• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Westbrook


Tatum watched as he comfortably plopped into seat across from her a small smirk was on her face, so far she had come to realize that she was not a recognized face and for that she was grateful. She let her eyes gaze back at her mug knowing she definitely wanted another cup. At the mention of his name she gave a coy smile. He seemed like the type who knew how to have fun even if only for small moments. She could enjoy that. At the realization of his question Tatum shrugged her shoulders, “New enough.” She decided to go with vague answers rather than being direct with this male. Something told her he enjoyed a challenge and she was up for the challenge for now. She let her eyes stare directly into his, "So tell me Jace, why haven't I seen you around the halls?" She cocked her eyebrow wondering how he would take her statement.

She couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind, because if she knew anything about males it's that they enjoy a little challenge and that they enjoy a new 'toy'. Of course she was willing to play with him if only to see where it would go. Keep herself guarded and not let him get too involved. She didn't need pain when eventually he decided he was tired of her and tired of playing the game she had just set up. But she wanted to also give him the benefit of the doubt that he was a good guy and that he might not screw her over, but so far that hadn't been her luck with any male. So here she was again only it was new boy and what she hoped to be a different game. Only time would be able to tell.

DrabberRogue DrabberRogue
The girl's coy smile and vague words got Jace to tilt his head a little, his crooked smirk noticeably widening. Suddenly their random encounter was a little more interesting. Why hadn't she seen him in the halls? The question caught him off guard, so he took a couple seconds to consider it, but really there was only one answer. "I guess you're new enough." He repeated, staring intently back into those brown eyes. Jace figured that anyone who hadn't at least seen his face was probably pretty new. Admittedly he hadn't been the most social since Winter break, having been sucked into a game he got for Christmas, but that just meant Tatum hadn't been around before then. New enough indeed.

"Don't worry though, you'll see more than enough of me before the year is over." He continued in a playful tone. Was that wording a little weird? Whatever. If it came off as flirty then all the better. If it came off as too forward? Well, better luck next time. Jace didn't dwell too long on the thought, instead flowing into his next words. "If you can dodge all the drama that is. Westbrook brand madness can get a little distracting."

Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

Brie Dennis

The morning had gone by in a flash. Though she woke up early today, her weekend activities were quick to steal the remaining hours. An early jog to avoid the glaring sun started her day. Her earphones hung from her ears, blaring music into them to drown out the sounds of the rousing city. Shortly after, she's off to the gym for her usual boxing routine. Her schedule was designed to be enjoyed during the cool air of the morning, all before the sun stares down at the city in all its glory. Before she knew it, lunch was around the corner and her stomach started to protest against her ignorance.

With hands stuffed in her denim jacket, she strolled the streets to search for a place to dine at. She often eats at the block a mile from here—having a taste for the Asian food they serve—but she thought she'd try somewhere new today. There were several stops made to check out menus, but none piqued her interest. That is, until a certain blonde caught her eye. Her face immediately lit up, recognizing the stoic young woman she's so curious of.

"Ristorante Biccari, huh?" she whispered to herself, reading the restaurant's name outloud. It was unsurprising to find someone like her to be in some posh-sounding establishment. Without a second thought, she pushed aside her cravings and entered the restaurant. With a hand raised up, she greeted the princess. "Hey, Blondie! What a coincidence to see you here." Her trademark grin adorned her face. "Do you mind if I sit with you? I'm famished!" she said, already inviting herself in and slipping into the empty seat.

The waiter was quick to present her with a menu. Her eyes glanced over the available dishes. Everything seemed amazing. The food looked delectable. She let herself soak in the ambiance of her fancy surroundings. "Ah... These pesto pastas look amazing. I'll have this please!" She pointed on the menu, not wanting to embarrass herself by pronouncing it wrong. Once that was out of the way, she returned her attention back to Nicole.


Tatum caught what sounded like him flirting back with her which caused a small smile to creep up on her face rather than a smirk. She hadn't had anyone flirt with her in quite awhile, mostly because she hadn't allowed it and hadn't wanted to deal with anyone. She wasn't sure why Jace was different but he was and for that she figured she could indulge herself in some harmless fun. She got up from the table and let her eyes stay on Jace before moving to the counter to get another cup of coffee.

When she returned she kept her eyes on him, "So, Jace how have you survived such drama? What in your life has kept you from going mad?" she took a sip of her coffee while never breaking eye contact with the boy. She figured if she was going to flirt with him and have a little fun she might as well get to know him.

