• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy When Olympus Burns

Selene looks towards Xavier with a raised eyebrow, looking at him like he was an idiot as well. "Xavier, we've never actually fought Echidna before, that was another dream. The real Echidna is alive and well, you know...the leader of the monsters? We're you unable to tell that it was an illusion and not reality again?" Selene sighs and shakes her head, deciding against making him shift the enemy entirely. Selene was standing firm due to a grounding spell she had at her feet. It was a magic circle holding her there. "What am I going to do with you?" Selene casts the same spell for Xavier and Echidna. "There, now you're both stuck still as well. Selene casts a second spell, making both her own and Xavier's eyes shift. They were now able to see the pain points within living beings. "Do you mind making her think 60 foot barbed pillars are piercing those pain points of hers?" ( DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride )
Sword Beacon
Once the four were standing near the Sword Beacon, it activated and pulled them in. It spit them out in the forest of Athens, less than a mile from the city they wanted to get to. ( Skaggon Skaggon DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride )

Interaction: Light Light Noivian Noivian
Mentioned: Klytios, Rhea, Yuki
Location: Ruined Athens, Forest
Open for Interaction?: Yes

Thrust into the air, Mason hangs on to Klytios' fist as he recoils from the flames. Mason's flames spiral around the giant's arm. He tried to conjure up the magma under the earth but being disconnected physically to it, made that impossible to summon. That, with the addition of being in the air, left Mason vulnerable to the crashing fist of Klytios' free arm.

With a meaty thunk, Klytios' fist connected to Mason's side. Mason grunted as he was thrown into the air away from the giant. The metal claws tore out of Klytios' flesh and the flames ceased to continue up his arms. Mason's living armor took the brunt of the attack but that still left his body flying through the air, spinning towards Rhea and Yuki.

"Wooooahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mason shouted, seeing his surroundings fly in circles.
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Andre wanted the food everyone kept bringing up. It made him extremely hungry, just thinking about all of the food he can devour. The hungrier he got, the worse it became for those around him. Especially those directly next to him. They now felt like they haven't eaten in weeks, allowing the idea of cannibalism to dance around in their minds almost briefly. Food within the dining hall began to slowly rot, the sun began to hit the city with a drought as well. With the addition of the intense sun and uncomfortable clothes, people began to show symptoms of being dehydrated. Throats around him would now end up dry and lips would be peeling. Andre looks towards the salmon plate in Finnegan's hands. He opens his mouth and sucks in the salmon, allowing it to disappear into his hoodie. It seemed to go right in as if it were going through a black hole. Once Andre took in the Salmon, the previous conditions calmed down and were much less intense. All but his other 3 companions were affected by this. ( Baconhands Baconhands Alecto Alecto Totorokoro Totorokoro Noivian Noivian Skaggon Skaggon Verdas Verdas DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride )
Rhea, Caretaker
Klytios, Upcoming Gigante Leader

Once Mason was knocked to the side, Klytios began to roar in pain. His arm had flesh missing from the knuckles and was burnt. He would kill that flaming bastard for what he had done. "I will grind your body down to powder and use your comrade's skull to mix it as a protein drink, welp!" Klytios began looking for Mason, trudging off in the direction he flung the demi-being in pain.

Rhea was surprised once Mason was flung towards them. She set Yuki down on a tree and helped Mason stand up, regardless of the blood on her hands. "Mason! Hopefully you're okay! Please, cauterize Yuki's wound!" Rhea sounded frantic...fearful...hurt. She didn't know what to do. It was one thing to train them and another to be on the field with them. Looking at the wound Yuki received so easily, she knew she had failed them both as a teacher and a mother. They weren't ready to take on beings such as Titans. Iapetus isn't even one of the strongest and it took less than a second to nearly kill Yuki. If he hadn't of been merciful...if they hadn't of received help. Would her Yuki be breathing right now? Would Mason even be here? It was frustrating, knowing that their lives depended on the benevolence of others. She thought they had the power to defend themselves, clearly she was wrong and Yuki paid the price for it. Rhea wanted to cry at the current situation, she didn't know what to do and the best idea she could come up with was to run. What was she to this group? It's clear now that she's truly insufficient as a teacher and they were all old enough to take care of themselves. She was repeating the same fate she had before. Being hopelessly useless at Kronos's side and helpless to seeing her children suffer. In the past her child fought the war, much like today. What can she do and what did she do? Rhea was starting to doubt herself even further. She wasn't even a titan anymore, she was human. As long as she stayed near these kids she was powerless. The farther she got from them the more divinity she gains. It was clear that they're both toxic towards one another since she made them all so soft, mixing compassion with training. She would need to find them a better teacher and leave them behind. It was for the best...that's exactly what she would do, if it meant not seeing such a sight again. Rhea looks towards Yuki and shuts her eyes. She wanted to cry but was forcing herself not to. She couldn't look weak in front of Mason, even if it would be the last time they saw one another. ( Dirtbear Dirtbear Noivian Noivian )

