• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Westbrook

Hair thing.gif

"Who's your cousin? I might know her or... him." Well, chances were that Adriane knew them, anyway. But the possibility of her actually have a decent relationship with them? Well... that was much lower. Adriane was queen of making sure that people hated her, but she was going to do her best to not let this new girl know that.

So instead, she lead her over to a table, sliding onto one side, and plastered a smile on her face. "So do you have any questions about like the school or whatever?" Or her, for that record. Adriane liked to think that she was an open book, but didn't everyone like to think that? Just like everyone else, Adriane had her secrets. Or her... not so secret secrets anymore. Like Ariana. Everyone knew about her and Mason's daughter at this point, as embarrassing as it was.

But for her, that just felt like the tipping point.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Anabelle Price

mentions: Direct Timing Direct Timing

Ana flinched when he started yelling at her, but she was used to it, and he had every right to be. One of the biggest reasons she came on a Saturday was to avoid any kind of confrontation. Just slip it into the Locker room with a short note and hope he wouldn't try to find her afterwards. But, it didn't seem like she was that lucky. She pulled her hand back as soon as he took the jacket back, wringing her hands together. But, she couldn't stand there long. She turned and rummaged through her bag. She hadn't anticipated having to talk to anyone, so she hadn't packed her regular little notepad. Luckily though, she always kept her drawing pad with her. She quickly flipped to the first blank page and ripped it out before closing it to write on.

I'm sorry it took so long. I couldn't... I didn't... I just... I wasn't thinking

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should have done something sooner.

She kept her head down, just as she normally did and held out the paper to him.
coding by cychotic

Ana flinched when he started yelling at her, but she was used to it, and he had every right to be. One of the biggest reasons she came on a Saturday was to avoid any kind of confrontation. Just slip it into the Locker room with a short note and hope he wouldn't try to find her afterwards. But, it didn't seem like she was that lucky. She pulled her hand back as soon as he took the jacket back, wringing her hands together. But, she couldn't stand there long. She turned and rummaged through her bag. She hadn't anticipated having to talk to anyone, so she hadn't packed her regular little notepad. Luckily though, she always kept her drawing pad with her. She quickly flipped to the first blank page and ripped it out before closing it to write on.

I'm sorry it took so long. I couldn't... I didn't... I just... I wasn't thinking

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should have done something sooner.

She kept her head down, just as she normally did and held out the paper to him.
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Vanden read the message and sighed. "Fine, ok..." He said his voice lowering. He stood there for a moment, the jacket warm from Anabelle's body. It felt nice. Meanwhile, he knew she was probably freezing. "Didn't you bring another jacket?" He finally asked. It was really cold out here and if she was dropping off his jacket, wouldn't she have brought another one to wear? Maybe she was sort of 'special' or something. Vanden decided he should help her in some way, maybe invite her over? His dad probably wouldn't be an ass while Anabelle was there and it would do his image good to be seen with a girl, even if she didn't talk. Vanden put his hands in his jacket pocket. He waited for her to answer him.

Interactions: Gomenesigh Gomenesigh
Anabelle Price

mentions: Direct Timing Direct Timing

Ana stood for a moment, squirming in place as she brought the paper back closer to her body. She wasn’t sure exactly what to say to that. She had never met someone who asked so many questions and she just didn’t have the lies made up for all of it. The truth was she didn’t have a jacket. She barely had enough clothes to go halfway through the week. She was used to having to wear the same clothes more than once throughout the week. But… he already knew about the bruises. Would he just ask more if she told the truth? The answer was probably yes. But… what kind of lie would he believe? What could she make believable? She sighed and squeezed the pen in her hand. But still… she couldn’t just miraculously come up with a jacket. If he saw her again at school and she still didn’t have a jacket… it would be obvious she lied.

I just…. don’t have one.
coding by cychotic

Ana stood for a moment, squirming in place as she brought the paper back closer to her body. She wasn’t sure exactly what to say to that. She had never met someone who asked so many questions and she just didn’t have the lies made up for all of it. The truth was she didn’t have a jacket. She barely had enough clothes to go halfway through the week. She was used to having to wear the same clothes more than once throughout the week. But… he already knew about the bruises. Would he just ask more if she told the truth? The answer was probably yes. But… what kind of lie would he believe? What could she make believable? She sighed and squeezed the pen in her hand. But still… she couldn’t just miraculously come up with a jacket. If he saw her again at school and she still didn’t have a jacket… it would be obvious she lied.

I just…. don’t have one.
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Hair Thing.gif

He just turned towards Dani with a look that asked where were they even supposed to start? She started talking, and Milos just nodded his head in agreement. "Basically, stay away from the Wests. Or the popular people." Well, Ash West was tied in, so the "popular people" thing kinda tied in there. But wasn't Noah kind of popular? He seemed like he was. And he was always hanging around Mason, and Milos knew that that dude was nothing but trouble. Noah was doomed.

Then again, Milos remembered what had happened with Ashley. Chances were Noah already knew what it was like to be involved in so much drama, so... well it sucked to be him. Poor dude. Maybe this time around would be much better than it had been previously. "Same old stuff as usual. Petty drama as far as the eye could see."

