towards the sekti's face. The metal whip shot forward slamming into the beast upper jaw before making a cracking noise as it wrapped around slamming the snake frikes mouth shut. The hood of the snake opened in its irritation it red eyes turning towards the direction the weapon had come from. Kylin ducted just in time to be missed by the beasts tail. He rolled on the ground before straightening himself and glancing to the girl. She looked....interesting... "Get up and fight if you aren't hurt or give me your weapon until i get mine back."

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The girl simply looked at the recent arrival and stood up to take up a fighting stance. She stared down the large snake in front of them and without even a word she charged forward, while the serpent started to raise its hood. Seeing this new opportunity the girl jumped and grabbed hold of the underside of the hood with her left hand and then drove her broadsword into its bow exposed side, causing it to flinch and open itself up further.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Renzel & Leon
Soon they made their way back to the campsite, they were greeted by the kids with excitement. Ren glanced around taking in their surroundings once again, "I think we should start packing up and heading back. After what just happened...I need to report to our base leader." Leon nodded, "Yeah, you also need to tell me what happened. When Storm showed up i feared the worst..." Ren reached over rubbing Storm behind her ear, "Well...I was lucky...someone saved me in a sense because I passed out after killing all those things. I'd like to find who saved me and thank them." Leon stiffened his eyes looking towards the striking red bird bangle once again. "Maybe its for the best that they just found you and moved you to a safer place..." He moved a couple of things around before working on packing some stuff away, "Let's get this done so we can head out in the early morning." Renzel glanced over to him, he seemed to be acting weird about the bangle, but the person had to be good since they saved her. She walked among the kids, smiling at them and even picking up one. Her body was sore but she couldn't say no to them. The kids with them ranged from 6 to 18, so some of them understood just how tired she was. One of the younger guys walked over, "I'll take my sister so you can rest." The boys sister whined and complained, "How about you sleep next to me then little Sarah..." The blonde nodded, "Come on big brother you can sleep next to us as well. I feel the safest when im next to you two.." The 17 year old blushed slightly, taking his sister and saying sorry. "I don't mind, besides she will be between us, until we make it back to the base we can do what makes her most at ease." Sarah cheered before pulling at her brother's hair, "Thanks" He muttered as he walked back towards where he and his sister's things were. Leon sighed watching Ren, "You know you won't get a good sleep next to a moving child..." Storm even whined at Ren, "It's fine."

He chuckled slightly as the girl got up without a word and charged the sekti, he hadn't watched many people battle. She seemed to know what she was doing, her movements were graceful looking almost. He shook his head, that was an odd way to think of someone fighting in the hell whole. He shook himself before moving and charging straight towards the sekti's head. It's focus was still on the girl and his whip was loosening its grip on the sekti's torn up mouth. He pushed off the ground almost slipping in the mud but managing to get his footing and aimed for the handle of his whip. To his surprise the sekti shook its head as if trying to get the whip off it's face, the handle swung up and he grabbed it mid-air yanking it back. It ripped from the snakes flesh, "You work on it's underbelly and I'll guard you as best as possible!" He yelled as the jaws of the creature snapped shut and an eerie hissed escaped it. The beast was beyond angry now, as it bled from several injures.

Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
The girl nodded back at Kylin and started to hack away at the creature’s stomach, whist dodging its attacks with the same dancing motions she was using to attack. She was even ducking whenever she heard the sound of Kylin’s whip, before continuing her assault on the beast as it continued to get angrier and angrier. “ I don't think scalebag here’s going to get tired anytime soon, think we should wrap this up?”

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He chuckled slightly as she called the sekti scalebag, it was a first for him and it had also been a long time since anyone ever actually responded to him. "My thoughts exactly!" He turned sharply clicking a button on his whip and it changed back to a sword. The metal clicking together caught the creature's attention just in time for Ky to jump up shoving the sword into the sekti's right eye. He jumped away before looking into its other eye as the sekti screeched and hissed loudly. His movements weren't graceful like the girl's but they were quick, he glanced towards the girl for a second to see if she planned to finish the creature off, but that was the wrong thing to do. The sekti's head turned in his direction holding a grudge, it's jaws opened, and Kylin felt the scrape of the fang hit his shoulder before he could move out of the way fully. "Damn..." he hissed under his breath as blood instantly began to pool from the wound in his shoulder. That had been a rather rooky mistake on his part and he had paid for it, he switched his sword to his good arm. He could still fight, but his strikes wouldn't be as on point as they had been. He had been training to fight with both hands but his left arm always seemed to be better than his right. Thankfully the sekti didn't carry the carry venom like others, they didn't need to though, one bite from them and a person was pretty much dead simply due to their size. His bad arm reached down feeling in his pouch for and of his rings but they were gone. "Shit..." Someone back at the base had stolen them...he should have known.

