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Fandom WoF school rp OOC (open)

Decided that maybe I should chat bout the RP in the dedicated OOC thread instead of the interest check thread. Anyways, I wanted to say that if anyone wants their character to have any sort of relation to one of my characters (I plan on having at least two, probably three), please ask. I love inter-character relationships as it gives characters more depth and gives us more to talk about.
I mean, she’s dead now...but UhRg, I don’t want the same name as a canon.
Lil change coming up.
Can’t believe I never noticed that
Bam, honestly...I like that name a lot better.

And Oblaan, I’d love to talk relations. You think they’d ever meet before they go to school?
Also, what’s Pruinae’s personality like?
Now that I think about it.
Meh, not like multiple dragons can't happen to be named the same thing. If she's royalty, she could've been named after the original Glacier or something.

Anyways, I'm stuck between a SeaWing, SkyWing, or one of the Pantalan tribes.
Meh, not like multiple dragons can't happen to be named the same thing. If she's royalty, she could've been named after the original Glacier or something.

Anyways, I'm stuck between a SeaWing, SkyWing, or one of the Pantalan tribes.
Oh no..not at all. She just acts like she is.

mhm, well, what kind of character do you intend on making?
And Oblaan, I’d love to talk relations. You think they’d ever meet before they go to school?
Also, what’s Pruinae’s personality like?
Mind if I DM you about it? I'm trying to try something where I let my rp expose her personality.
I ended up going with the SkyWing. Anyone object to him being a prince?
I don't necessarily mind as long as it doesn't influence the rp too much (i.e., giving him additional benefits, making the RP focus around him, etc). But, I think that decision ultimately lies with the GM.
HiveWings: Antlion, Bullet, Carpenter, Centipede, Firefly, Horsefly, Junebug, Leafcutter, Locust, Mosquito, Spider, Stickbug, Termite, Whirligig
IceWings: Aurora, Flashfreeze, Flurry, Lemming, Overcast, Polar Bear, Rime, Seal, Shiver, Sleet, Snowhare, Taiga, Windchill
  • PoisonWings: Amanita, Arum, Baneberry, Deathcap, Kudzu, Nettle, Pitcher, Snakeroot, Wolfsbane
  • SapWings: Acacia, Baobab, Eucalyptus, Gingko, Maple, Oak, Poplar, Purpleheart, Redwood
MudWings: Algae, Catfish, Cottonmouth, Creek, Delta, Fen, Ibis, Lilypad, Moss, Peat, Quicksand, Sienna, Tar, Toad
NightWings: Adamant, Clarity, Destiny, Forewarner, Fortuneteller, Heartseeker, Obscurity, Raven, Starcatcher, Tenebrous, Vanisher, Whisperer
RainWings: Boa, Dashing, Guava, Hibiscus, Loris, Ocelot, Papaya, Paradise, Parrot, Toucan, Treefrog, Vibrant, Vine
SandWings: Aloe, Ash, Coyote, Dust Devil, Fennec, Mirage, Salamander, Savannah, Scorch, Sunburn, Tortoise, Tumbleweed, Venom
SeaWings: Aquamarine, Azure, Crest, Current, Eel, Emerald, Kelp, Lobster, Medusa, Otter, Seafoam, Skate, Surge, Vortex, Whelk
SilkWings: Buckeye, Chartreuse, Comet, Damsel, Fuchsia, Hummingbird, Lilac, Nymph, Painted, Pepper, Saffron, Sphinx, Viceroy
SkyWings: Altitude, Cardinal, Crimson, Falcon, Gale, Granite, Jetstream, Kite, Lammergeier, Shrike, Swoop, Thunder, Windshear
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Apologies to you all, I forget about this site and sadly I don't think that I will be back for a while, I'm also sorry this rp never really took off as I had intended it to.

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