Petty drama that Milos liked to know about, but that was beside the point. "How was Italy? Do they not shave in Italy?" Was it all European countries, or just one? Milos honestly wasn't sure.

mogy mogy txlos txlos

Ian bit his lip hard as he watched Ash skip over putting whiskey in her coffee and went straight to drinking the alcohol out of the bottle. He absolutely hated seeing her like this, but it was beginning to seem like he wasn't going to get through to her, at least not by himself. "I don't believe that at all." he said in response to her saying she didn't want friends. "Maybe currently you're trying to push everyone away to validate your dark emotions. But I don't believe you truly don't want friends." He sighed as continued to try and shut him out. It was time to face it, he needed help on this one. Grace. She was Ash's best friend right? He'd heard they may have been currently going through a rough patch in their friendship, but best friends got over that kind of thing right? Especially to help in a time of need, which this certainly was. Pulling out his phone the Evans boy sent a quick message to the best friend in question. He hoped she would get there as quickly as possible.

Returning his attention to his best friend Ian watched as she started to walk away from him. "It's not about wanting help Ash. It's about needing it. Let's face it, you would never call would you?" He started to reach out for her but thought better of it. He followed after her as she started to leave the kitchen. "Don't do this. Please don't walk away from me." Ian started to consider the quickly dwindling options he had to get through to her. He could share his own struggles, but that almost felt like guilting her. Thankfully he didn't have to ponder long as he heard the door open and a voice call in. The cavalry had arrived! A sigh of relief left his lips as Grace came in, bumping right into the West girl. He gave a thankful smile to his saving Grace and mouthed a quick 'Thanks for coming'

Ian retreated back to the kitchen and grabbed a hand towel for Grace. When he returned to the pair he kept a few feet away after handing off the towel. The last thing he wanted was for Ash to feel cornered, that would just make things more difficult for himself and Grace. Green eyes flicked between the pair, waiting with bated breath to see if calling in the other cheerleader was the right call. Soap Soap Winona Winona
Samantha Gilly

mentions: OPEN

Sam had gone through the rest of the week with a breeze. She had added Mads on Twitter and subsequently had found a few more people to follow as well. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem as if there was anything specific to do that weekend, which meant she was pretty much left to her own devices. Without having anything specific in store besides that one on one with Mads, she decided to go enjoy the cool weather and get some practice in. She always considered herself to be a pretty good player, but she hadn’t played in a really long time and could probably do with some brush ups. After talking such a big game, she couldn’t let herself get beat by some jocky boy at school.

When Saturday came around, she pulled on an outfit she typically practiced in, not at all concerned by the cold weather outside. She knew she would soon work up a sweat and didn’t want to be bogged down by any heavy clothing. With one last tug at her ponytail, her icy white and blue hair tied up out of her way, she grabbed her phone and a pair of headphones before she dashed out. She jogged the entire way to the park with the basketball under her arm, putting on some music she hummed to as she went along.

When she got to the park, she wasn’t surprised to see no one else there. She almost rolled her eyes, condemning the entire town to a bunch of pussies. It was cold, but it wasn’t unbearably so. Even so, she smiled as she went over to the court. More for her then. She pulled out her phone and put the music on speaker as she brushed up on her skills.
coding by cychotic

Sam had gone through the rest of the week with a breeze. She had added Mads on Twitter and subsequently had found a few more people to follow as well. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem as if there was anything specific to do that weekend, which meant she was pretty much left to her own devices. Without having anything specific in store besides that one on one with Mads, she decided to go enjoy the cool weather and get some practice in. She always considered herself to be a pretty good player, but she hadn’t played in a really long time and could probably do with some brush ups. After talking such a big game, she couldn’t let herself get beat by some jocky boy at school.

When Saturday came around, she pulled on an outfit she typically practiced in, not at all concerned by the cold weather outside. She knew she would soon work up a sweat and didn’t want to be bogged down by any heavy clothing. With one last tug at her ponytail, her icy white and blue hair tied up out of her way, she grabbed her phone and a pair of headphones before she dashed out. She jogged the entire way to the park with the basketball under her arm, putting on some music she hummed to as she went along.

When she got to the park, she wasn’t surprised to see no one else there. She almost rolled her eyes, condemning the entire town to a bunch of pussies. It was cold, but it wasn’t unbearably so. Even so, she smiled as she went over to the court. More for her then. She pulled out her phone and put the music on speaker as she brushed up on her skills.
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Vanden's eyes widened when he read the text. "You don't have one? How can you not have one? This is Maine...everyone here has a coat of some kind..." He shook his head and then thought maybe she means she forgot it or...maybe her parents never bought her one. That thought was disturbing to Vanden. "Well, c'mon, I'll get you a coat." He said walking up towards the changing room. "There's this box of lost and found in here, and the kids don't usually claim anything, they just get their parents to buy them a new one..." He went of to the door and tested the handle. It was locked of course, but the door was old and so was the handle. Vanden took out his ID card and jimmied it between the door and the frame. The door suddenly came open to a room of cold darkness. He opened it wider so Anabelle could go in first. He waved her in. "C'mon it's freezing out here."

Interactions: Gomenesigh Gomenesigh
Sad close up.gif

No, maybe pushing people wasn't what she wanted to do. Maybe she did want to call, but Ash knew she never would. Grace's words at Belle's party had hit her hard. Ash was always there talking about her own problems, but never there to listen to Grace's. So she would just bottle them up, and try to worry about everyone else. It didn't work like that, though... so she kicked them to the curb. It felt easier to do that now than to wait and have them leave her, one by one, like everyone seemed to do. In the last couple weeks, it had felt like Ash had lost everyone -- and she figured why not kick the rest of them to the curb while she was already hurting so much? Dump them all, and then she wouldn't feel this horrific pain each and every time that they left her, one by one, or stabbed her in the back.