If Finnegan heard Fia's voice in his head, he certainly didn't show it on his face. He looked at the four as she introduced them to her. They reeked of some form of combined darkness and Finnegan was trying to ascertain who was what. That, and why- and how they knew about Egypt. Not that it was a top secret mission or anything given that they just blew up the entire realm. 'And for the time they're here, call me Lydia.'
Finnegan's face exhibited nothing, but he wondered why that name of all names. It sounded stupid. He would never name a wolf Lydia. Maybe something like Pantheon, Anubis, or even Mutt.

It might be worth treating me as some sort of pet for that duration too.' Fia said, moving closer to him. Finnegan bit back a smirk, this was priceless. 'Alright, my dear pet,' He said, scratching the wolf behind it's ear. The sick one sneezed into her hand and held out the same hand to him for a handshake. Finnegan was beyond disgusted. "Hi! I'm Vernuhal, Veeernaaal, Veeer-Nallll" She repeated.
Yep, she isn't just physically sick. Poor thing. He gave her a polite, gentlemanly bow; there was no way he was going to shake her hand, but he knew it would be unwise to ignore her. What if she got angry and sneezed on his face? Also, with just one hand holding up a plate full of food, he wouldn't have been able to do so anyway. Lucky him, he thought.

"Good evening," Finnegan said with no trace of enthusiasm- meaning, like always. Hunger seemed to gnaw at him from inside and he noticed the effects weren't only pertaining to him. The food from his plate suddenly vanished right off his plate and into the hooded figure's mouth. One he had eaten his stolen food, Finnegan felt a little better than he had a moment before. 'I think he's the one causing the hunger and thirst. A child of Limos, possibly?'

"I'm to understand that you're here on some official matters, and not the dinner party, yes? I would love to invite you all inside," He started, but it would be unwise. "But it's quite noisy in there. We can discuss things in the meeting room, or out here in the courtyard if you prefer," He suggested, rather decided diplomatically. That way, the demigods wouldn't be trapped inside incase their guests turned hostile.

Baconhands Baconhands DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride Verdas Verdas Light Light
Baconhands Baconhands Light Light Skaggon Skaggon Totorokoro Totorokoro Verdas Verdas

Vernuhal's heart shattered as the offering was taken by Andre. Why, why was this the cruel world she lived in? She simply lowered her hand and bowed in return, but something didnt add up just now. She looked at Finnegan and squinted. Suspicion triggered her paranoia like a light switch. "I'm to understand that you're here on some official matters, and not the dinner party, yes? I would love to invite you all inside, But it's quite noisy in there. We can discuss things in the meeting room, or out here in the courtyard if you prefer,"
Vernuhal was very suspicious of this man. He hadn't shaken her hand with his free arm... He offered dinner, but now its too noisy for them to join. She squinted her eyes so much at Finnegan she was actually staring through closed eyelashes. "Will there be food in the meeting room, or is that place a lie too?" Vernuhal wasn't apologetic for calling their leader a liar. He offered food and then took it away! She didn't even want an answer, she was just upset about being misled. She scowled Finnegan and crossed her arms and scooted closer to Stella, farther away from Letavis and his irritation with her. She squinted at Finnegan again then tugged Stellas sleeve and tip toed to cusp whisper in her ear. "Did you see how his sleeve dangled while be bowed and held the plate- with one hand? Maybe he's a liar because he's a stumpy." She looked back at Finnegan and squinted again. Nothing but the promised food will alleviate her anger. She wanted to spit on him and give him Hepatitis C so badly, but Letivas would have her punished for it. So she just crossed her arms, squinted, and waited.

