Other What's your infodump subject?


Your friendly neighborhood Eldritch Being
What subject do you love so much that, if given the chance, you would infodump to anyone who will listen?

For me, I could talk about space, sharks, and literature tropes for a long, long time. Did you know greenland sharks can live for hundreds of years? Did you know that, if you were to get near enough to a black hole, you would undergo what scientists call "spaghettification", in which the gravitational pull becomes so strong that your body is stretched more and more until you are simply a string of protons and neutrons? Edgar Allen Poe's The Black Cat is a wonderful example of the unreliable narrator, and also the "hang yourself on your own gallows" trope.
I could talk about random ancient history facts for like ever. I've also got a backlog of evolution stuff. Like, did you know that East Asians have the highest percent of Neanderthal DNA? Sometimes more than 2 percent! Europeans follow closely after them. East Asian folks can also carry Denisovan DNA, especially those from Papua New Guinea and Oceania in general.

The Yamnaya culture were a people that travelled all over Europe and Asia 5,000 years ago, they were a big factor in spreading Indo-European languages and altering the human gene pool. This was all probably possible because they were some of the first people to ride horses! Archaeologists know this because of traits of femurs across Yamnaya skeletons that indicate horse riding.
Oh, that's cool! I love ancient history as well! I think it's really cool that we can differentiate horse riders through their bones!
Nuclear science. Also Islamic theology and history.
Nuclear science. Also Islamic theology and history.
I love learning about different cultures, and nuclear science is fascinating!
one piece enough said.
One Piece is kind of intimidating, so it's awesome that you know a lot about it lol
Mine is penguins and my own ocs.
Aaaa I love penguins!
armaments of 13th century western european soldiers
That is very specific and I love it
How to craft a good story 🥺
I want to write and produce my own shows someday, and I could go on about whatever show I happen to be watching and whatever story I happen to be enthralled with. Things done right, things done wrong, what I'd do to fix it while maintaining the original narrative, dialogue choices that could be improved...
How to craft a good story 🥺
I want to write and produce my own shows someday, and I could go on about whatever show I happen to be watching and whatever story I happen to be enthralled with. Things done right, things done wrong, what I'd do to fix it while maintaining the original narrative, dialogue choices that could be improved...
Ugh yes I love analyses of shows and movies! Video games too, because I love them as a medium for storytelling.
For me, I could talk about space, sharks, and literature tropes for a long, long time.
Misread this as 'space sharks', got VERY intrigued.

Mine's cetaceans of almost all varieties, but especially orcas. I also have an almost irrepressible urge to go full 'tour guide' on people who are new to my state.
Misread this as 'space sharks', got VERY intrigued.

Mine's cetaceans of almost all varieties, but especially orcas. I also have an almost irrepressible urge to go full 'tour guide' on people who are new to my state.
Space sharks would be fantastic, ngl. Also I'm jealous about your 'tour guide' urge because I don't have a head for geography 😭
Space sharks would be fantastic, ngl. Also I'm jealous about your 'tour guide' urge because I don't have a head for geography 😭
Space whales are one of my instant-interest sci-fi tropes; we totally need space sharks to go with them!

I have a pretty good innate sense of direction, and I don't think that can be taught, but if you ever want to just drill geography, this site is really good: Test your geography knowledge - clickable map quizzes
I got to the point a few years ago where I could do the whole world in quiz mode with no errors. I'm not there anymore (Oceania is a trial) but it definitely gives you a good sense for where countries are!
Technically I already am info dumping my subject in the "Tutorials" section of the site, but if given half the chance I'll info dump to anyone and everyone about some of the finer points and processes that comprise the craft of storytelling. Ever since I started studying it to enhance my roleplaying ability several years back I've become obsessed with finding every little nook and cranny of detail and information I could. And I love being able to share that information with other people (where and whenever appropriate, of course) to help them level up their storytelling and roleplaying abilities as well.
It changes a lot i feel, but it usually centers around media i like, especially games. Like splatoon or zelda or what have you. Currently i've been super into fighting games in general and once i actually start understanding what's going on i'm gonna be a bit annoying about it if anyone brings it up
Naval history and Warhammer 40k. I could go off for hours on either. It's actually hard to talk about because if someone asks, I have to bite my tongue or I'll give them a multi-page essay.

I can, and on a few occasions have, talk for literal hours about it.
My stories. Ask me about my latest and I will talk to you forever about something that is the the lingual version of some kind of murder map/crime board/conspiracy wall, with red strings littering the cork board, seemingly obscure relations pinning them together to create a thorough narrative. I learn the strangest of things when I craft a story so I’ll likely have extensive knowledge about some sort of random topic like a book from the 1700s called The Sorrows Of Young Werther which prompted a series of copycat suicides (attempting to write a book that I’ve based on this), or that glass prosthetic eyes are outdated and the material used nowadays is something called plastic acrylic, and that prosthetic eyes aren’t actually a full sphere?

My other infodump-able topic is music. If I really resonate with a song I’ll be able to describe a very specific scene, and/or emotion that I associate with it. And it gets very lengthy and specific, and sometimes has nothing to do with the song. Instead it’s just the vibe I get from it. Other times though, it can simply be me explaining how I relate to each lyrics from a song. Either way it can go on for paragraphs on end.
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