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Fantasy Willosya - Lore and Rules

  • Faction: Town (NPC)

    Name: Lena
    Age: 23
    Species: Giraffe

    The face of the town right after the Princess. Sarah does what she can to make everyone happy. She's a great leader to everyone in this faction.



    Name: Faith
    Age: 20
    Species: Deer

    A volunteer at the church. She worships whatever being placed this curse upon them in hopes it will listen and reverse the punishment.



    Name: Dante
    Age: 19
    Species: Maine Coon

    Dante helps out at the local supply shoppe. He was adopted by the kind owners so he feels obligated to help out, but that doesn’t stop him from making horrible life decisions elsewhere.



    Name: Camellia
    Age: 24
    Species: Koi

    Camie spends most of her days floating in the waters or tending to the flowers on the banks of the stream. Her favorite pastimes include napping or daydreaming about napping.



    Name: Gemma
    Age: 19
    Species: Butterfly

    The most free spirited gal in all of the Town. She is never found in the same place twice in one day, and she paints most of the murals (or graffiti) found on the walls of the buildings.



    Name: Beatrice (but she’ll kill you if she hears you say it)
    Age: 21
    Species: Snake

    Bea is a part of Town but only passively. She remains a neutral party and never takes a stance on things when asked. She lives only for herself

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  • Faction: Leaders

    The King

    • Name: Mallum Sanguis
    • Age: 28
    • Affiliation: Corrupt
    • Species: Dragon, from his royal bloodline
    The King is a cruel man with only mal intent. He wants to rule his Kingdom with complete control. He is to be feared. He created the Corrupt to help him achieve his goal. (Though, it could be questioned why he desires this much control in the first place).



    The Princess
    • Name: Sanatio Sanguis
    • Age: 22
    • Affiliation: Town
    • Species: Dragon
    The Princess is a sweet young woman. She hates her older brother more than anything in the world, and she tries to undo all the horrible things he has done to their subjects. She could be seen around the town often - checking up on the people she cherishes the most. (She is privy to more information than anyone else in the entirety of Willosya. She is to be protected).



    The Rebel Leader
    • Name: Ophelia
    • Age: 25
    • Affiliation: Rebellion
    • Species: Triceratops
    The face an forefront of the rebellion. She fights Corrupt better than anyone, and she keeps the guards away from the town as much as she can. However, her way of life isn't entirely black and white. (Her methods of "protection" aren't the cleanest).
