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Fantasy Whence Myths Walked, Legends Will Follow

Selena Foster
Meeting Room

Selena shrugged. She was not good with names, hence why her own alias was so generic. Generic was good in that case though, and it wouldn't work well here. "I wish I could assist, but I fear ridicule as most my creativity goes into my spells." She was hit with a thought though. "I will suggest though that we define what we want to do first as a group before we talk about a name for the group. It could narrow down our options." A name could give people an idea of what that group did, so an intimidating name wouldn't work to their advantage if they wanted to help people or fight crime. An intimidating name wouldn't work well if they were to be focused on travel and adventure as their name could attract rival groups that could have many stronger members. If they wanted to gain fame and fortune, as well as good will from the people, they had to market their group with both a good name and good actions.

Birdsie Birdsie _Line 213 _Line 213 SoftSmile SoftSmile BackSet BackSet Axel The Englishman Axel The Englishman Kylesar1 Kylesar1 GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Rage Rage Hanarei Hanarei Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Noble Scion Noble Scion
Beathan--->Gorion’s Tower-->Meeting Room

As he sat on ground, Beathan focused on trying to weed out the supernatural entity, but before he could make any progress he was distracted by an outburst at the table. Soon after the source of the outburst made her way towards the entrance and him.

He studied her curiously; he hadn’t gotten a good look at her before. Just about everything about her was big. He looked up at her with awe. Even with his limited experience, he could deduce that she was too big to be human.

Beathan imagined she had been courted many times before. It was only natural for creatures to pursue the strongest mate possible, and she was quite obviously strong.

As if to prove this strength, she turned and suddenly scooped him up. As she carried him toward the table, he didn’t even bother struggling; he was very clearly outmatched in strength.

A normal person may have been annoyed by this, but Beathan was just curious. I wonder if it’s normal to carry others around in her culture. He doubted he could return the favor easily.

After being rather forcefully sat down, he watched her crush her own chair and the floor beneath.

Beathan quickly covered his mouth with a hand in an attempt to suppress a chuckle, but he was unsuccessful, and his smirk was quite apparent.

“Looks like your big butt is “eatin” the ground.” He teased.

He would have offered to help her out of her predicament, but another large woman, who also looked kind of human but different, beat him to it. It was probably best he refrain from using druidic magic anyways.

After a bit of conversation and introductions (in which Beathan only gave his name for fear of riling up the unnatural being), the conversation shifted towards naming the party.

He thought it odd to name a party, but maybe it was a cultural thing, so he listened to their suggestions carefully.

Beathan was a bit hesitant to contribute anything of his own at first. The unnatural presence alone was enough to make him more than a little uncomfortable, but he was also unsure of everyone’s intentions.

There were two women at the table who he guessed were kitsune. He’d never met one, but he’d heard of them, and those definitely looked like fox ears on their heads.

Whenever one of them spoke, he found that his gaze drifted to their ears. For whatever reason, their resemblance to a fox gave him the odd urge to pet their heads, but something told him that wouldn’t go well.

“Why not just make it a general purpose name, so we can do anything we want?” He decided to chime in hoping to help progress the conversation.

“Like . . .” He had to think about it for a moment.

He wanted to incorporate other people’s ideas, but he thought it should also be a bit more poetic. A name should have some real meaning after all.

“ . . . Blazing Blood? Dragon Spirit? Death...uh...:"

He couldn’t really think of a way to make 'Death Smashers' poetic.

His eyes lit up. "What about Blazing Hearts?”
Location: Meeting Room
Direct Response to: Selena Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Mentioning: Everyone
The princess remained silent even with the rather bombastic woman came in as if she was the greatest thing since caviar on a perfectly crisped biscuit. She never really got that type of attitude personally, having know several nobles who were so full of themselves she half questioned whether they even realized others existed in the world besides themselves. She didn't nessarily hate people like that, though they could be a bit too much at times. Meditrina was really the type that had a problem with disliking anyone, even if she might be uneasy about them. She had that childish naivety about believing in the greater good of everyone to a fault. It made it worst perhaps that in a way she knew better but still always played ignorant to it.