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In response to Kylin’s injury the girl quickly moved to keep the Sekti off of him. In just a few short moments she jumped up and drove her right foot into the massive snake’s left, effectively blinding it. Without the ability to see the Sekti started to thrash about in an attempt to hit either of of its enemies, which the girl took as an opportunity to take out a healing ring and toss it towards her compatriot though this momentary shift in attention caused her to get completely blindsided by the serpent’s tail, which slammed into her with tremendous force and flung her into a tree. She groaned out in pain as she stood up from the impact and stared down the rampaging Sekti and charged, hoping that Kylin would follow her lead and help finish this thing.
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He was grateful when she tossed him a healing ring, he would live without it but it did slow him up. He tossed the thing in his mouth eating it quick only to wince when she slammed into a nearby tree. She picked herself up and charged the blinded sekti without hesitation though and he smiled. She was defiantly a tough one, following in her direction he took the side opposite of her. In his mind with their sword they would be able to decapitate the beast if they struck in the same general areas on each side. He was hoping those were her thoughts as well, but even if they didnt decapitate it, it would still kill the damned thing.

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The girl held up her end of the silent agreement and continued to change the massive snake. Once she was in a good position she jumped up to strike at the Sekti’s neck and buried her sword in its flesh, causing a wounded scream to erupt from the serpent’s throat as the blade started to cut through and sink deeper.

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He watched her movements making sure to place his blad just a bit over hers so their swords didn't slam into each other. His blade sliced through the sekti's neck rather smoothly, he had sharpened before leaving. He smiled slightly, once their blades were almost all the way through he slanted the sword downward connecting the two cuts. The sekti's cries came to an end as the creature's head separated from its body. He stood still for only a couple of seconds before looking around to scan the area...but it seemed they were alone. He sighed softly before glancing to the girl, "Thanks for the healing ring...are you okay? You hit that tree pretty hard..." Concern covered his face if she hadn't tossed him the ring she probably wouldn't have gotten hurt. He rubbed the back of his head, "I'd...give you one to replace the one you gave me but...people back at my base took all of mine."
Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

She knew she had promised to go to sleep but she really wanted to one, find out who had saved her and left her with the bangle, two wanted to make sure that these people stayed safe. So sleep was really the last thing on her mind, Storm had already fallen asleep along with Leon. She glanced over to the two of them as they snuggled closer to each other. Little Sarah was passed out in her brother's arms, Ren went to get up and found out Tom wasn't asleep. His hand reached out and grabbed her wrist, "Just stay here..." Ren glanced over to him, "I need to on a patrol to make sure everything is okay." The young man frowned, "What if something comes here while you are gone." Ren smiled, "Just trust me." She whispered softly. Tom let go of her hand and hugged his little sister once more. Ren stood and headed off to check things out and make sure everything was okay, she also was hoping to find whoever had saved her. It was a dangerous thing to be out here on your own, she knew that better than anyone.​
The girl did her own scan of the area along with Kylin, and once she determined that the area was safe she sheathed her sword and turned to face the man who helped her. “I have a few cracked ribs, but I should be fine as long as nothing jumps us.” She said in response to his question, but his offer to replace the one she gave him was tempting. “That being said, what are you doing out here? I don’t think We’ve been informed of any Guardians being stationed near us.” She asked as if this was additional help, it would have been useful to have been informed of it beforehand.

As Ren got further into the woods a white raven started to follow her squawking every time she started to go in a direction it apparently didn’t like, and every time it did it would swoop down to circle her head and then flying off in the direction it wished for her to go.

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Kylin shrugged, "Im actually looking for a small group. I was told they would be im this general area. One of the Solo Guardians and the doctor at our base set out to find a group of kids and has been gone for longer than what they should be." He sighed, "Ren is one of the best Guardians I have ever seen in action at our base, so I'm hoping that she and the people she is with are okay...then again sending me to find her is like sending a curse...." He mumbled the last bit on the bright side he knew Ren didn't usually treat him all that badly.