Finnegan did his best to avoid eye contact with the staring plague person. She seemed to be quick to dislike him. That wouldn't be the first time it happened, but Finnegan questioned her reasons. "Will there be food in the meeting room, or is that place a lie too?" Vernuhal asked, seemingly seething with hurt anger. "Well, no. It's quiet and it's a perfect place to talk. But once we're done with the meeting, we can join the rest for dinner." Finnegan blinked. But by that time the girl trotted back to her group.

He began to wonder if their visitors were nothing but a bunch of lost teens who were searching for a shelter over head and food to eat. They did look that way, all dressed in usual, dark garb and all. "So, shall we?" He looked at their leader, expecting some answer.

DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride Verdas Verdas
Andre wanted food, he cared little for the meeting anymore and looked towards Letavis. "Letavis, first he says the dining hall and now he says the meeting room and no food! Their leader is wishy-washy and doesn't even host a proper welcome for their guests. I expected a full week of festivities to celebrate potential alliance and friendship but he's rushing us along like politicians! I do not like this." Andre turned towards Finnegan but it was hard to tell where he was looking exactly since his hoodie hid his face. "I demand proper hospitality for a week or no peace!" ( Totorokoro Totorokoro Verdas Verdas Skaggon Skaggon )

"Letavis, first he says the dining hall and now he says the meeting room and no food!" Andres complained. I never said no food... Finnegan sighed in defeat. "Their leader is wishy-washy and doesn't even host a proper welcome for their guests. I expected a full week of festivities to celebrate potential alliance and friendship but he's rushing us along like politicians! I do not like this."

It was late into the night and Finnegan was at his wits. He didn't let his anger affect him, however. "I demand proper hospitality for a week or no peace!" Andres bellowed. Finnegan pinched his eyebrows. What started as a suggestion to host a formal meet before dinner turned into a blatant accusation of being a bad host (Not that he actually cared) and now they were being given demands.

And it hadn't even been 15 minutes since they came onto the island!

"Let me see if I got this right," Finnegan started, looking right at Andres with a cold, yet composed expression. "You infiltrate our island, forget your particular purpose of visit, steal my food and affect everyone on this island with your horribly annoying plagues of deprivation, ignore my attempts to talk like mature people and then sit down for food, then accuse me of not giving you a welcoming party- which, by the way is a pleasant surprise since we didn't expect you here;" He paused while counted on his fingers, "And now you threaten us by making childish demands that we give you proper hospitality? Really? Haven't your parents taught you how to be a good guest?"

He wasn't looking for a fight. But the hooded figure seemed to be testing his patience. If he didn't know better, he'd say that Andres was unbelievably hangry. Finnegan wondered if the two other silent figures were as daft as the loud mouth. He prayed they weren't.

Light Light
Letavis merely gave his companions' rather hostile actions a passing glance. He was used to this by now, as they were easily offended by the most trivial things. Which meant lots of bloodshed, often from the offenders in question. He gave the leader of the kids an apologetic smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, not that the average person would notice. Although he couldn't help but agree with Finnegan's words, he was still somewhat offended by the way he spoke to his comrades. "Please, forgive my companions' rudeness. They meant nothing by it. Although I would like to begin discussions immediately..." He stole a glance at the other three, Andre and Vernuhal in particular. "I do not know this Selene you speak of, but if it won't trouble you, I believe it would be best to begin our talks after dinner." He said, trying to be respectful to Finnegan and the others. He wanted to avoid violence if possible, though with the way things were going, it might not end very well. For the kids, that is. It would be prudent to keep the wolves well fed, and away from the bleating sheep.

Jouska Jouska Totorokoro Totorokoro (What the f???)
Light Light Baconhands Baconhands Alecto Alecto

Finnegan had a hit of a smile and was a little relieved with the leader's response. He thanked the stars that he was normal- in comparison with his... slightly moody comrades. He took Letavis' suggestion into consideration and nodded. "Alright, that's fine with me." He said.

It doesn't look hostile so far, but it would be best if we all were on our guards. Just in case. "Lydia, Come." He said, as if giving her a soft command to follow him as he lead them back to the dining room.