She snapped back to reality as a chair came cracking as the occupant found themselves on their rear end. She shuffled a bit to check on her well-being though it was a bit slow as others were quick to pick up on it before she could. She pulled back from her desire to help. It was a bit uneasy for her though the girl seemed like she was fine as it was. She was trying to be as low key as possible. She mustn't make too much of a fuss and keep as low of a profile as possible. She nodded her head a little to herself not really even realizing she made the gesture. Having been around only a few servants she had built up a bit of a habit of giving herself pep talks and as such tended to be less hesitant of making odd gestures as if she was in conversations with others while thinking out loud in her own mind.

Meditrina's attention suddenly shot back to the topics at hand at mentioning of a group name, and even more so at the mentioning of what the group's intentions should be. A sense of excitement filled the princess as her little pep talk in her own mind all but fell away as she forgot about trying to make a minimal presence. Too much childish excitement filled her for her to hold back making a response.

"We are there to protect those in need and to serve the good of all others naturally! It's the job of the great adventure to out and save villages in need, exploring unique locales most could only dream of seeing with their own eyes, and then eventually saving the world from the great evil plaguing the land!" She spoke cheerfully of her rather romanticized version of an adventure she got from the many books she read in her time stuck within the castle. She knew better then to really believe such a thing would work in that clean of a manner but her excitement all but made it hard from her to resist speaking of it in such a glamorous way.

"We can be the Heroes of Light... or the Knights of the Land... or the Crusaders.... or maybe call ourselves the Guild of Heroes!" She spoke out throwing out names haphazardly not really thinking things through. She paused after her last response, blushing lightly as she realized she had gone against her own plan to keep more quiet as she began to fidget shyly with her fingers as she suppressed her excitement. She couldn't help but feel like the names she gave weren't that great to begin with. I mean what kind of idiot would name their group the Guild of Heroes? How could anyone really be certain all their members would fit the tag of being a hero, not to mention a Guild was far from a good term to use for an adventuring group. Even if it was, who would take anything with that type of name seriously and not just laugh at them rather then show any sort of respect for it at all.

"F...forgive me I didn't mean to prattle... c... carry on..." She spoke much more meekly.
Sarious "Sari" Solus
Gorion's Tower - Meeting Room
Sari sat up. Kasumi's (@)idea (ba dum tis) was good, but it was missing something. Like, just The Chimera sounded like a terrorist organization. It needed a synonym for group tacked on there.

"I like Kasumi's idea." He said. "But, if we do it, I suggest we add a synonym for groyup on there. Like, The Chimera Foundation, wait no that makes us sound like a charity organization, or the Chimera Part, wait, that sounds like we're poloticians, or The Chimera Guild, wait aren't we already part of a bigger guild? Man this naming thing is hard."

Major interaction: GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205
Minor interactions: everyone else.
Location: Meeting Room
Direct Response to: Selena Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Mentioning: Everyone
The princess remained silent even with the rather bombastic woman came in as if she was the greatest thing since caviar on a perfectly crisped biscuit. She never really got that type of attitude personally, having know several nobles who were so full of themselves she half questioned whether they even realized others existed in the world besides themselves. She didn't nessarily hate people like that, though they could be a bit too much at times. Meditrina was really the type that had a problem with disliking anyone, even if she might be uneasy about them. She had that childish naivety about believing in the greater good of everyone to a fault. It made it worst perhaps that in a way she knew better but still always played ignorant to it.

She snapped back to reality as a chair came cracking as the occupant found themselves on their rear end. She shuffled a bit to check on her well-being though it was a bit slow as others were quick to pick up on it before she could. She pulled back from her desire to help. It was a bit uneasy for her though the girl seemed like she was fine as it was. She was trying to be as low key as possible. She mustn't make too much of a fuss and keep as low of a profile as possible. She nodded her head a little to herself not really even realizing she made the gesture. Having been around only a few servants she had built up a bit of a habit of giving herself pep talks and as such tended to be less hesitant of making odd gestures as if she was in conversations with others while thinking out loud in her own mind.

Meditrina's attention suddenly shot back to the topics at hand at mentioning of a group name, and even more so at the mentioning of what the group's intentions should be. A sense of excitement filled the princess as her little pep talk in her own mind all but fell away as she forgot about trying to make a minimal presence. Too much childish excitement filled her for her to hold back making a response.

"We are there to protect those in need and to serve the good of all others naturally! It's the job of the great adventure to out and save villages in need, exploring unique locales most could only dream of seeing with their own eyes, and then eventually saving the world from the great evil plaguing the land!" She spoke cheerfully of her rather romanticized version of an adventure she got from the many books she read in her time stuck within the castle. She knew better then to really believe such a thing would work in that clean of a manner but her excitement all but made it hard from her to resist speaking of it in such a glamorous way.