Like Grace did. She walked right into Ash, and she unleashed a small string of curses as most of the whiskey bottle splashed out all over Grace and a bit onto Ash's hand as well. "Wow, you're really feeling desperate, huh?" She said, glaring pointedly at Ian before she drank the last bit of whiskey, and retreated to the kitchen for a moment to lay it on one of the counters. Ash then turned, stepping back out of the kitchen and brushing past both Ian and Grace. "C'mon. You can borrow something of mine."

"I doubt it'll fit you, though. You're way skinnier than me." As it turned out, no amount of avoiding food could cause Ash to lose the last bit of weight. "And then you can wear it and go show Belle and make fun of me or some shit because apparently that's what you like to do, right? Show her our private messages and tease me?"

Her voice was cold and distant as she started marching her way up the stairs. Ash paused part way up, leaning against the railing. "Are you two coming? You both can keep bitching at me if it'll make you feel better, but I have to get ready for a party later." Ash had... well, she had a lot of cleaning up to do. The blood on her knuckles, the dried mud, the streaks of eyeliner around her eyes. Yeah... there was no way she could do to her party looking like this.

And it seemed like Nova and Jace were taking forever, so whatever.

She finished making her way up the stairs and headed to her bedroom, opening the door and stepping inside. Ash didn't even blink an eye at the mess that she had failed to clean up yet. Jeffrey's tipped over cage, the broken TV, the shattered mirror, the ripped canopy of her bed. It was all strewn about her room, a reminder of her anger.

"Ignore the mess. I had a rough night." Ash explained blandly as she started over to her closet, opening the doors to reveal the mess of clothes that were everywhere in there. "Jeffrey died. Icing on top of the cake, right? Had that lovely ski trip, everything went fucking south. Grace, you thought I was low enough to start some stupid rumor as revenge for Ryder." She was ruffling through a few shirts, and pulled one out and tossed it to Grace. "And then Ryder texted me he was leaving. Raven won't talk to me now after that kiss and me sharing it on Twitter. Ian, you were so busy sucking on some bitch you just met's face. And well, who else was there but Jeffrey? Kanen fucking disappeared again. I guess there was Mads, but he's about as bad I am right now." Okay, that was a lie.

"But whatever, right?" Ash stood up with an outfit in her hands, turning towards Ian and Grace one last time, her expression absolutely exhausted. "Anything else before I get ready?"

PenguinFox PenguinFox Soap Soap


He... he could be...

Oh no.

"I really hope not." He cried out, deflating when she even said the word. Jace fell back, his arms drooping into his lap while he looked down at his hands, sadness filling his gaze. He fought to hold back the wave of tears that threatened to spill out again while he sat here, talking with Nova. God, why couldn't he figure this stuff out on his own?

"I don't want to be attracted to everyone. Just like... half of people. I don't even care about that." Jace started to realize just how much he was admitting to, sitting here in front of Nova, and he started to feel a little uncomfortable. This wasn't something he should be discussing with an old flame, especially now that she had moved on. "You uh... you should get your stuff and get Ian and head out. Sorry for dumping all of this on you." And he really was, he'd never meant for this to happen.

But it was Nova, and spilling his secrets to her was just so easy. She was so kind, so gentle, so understanding. She was the one person in the school, hell in the world, that Jace knew would never judge him.

txlos txlos
Anabelle Price

mentions: Direct Timing Direct Timing

She pulled the paper back and began to scribble furiously, trying to cover her tracks and already inwardly berating herself for telling the truth. She knew it hadn't been a good idea. She hoped the mistake didn't come back to haunt her. Luckily, he didn't press anymore about it. She looked up as spoke and her eyes went wide again. She would have instantly protested, if it not for the lack of words. She silently followed him and when he started to break into the room, she looked around frantically, peering around the building to make sure no one was near. She tried to wave at him, anything to get his attention to stop, but it seemed to only take a few seconds for the door to open and he was ushering her inside.

At some point after giving him the jacket back, she started shivering, but she had barely noticed until now. She tucked her fingers in between her arms and body, but still didn't immediately go in. It was fairly dark, even darker than outside. Plus, she barely knew this guy. She looked at Vanden for a moment before staring back into the blackness. Eventually she hurried inside, staying right next to the door, but still out of his way. She didn't want to be trapped, just in case she needed to make a run for it. But, maybe at the same time getting a jacket will get him to ask less questions. Hopefully.

coding by cychotic

She pulled the paper back and began to scribble furiously, trying to cover her tracks and already inwardly berating herself for telling the truth. She knew it hadn't been a good idea. She hoped the mistake didn't come back to haunt her. Luckily, he didn't press anymore about it. She looked up as spoke and her eyes went wide again. She would have instantly protested, if it not for the lack of words. She silently followed him and when he started to break into the room, she looked around frantically, peering around the building to make sure no one was near. She tried to wave at him, anything to get his attention to stop, but it seemed to only take a few seconds for the door to open and he was ushering her inside.