Verdas Verdas Baconhands Baconhands
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Kristov Text.jpg

Light Light , Skaggon Skaggon

  • Mentioned

    Demon, Elizabeth, Blue, Gaige


    Athens Forest

Teleportation was a bit smoother this round. They weren't where they were supposed to be, but they weren't too far off either. He lead the group forward but stumbled upon something most odd. Following the sounds of fighting, Kristov and Team noticed a Giant and familiar company. "I will grind your body down to powder and use your comrade's skull to mix it as a protein drink, welp!" "Ahhh... the sweet sounds of a giant's empty threats... looks like we were beaten by someone else guys. I think Mason and Yuki are in trouble. I vote we do nothing and let them solve it and sneak in after they're done. I also vote we jump in head first and kill that giant and take his teeth. If Gaige can blind him a quick second, Demon make him last in that explosion for an extended amount of time. Blast me to his face right after Blue, and then unleash some exploding arrows to finish?" Kristov cracked his neck and gripped his blades at the ready.



Umeko stopped in her tracks, spotting the group at the docks on the move. They were heading in her direction, she could tell from the way the gnawing in her gut got worse. Quickly, she stepped to Finn's side, and offered a slightly clumsy curtsy, unused to wearing a dress. "Hello," she said to the guests, lifting her eyes to take in their appearances. One looked very ill, and Umeko could tell another was putting forth an aura of hunger. She'd always been one for mythology, even non-Greek mythology. There were four guests, and two fit the bill for the Horsemen Famine and Pestilence. She eyed the three that weren't obviously ill.
Which was Famine? The leader had to be Death, that only made sense. Then it was between the hooded figure and the girl... Which was War? Which was Famine?

Umeko remained silent, sticking near Finn's side as they walked back to the dining hall.

As Finnegan scratched behind Fia's ear, she almost snapped at him as the momentary aura from Andre affected her. She held it back; she'd get him back for that action later, but not now. For now she simply stood by, watching the visitor's with a wary eye. A short time passed as Fia listened to the individuals in the group accuse each other of lying, unpreparedness and lack of manners. Fia mentally sighed - this was hardly the time or the place. Luckily, Letavus intervened on Finnegan's side... perhaps it wouldn't be such a great idea to let Finnegan hold these kinds of negotiations. But what could Fia do here? She'd introduced him as the leader!
As Finnegan started moving back to the dining room, this was another mistake in Fia's eyes. If negotiations went south, impeachment had to be around the corner for the Alpha.
Finnegan called her name and she started padding after him, "I would recommend no more outbursts like that. Try to remain calm if you can. Regardless, I don't see this going well for us if it starts heading towards violence." She glanced up at him, "Do you think it would be worthwhile for me to run ahead and clear the dining room before our guests arrive?"
Interacted with Totorokoro Totorokoro
(Rest of tags will come up at some point tomorrow)

Interaction: Light Light Noivian Noivian ; DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride Skaggon Skaggon
Mentioned: Klytios, Rhea, Yuki
Location: Ruined Athens, Forest
Open for Interaction?: Yes

The spinning, flaming mass stopped once he hit the ground beside Rhea. There were scorch marks where Mason landed on the patchy grass and a trail where he tumbled across. Mason's fire receded once he stopped rolling, laying flat on his back, staring up to the canopy. His eyes were swirling, his equilibrium still trying to settle down. Rhea came over to help him up, frantically.

"OOoooooh. Ok, just a little woozy." Mason teeters toward Yuki's slumped body.
He grabbed Yuki's broken sword and spun it so the handle was to him. Mason opened Yuki's mouth.

"Say Ahhhhh." He said as he shoved the handle in his mouth, in a hurry.
Mason lifted Yuki, revealing the open wound in his back. Mason pressed his hands against Yuki's abdomen and back. He looked over to Rhea, grimacing, knowing this was going to be painful. His hands heated up and the smell of searing flesh rose from the area. He kept his hands pressed for a few seconds and released. He wrinkled his nose from disgust from the seared flesh and the image of burned skin. At this moment, Mason was grateful he didn't have to experience that ever in his lifetime.

He didn't have much time before the Giant found them. He looked up to Rhea and saw a quick shift in her attitude. He took it as the severity of their situation. And once he realized how bad it would be if the giant came upon them like this, Mason ran up to Rhea. He kissed her cheek, giving a small blush grin. Looking back to her as he ran towards the Klytios' pounding footsteps.