"We can be the Heroes of Light... or the Knights of the Land... or the Crusaders.... or maybe call ourselves the Guild of Heroes!" She spoke out throwing out names haphazardly not really thinking things through. She paused after her last response, blushing lightly as she realized she had gone against her own plan to keep more quiet as she began to fidget shyly with her fingers as she suppressed her excitement. She couldn't help but feel like the names she gave weren't that great to begin with. I mean what kind of idiot would name their group the Guild of Heroes? How could anyone really be certain all their members would fit the tag of being a hero, not to mention a Guild was far from a good term to use for an adventuring group. Even if it was, who would take anything with that type of name seriously and not just laugh at them rather then show any sort of respect for it at all.

"F...forgive me I didn't mean to prattle... c... carry on..." She spoke much more meekly.
Selena Foster
Meeting Room

"I like your ideas, Medi," Selena said, reassuring her that she wasn't disturbing anything. "I do seem to like Heroes of Light or Guild of Heroes. It's far better than what I could come up with." Selena liked Medi's mission statement. Obviously it wasn't that easy, but they'd gain the skills necessary to do just that. As long as everyone was ready and willing to work both individually and as a team, they should complete the mission, no matter how hard. What Selena wasn't gonna do was let any voices be suppressed. "No selling yourself short. We're just brainstorming."
Eridan | Meeting Room | _Line 213 _Line 213 Noble Scion Noble Scion SoftSmile SoftSmile BackSet BackSet Axel The Englishman Axel The Englishman Kylesar1 Kylesar1 GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Rage Rage Hanarei Hanarei CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Blackrose7 Blackrose7 simj26 simj26 Reinhardt Reinhardt CactusJuice CactusJuice Kloudy Kloudy EquinoxLeonidas EquinoxLeonidas

Eridan was almost half-asleep on the table, only kept alive by the fist that held his chin up, and he wasn't sure if it was from the exhaustion after today's events, or if he just wasn't a big fan of naming things. His brain, in a brilliant moment of word association, spewed out a random combination of two words it captured during the discussion.

"Dragonhearts?" Eridan asked with disregard and shrugged with something almost reminiscent of a sneer.

Ah, irony. Assuming the party doesn't dissolve, they were likely to slay at least one dragon in the upcoming year at one point or another. Eridan's lips visibly tightened and perked as he tried not to smile and laugh at this fact.


Location - Meeting Room

Interaction - Petting the Little Reaper & Arguing With Chivalrous Thief

Major Mentions - Birdsie Birdsie , Blackrose7 Blackrose7

Minor Mentions - None

Whilst various ideas were brought about the groups name were being brought forward and discussed between themselves about the name of their group. Such a challenge that it became because of the various individuals who had very different outlooks on life which was present in the names they offered among themselves, rubbing his armored chin as he heard the various name as he looked towards the girl up on his shoulder.

Luna.... what a interesting name... She also spoke in a manner that he hasn't heard before.... Interesting, very interesting but she said something that made him mind stop... 'Baka.' What is that? Questions entered his head as he looked at Luna alittle bit more before he begun to pet the girl once again as well as scratching behind her ears as he focused on what the others said until the elf spoke about a name.

'Dragonhearts' A good name which the armored warrior then said to the elf...

"Dragonhearts.... Respectable name, Elf."

A small pause as he proceed to continue on finishing with...

"It fits us, all of us. For every man and woman in this room... despite our differences, we will become LEGENDS."

Speaking to some of the folks in the room whilst he pet the girl atop his shoulder as he approved of what the suggestion was which was his vote for such a name for their group.
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Location: Meeting Room
Action: Speaking out

Interaction: Birdsie Birdsie

Meredith sat at the table, those who now noticed her will think she appeared out of thin air. In reality she literally came through the door while everyone was discussing something and sat down while no one was paying attention. Those who looked at her would notice that she is a Seeker, a group of scholar warriors who possess a unique form of Magic called Psionics, and they pursued knowledge both good and forbidden. Seekers are a rare sight but people do see them from time to time.

Meredith wanted to speak her mind, just so she could introduce herself to the leader of this group and to comment on the name.

"I believe the name Dragon Heart is a worthwhile name, also it's never been used. My name is Meredith."