DrabberRogue DrabberRogue
Jace's bright eyes followed hers as she stood up, only looking away when she did. It was only then he remembered that he in fact had a cup of his own to sip on. A cup filled with espresso. He was in the middle of sipping when the girl returned, his eyes almost shining with delight at the taste of what was practically distilled caffeine. "I was never sane in the first place." Jace replied in a quiet, faux serious tone. He didn't let those words linger for long, however. With a short chuckle he quickly amended his statement. "Nah, but..." At least he started to amend it. Mid sentence he interrupted himself with another quick sip of espresso, staring back into Tatum's brown gaze the whole time. The call of caffeine had proved too powerful to resist. "...I don't really do drama." The boy continued as if he'd never stopped talking. "Westbrook's weekly disasters kinda just miss me. It's like I'm at the center of a storm." Still smirking he closed one eye, practically winking at her as he pointed a gloved finger at the open one. Okay, maybe that was kind of a goofy way to accent his point. But he liked it better than just using more words.

Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

Theo beamed, taking a seat next to Rae. Yes, this was much better. It was just so easy to be around her. Now he understood why Chase had fancied her so much. Chase... He frowned slightly at the thought. They had barely spent any time together since he had gotten back from his time overseas. Now he was gone. With no word as to if he would be coming back or not. Being the softie he was, he felt a little heartbroken over losing his one of best friends. What was he supposed to do without him? Sure he had other best friends like Zach and Grace. It still just wasn’t the same.

But he wasn't supposed to be this big softie anymore. That was the old Theo. The one that thought he was personally responsible for everyone's feelings. The new Theo was tough and unfeeling. The kind of person that had a large body count. Well, at least he was working on it. It was certainly working as well. He was pulling in far more attention than he ever did when he was nice to everyone. It probably helped that he had the best ladies man in Westbrook giving him tips on how to woo people. It was surprisingly easy to become more confident when you have tried and true methods.

Theo smiled sheepishly as he realised that he had zoned out and forgot to answer her question. “Uh right! It was kinda eh. Had to drive he who must not be named back down” he said, rolling his eyes at the memory. “Honestly. I could care less about them now. There are far better people that I could spend my time with. Like you” he joked, winking playfully at her. A blue-eyed boy briefly caught his attention as he walked past their table. Hmm or maybe that boy would be a far better way to spend his time.

He tapped his fingers on the desk letting their conversation fall into a comfortable silence for a minute. “What are your plans for the weekend. Do you wanna hang out?” He offered. Sure he had promised to watch the game with Zach and Belle but he was sure that they would be fine on their own. He was also pretty sure that Marlo and Josephine had been secretly rooting for them. It may have been his fault seeing as he had accidentally told them about how Belle had beat up that scary guy Kanen for Zach. To be fair they were very good at getting information out of him. They could be very scary when they wanted to.
Dazzle Dazzle

Belle tapped her fingers anxiously on Zach's thigh. There couldn't be a better way to spend the weekend. Watching the game with her favourite guy with an assortment of snacks laid out in front of them. Her eyes were hyper-focused on the screen as the player ran down the field. She leaned forward until she was almost falling off the edge of her seat. The player took the shot... and missed. "You've gotta be kidding me! A toddler could have made that" she exclaimed out of frustration. To further express her frustration she took a bit of popcorn from the bowl and flicked it at Zach's nose. As if it was his fault that the players were performing so poorly.

She moved back onto the couch, this time laying down with her head on Zach's lap. "You know... He plays almost as terribly as you do" she teased, a small smirk playing on her lips. Was he actually a great player? Maybe. But what kind of friend would she be if she didn't take his ego down a peg every so often? Especially since there were so many girls inflating it all the time. Speaking of girls inflating his ego, she had definitely not given him enough crap about her sleeping with a certain cheerleader. It was her duty after all. "I still can't believe you slept with JJ" she groaned, making a gagging gesture to him.

Belle covered her eyes as the players on screen made another terrible play. "This is far too painful. I can't watch anymore," she said, turning her head so she was looking up at him. It was still so weird that he would sleep with Jj of all people. Oh man. Jj and Zach combined into a small child? That would be a terrifying combination for a child. Deciding bugging Zach was more interesting than the game she reached up and poked his chest. "Do you want to settle down and have mini Zach's one day? Or are you just gonna be a lady killer even when you're old" she asked. It was always interesting hearing what he thought about things like that.

"but like what if you accidentally knocked someone up? That would be hilarious. Not for you but like for me" she said, giggling a little. Oh if he got anyone pregnant she would never let him live it down. "If it makes you feel better you would make adorable babies" she teased, leaning up and squishing his cheeks. "Especially if they got that jawline. Oh how I swoon" she said, sarcasm dripping from her tone as she pretended to fan herself.
Dazzle Dazzle

Paisley was right they were about to get a whole lot busier, but shouldn't that mean they should enjoy the time they had now instead. Because one auditions started, they weren't going to have time for anything else. As Paisley leaned into him he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Come on Pais" He smirked looking down at her. He lifted his coffee off the side table taking a sip. "We should do something before we have no time at allllll.." He leaned his head back against the headboard. Graham was still exhausted but, he didn't want to sit around all day. That wouldn't be fun.