'Wish me luck, Rhea. Keep him safe.' He smiled as he said to himself.
(!) He lit up in flames, igniting not only his torso, but the rest of his body. The living metal that remained, shimmered underneath the blanket of flames. He saw where the giant was and called to the magma underneath, arm extending from the ground upwards. The roiling of the magma rumbled the ground underfoot. The earth split where the magma rose to crash into Klytios. Mason shouted an incoherent battlecry as he thrust forward towards his opponent, defending his escort.

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Just when Yuki thought it couldn't get any more painful, his wound found a way to prove him wrong. Surprised hen the hilt of his ruined sword, Yuki wasn't given much time to dwell on it before his teeth sank into the black leather covering the hilt of the blade. A slightly muffled wail of pain came tearing out of his throat, and Yuki's face scrunched up as most of his muscles tensed to try and curl around the wound to keep all these prying hands off it. The smell of scorched flesh brought tears to his eyes, along with the slight smoke that came with cooking meat. Yuki wanted to go home. He wanted to cry, to run away, to leave... But pain kept him stationary. At least he could probably stand if set on his feet, now that he was growing used to the pain...

Seeing Mason run off on his own wen Yuki's eyes opened, he weakly stretched out a hand. A child free of fate was needed to kill the giant... that was Yuki. Mason couldn't kill it on his own. He needed help, but Yuki was helpless, crippled by the wound in his gut. He pressed a free hand to the still hot flesh, and winced. "I have to... have to fight..." he managed to sputter out, spitting his ruined sword hilt onto the ground besides him. "Help me up... Rhea..." Yuki extended the hand that was prior extended towards Mason, this time aiming for Rhea. "Mason needs me."


  • Tagging: Light Light Dirtbear Dirtbear


    Rhea, Mason, Klytios


    Ruins of Athens, forest

Rhea, Caretaker
Klytios, Upcoming Gigante Leader
Rhea was admittedly shocked by what Mason had done, having not received that type of affection in years. She stared at Mason's back as he charged into the giant seemingly made out of shadows. Since when had he changed from a small boy to that of a man? In all this time she hadn't noticed until now. She didn't notice how he really felt either. Rhea was almost too lost in thought, she barely heard Yuki calling out for her. "I have to... have to fight..." Rhea's eyes widened at this. "Help me up... Rhea..." "Mason needs me." Despite his injuries Yuki wanted to fight alongside Mason. How oblivious had she been to it all beyond their lack of preparation? They weren't kids anymore, they were adults. She was trembling, but she still managed to stand up slowly and make her way to Yuki. Rhea wrapped her arms around him and hoisted him up, assisting him in walking as well. "I-Is this what you needed?"

Klytios shields his face from the magma with his large hands, the rest of his shadowy body began to ignite. This wasn't enough to kill him but it did damage him severely. The giant roars in pain and backs away from the magma, attempting to wipe it off his body That was until Mason charged right into him with a flaming metallic body. It came with enough force to begin pushing him backwards. Klytios's feet began to drag into the ground as he tried to stay standing. He kept his left hand gripping Mason's right shoulder while pounding his right fist into Mason's back and head repeatedly. Eventually the giant falls back and grabs Mason completely. Klytios causes them to tumble together into a pool sized body of water in the forest. It was only calf deep for Mason and it was filled with rocks and boulders. Klytios releases Mason and tumbles off to a separate spot in the pond, slowly getting up while catching his breath. Steam was rising around him due to the fire hitting the water. With the steam as his cover, Klytios slammed his fists into the ground, causing pillars of rock to rise in a wave. This rock wave was heading straight towards Mason. ( Dirtbear Dirtbear Noivian Noivian )

Yuki let out a pained screech as he was wrapped up in tight arms and lifted off the ground. Something wasn't right. He tried to situate his feet underneath himself, but... half his body wasn't registering in his mind. He felt cold, like he could crumple at any moment, as if he hadn't just been badly burned by Mason. He could feel his insides shift, and he pressed a harder hand against the wound in his abdomen. Looking down, he tried to concentrate, tried to move his leg, but barely anything happened. "I... I can't move my legs..." Yuki stated weakly, with a high amount of despair in his voice. "Rhea, I can't feel my legs. I can't feel anything below the wound..."