She held out her hand for Eridan to shake, and when that was done she sat back down and closed her eyes in meditation.
Seyren Menathil
Location: Meeting Room 2
Interaction: Birdsie Birdsie Rage Rage

In a way, Seyren was extremely surprised that most people did not notice him when he entered the room. Usually his unmistakable signature was that unusually strong stench of carrion that he almost always has, and most people usually are nauseated by that stench. Well, except probably that undead abomination who introduced himself as DOOM. If there's anything noticable about him aside from his stench, it would be his unusual look of being semi-rotten. But that's about it, he did not show any signs of magic, nor does he look robust and combative as the others.

And after that round of introductions that he only told his name, they're now choosing names, and after a round of disappointingly generic names, the elf who introduced himself as Eridian came up with a good name. Still generic, but better than "League of Heroes" or the sort.

Nudging DOOM, he asked, "hope he doesn't expect us to run off to kill a dragon, just to prove that we're really the Dragonhearts."

Seraphine Reizylle
Location: Meeting Room
Interaction/s: Eridan ( Birdsie Birdsie ), Meditrina ( Hanarei Hanarei ), Luna ( Blackrose7 Blackrose7 ), Seyren ( EquinoxLeonidas EquinoxLeonidas ), Beathan ( CactusJuice CactusJuice )

The introductions that followed suit after Seraphine's appearance were a bit mediocre to her perspective, but it'll do. After all, this bunch seems like they still have much to experience in the vast world of adventuring. Granted, she didn't really become part of that field as she intended to, but now that she's in it, she might as well continue down its ever-expanding road.

Then, the elf, who seemed to be remaining calm after all the shenanigans that went on in and out of the room, urged everyone to come with names for their group. While this was a common thing to do with a party of adventurers, it didn't really seem much of a fit for their...size. Still, the others began to comply and voiced their ideas.

Seraphine burst out laughing after hearing what the others in the room come up with names for their rather diverse group.

"Hahaha!", her voice almost sounding like she was mocking them. "The Chimera Guild? Death Smashers? Blazing Hearts? Guild of Heroes? What are you, little kids in the playhouse?"

A smirk formed on her face. "Do you call your pets Doggy and Mr. Kitty too?", she said before laughing once more. "Even my ancestor's stinking toad can come up with better names than those!"

Then, as if almost on cue, she pinched her nose.

"Speaking of stinking, where is that horrid stench coming from?!", she complained, as her gaze scanned the room for the source of such foul scents.

Sarious "Sari" Solus
Gorion's Tower - Meeting Room
Well thay one was mean. Which Sari supposed meant he could have a little fun without being chided. He mentally rubbed his hands together. He loved messing with people sometimes. Sari false rubbed hus chin.

"You sound like you speak from experience." Sari said, fake detective-ly. "Why would you choose those specific pet names? Pehaps it's you who names their pets Doggy and Mr. Kitty. If so, I have no hope you can choose a better name than us. Oh, and before you go all high and mighty, I can steal the pants off of people's legs. Without magic."

Sari giggled a bit inside.

Reinhardt Reinhardt
Solana Riviera
Gorion's Tower - Meeting room
"I don't fight for dragons.." Solana mumbled from beneath the steel helmet, obscuring both her face and her voice, muffling it slightly while giving what resembled a young girl's voice a slight reverberation as she vetoed the name. "How about something more.. Tame, like 'The Travellers' or something? Because I'm fairly certain we'll be travelling quite a lot, correct?" The little knight suggested, sitting up as she did so, causing a few stray locks of golden hair to seep out from the bottom of her helmet, as though she'd found a reason to finally speak amongst all the strangers contained within such a small room.

So many voices rang out from around the room that Solana barely paid attention to any of them, only taking note of a few other suggestions that were caught by her ears, such as 'Heroes of Light' that happened to particularly appeal to her, given her background, although she said nothing for it as the name given by a formal woman seemed to sink back into her chair whilst the name was discarded by the furious onslaught of noise being produced by all the other members in the room. Solana simply sighed as what she had thought would just have been signing up for a small group and heading out for an adventure had developed onwards into a large discussion of what their name was to be. A rather trivial factor given that any old name would do.