At some point after giving him the jacket back, she started shivering, but she had barely noticed until now. She tucked her fingers in between her arms and body, but still didn't immediately go in. It was fairly dark, even darker than outside. Plus, she barely knew this guy. She looked at Vanden for a moment before staring back into the blackness. Eventually she hurried inside, staying right next to the door, but still out of his way. She didn't want to be trapped, just in case she needed to make a run for it. But, maybe at the same time getting a jacket will get him to ask less questions. Hopefully.
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Vanden stepped inside after Anabelle and he flipped on the light switch. The overhead fluorescences flickered lighting up the room. But near the back of the room, where Vanden was heading now, the only light there continuously flickered on and then off. Vanden came to a shelf and pulled out a large cardboard box. He sat it on the ground and there was a certain smell emanating from the box as he opened it. The smell of unwashed teenage jackets. Vanden started going through them pulling out girl coats and jackets and laying them on a nearby bench. Maybe Anabelle would pick one she wanted. "Anabelle, do you like any of these?" He asked moving his hand over them as if he was presenting them to her. As Vanden pulled out some more coats a jockstrap fell out onto the floor. He stared at it for a second. He looked at Anabelle and laughed. "Not mine." He kicked it underneath the bench. "Just ignore that."

Interactions: Gomenesigh Gomenesigh

Even though extremely jet-lagged from the trip Tallulah Woods couldn't help but wake up early Saturday morning. The excitement of being back home was too much to bear and the snow was fresh. She packed up her messenger bag with her cameras, an extra scarf, a bottle of water, a glass ball, and a thermos of hot chocolate. Most of her morning was spent wandering around town getting reacquainted with it, dreamily looking everywhere but where she was going. Who cared if she got lost? The journey was always better than the destination. Except when it wasn't. Like when the destination was a surprise.

Eventually Lulu found herself in the park and a warm smile crested her lips. The snow gently drifting down onto the trees was beautiful. The quiet, serene cold was mesmerizing. Oh how she missed this town. She'd seen it all before, but there was always something new and unique to notice. Tightening the strap of her bag around herself she made her way into the park and up to a large tree. She tucked in the hem of her sweater into her light wash jeans and pushed the ends of her floral scarf behind her to her back. With a small jump she grabbed onto a low hanging branch and, using the trunk of the tree for support, hoisted herself up and into the tree. She sat on the branch for a few moments admiring the view and settling her bag into a crook of the branch. She pulled out her digital camera from the bag before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath of the cold air. She leaned backwards and let her body swing down so that she was hanging upside down from the tree branch by her legs. She looked around at the upside down world through the lens of her viewfinder. A couple of pictures later Tallulah noticed she was not the only soul in the park. There was a figure in the frozen basketball court.

Lulu carefully slid off her branch and grabbed her bag as she slowly made her way over to the court. A lone figure against the winter cold, doing something they were clearly passionate about was strangely poetic to her. She walked up to the enclosing fence and carefully put her hand up against it, just watching the girl, a small smile written on her face. This mystery girl's hair was stark white and blue. It stood out from, yet complimented the snow quite nicely. She tilted her head to the side and briefly wondered if perhaps she was some sort of winter faerie or nymph. Realizing she was staring strangely Lulu looked away and pulled out her thermos and took a sip before she tried to wave and get the girls attention. Gomenesigh Gomenesigh

It was bound to happen that someone else was going to catch on to Ash's whole... 'cry for help.' But that's the weird thing about it. Ash didn't want help, but that didn't mean Grace wasn't going to keep shoving that help in her face until she took it. Following her with a glance towards Ian. She wasn't very happy to see her here and that was clear. But she didn't mean to show Belle the message. Well, she did! But not that part. "Ash that's not what..." her words came out more of mumble and she rubbed at her head.

Following her up the stairs as she continued.

"Look. I was in a state of panic when you quit. I showed her you quit! I didn't mean to show her what you--" Her words had died instantly on her lips at the sight of Ash's bedroom. What the hell happened? Her gaze fell onto the empty cage, broken tv, the canopy, The mirror hurt a bit. Old memories flooded through her before she turned to Ash questionably. "What..." At this point, Grace was just shocked and confused more than anything. What the fuck had been going on when she wasn't here?

Of course she wasn't here for her. Her heart fell at the mention of Jeffery, poor baby ferret. And she felt even worse when she brought up the night of the breakup. It's not that she didn't believe her! It's that she didn't want to. But... Ash was right. Catching the shirt last second. "I'm sorry for Belle. And for not believing you when I should've." Her arms fell to her sides, much more aware of her uncomfortable wetness with the dumb whiskey. And now Grace smelled like a homeless alcoholic. Cool.

She scoffed, crossing her arms. "No, not right." Grace pulled off the whiskey stained shirt and started to undo the shirt that was inside out. Ash couldn't see that there was people who actually cared about her, because she was too worried about the ones who didn't. "I know you're hurting and I'm here, Ash. We can fix this." 'She fell off the deep-end.' Just because some people thought she did, doesn't mean she couldn't come back from it. Grace wouldn't let that happen.

Winona Winona PenguinFox PenguinFox
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Anabelle Price
Samantha Gilly



Ana's eyes flickered shut for a moment as the lights turned on, the sudden brightness needing some getting used to. When her eyes finally opened again, Vanden was already making his way to the back of the room. She didn't follow him, though. She stayed where she was, following him with her eyes as he pulled a box down and started going through it. With a quick look around the room, she slowly edged her way over, looking at the jackets from afar. The flickering light made it a little difficult to see the details of them, but really any of them would do. Although, she had to notice the smell coming off of them. The closer she got, the stronger the smell got as well. She pursed her lips, trying to ignore the smell. But then something else fell out of the box.

She stared at it a moment before he kicked it under the bench. It wasn't until then she realized what it was and felt her cheeks light up. She tilted her head down, trying to hide her heated face, trying to focus back on the matter at hand. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to wear any of them before washing them. But then... she wouldn't be able to take this home. If her father ever saw it.... it wouldn't end well for her. But, to placate him, she went over and picked up the closest one to her. It was black, which was fine for her. It had buttons down the front, kind of like a casual military jacket. She nodded at this one and picked it up, but held it away from her. Definitely not putting it on.