  • Tagging: Light Light Dirtbear Dirtbear


    Rhea, Mason, Klytios


    Ruins of Athens, forest


Umeko had joined the party as they made their way back to the dining hall. Finnegan looked at her, he knew she didn't really enjoy dressing up as much as the next person. "You look quite attractive," He complimented. Finnegan could hear Fia's voice in his mind again, chiding him for his "outburst." He rolled his eyes like a teenager, but kept his mouth shut.

"Do you think it would be worthwhile for me to run ahead and clear the dining room before our guests arrive?" she asked. Finnegan nodded lightly. "So, where are you four from again?"

Noivian Noivian Baconhands Baconhands

The nightmare of Trish's whining had just begun. She stuffed her mouth with food- something she would NEVER do, only to cry saying that she was on the path of doooom. She was going to gain weight. "And that's not even the problem, because I look amazing no matter what," She sniffed, eating a spoonful of the cursed, forbidden chocolate mousse. "And now... I'm eating something that's not salad," She wailed, dropping the spoon onto her plate and holding her face in her hands.

Elias left her place and knelt near her sister, rubbing her back and telling her that things were going to be okay. She'd personally seen many of Trish's meaningless outbursts before and knew better than to tell her it was nothing worth crying over. It would only result in a further outburst and it could take well more than a day to calm her down then. Trish was too much in despair to even give snarky retorts to Elias, which was another rare thing.

Elias looked around the room, wondering if anyone had any better ideas. She didn't have any energy to deal with it right now.
Gaige started making the explosives. "I vote we let them fail and wait for our time to shine. I feel bead for mason though hopefully he doesn't get to beat up." She finished the bombs. "I'll wait until you give me the ready though." DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride Light Light

Demon was bored waiting. He swapped back to his normal self happy with his progress. He head the plan and nodded his head waiting for his que.

Stella looked at the eyeing her. She had a feeling she was trying to see who was who. She stretched her shoulders a little and manifested her armor. "I'm not Famine." He said to her. She didn't pain much attention to their leader due to a lack of interest of diplomacy and what not. She thought of the best couse of action if thing went south at this moment. She would be able to take out the armless leader easier so she focus on the girl. She didn't know what she did so she watched cautiously. Still ready to attack at full capacity. Noivian Noivian
Location: Docks >>> Dining Hall
Interactions: Fia ( Baconhands Baconhands ), Finnegan ( Totorokoro Totorokoro ), The Four Horsemen ( Verdas Verdas Light Light DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride Skaggon Skaggon ), Umeko ( Noivian Noivian )
Avice jolted slightly at Fia's voice ringing in her head, or Lydia for now. She would have questioned the daughter of Lycaon's motives further, but she could feel irritation bubbling within her as hunger gnawed at her even more. With her jaw clenched tight as she barely paid any attention to the sickly one introducing herself and missing the hooded one sucking in the food Finnegan had with him - later in her bunk when she'll have the time to think and pick at all the interactions, she'll think what the fuck, that was so cool and chide herself for not paying more attention - the daughter of Strife tried to calm herself down, because seriously, where the fuck was this coming from all of a sudden? There's food in the dining hall, she reasoned with herself, and with how things are looking, that's where they're heading and not to their certain deaths.

Focusing on the unfamiliar rage coiling deep within these people was enough to snap her back to some of her senses; she started slightly upon the demands of the hooded one, and started even more with Finnegan's cold reply. These two actions made Avice check on her temper, worried that she might have been slipping out some of the irritation she felt, but she had a pretty tight lid on it. Not as tight as it should be, but still no leaks. So why... the rest of her musing was cut short when the leader - or at least who she assumed was the leader - replied respectfully despite Finnegan's cold retaliation, and even further when Umeko joined them.

Finnegan's seemingly innocent question of where the four came from was pushed to the side upon the outburst of one of them directed towards Umeko. I'm not Famine, she - who, upon closer inspection, carried the same air her mother did - had said. Famine. That had been said with so particularly that it could not just be famine, which made Avice's eyebrows furrow ever so slightly in confusion. Her brown eyes shifted between their four guests; now it wasn't only hunger gnawing at her, but something else. What it was, she had no idea, but the daughter of Strife couldn't help but feel as if she has half of the pieces of a puzzle she can't decipher just yet. A sick member of the group who looked ready to keel over, someone who reminded her a little too much of her chaos-loving war-freak of a mother... What was she missing? Does Umeko know something? Oh, she probably does. Why else would the outburst be directed towards her? And those strings too...