"Just choose a name, somebody. I have work to do!" Sol threw into the chatter, frowning at the chaos as she allowed a hint of impatience to hitch a ride on her words into the open. Her father would be disappointed if he found out that she had barely even started spreading the name of the great orb above them and got world's populace to finally appreciate what it provided, and while her father wouldn't get angry with her over such a late beginning, it would weigh on her that she caused any form of sadness to such a great person. She slumped back into her chair as she folded her arms, the sound of metal sliding against metal filling the room briefly as the paladin settled back, her face hidden, yet her manner clearly displaying a foul mood. It didn't help that the claustrophobia of the room and so many people was getting to her.​
Location - Meeting Room
Interaction - Rage Rage , Noble Scion Noble Scion , and everyone else.
Luna was enjoying DOOM’s petting, and then purred when he was scratching behind her ears. ‘This feels so good, and I will say nothing about this.’ thought Luna.
She didn’t want to say anything about DOOM petting her head, as she didn’t want him to stop by saying the wrong thing.
As DOOM kept petting Luna’s head, she ended up smelling Seyren’s horrible stench in the room. “Oh my gosh. Some random necromancer didn’t take care of their free-willed undead minion very well, because they smell terrible here,” said Luna.
Some necromancers do a poor job at maintaining their minions, because they didn’t repair it with their magic or sew it back up in their proper place. Luna does both of that, because it helps repair their damage parts a bit better.

Luna was pinching her nose when Sari shut Seraphine down with their words, and Solana came up with the name Traveler. “The Travelers is a boring name, Solana. Pick Shadow Breakers or Eternal Eclipse instead,” said Luna.
She picked the name: Eternal Eclipse, so the people who are picking the light names won’t be too upset. 'I hope that they pick a name soon, since this is getting a bit boring.' thought Luna.

Seraphine Reizylle
Location: Meeting Room
Interaction/s: Sarious ( BackSet BackSet )

Though unexpected, someone fired back at her. Without doing much of thinking and planning ahead, that's a rather terrible idea. Unfortunately, that is what this...creature did.

Seraphine's eyes turned to the source of the voice - a rather small-framed being. Almost as if he was miniature elf.

"Of course I speak from experience!", she proudly responded. "I've dealt with children bigger than you. And by the way, shouldn't you be in the town's playground? I've never heard of little kids being allowed in a place like this."

She closed her eyes for a short moment, and smirked - a bit satisfied with her words. "I'm sure you'd feel right at home there, where the kids could enjoy your patented non-magic pants removal skills."

Sarious "Sari" Solus
Gorion's Tower - Meeting Room
Sari simply laughed. "If you really are as mature as you claim you wouldn't waste your effort firing back at so called "children." You're not very creative either. I'm a Kender. I get the child comment about 5 times a day. Oh,a nd speaking of, you have accused us of being children for the names we pick, prehaps you'd like to supply a few of your own?"

The sly tounged little Kender was enjoying every second of this. If she thought she thought she could outinsult him, she'd be wrong. Think your better than the rest of us? Sari thought. Think again, b****.
Calm Shikō
(Meeting Room)

"Aisatsu. This argument is proving distracting from the decision at hand. I must respectfully ask you to cease it immediately, please."

A small but oddly muscled young boy gazed over at the two coolly, a passive expression adorning his tattooed face. Calm stood leaning against the wall, the argument in question having occurred directly in front of him. His hearing was perfectly fine, better than most even, but he was still struggling to pay attention to the main discussion due to the constant back and forth about who was or wasn't a child. The very fact that he, an actual child by law, had to chide these grown adults into focusing their priorities was ironic in itself, but not unexpected. Calm was highly mature for his age, and apparently more so than the two 'adults' that were squabbling before him.

Calm hadn't actually introduced himself yet. He was clearly a young man of few words, preferring to listen and absorb his surroundings before contributing himself, so he had slipped in quietly and had gone unnoticed until now. The party seemed very concerned with introductions and finding a name to dub themselves with. Personally, Calm didn't see the point of considering such a thing just yet. They had taken no quests; accomplished no achievements; curried no fame. Something simple such as 'The Travellers' may be a dull name, but it would definitely suffice until they could actually make a name for themselves.

Of course, needless arguing and banter would only prolong the already unnecessary discussion that was being held and Calm had no desire to wait for longer than was required to form this party. He was patient, incredibly so, but that didn't mean he enjoyed wasting time.