At the mention of cheer Graham started to think about what a shit show practice had been that week, Grace was all over the place after Ash quit. Of course Graham was worried about her, the team had been a wreck without her. Graham and Belle had tried to rearrange everyone so the routines could work without Ash, but Grace shut them all down as she was convinced that she would have Ash back within the week. Which put all of practice on hold for the time being.

"Paaaisssssss" He looked back down at Paisley as she made the puppy dog face at him, why did she have to pull that card. "Commmmmmeeeee onnnnnnn." He whined. "Fine." He gave in rather quickly. "Whatever you want." He threw his head against he back of the head board in defeat. "ow." Smirking as he rubbed the back of his head. "That wasn't a smart idea."

Interactions: @txtlos, Mentions: Maree Maree Winona Winona Soap Soap
[div class=cyntxenclose][div class=cyntxpost][div class=cyntxcontent]

Nicole Belrose

Nicole almost choked on her drink when a familiar voice came from the restaurant doors, her attention swiveled, confirming her assumptions. Nicole felt her cheek twitch, she firmly placed her drinking glass back on the table. There, her worst nightmare came through the doors. Clothed in a fashion that Nicole could only attribute to carefree teens, Brie Dennis strutted towards Nicole’s table, jacket swishing side to side. Her disarming and exuberant smile already winning over the nervous waiter, Nicole squashed the urge to roll her eyes.

At least Brie had the manners not to drag the chair back, it would’ve completely destroyed what remained of her peaceful afternoon. Brie was already talking, the spring in her tone dreadfully apparent, Nicole casted a blank gaze, twirling her fingers around the neck of her drinking glass and took a careful sip. She returned the glass on the table painfully slowly, Nicole found herself agreeing with Brie’s choice of food despite being an uninvited guest. Deciding to humor the girl for once, Nicole nodded, “Truffle tagliatelle, a classic.”

Brie dressed exactly like she did in school, unsurprising. Nicole noted, the girl was fascinating to a degree. Shre sported such an enviable amount of enthusiasm; infectious even. It had it’s uses, in class Brie always managed to fire everyone up, great for morale. She would do well in a PR position, unfortunately Brie had the irritating habit of getting a reaction from Nicole. Perhaps it was a personal challenge for Brie, or perhaps she was trying to measure Nicole’s patience. She would have to try harder, Nicole swiped the left over sauce on her lips, savoring the taste of perfectly grilled meat.

[/div][/div][div class=cyntxpic][div class=cyntxborder][/div][/div][div class=cyntxnotes]Location: Ristorante Biccari Outfit: Noon With : Cyn Cyn [/div][div style=font-size:8px;text-align:center;width:600px;color:#bbb;font-size:12px;][/div][/div] [class=cyntxenclose]width: 600px; height: 300px; background: #121212; margin: 30px auto;[/class][class=cyntxcontent]width:370px;height:260px;position:absolute;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;margin-top:-130px;overflow-y:scroll;color:#bbb;padding-right:20px;[/class] [class=cyntxpost]display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; width: 400px; height: 300px; padding: 20px; box-sizing: border-box;[/class] [class=cyntxpic]display: table-cell; width: 200px; height: 300px; box-sizing: border-box; background: #1c1c1c; padding: 20px; text-align: center; filter: grayscale(100%); -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); transition: all ease 1s;[/class] [class=cyntxborder] display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.5); width: 200px; height: 260px; box-sizing: border-box;[/class] [class name=cyntxpic state=hover]filter: grayscale(0%); -webkit-filter: grayscale(0%);[/class] [class=cyntxpic]background: url(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/336134975197806593/593272500356513802/4515a9039243f4a8067b5b227671c9e1.jpg) #1c1c1c;[/class] [class=cyntxnotes]width:580px;height:15px;background:#202020;padding: 0px 10px 4px 10px;font-size: 11px; color: #bbb;[/class]

Hugging Noah felt a little bit like coming home, instantaneous comfort washing over the brunette as she melted into him. The black haired boy was a little slice of home, someone that Dani had missed terribly, but that didn't matter. She had her best friend back now.

"When is Westbrook ever boring?" The brunette scoffed before nudging Milos back mindlessly, though her eyes stayed glued on Noah. She was fully aware of what a bad driver her was, hell she had even tried to teach him before he had left for Italy, but there truly was no hope for the boy. "Apparently some kid got the shit beat out of him, people are breaking up left and right, that West chick quit the cheer team from what I heard or some bullshit like that. Apparently a mound of shit went down at the West ski trip which I'm glad I didn't go on," Pausing, Dani sipped at her water, shrugged her shoulders before leaning back into her seat in the booth. "Good ol' Westbrook, causing mental destruction," I mean she wasn't wrong... this place was a god damned mess. "But hey, at least no one is going around assaulting trash cans... not everyone." A chuckle slipped as Dani leaned into Milos, playing off of his humor for the situation.

