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Quest whitespace OOC/Discussion

Are we on a clock to do this?

As in like timed in the RP? No other than certain parts woops... well one part
If you mean in person then I'd prefer a few replies a day, it is much faster-paced as a normal RP and takes a bit with all the exploration so I would like to make some progress daily.
aa, I'll try to be more investigative as well!
I've just played the game before so I don't wanna draw too many spoilers forth.
I like the posts so far! Keeping the one dialogue screenshot then coding in the rest looks cool to me, everything good on my end!

Also worry not, I will have lots of my own spins on things! nothing too drastic but some extra scenes, different mechanics, etc.
I just realized I didn't watch the thread so I wasn't getting notifs- my bad O_O
Sorry if I reply late sometimes, I got a lot of stuff on my plate but I'll try to be active when I can!
and yeah,
>photo !
Ok, just trying to figure out expectations here.

im not gonna be upset or discouraged over slow days, I also have work during the week but just a little bit daily would be nice! If not then plz let me know so I can work around it and know what to expect. however, as long as everyone is okay with this, if say Zerachiin is very active one day and you're not, would it be okay to continue posting? it shouldn't be enough to take forever to catch up but I would like to keep the story moving in extreme cases.
also what y'all can expect from me...
this is going to be a relatively long story, and it will become very dark at times! you might've been able to deduce that from the trailer and the chapter one: procidat deceptionem video but just another warning.
typos and bad grammar will be fixed if i catch it after posting too but lmk if you spot something i may have missed

and i heavily recommend playing the looped BG MUSIC in the background, it changes depending on the area and tone!
OH the hype 0_0!!! We hardly know enough people yet to make any guesses as to who might be in the picture, but at least we know the head beside it wasn't anything malicious hehe
The significance of the Big Yellow Cat is lost on me, but again not many clues to go off yet, best keep a note for later- their eyes do follow us as we walk around, though.
I wanna see that
i tried to pull a sneaky without realizing that images are sized the same on mobile
Yes! I would like maybe two more people, it’ll even it out and maybe make decisions more challenging with differing opinions or make y’all start working hard to piece together everything !!
hey! was being a bit sneaky and liking posts before lunar spotted me, so i'm dropping in to say hi! omori is a personal favorite, so it's really exciting to see it on rpnation, hehe! as for our next choice...
> the watermelon!
We will continue with this ACTION in about 15-20 unless Hollins refutes!

working on an upcoming cutscene, warning do not watch if you are prone to sensory overload or have epilepsy!!!
Im browsing through the game files and converting the .rpgmpv files into .pngs and wow! There’s some really cool assets in here! A lot of unused ones 👀
awake earlier than normal, wake up to a fuzzy watermelon and our first locked choice! I wanna make sure we have everything, though, so-
> snake!
> play cards!

also i wish to be as good as teasing as aubrey sometimes. >.>

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