Closing his eyes, Calm dipped his head and bent down slightly to fiddle with the straps on his legs. His weights had shifted into an uncomfortable position so he set about loosening their binders and moving them further across his shin. If anyone bothered to take a closer look at his body, they would notice that the monk's tattoos were not just tattoos; they were carvings directly into his skin. What was left was scarring where the skin had grown back over, which had then been threaded with red dye.

Many were wary or even terrified of the monks with the markings, as it was the marking of 'The Ascension' religious group. Represented by various monasteries around the world, they usually attacked anyone who went near for being heretics. Calm did not have such thirst for blood and was merely a wanderer after having his monastery destroyed, but that did not leave him exempt from the fearful looks and constant distrust in the eyes of the commoners and nobility alike. For all they knew, he was insane and might attack at any moment. Those red carvings, rumoured to be inked with the blood of sacrificed heretics, were a symbol of a powerful and fear-inspiring religious sect and it only spoke volumes about what the young boy might be capable of.

There was no one alive who hadn't heard of The Ascension, after all.

BackSet BackSet Reinhardt Reinhardt
Sarious "Sari" Solus
Gorion's Tower - Meeting Room
Eh. Okay. Sari could do that. He did want to cover a couple of things first. Well, just one really.

"Yeah, okay." Sari said, shrugging. He pointed to Seraphine. "As Long as she promises to keep the insults to a minimum, we'll be fine."
Seyren Menathil
Location: Meeting Room 2
Interaction: Blackrose7 Blackrose7 , Rage Rage , Noble Scion Noble Scion

Seyren's near non-existent eyebrows were raised at the mention of his stench. To say that was his badge of honor was not too far off. In fact, one could say that was his signature. He was about to say something to the witch who previously proclaimed herself as Seraphine, before another who was sitting atop DOOM's shoulders commented on a necromancer not taking care of their minion.

"A correction there, miss Luna, one who carries the scent of death," Seyren said to the cat-earred woman. "I am no necromancer's pet, and the smell is a by-product as you might have assumed from decaying carrion. You sounded like you're familiar with the undead, and carries the scent of one as well. Might I ask if you're an undead as well?"

The little spat between Seraphine and the one who identified himself as Sari was, to say the least, unwarranted, for he agrees with Sari on the mannerism of the witch. Arrogance breeds carelessness and hence mistakes, ones that can cost lives. But he was not one to stop them. After all, he has an eternity to wait, though apparently not for long as the monk who was, like him and Meredith, ignored for the most part, asked that they end this senseless prattle.

However, he would agree with the knight Solana, and that Seyren himself has certain obligations to attend to, to him the decay of things, to her, perhaps something to do with her armor which carries the emblem depicting the sun. This has been going on long enough, and he, too, desires an end to it. "Quite true, miss Solana," he voiced out. "Certainly we have more important things to attend to, so I suggest we agree on a placeholder name until we achieve something worthy to be called. My vote is on Dragonheart," he said as he stood up, his hand raised on his vote.
Location - Meeting Room
Interaction - Rage Rage , EquinoxLeonidas EquinoxLeonidas , and everyone else.
Luna gave Seyren a confused look when he asked her if she was an undead. “I don’t know since I look more like a human than an undead,” said Luna.
She doesn’t know that she is a half-spirit, because she saw nothing out of the ordinary besides seeing the dead spirits and her Firey Embrace.
Luna then looked at DOOM, for she wondered if he already knew that she was a necromancer because of the group names she kept suggesting. “Of course, I am familiar with the undead. I am a necromancer after all,” said Luna. “I also don’t mind the free-willed undead like yourself either, because not only, I won’t do anything about that. But I think that they are interesting as well.”
She only said that last part, since she doesn’t know how the other necromancers can do that. ‘Damn it, other necromancers. They are just showing off without being here by letting their free-willed undead walk around on their own.’ thought Luna.

Luna has been wanting to create some free-willed undead of her own, so they can talk to her at any time. However, she kept messing up on a few parts during the free-willed undead ritual. Not able to figure out what went wrong during that ritual, Luna stops trying to do that, and went to go look for a situation in order to fix it. Despite doing that, she never found out how to fix her free-willed undead ritual problem.
Eridan | Meeting Room | _Line 213 _Line 213 Noble Scion Noble Scion SoftSmile SoftSmile BackSet BackSet Axel The Englishman Axel The Englishman Kylesar1 Kylesar1 GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Rage Rage Hanarei Hanarei CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Blackrose7 Blackrose7 simj26 simj26 Reinhardt Reinhardt CactusJuice CactusJuice Kloudy Kloudy EquinoxLeonidas EquinoxLeonidas

Eridan's eyes darted from Seraphine to Sari to Calm, as the argument went on. On the other end of the table, a completely separate discussion between what Eridan has now catalogued inside his thoughts as the 'undead squad' went on.