This felt right, her two best friends in this worn out booth in some corner cafe, having brunch and messing with each other. This was her final year of high school after all, and this was how she wanted to spend it; carefree.

Winona Winona mogy mogy


Of course Paisley got her way... when was Graham ever able to tell her no? It was a special thing that she had over the boy, the amount of times she could puppy-dog-eye through life with the auburn haired boy, but not only that, how easy and kind he was about it. It mystified the blonde that her best friend was still single, I mean seriously! Who wouldn't be lucky to have someone like Graham? He was strong, attractive, intelligent, caring, kind... everything a girl could want, right? Right. Then again, she didn't mind not sharing the boy.

"Be careful with yourself!" Paisley chuckled as the boy's head slammed back into the bed board, laughing a little before placing an exaggerated kiss to the back of his head before pushing up out of bed. She danced over to the TV, grabbing the remote and bouncing in place as the TV guide popped up. Paisley flicked through the channels while bobbing up and down before pressing on a classic; Mamma Mia! "This is exactly what we need today my dear," She cooed before scrambling back into bed, yawning as she snuggled up close to Graham, a smile on her lips. "Just some R and R before the craziness of the season starts. Trust me, we're gonna be happy we did this."

Dazzle Dazzle


Wait... what did he mean?

Well first off, Jace's unhappiness wasn't ever something that Nova wanted. The blonde was too pure for such feelings, and if she could just bundle his problems and shoulder the burden for himself, you bet your ass she would. But it wasn't that caught Nova off guard, it was what followed. Jace had assumed he was fully gay after liking Theo, which made sense. But upon her return, his feelings... shifted. It was obvious to see his confusion, but Nova immediately thought of the third solution that it appeared her blonde beanie boy hadn't.

Gently, as if he would break, the brunette wrapped delicate fingers around Jace's wrist, rubbing his skin with her thumb as she took a deep breath. It was clear to see his inner conflict, it broke her heart to see it, but if she could help, why wouldn't she? "Jace?" The words would've been lost if any other sound had surrounded them. But luckily, the room was deathly silent other than sniffles and shallow breaths. "Have you considered that maybe you're, y'know... bisexual?"

Not sure if she had just made the situation better or worse, Nova moved to stretch out her legs around her ex-boyfriend's crumpled form, resting her forehead against his temple and letting her hands fall onto his knee. She couldn't imagine what the boy was going through, that hefty question that, in high school, took over your entire world. But just like everything else the two had been through, Nova would be right by his side to help or listen. Whatever Jace needed.

Winona Winona
June didn’t know what to say at first. She gripped her purse tighter to herself as Mason repeated everything she was thinking. Of course they’ll be mad at her. Why would she expect anything different? “I do care about you.” She said quickly when he accused her of not caring. “Look I really do, but I—“ She was going to explain herself when she looked over and saw Ari. Her eyes widened a bit when the little girl said she missed her.

She did her best not to cry. She hated to cry in public nowadays, but it was so very hard as she looked at the little girl. She gently leaned forward and squeezed her hand. “I missed you too.” She said then looked at Mason and Raven. “I really did miss you. But, I thought I was never coming back to Westbrook. And now that I have to, I thought it would be better if no one noticed. I guess it’s ridiculous now that I say it out loud.” For a moment she felt like her old self, the one who was excited to take pictures and bold enough to flirt with the most flirtatious girl she’s ever known. She hung her head for a moment. “I’m sorry. I really am and being away from Westbrook really made me think about myself more. And I’m coming back as a changed person, if you don’t believe me that’s fine. I’m telling the truth though. And if you want you can ask me anything.” She explained looking between the two.

Winona Winona Soap Soap
Location: Sleeping Hedgehog Cafe
Interacting with: no one (OPEN)
Mention:Juliette ( Soap Soap ), Necktie ( Dede Dede ), Mads (“gloomy golden retriever”, Dazzle Dazzle )​

During the rest of the first week back at school, Sebastian avoided sitting in the same place at lunchtime. He even went to the library during the last few days in a row, using studying as an excuse (though mostly secretly trying to eat snacks), or just reading random books out of boredom. Yes, it was to avoid encountering Juliette, or JJ again—he didn’t know what the second J meant. He wasn’t sure what would happen if he had met her again. People could be incredibly unpredictable after an unpleasant experience.

But other than that, nothing eventful in his life occurred. Well, he did overhear whispers about a kid named Stu getting beaten up in the school restroom and being hospitalized. Sebastian knew little to none of Stu—something about a necktie or whatever—but he did remember sharing one or two classes with him. And then there was something about a cheerleader, but he hardly paid no attention to that gossip.