All of this was making her head hurt, and making her more aware of the hunger, so in an attempt to put it at the back of her mind, Avice shot off a question towards their guests. "I'll follow up..." There was a momentary pause as she tilted her head towards Finnegan, deciding at the last minute to not mention any names since Fia did mention to use another name for her, "his question, and ask, how did you even find us?" As far as Avice knew, they were hidden, weren't they...?

Interaction: Light Light Noivian Noivian ; Vicinity: DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride Skaggon Skaggon
Mentioned: Klytios, Rhea, Yuki
Location: Ruined Athens, Forest
Open for Interaction?: Yes

The blows from Kytios were dampened by the living armor but not enough to stop his charge. Once they tumbled into the body of water, Mason gathers himself on the other side. He doesn't see where the Giant went, so he closed his eyes to sense his heat. He saw a few bodies and a massive area around him, possibly the steam rises from the water's surface. He opened his eyes to the sound of a loud crash. Mason couldn't tell what was coming so he tried to reinforce his guard, bringing his arms in front of himself. The earth rose in pillars, stone smashing into Mason from underneath. Mason was launched into the air away from the pond, crashing into tree branches, tearing them from their brittle trunks.

Mason gasped as he felt the wind rush out his body. Despite having his living armor dampening blows, his control over the metal wasn't as advanced as his fire control. He smashed into a patchy, withering thicket several paces away. He took a while to gather himself, staggering as he rose from the ground. He sneered at the Giant. Mason held out his hands, downwards towards the earth below. His body shook with the anger rising from within, the magma circling around underneath his location. He was preparing to erupt once the Giant closed in on Mason. And if Klytios didn't, he was gonna bring this all to it instead.


Light Light

  • Mentioned



    Selene's Mind

"Huh... Xavier rose the umbrella sending a shock-wave through the street towards Echidna in a random, seemingly pointless pattern, but as he rose the umbrella its fullest extent the tracing wave's lightning struck boomingly, You know, that kind of makes sense, and the land stuck was divided and risen high into the air in a twisting spiral mimicked by Xavier's motions. Thaaaat explains why I can't get the face and voice right. The collective spiky spiral tipped drill of concrete and earth rose to Echidna's eye-level as Xavier guided it with the tip of the umbrella. I was wondering why there was never an imprint of her falling and crushing the main city... What's a good number? Seven Seem Sensationally Savory? Xavier set on the choice and closed the Umbrella causing Echidna to feel the twisting drill stab into every one of her pain points, one after the other as if stacking together and pushing the ones ahead deeper. Each time she felt a stab, the actual pillar disappeared for a second out of her sight and returned Say that seven times quickly, ehh?" He opened the umbrella again and once the seven strikes were up the drill fell back apart in reverse, returning back where it came from perfectly as if it never happened. Echidna was incapable of moving due to Selene's spell. After accepting her abuse, the monster reached for nearby debris to throw in an attempt to squish the bugs. She recognized quickly that the pain she felt was not inflicted by true injuries, but illusions.

Cars and crushed mounds of rubble and the lot flew towards Xavier and Selene at alarming speeds. "This is looking dangerous cutie, Why don't we take a trip over to my version of the story. hmm?" He pointed the umbrella at the oncoming threat and closed it again. The two were back on the main underground city. Echidna was there, but she was distracted fighting something else. Upon closer examination it was Xavier, and he was boxing her.

"I know what you're thinking, we need danger, who's this training is this for? Both of us both of us."
He snapped the umbrella shut, twitched, the two were facing a golden barred gate on a small chunk of land floating in a sea of lava only forty feet in diameter, including the space that was taken up by what the gate was guarding. Smoke and many ferocious growls came from behind its glittering bars. The magma was their only light source, so deep within the beasts cage and the center was quite dark and shadowy, it was hard to see anything. "Okay I'm getting 100 oddly vivid different wavelengths of ways to kill us... but I can't sense it... it must be a hell-hound huh? Well, what else better would be in our way to save the world? We must lure the beast out and slay it so that we may proceed and save Athena"


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