He sighed internally, closing his eyes and massaging the bridge of his nose. These people were hopeless, weren't they?

A screech of a chair being pushed back abruptly filled the room, as Eridan stood up.

"Well, then!" he called loudly, clapping his hands together with a loud 'smack.' His eyes were still closed, but he presented his expression with a cordial smile. "I will go register our new detachment in the Guild!... downstairs!... where there's none of you!..."

Eridan wanted---no---needed to get away from these lunatics. At least for now.

His eyes opened. He felt uncomfortable, passing by the chairs with a smile, and going towards the exit, hoping to leave this nightmare of a meeting. It was an excuse to leave, but to be fair, it seemed like the name discussion was over anyway.


Location - Meeting Room

Interaction - Listening To Smol Reaper & Rot Mage

Major Mentions - Blackrose7 Blackrose7 , EquinoxLeonidas EquinoxLeonidas

Minor Mentions - None

As the scent of death never bothered DOOM, he had to get used to it but it smell hit his nose depending on how concentrated it seemed. The person beside held the stench strongly as he turned his head to give a ear to say to the man beside who spoke about them possibly going off to slay a dragon which brought a low chuckle that came from.

The hulking undead that he believed that this could very well slay a dragon which he turned his head to the Rot Mage & said...

"We very well could...only if we manage to work as a team."

His rumbling voice came towards the much smaller male as he looked at the group's various arguments & discussion over the team's names which DOOM turned his head and looked at Luna, the necromancer atop his shoulder which his eye glowed from the slit for his eye in his helm.

DOOM looked at her only for him to turn his head away and watch as the leader of this mash-up of characters left to sign the group up, sighing to himself that he proceed watched over and let the two talk only for him to heft
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Beathan→ Gorion’s Tower→ Meeting Room
Interaction: Birdsie Birdsie
Mentions: EquinoxLeonidas EquinoxLeonidas , Rage Rage , Blackrose7 Blackrose7 ,

No one seemed to particularly care for his names, so Beathan just nodded his head politely and listened to more people’s suggestions.

To be honest, he didn’t really care all that much as to what their party was called, but it was interesting seeing these . . . acquaintances(?) come up with ideas. Whether they knew it or not, their suggestions did hint at their character.

His enthusiasm was killed when one woman showed a little too much of her character. She mocked people's ideas, including Beathan’s favorite, mercilessly.

Beathan frowned and crossed his arms. At least he had tried to come up with a name. He elected to stay quiet after that not even bothering to voice that he liked the name ‘Dragon Hearts’ the one elf had come up with.

His thoughts were interrupted by the presence of yet another unnatural being causing him to wonder just what kind of party this was.

Beathan did his best to look casual as he glanced about for it, but the stench hit him before he could see it. It was strong enough that even the self-absorbed woman noticed.

It was not the stench that disgusted him though; it was the source. Beathan’s grasp tightened around his staff. The creature that approached their table was clearly a defilement of nature. It was a being that had twisted the circle of life into a shape unrecognizable. Caught between life and death, it muddied the line between them; it was undead.

The presence from the undead was similar to that of the other unnatural presence in the room he'd sensed earlier, and its friendliness with the mysterious, large, rumbling armored figure known as DOOM confirmed his suspicions.

To his horror, the girl sitting on DOOM revealed herself to be a necromancer. The fire she had produced earlier hadn’t seem to come from a spell, but if what she said was true . . . Beathan’s hands began to shake causing his wooden staff to wobble. He had suddenly found himself surrounded by his natural enemies.

Beathan looked around at the other people gathered with panic rising in his eyes, but it didn’t seem like anyone else was particularly alarmed by his development. Perhaps, undead and necromancy were accepted in this society.

He could only imagine what these monsters would do to him if they found out he was a druid. Flashes in his mind of being ripped limb from limb caused him to shiver.

Beathan’s mind began working rapidly. He wanted to keep some distance between himself and these fiends, but he had to think of an excuse that wouldn’t raise suspicions. When the elf who suggested ‘Dragon Hearts’ mentioned registering them downstairs, he had his excuse.