Now it was the weekend. He wanted to sleep in past 12 p.m. like any other teenager on a Saturday, but a call from his manager woke him up in the morning. One of his coworkers had called in sick, and the manager needed Sebastian to cover the shift, shortly before brunch hours. Aunt Lucia dropped him off at the cafe around 8 a.m., but she and her 4-year-old daughter, Tabitha, stuck around a little longer so they could have breakfast together (mostly because little Tabbi insisted on having waffle bites. She really liked the waffles). Sleeping Hedgehog not only made coffee, tea, and hot chocolate drinks, it also had a short, simple food menu, including its signature grilled cheese sandwich, the late co-founder Mrs. Florence’s recipe.

The casual bar/tavern aesthetic one of the reasons he’d applied for the job, with some exposed brick wall and ceiling lights offering an industrial undertone; the owner, Mr. Florence, had told him the place used to be one. Instead of alcohol bottles on the shelves, there were coffee/tea equipment, cups, and ingredients. Although, there were a few ingredients to make an Irish Coffee or White Russian (IDs were checked, of course. Mr. Florence was a retired police officer and military veteran). He also appreciated the simple employee dress code—a black or navy-blue collar shirt or T-shirt (Sebastian chose a black sweatshirt today), grey apron with orange straps, and whatever pants and comfortable shoes.

When he wasn’t making drinks, Sebastian would go around the cafe cleaning up tables of empty mugs, cups, and plates. Usually, he worked behind the blue counter and served customers there, like one guy that kind of looked like a gloomy golden retriever for some reason. Sebastian had occasionally seen him around the school but didn’t personally know. In fact, he recognized several Westbrook High students’ faces. This town was starting to feel small to him. Aunt Lucia and her daughter had just left to grocery shopping, so Sebastian wouldn’t be interrogated about his almost-nonexistent social life. He didn’t talk to his coworkers often unless something needed to be done.

Eventually, Sebastian was told to make a free sample tray of two different new drinks: a hot chocolate-strawberry with vanilla whipped cream, labeled the “Neapolitan Cocoa”; and a light-roasted latte with a little vanilla extract, and raspberry and blueberry flavor, the “Jelly Donut”. The two sample trays were placed on the countertop to cover the extra space.

Tatum couldn't help but laugh just a little at the boys gestures, they were strange to say the least but it made him more personable that she could already see he had some quirks, now she was curious If he had any courage in him. He could survive Westbrook drama but could he handle the ideas that she would come up with? She wasn't bad she just was trying to make things better and she was still learning how to do that and sometimes her plans would backfire. She gave Jace a look that was daring before she opened her mouth, "You may be at the center of one storm but what about creating your own?" she hinted. Her eyes darting back to the lonely male, "Him." her head motioned, "He needs what looks like a little fun in his life, how do we go about it?" her eyes questioned as her head tilted just slightly. This was the test to see if he was even worthy to just be her friend.

Sure the request at hand was a little weird and not traditional but she wasn't about tradition, she wanted to make a path for herself and a name for herself this year. That had been her resolution for the year and she was sticking to it, she just hoped that Jace would join her on an adventure. It was Saturday after all and what teen didn't want to just be happy for the weekend. That's why she chose the lonely blonde boy as her target on helping to have a brighter day. He seemed to nice to look so down in the dumps and her heart strings tugged for him.

Interaction(s): DrabberRogue DrabberRogue
Mention(s): Dazzle Dazzle (Mads)
A Little Worried.gif

Okay maybe they were all... wrong? Panic started to set in, and then JJ admitted to not knowing if the baby was even Bryan's. Surprised, she looked towards JJ, waiting to hear who the other father could be then her phone rang... she looked towards it to see Zach's name. And it was like her whole world came crashing down, and Ava couldn't even move from her spot as she stared at the name, at the text that he'd just sent. Of all people, why did it have to be Zach?

"That's... great for you." She realized how her words had sounded, and quickly tried to change it. "I mean like... Zach's a good guy. If you do have a... a kid, I hope it's... his." It hurt her to say it, and now Ava just wanted Jules to leave. Why was she so upset about this? It had never bothered her who slept with who before, but now...

Ava was upset.

Why was she even upset?

"Look, maybe they're wrong or something. You should go to a real doctor, not come to a teenager in their bedroom. I didn't even know you had to pee on these things until ten minutes ago." Okay, maybe she was upset about this whole Zach baby thing, and it was expressing itself in the worst possible way. "There's nothing else to do."

Soap Soap Dazzle Dazzle


Cutie Smile.gif

"How did you expect to avoid us? You're back at Westbrook, right? Attending the high school and everything?" He snorted, shaking his head and narrowing his eyes when she reached over to touch Ari. How dare she touch his child, although he got uptight when anyone did, except for Raven. What? She was good with Ari.