◄ ►

Sam had begun working up quite a sweat and she had to say, it felt good to play again. She was a lot better than she had remembered and that made her extremely happy. She was so busy shooting hoops from various angles and depths of the court, practicing dribbling moves, and all around almost having a 1 on 1 with herself. She weaved through the court as if dodging another player, practicing pump fakes, and all sorts of other moves.

Eventually, she found herself needing a break and put the ball down, allowing her limbs to stretch on the court. The cold was pretty irrelevant to her, from how much she was moving around. Standing still, the cold air actually felt pretty good. It was also a great time to admire the park, something she hadn’t really done since she moved to town. The snow sparkled on the ground and it was starting to fall again. She spun around, enjoying the air. It was then that she noticed the girl at the fence, waving at her. She looked behind her, almost convinced that she was waving for someone else, but it was only the two of them out there.

Sam quickly picked up the ball and tucked it under her arm before she ran over, waving at her before she got there. “Hey there. I didn’t think I would see anyone out here. What brings you out?” She smiled as she dropped the ball to the ground, her foot stopping it from bouncing back up. A hand ran through her ponytail and her eyes wandered a bit. She saw the thermos and all the bags. “Hah, it seems like you came prepared for this snowy day. You look so warm. I’m Samantha by the way, Sam for short.”

coding by cychotic

Ana's eyes flickered shut for a moment as the lights turned on, the sudden brightness needing some getting used to. When her eyes finally opened again, Vanden was already making his way to the back of the room. She didn't follow him, though. She stayed where she was, following him with her eyes as he pulled a box down and started going through it. With a quick look around the room, she slowly edged her way over, looking at the jackets from afar. The flickering light made it a little difficult to see the details of them, but really any of them would do. Although, she had to notice the smell coming off of them. The closer she got, the stronger the smell got as well. She pursed her lips, trying to ignore the smell. But then something else fell out of the box.

She stared at it a moment before he kicked it under the bench. It wasn't until then she realized what it was and felt her cheeks light up. She tilted her head down, trying to hide her heated face, trying to focus back on the matter at hand. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to wear any of them before washing them. But then... she wouldn't be able to take this home. If her father ever saw it.... it wouldn't end well for her. But, to placate him, she went over and picked up the closest one to her. It was black, which was fine for her. It had buttons down the front, kind of like a casual military jacket. She nodded at this one and picked it up, but held it away from her. Definitely not putting it on.

◄ ►

Sam had begun working up quite a sweat and she had to say, it felt good to play again. She was a lot better than she had remembered and that made her extremely happy. She was so busy shooting hoops from various angles and depths of the court, practicing dribbling moves, and all around almost having a 1 on 1 with herself. She weaved through the court as if dodging another player, practicing pump fakes, and all sorts of other moves.

Eventually, she found herself needing a break and put the ball down, allowing her limbs to stretch on the court. The cold was pretty irrelevant to her, from how much she was moving around. Standing still, the cold air actually felt pretty good. It was also a great time to admire the park, something she hadn’t really done since she moved to town. The snow sparkled on the ground and it was starting to fall again. She spun around, enjoying the air. It was then that she noticed the girl at the fence, waving at her. She looked behind her, almost convinced that she was waving for someone else, but it was only the two of them out there.

Sam quickly picked up the ball and tucked it under her arm before she ran over, waving at her before she got there. “Hey there. I didn’t think I would see anyone out here. What brings you out?” She smiled as she dropped the ball to the ground, her foot stopping it from bouncing back up. A hand ran through her ponytail and her eyes wandered a bit. She saw the thermos and all the bags. “Hah, it seems like you came prepared for this snowy day. You look so warm. I’m Samantha by the way, Sam for short.”
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Vanden watched her as she came closer and he smiled at her when she picked up one of the coats. "Nice choice." He said as she held the jacket away from her. "Yeah, they stink, that's for sure." He started putting the jackets back into the box when the door to the building suddenly slammed shut. Vanden jumped and stood straight up staring towards the door. The overhead light flicked off and Vanden dropped the coats he was holding. There was enough ambient light though that he could still see where Anabelle was and he grabbed her arm pulling her over to the lockers. He put his finger up to his mouth for the 'shh' sign, but then realized she wasn't going to make a sound anyway. He peered around the locker at the door. It was closed. Someone or something had shut it. He listened for the sound of any footsteps or maybe someone talking. "C-coach, is that you?" He asked stepping out from the lockers. The overhead light blinked erratically. On...off...on...off....off.... "COACH?" Vanden yelled. His voice echoed in the small room. There was no answer.

Interactions: Gomenesigh Gomenesigh
Anabelle Price

mentions: Direct Timing Direct Timing

Anabelle had a small smile, but it was soon erased when the door closed. Anabelle jumped, dropping the jacket in the process. She turned around to look behind them, but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. But, the overhead light started flickering even more than before. She suddenly regretted going in there and quickly picked up the jacket and stuffed it in her bag. Vanden pulled at her arm and she stumbled forward, surprised at the sudden touch.

Not that she made much noise anyways, but she nodded and squeezed her lips together. She pressed herself up against the cold lockers and slowly sank to the ground, silent in everything she did. She squeezed the pen in her hand until her fingers ached and her knuckles turned white. She tried to peer around him to see, but couldn't see anything around Vanden's frame.
coding by cychotic

Anabelle had a small smile, but it was soon erased when the door closed. Anabelle jumped, dropping the jacket in the process. She turned around to look behind them, but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. But, the overhead light started flickering even more than before. She suddenly regretted going in there and quickly picked up the jacket and stuffed it in her bag. Vanden pulled at her arm and she stumbled forward, surprised at the sudden touch.