“I-I’ll go with you!” Beathan stood up suddenly. He didn’t seem to get the message the elf was sending.

Bethan hurriedly followed the elf man without saying another word.
Seyren Menathil
Location: Meeting Room 2
Interactions: Rage Rage , Blackrose7 Blackrose7
Mentioned: CactusJuice CactusJuice , Birdsie Birdsie

Seyren's interest was piqued once again when Luna told him that she's human and not an undead, which did not really explain to him regarding the unique scent. However, her subsequent answer that she's a necromancer cleared most of his questions. "I see," Seyren said, rubbing his fading chin, which Seyren was sure that if he were to rub it any harder, the glamour cast over him would have faded. "Well, that certain answered my question. What I now wish to understand is to why you would learn necromancy? It is an art that is shunned and feared by the living, after all," Seyren asked with a dull matter-of-fact tone.

His quip towards the large, hulking undead abomination DOOM was returned with an almost refreshing tone, one that is not expected from the brute of an undead. Chuckling lightly, Seyren replied, "well, only thing I can do against a dragon now might only be poking at its innards and turning it to waste."

His attention, however, was turned when the elf Eridian clapped his hands loudly and proclaimed to go to register their party's -- or rather, platoon's -- name at the Adventurer's Guild. Then, he noted another figure in green scurrying after the temporary leader. If Seyren recalled correctly, the figure in green was a male, and had previously used nature magic to restore the wooden door that was unceremoniously kicked down when the others entered. He had not much recollection if the male had introduced himself, though if he did, Seyren did not notice it. If his guess is correct, the male could be a druid or a nature cleric, someone who wields the opposite but symbiotic matter to Seyren's own magic. He would have to get acquainted with the male soon, as he believed that he and the nature mage could work together for the betterment of nature.
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Location - Meeting Room
Interaction - Rage Rage , EquinoxLeonidas EquinoxLeonidas , CactusJuice CactusJuice and everyone else.
"I like the undead, and if I can create a free-willed undead like yourself. I wouldn't have to be alone with just watching the dead spirits." said Luna.
Luna wasn't afraid of the undead like most people are, as she did accidentally killed a few people with her Firey Embrace. Necromancy also give those people another chance at life if Luna put their soul into something like a suit of armor.
She then saw a few of those dead spirits float around the room, and some of them were doing funny faces for Luna to see. 'Geez. Those dead kids spirits are trying to be funny in front of me again.' thought Luna. This wasn't the first time that they tried to do this in front of Luna. Because most of the dead spirits don't even know that she is looking at them to begin with. The ones that do end up noticing that sometimes try to be funny.
"Also, just because Necromancy is shunned and feared by the living doesn't mean it is not useful. People like to think that we necromancers are evil when that isn't always the case. It is just the evil necromancers who gives them a bad name, since they keep killing innocent people for power." said Luna.
Now Luna doesn't care about power, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't do something evil if she can get something in return.

Her eyes wondered off for a little bit, and Luna did noticed that there was a scaredy cat druid who left the room. "Looks like someone is a scaredy cat, because of the undead and a necro." said Luna.
Luna was clearly teasing Beathan for leaving the meeting room like that, as she thought that it would be hilarious to say that in front of everybody. 'Nice try, but you just gave yourself an opening for me to talk shit about you.' thought Luna.
Gorion's Tower

Kasumi was really just being quiet most of the time. Who knew that killing people could be easier than talking to strangers? Well without a motive other than friendship that is. Kasumi seemed to be just fine talking to people when she was trying to deceive them or had another motive, but just talking? Yeah right.

Seeing Eridan and Beathan go she sighed. Seemed like they were stuck with Dragonhearts. They would regret that name one day. Kasumi was certain of that.

Kasumi got out of her chair and walked out of the room. Not to follow Beathan and Eridan, but to find a cup of water. She was kind of nervous and ice carving always calmed her nerves.

A few minutes later she came back holding a cup. Thankfully it hadn't been that hard to find a cup and some water. Unfortunately she tripped walking back into the room. Kasumi managed to freeze it before it spilled everywhere. The ice clunker onto the floor with a pretty loud sound.

"Yay...." Kasumi said picking up the odd spill shaped pice of ice.

She sat down, took out one of her kunai and began carving.

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