"So you were just going to act like nothing happened and move on? Why the hell are you even here?" She had said they could ask anything, and that was Mason's question. Why the hell was June back? Wasn't she back with her mom, happy or something? "Didn't your dad leave Grace's mom? Where the fuck are you staying?"

He glanced towards Raven for support, and to see if she had any questions to add.

Soap Soap Moonshadow Moonshadow
An intrigued eyebrow quirked upwards on in response to the girl's daring request, his piercing gaze shifting to the other blonde in question. Normally he wouldn't be all that keen on approaching someone in a bad mood. His mid-class attempt at exchanging clandestine notes with Zach was still relatively fresh in his long memory, a reminder that sometimes other people just weren't up for being approached. However normally he didn't have an (admittedly kind of cute) girl encouraging him with a fun look in her eyes.

"Mads?" Jace turned his gaze back to meet hers. His smirk had faded a little, giving way to a more thoughtful expression. He hadn't paid much mind before, as he didn't really interact with the taller boy, but it did kind of look weird to see Rae's brother with anything less than a smile. Seeing that the other boy was on his phone, Jace had an idea, pulling his own device out. Whenever a student at Westbrook had their phone out, there was a pretty good chance that they were on a very particular app.

"...The whole gloom and doom thing doesn't really fit him." He mused while he scrolled through the war zone that was Twitter. It had been a while since he checked his Twitter feed, he'd just kinda stopped paying attention to it partway through Winter break. Naturally nothing had changed. Jace quickly got distracted, his brow furrowing as he read some of the more recent posts. Part of him wanted to reach out to that stupid cheerleader. Ask her if she was okay or scold her for drinking so much. Another part of him really didn't want to, though. He was tired of all the negativity that seemed to constantly swirl around that girl. Besides, there was another girl sitting right across from him.

Suddenly Jace stood from his chair, downing the remainder of his wonderful caffeine as he did so. "Well, let's get started and figure it out from there." He finally answered, the amused smirk returning to his face. Without waiting for Tatum's response he then strode across the cafe, phone in hand, right up to table Mads was sitting at.

"Twitter's not the best place to go when you're having a bad day, y'know." He remarked in a teasingly friendly tone, waving the screen of his own phone at the other boy before turning it off. Jace then slid it back into his blazer pocket. Hopefully his guess was right, otherwise he was gonna look kinda dumb for assuming Mads was on Twitter. "Sorry 'bout the intrusion, but I don't think I've had the chance to actually introduce myself." With that he offered a gloved hand for the shaking, casting a crooked smile down at his melancholic classmate. "I'm Jace!"

Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Dazzle Dazzle

Juliette furrowed her brows. Great? In what way could this be great? She looked up towards Ava as she continue to sputter out words. God, she didn't even want it to be anyone's. Bryan was a fucking jerk, she didn't need another one. And like hell if Zach was ever going to actually help her with a child. What? Sure, he was a good guy. Who was sweet... and nice... but...

What boy would ever drop everything just to help her raise a maybe baby?

Oh, fuck. Five fucking positives? How is that anywhere near maybe?

And then Ava was saying that she should go see a real doctor, suggesting she shouldn't of even come here in the first place. And there it was. Juliette wiped a few stray tears from her face. "Right." She nodded, standing up. JJ took the tests and threw them into the trash bin. "As soon as anything turns real for anyone but Ava. She just kicks them to the side." JJ scoffed, reaching for her bag and made her way towards the door.

"I'll figure it out by myself."

Juliette walked out and past a very confused Mrs. Sanders with cookies in hand, JJ wasn't in the mood for to act like a good guest. Fuck that. She went out the front door with a small slam behind her. What did she think? That Ava would actually help her? No, the only thing she was good for was talking Zach up apparently and making her feel unwanted. As usual. Besides, there was no-where in WestBrook where a doctor would check her out without alerting her parents. Right? Her father was the mayor. Who wouldn't die to leak that information out?

'WestBrook's golden girl knocked up?!'

Fucking WestBrook.

Winona Winona

Her eyes widened in surprise. Ask her anything? No, Raven knew how that went. June just made it about her and... she wasn't interested in torturing herself at the moment. So, she just listened as Mason went on his rant, exchanging glances with the girl she used to be... rather infatuated with. Though, let's be honest? It was a bit more of a infatuation and Raven had no idea why.

June ruined her, she wasn't the same Raven as she was. Fuck. She considered dating Alaska, another girl who'd just up and left her. Damn, maybe she should try out a few boys for the hell of it. Because this journalist was getting almost no-where with the girls. But who's she kidding, there's probably no one in the world that wouldn't leave her in the end. Who cares? Relationships sucked.

Raven tried. There wasn't any takers. So why waste her time?

She knew as much as Mason did that there was no way she could avoid them, this was WestBrook. Covering Ari's ears when Mason had decided to throw out a few curse words, ha. Look at that. The kid probably knew worse words than her. Eh, let's be realistic and say that was a lie. An eyebrow raise at Mason's question, interested herself. Even though the redhead and her didn't leave on the best terms before she decided to up and away, Raven wasn't a monster.