Not that she made much noise anyways, but she nodded and squeezed her lips together. She pressed herself up against the cold lockers and slowly sank to the ground, silent in everything she did. She squeezed the pen in her hand until her fingers ached and her knuckles turned white. She tried to peer around him to see, but couldn't see anything around Vanden's frame.
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Vanden took a few steps forward but then the the light near the door started to flicker as well. "What the hell?" Vanden said under his breath. On...off...off....on....on...off...off...off... And when the light blinked back on something was standing there. Vanden screamed and fell back onto the floor. ...off...off...off... A dark figure slowly moved towards Vanden. There was a labored breathing sound like a dying animal and it scraped along the concrete floor as if it was heavy. Vanden looked up at it and began crawling backwards. It was a man...he was wearing a stained brown jacket and had long black hair. He had a unkempt beard with chunks of food in it. As he got closer to him he smelled something, something familiar. Shit. Another light above Vanden flickered and then went out completely. The room was getting darker and darker. Vanden turned over and stood up but the man grabbed the collar of Vanden's jacket and pulled him back with a strained exhale. "NO!" Vanden screamed and he struggled. Finally, the figure let him go and Vanden fell to the floor on his hands and knees. He crawled a few paces and then stumbled up to his feet. He ran over to Anabelle. There was a look of terror on his face as he grabbed Anabelle by the arm. "C'mon!" Vanden yelled in a frightened voice. He rushed her towards the door.

Interactions: Gomenesigh Gomenesigh
Anabelle Price

mentions: Direct Timing Direct Timing

Ana was completely and utterly frightened. She couldn't move, she couldn't think, she couldn't even breathe. All she could see was darkness and something moving in she shadows. With it the lights flickered more and more. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, but still she couldn't do anything. It's as if her body wouldn't respond, even as the figure came into the light and grabbed Vanden was lifted into the air. It was a man standing there with his hands on Vanden, or what she thought was a man.

He was covered in filth and grime, his clothes tattered and his face covered with hair. But suddenly, he was free and moving towards her. She still did nothing but stay there and watch. Then he was in front of her, grabbing her arm, and lifting her to her feet. It was only his touch that really brought her back to the present. Her breathing started again, but it was labored, strained from having not breathed for several seconds or maybe over a minute. She stumbled as she tried to walk forward, bumping into him. She was able to keep her balance with his grip on her arm and she hurried with him to the door.

The man stood there menacingly as they moved to go around him, but he seemed to be in a daze. She stayed close to Vanden and they seemed to be able to rush past. But, it was just as she turned to the door, her eyes finally off the man, that something held her ankle in place. She was ripped from Vanden's grasp and immediately fell straight to the floor, landing hard on her already bruised body. She turned to look back only to see the man holding strong onto her ankle, grabbing relentlessly at her legs to try and pull her closer as he mumbled incomprehensible words under his breath. Panicked with eyes wide, she pulled as hard as she could at her leg, trying to break free.
coding by cychotic

Ana was completely and utterly frightened. She couldn't move, she couldn't think, she couldn't even breathe. All she could see was darkness and something moving in she shadows. With it the lights flickered more and more. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, but still she couldn't do anything. It's as if her body wouldn't respond, even as the figure came into the light and grabbed Vanden was lifted into the air. It was a man standing there with his hands on Vanden, or what she thought was a man.

He was covered in filth and grime, his clothes tattered and his face covered with hair. But suddenly, he was free and moving towards her. She still did nothing but stay there and watch. Then he was in front of her, grabbing her arm, and lifting her to her feet. It was only his touch that really brought her back to the present. Her breathing started again, but it was labored, strained from having not breathed for several seconds or maybe over a minute. She stumbled as she tried to walk forward, bumping into him. She was able to keep her balance with his grip on her arm and she hurried with him to the door.

The man stood there menacingly as they moved to go around him, but he seemed to be in a daze. She stayed close to Vanden and they seemed to be able to rush past. But, it was just as she turned to the door, her eyes finally off the man, that something held her ankle in place. She was ripped from Vanden's grasp and immediately fell straight to the floor, landing hard on her already bruised body. She turned to look back only to see the man holding strong onto her ankle, grabbing relentlessly at her legs to try and pull her closer as he mumbled incomprehensible words under his breath. Panicked with eyes wide, she pulled as hard as she could at her leg, trying to break free.
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Vanden felt Anabelle pulled from his grip as she fell to the floor. Vanden's grip was so tight on her that he almost fell with her, but he was able to remain standing. He turned to see that this guy had grabbed her by the ankle and legs. The older man's hands kept wrapping themselves further up her legs like twisting black roots. Maybe it was the flickering lights playing tricks on his eyes...maybe it was the fear he was experiencing at that very moment, but Vanden didn't know for sure. And now he wasn't sure what to do, get the door open? Grab Anabelle? He turned first to Anabelle and grabbed her by her wrists trying to pull her away from the man but he tugged back and Vanden lost his grip on her as he fell forward landing on her. The man's long blackened nails clawing at Anabelle. "God, no!" He pushed off of her and on his knees turned to the door. He grabbed the handle with both hands and twisted it as hard as he could. The door handle did not budge. He turned back. With every second the man was closer...Vanden looked up at the wall next to him and saw a fire extinguisher. He clambered up and yanked the red metal tube off the wall and tossed it at the writhing arms stretching across Anabelle's legs. There was a crooked scream as the man released her legs, withdrawing from the pain. Vanden reached down to pull Anabelle back up and then pushed her to the door. "Get the door open!" He yelled turning to face whoever or whatever this was that was coming after them. But now, there was nothing to grab, nothing to fight it with. If they didn't get out soon, they were going to die in here.