Ren couldn't figure out what was going on with the albino raven but it made her chuckle softly. The bird reminded her a lot of Storm, giving her signals on where to go and where not to go. She paused for a bit and held out her arm, wondering if the raven would actually come and perch on her arm for a small break. They had made a decent travelling distance checking the outer parts of the area. "Come here if you want I wont hurt you." She said smiling softly at the bird, it seemed as if the bird was leading her somewhere. Perhaps to its own, she knew that put there, there were a couple of animals that could talk to humans but that was because they were experiments. They usually despised humans as well for having been experimented on. But this raven seemed like it was raised and trained just like Stormy.
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“A small group huh? I think I might have something that can help.” The girl stated as she reached down to her waist and pulled a small flute like whistle made from bone from a case near her ring pouch. She then took a deep breath before blowing into it creating a sound not too different from a dog whistle, but it’s pitch and frequency was completely different. She then waited with her arm in the air

And while Ren had gotten success with the bird, at the cost of it pecking at her arm to sate its curiosity. Something caused it to perk up and lift off from its temporary roost, where it then picked up a rock and chucked it in the direction it was leading her and flew off back the way she came. And it was some short time later that the albino raven reached closer to the white haired girl and Kylin that it crowed out. “Rufus.” The girl called out and the white bird responded by swooping down to perch on her shoulders. “Alright birdbrain, looks like we have another job to do.” She said and the bird turned its head to Kylin and after to consecutive caws said. “State your business.” Followed by another two consecutive caws.

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Kylin & Renzel
Ren wasn't really surprised when the bird landed and started to peck at her arm. Though its beak was sharp her clothes would protect her for the most part. Not to mention guardians healed a lot faster in general. When the raven turned its head and then took off Ren started to follow it, it was a bit hard to follow it when it was moving so fast. "Where is this crazy bird leading me now..." She usually didn't follow random animals, but this one seemed to be trained. If it was leading her to someone that needed help she had to follow. She lost site of the bird so she knew it had landed someone where in this general area. Closing her eyes she focused on sound listening for anything.

Kylin was caught off guard by the bird, "Is that a normal animal or one of those that have been experimented on?" He had never actually come across any experimented animals before so it intrigued him. When the bird told him to state his business he nodded, "I'm looking for a group if they are still alive out there....there is one guardian. She has long black hair and bright blue eyes, carries two black and red katanas." He was explaining it to the both of them when there was a faint snapping noise in the distance just as Ren cleared the tree line. She smiled as she saw two figured and the white raven by one of them. She also took note of the large dead sekti. Kylin sighed, he'd recognize black and red getup anywhere. "Never mind seems she found us following your raven."

Ren got closer and smiled at the pair, "Our luckless boy here didnt bring you any trouble did he?" Ky frowned, even though he knew Ren's words were just play he had heard enough of that to last him for a life time. She glanced over to him and her smile faltered, "Sorry Kylin..." He shrugged, "Nothing but the truth... I suppose." Ren reached over and smacked his shoulder, "How many times have i told you there is no such thing as a luckless person, you are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It happens to everyone...just...well it happens to you more often thats all." Kylin sighed, "Yeah if you say so...by the way do you have any extra healing rings? People at the base stole my rings and she gave me one." Ren turned sharply, "THEY WHAT!!!" Kylin held up his hands, "Wow....calm down Ren..." Ren groaned turning to girl, "I can't believe those bastards when we get back imma beat their asses and kick them out of the base. We dont need those kinds of people living in the base with us." She pulled out a couple of healing rings, "One for helping our man and one to fix yourself up. You look like you are in pain even if you wont admit it."
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The girl stood there for a moment a little hesitant to take the rings, but decided there was no harm in taking them. “He’s a normal raven as far as I know, though it wouldn’t surprise me if there was more to him because there have been a few times where I swear there’s a person in there. Oh and before you ask ravens can mimic human speech, though that was coming from his previous owner.” She answered in regards to Kylin’s question as she downed on of the rings she was given. “And thanks.” She said as the turned to Ren. “Think you can help us find your group?” She asked but not before taking a quick and curious glance at the bangle on Ren’s wrist.

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Kylin & Renzel
Ren nodded moving some hair from her face, "They are sleeping right now and we will head back to our base in the early morning. Do you need a place to rest for now?" She glanced around wondering if there was a shelter near she didn't know about. "Oh by the way my name is Renzel and if this one hasn't introduced himself, he is Kylin." She said tossing and arm over his shoulder.

Kylin stiffened up, "Why are you so friendly with everyone..." Ren grinned, "Just because the world has ended doesnt mean human kindness has. Even if peoole pick on you Ky i always got your back same with Dr. Dringo." He shook his head moving away from her touch. Even though she didnt seem to care, he did....he didnt want to bring her his bad luck.
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The girl was a little curious about Kylin’s standoffish actions, but her curiosity was shelved for the moment once the black haired woman introduced herself as Renzel, and then she introduced the young man who helped her as Kylin. “A place to stay would be nice, though I can find a nice tree or decently sized hole if nothing’s available.” She answered but the raven on her shoulder started to drone out a sound that sounded like an exaggerated water drop. “Introduce yourself!” The albino bird urged in an almost giddy sounding female tone while tugging on her white hair. “Alright, alright, you’re such a drama queen.” The girl sighed out while pushing her avian companion away and fixing her hair. “Name’s Evalace, and while I might have said it earlier this little asshole’s named Rufus.” And as she mentioned his name the raven let out a short whistle in response.