"Do you have somewhere to stay? Money?" She asked without meeting her eyes, avoiding her interest and distracting herself by drinking her coffee. What? It wasn't like she was ticked off at the fact June ran away from her problems, left Raven with billions of questions she always didn't answer, the one thing about June Abrams was the fact she could avoid any question you had with a bigger one. And this Rivera really wasn't having it today. Especially not with everything that'd been going on since she'd been gone.

But she had one question, only one.

"Why didn't you tell m--...us." Raven wasn't the only one who'd had feelings for her, something she'd forgotten more than once.

Winona Winona Moonshadow Moonshadow

Mood: Lonely | Interacting with: Vanden ( Direct Timing Direct Timing )

It was well after noon when Jaehwa woke up. He was exhausted, both emotionally and physically, his eyes heavy and watery. He slowly pulled himself up and out of bed, stretching in front of the window of his bedroom. He turned to stare out into the sky, the clouds and sunlight so pretty at this time of day. It was a stark contrast to the weather that was present in Connecticut. Throughout the week, he'd taken a plane there and back for a funeral of a family member he didn't even know existed. His mother's cousin's daughter? Didn't that make her his second cousin? Something like that. She'd passed away in a car accident and, for some reason, he had to attend the funeral.

Don't get him wrong. He was a very empathetic individual. But when any teenager's cellular device and laptop are confiscated before the plane flight because they're "supposed to be mourning, not playing video games", you can only imagine how pissed they'll be. Jaehwa was one such pissed teenager. He'd gone an entire week without using his phone and it was killing him. None of his friends even knew where he'd gone. He just poofed right of their lives. Honestly, he was more worried they'd think he died than anything else.

So when he finally returned home late last night, he'd sent out a tweet dictating his former status. It would've been nice to let them know beforehand where he'd gone off to, but there was nothing he could do about that now. He, unfortunately, hadn't thought that far ahead at the time, and once his device was confiscated... Well, that was that. What made him even more upset was that he'd gotten several texts from Vanden and hadn't even gotten the chance to respond to them earlier. When he got his phone back, the first thing he did was let the other male know that, no, he was not dead, he'd simply had to suffer through a week's worth of "mourning".

Sighing, Jaehwa ran his fingers through his hair, combing down the messy locks before changing out of his pajamas (which, really, consisted solely of yesterday's t-shirt and boxers). In fresh clothes, he decided that he was going to spend his much deserved weekend out in fresh air. For the most part, he'd either been cooped up in the hotel room doing his homework, or he was stuffed in some relative's house with crying family members for hours without end. He huffed at the memory, very clearly still mad at his father, but eventually found his way outside without murdering anyone.

The air was just as fresh as Jaehwa remembered it was, which wasn't much. Still, it was a pleasant change from dreary Connecticut. Taking in a deep breath, Jaehwa began his walk around the block and to the park, admiring the flowers his neighbors had in their front yards. His parents were against growing flowers. Nope, it was just grass and shrubs for him. Sometimes the occasional weed would show, but only to get pulled out when his father was on a gardening spree. The flowers, however, brought up memories of his sister, and... Well, he understood why his parents didn't want to grow any anymore.

Deciding he was ultimately lonely once he hit the park, he decided to fire off a text to Vanden.

hey man, do you want to meet up somewhere? perhaps the sleeping hedgehog cafe?

After a moment of waiting, he sent a follow-up message.

and again, i'm sorry about not telling you where i was going. honestly, i would've had my brain not prioritized candy crush. stupid brain.

Genuinely, Jaehwa felt terrible about the whole situation, of having left his newfound friend in the dark for so long. It really irked him. He was worried he'd come off as a total jerk thanks to all this. He hated abandoning the people he befriended in this manner. Really, it bugged the hell out of him and he prayed that Vanden would forgive him. It wasn't even his fault, yet he beat himself up over it. That was just how he was, though, and he knew it was pathetic.
code by Ri.a
June frowned a bit again, seeing as she made the two upset by her presence alone. “Well, half of it was that I didn’t want to stress you two out with me being here again. Although it might’ve had the opposite effect.” She mumbled and then leaned towards the two.

“But I’ll explain. One of the reasons I came back is because... Georgia contacted me somehow.” She explained. Her hands forming into fists more as she spoke. “It was a letter, which means she knew exactly where I was. She’s getting more and more insane. She needs help. But this letter wasn’t really threatening. It was vague at best. But, it was about finding the truth. And there was a number. I texted it, thinking it was Georgia until someone else replied.” She hesitated for a moment. “Her name was Valerie. She seemed as confused as me and we started talking more and more. And she told me about herself. I know you two don’t know her like I do now, but... I think Georgia and her are related. Perhaps. Sisters.” She said then quickly shook her head. “Although I’m not positive, I’m staying with her until I can get on my own feet. Yet, I have a gut feeling she knows more than she’s letting on. And maybe I can catch Georgia through her.”