Interactions: Gomenesigh Gomenesigh

Tatum listened as Jace mentioned the boys name making sure to take note of it for future knowledge because she might forget it later on. She didn't know Mads at all but she knew that most kids at Westbrook just never looked as down as he did or at least as lonely. She was one of the few that sometimes felt that way but today she was not going to let some other person feel that way and that's why she was enlisting the help of someone who seemed to know everyone. Tatum wasn't one who used Twitter it just hadn't called to her but she had noticed it was popular around the school in a way for everyone to connect. However, she wasn't going to mention to Jace that she didn't have a Twitter that would just have to be a discussion for a different day if he chose to keep hanging around her.

She watched as strode off without her towards Mads making an introduction and she quietly followed behind. She was a little more cautious in her approach. She walked up with a smile, "You just looked like you needed some company, I'm Tatum." she wanted to do more than just have them be company but for now she just hoped the small offer would help him. Jace seemed like the dude that knew how to have a good time. So she hoped with both of them Mads would hopefully feel a little less down and look less lonely. Loneliness did not look good on anyone.

DrabberRogue DrabberRogue Dazzle Dazzle
Anabelle Price

mentions: Direct Timing Direct Timing

Ana was pulling so hard at her leg, she hadn't remembered about Vanden until he was pulling at her wrists, trying to untangle her from the darkness. It seemed effective, but then he was suddenly on top of her, knocking the wind from her lungs. Pain spread throughout her body and for a moment, she couldn't breathe. But, he was suddenly off of her and in the next moments a sharp pain clawed into her leg. She winced as Vanden more or less hauled her to her feet, but as soon as she pressed any weight on her ankle, she stumbled back down on her knee. Pain shot up through her leg and she grimaced, her eyes closing and her teeth gritting together.

It took her a moment to recover, but she used the door to pull herself up. She twisted and yanked at the door just as Vanden did, but it was no use. It wouldn't open for her. She quickly looked around, but there wasn't anything to use. The only thing she noticed was the small windows in the doors. She grimaced again, knowing what her only option was. She put her fist in her hand and with closed eyes, she rammed her elbow into the window until it shattered. She could feel her elbow split open. Her breath caught in her throat and body was shaking now, not from the cold, but from the pain in her leg, arm, and body in general.

With a shaky sigh, she stuck her arm through the window and fumbled with the door handle. The cold instantly numbed her fingers and it was difficult to get a good hold on. That and bits of glass were sticking up into her arm, causing even more pain. Luckily, she was able to find a grip on it and it turned easily. The door burst open and she grabbed Vanden's arm, using the momentum of the door swinging to pull both of them out. Her feet crunched against the snow, deep oranges and yellows illuminating it from the setting sun as she stumbled out.

Her arm ripped from the splintered window and she went sprawling on the ground, letting Vanden’s arm slip from her hand. She lay there with her eyes closed, cold air burning her lungs as she laid there in the snow. Her arm twitched and pulsed with pain. She didn’t dare look, but she knew that blood was soaking into the snow, each pulse of her heart pushing more blood from her body and quickly deadening her entire body.
coding by cychotic

Ana was pulling so hard at her leg, she hadn't remembered about Vanden until he was pulling at her wrists, trying to untangle her from the darkness. It seemed effective, but then he was suddenly on top of her, knocking the wind from her lungs. Pain spread throughout her body and for a moment, she couldn't breathe. But, he was suddenly off of her and in the next moments a sharp pain clawed into her leg. She winced as Vanden more or less hauled her to her feet, but as soon as she pressed any weight on her ankle, she stumbled back down on her knee. Pain shot up through her leg and she grimaced, her eyes closing and her teeth gritting together.

It took her a moment to recover, but she used the door to pull herself up. She twisted and yanked at the door just as Vanden did, but it was no use. It wouldn't open for her. She quickly looked around, but there wasn't anything to use. The only thing she noticed was the small windows in the doors. She grimaced again, knowing what her only option was. She put her fist in her hand and with closed eyes, she rammed her elbow into the window until it shattered. She could feel her elbow split open. Her breath caught in her throat and body was shaking now, not from the cold, but from the pain in her leg, arm, and body in general.

With a shaky sigh, she stuck her arm through the window and fumbled with the door handle. The cold instantly numbed her fingers and it was difficult to get a good hold on. That and bits of glass were sticking up into her arm, causing even more pain. Luckily, she was able to find a grip on it and it turned easily. The door burst open and she grabbed Vanden's arm, using the momentum of the door swinging to pull both of them out. Her feet crunched against the snow, deep oranges and yellows illuminating it from the setting sun as she stumbled out.