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Kylin & Renzel
Ren chuckled at Rufus and Evalace, "Well, we have plenty of room in the make shift camp, in that direction." She said as she pointed back towards where she had came from. "You are more than welcome, we dont have many covers but I can give you mine since I have Storm to keep me warm." There was a howl off in the distance that told Ren that Storm had awoken and noticed she was gone. She cupped her hands around her mouth echoing the howl back, it let Storm know that she was safe and not too far. No doubt Storm would meet them half way back.

Kylin watched Ren for a bit, it always surpised him how much Ren seemed to understand her wolf dog, "Well lets get on the move then, last thing we need is not getthing there until morning. That's when you said we would be moving out right?" Ren nodded, "I figured it's be the best time, most of the Frike's will still be asleep by then.." He nodded glancing at her wrist seeing the bright red bangle, "Where did that come from Ren? I dont remember seeing it when you left and you arent one to usually wear such things." She glanced at the red bird, "Well....as odd as it might seem whoever saved me earlier left it on my wrist. When I went back to track them I lost their trail...an i didnt want to leave the group by themselves for too long." Kylin was a bit surpised, "Someone had to save you?" Ren sighed, "They are increasing in number Ky, no one will be safe as things are going....Even those of us who run solo may end up needing to find partners..." A chill ran through Kylin at her words, if Renzel was saying that then things really were getting far worse.
Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
The howl of a wolf put Evalace on guard, at least until Renzel howled back. It was strange to say the least, but the white haired girl had seen many strange folk during her time with mercenaries, what’s a woman who can speak wolf to those oddballs. “I’ve heard rumors that some guardians are even asking mercenaries for help in assignments, though I haven’t seen anyone I personally know confirm this. Saying this took her back to her time with the Myrmidons, though only briefly as her attention shifted to the bangle on Renzel’s wrist, she recognized the logo on it was the same as her old company, though its purpose escapes her. “Well Rufus, why don’t you go ahead and fly over to that camp, let em know we’re coming.” And with that the bird cawed and flew off in the direction Ren came from. “Though regardless of if those rumors are true, we should probably head to Renzel’s camp before birdbrain goes and gives some poor sap a heart attack.” she continued where she left off as she moved to follow Rufus all while fiddling with a small pendant she had hidden in the top of her outfit.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Kylin & Renzel
Ren nodded, "Yeah, though most of the children there might think it's just some cool talking bird, the adults might freak out a bit." She placed a hand on one of her red and black katana's it was were one hand usually rested. It sometimes put others on guard but for her, it was simply comfortable that way. "I'll take the lead since Storm doesn't know you, she doesnt usually attack people but still better safe than sorry." With that, she took off in a sprint covering ground easily thanks to being used to running along with Storm. That left Kylin watching her and wondering what he was supposed to do being left with Evalace. "Well, I guess if we get left behind Rufus or Storm can locate us..." He began walking keeping an eye out for any other movement that wasnt Ren's. "You wont really need to worry about Stormy, she is a sweet wolf/husky mix that's been with Ren since before all this happened. I guess as time went by the two of them formed howls that they could understand. Or maybe Ren changed slightly when she tested one of the shifting rings...." He frowned at the thought, "Dr. Dringo was really worried about it when he made those but Ren said it was a must especially in desperate situations. Honestly, Ren has probably been the one who has tested out all of Leon's creations first. Even though her body has seemed to accept everything I wonder about her faking how well she actually is. Not that someone like me has any right to worry about her but she is very important to our base..." He blushed slightly rubbing the back of his neck, "Sorry when I get nervous I ramble a lot...."
Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

(Oh geez sorry i thought I was waiting on you XD )))
“So it seems.” Evalace answered after listening to Kylin ramble on for good few minute but what he said was interesting, especially in regards to this Dr. Dringo. She didn’t really have a good opinion on scientists, bar one, but the way her black haired compatriot was talking about him certain painted a good picture of him, though she would have to see for herself on wether or not he is all he’s cracked up to be. “So that woman, Renzel was it, tests everything before it’s distributed to every other guardian huh, wonder if... nevermind.” Her sentence trailed off as she forced herself to focus on the path ahead to make sure she didn’t lose Ren’s trail, but that didn’t stop her from noticing something else. “Watch those yellowjackets.” The white haired girl stated as she deftly stepping to avoid a certain patch of ground in front of her.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

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