Her arm ripped from the splintered window and she went sprawling on the ground, letting Vanden’s arm slip from her hand. She lay there with her eyes closed, cold air burning her lungs as she laid there in the snow. Her arm twitched and pulsed with pain. She didn’t dare look, but she knew that blood was soaking into the snow, each pulse of her heart pushing more blood from her body and quickly deadening her entire body
Vanden didn't turn to look when he heard glass breaking but somewhere inside he knew that must be a good thing. The man scrapped along the floor as its towering form drew closer to them. Vanden knew that he was going to have to keep the guy away from Anaebelle if he wanted to give her a chance to escape. It was the right thing to do so Vanden was preparing himself to charge at him and hopefully push him back in the process when a sudden blast of cold air hit Vanden from behind. He felt himself being yanked outside by Anabelle and when she fell into the snow so did he. But Vanden quickly pushed himself up and turned to look in the changing room. All of the lights were flickering back on...off...on...off and the man stood there reaching out for them. Vanden slammed the door shut and saw a two by four piece of wood. He grabbed it and set it against the door handle to hold the door closed. There was loud banging and swearing from the other side of the door. That's when Vanden noticed there was blood running down the broken out window. Vanden looked down at Anabelle and saw that she was bleeding from her arm, her elbow...it was a mess. He quickly knelt down by her side and carefully turned her over. "A-Anabelle? You ok?" He asked. Vanden inspected her arm. It was all sliced up and bleeding badly. There was also a split right on her elbow and when he bent her arm he could see her bone. Vanden turned a shade paler and he felt faint for a second, but fortunately he had to much adrenaline running through his veins to keep him from passing out. "It's going to be ok Anabelle. Hang in there." Vanden took off his jacket and then took off one of his t-shirts that had a earthen brown color to it and began tearing it into strips. He gently wrapped her arm and then tied a strip around her elbow. "You're going to need stitches Anabelle. Can you walk?" Even though the clouds had broken up from just minutes ago the temperature felt like it was dropping and Vanden's teeth started chattering. "T-try and sit up if you c-can...c-can you?" Vanden would try and help her and then he put his jacket back on.

Interactions: Gomenesigh Gomenesigh
Anabelle Price

mentions: Direct Timing Direct Timing

The cold was surprising pleasant, even though it caused her body to start shaking again. It took the pain away end took the fear away as well. So, she was more or less content to just lay there, unmoving as she tried to calm her breathing down. She heard Vanden speak, but it sounded distant and she didn't respond. Not even when he moved her and lifted her arm did she open her eyes, but she did flinch a little. The snow had taken away a lot of the pain but not that much. It was still hurting to mess around with like that. It wasn't until he mentioned stitches that her eyes popped open and she immediately sat up.

She absolutely could not go to a hospital. It was out of the question. They would ask questions, contact her father, and then things would only get worse from there. It hurt even to sit up, but it was a priority now. She looked around for her drawing pad, but she couldn't see it in the dying light, which was also a huge worry. That drawing notebook was one of the only things she really cared about and now it might be gone. She briefly looked at Vanden and was thankful to see he was okay, but this situation was still all her fault. If she had just given it to him earlier in the week, none of this would have happened.

She looked away from him, too ashamed because of what had happened. Without any other choice, she dipped a shaky finger in the blood stained snow and wrote a quick

No hospitals

Before standing up. The letters were wobbly at best, but even she could read it in the encroaching darkness. It took a bit of effort to stand up. She had to stop when she stood, the pain in her ankle sending her back to her knees. It took her a moment to get past it, but she was able to get back on her feet. Well, at least one of them. It was too much to put any kind of weight on her other foot, so she pressed the toe of her shoe against the ground for balance as she looked around, looking for something she could use as a makeshift crutch.
coding by cychotic

The cold was surprising pleasant, even though it caused her body to start shaking again. It took the pain away end took the fear away as well. So, she was more or less content to just lay there, unmoving as she tried to calm her breathing down. She heard Vanden speak, but it sounded distant and she didn't respond. Not even when he moved her and lifted her arm did she open her eyes, but she did flinch a little. The snow had taken away a lot of the pain but not that much. It was still hurting to mess around with like that. It wasn't until he mentioned stitches that her eyes popped open and she immediately sat up.

She absolutely could not go to a hospital. It was out of the question. They would ask questions, contact her father, and then things would only get worse from there. It hurt even to sit up, but it was a priority now. She looked around for her drawing pad, but she couldn't see it in the dying light, which was also a huge worry. That drawing notebook was one of the only things she really cared about and now it might be gone. She briefly looked at Vanden and was thankful to see he was okay, but this situation was still all her fault. If she had just given it to him earlier in the week, none of this would have happened.

She looked away from him, too ashamed because of what had happened. Without any other choice, she dipped a shaky finger in the blood stained snow and wrote a quick

No hospitals

Before standing up. The letters were wobbly at best, but even she could read it in the encroaching darkness. It took a bit of effort to stand up. She had to stop when she stood, the pain in her ankle sending her back to her knees. It took her a moment to get past it, but she was able to get back on her feet. Well, at least one of them. It was too much to put any kind of weight on her other foot, so she pressed the toe of her shoe against the ground for balance as she looked around, looking for something she could use as a makeshift crutch.

Jasmine smiled brightly as she followed Adriane to a table and sat with her. Letting out a relieved sigh as she relaxed into her chair and looked to Adriane. “Sawyer.” Jasmine answered her question of who her cousin was who admittedly Jasmine wished was more... around to at least show her around. But she had been scarce ever since jasmine got there which sucked.

“You know a good place to buy clothes for out here?” She asked almost instantly with a bashful chuckle. “I’m not from this climate to say the least and kinda didn’t bring the proper clothing for it hehe.” She said clearly embarrassed she had done that.

Picking up the drink she took a sip as she started to eat. Enjoying the food as best she could as she waited for Adrianes answer. Hopping her new possible friend would be willing to take her.
Winona Winona

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