She sighed and looked back as the coffee was ready, but she wasn’t done. “While I was talking to her though, my mother passed away. At that point I decided to live with Valerie and figure everything out. But I didn’t know how to go about doing it. Everything is weird and complex and I thought no one wanted anything to do with me anymore. And there’s also the fact that Georgia maybe watching me. And how she attacked everyone last time scared me. I’m afraid what she’ll do now. But I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you.” She admitted. “I’m just... trying hard to not mess up again.”

Winona Winona Soap Soap
Make Up.gif

Well, this was only a little awkward. Or maybe romantic as they stared into each other's eyes, silence falling around them... okay yeah, no, this was just plain awkward. And Keisha didn't know what to do, so she was more than thankful when Grace started speaking about coffee. Ouch. This felt almost as bad as discussing the weather.

"Wait, so you got two just in case? That's like, the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." Alright so that wasn't entirely true, but Keisha was trying to up her game here, alright? Let a gay girl dream. Plus it was incredibly considerate, and maybe it made Keisha fall for the girl just a little bit more, and reminded her of kindergarten. Because yeah, the more she looked at this girl, the more Keisha knew that this was the same little blonde that had made her realize she was gay.

"You're cute when you're all... like this." She said with a small little grin on her face. Keisha leaned forward, resting her chin against her hand. "All flustered. Anyway, go on. I love listening to cheerleader drama."

Soap Soap


Grace gave a little shrug and a smile towards her, if that was the nicest thing anyone had done for her... that was a bit sad. But that's okay! She'll buy her like, twelve coffees or whatever to make it a little less sad. "It wasn't a big deal." She shook her head and refocused on finding the right page. Biology was the one subject Grace actually enjoyed. And, not to toot her own horn. But something she was pretty good at.

Her eyes widened and furrowed her brows at Keisha's compliment? Was she complimenting her? Yes, she was probably just being nice. "Like... this?" She asked, her cheeks reddened as Keisha urged her to continue about her flustered cheerleader drama. Taken aback at her sudden interest Grace's gaze bounced from the book to her eyes. Keisha did have pretty eyes... No, Grace, focus. "Uh, it's not really all that interesting, maybe we should just..." She trailed off as curiosity got ahold of her.

"Do I know you from somewhere? Aren't you new to WestBrook?" If so, there was no way she'd known Keisha. Grace hadn't been anywhere else but WestBrook. Before Keisha could answer, Grace's phone buzzed beside her. Usually she wouldn't pay much attention to her DMs, there was usually a bunch of weirdos that'd tried to talk to her. Cough, cough. Bryan.

After reading his message, Ash was upset about something, and if it was enough to text her. It was serious enough. Typing out a quick reply before pocketing her phone. "I'm so sorry. I need to go. But... we'll reschedule. I'll teach you all the things there is to know about biology. Swear it. So sorry." Grace's words were quick and probably a bit jumbled around, but as long as Keisha got the jist of it. She grabbed a blank page tore it, writing her number down. "Just text me and we'll set something up." A last smile towards the brunette, Grace left the library.


Grace didn't bother knocking and opened the door. Wandering around the mansion. Yes, she saw the twitter thing online. She didn't mean to show anyone what Ash had said! It was a mistake. But that wasn't the point. She's here to help her best friend. Whether she likes it or not. "Ash?" She called out, walking towards the kitchen. "Ian?" It wasn't long until Grace had found Ash.

Or well.

Bumped into her.

The bottle of whiskey Ash had been holding, spilled most of it's contents onto Grace. She sighed heavily. "Sorry." Ew. Alcohol and Grace never had the best track record, so she wasn't very surprised. Although, Ash and her didn't seem to have the best track record nowadays either.

Winona Winona PenguinFox PenguinFox

Vanden's dad was due home soon and he had told Vanden that he was bringing some of the guys over to play cards. That meant Vanden had to disappear for the evening. He had not heard from Jae so he had put on two t-shirts since that Anabelle girl still had his jacket, at least, she better still have it. His back wasn't as sore as it had been Monday and that was good, in fact, the whole week Vanden's dad hadn't bothered Vanden much at all, maybe his dad actually felt bad for the beating Vanden, probably not…

Vanden stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago. He just doesn't love me... Vanden took his football and headed to the school on foot. It was only a few miles away. Once he got there, he began running around the field even though it was snowing. Fortunately it hadn't snowed the previous night when they had the game and it had gone well. Westbrook won. Vanden looked up at the snow as it fell but it didn't stop him from tossing the football up in the air and catching it.

Mentions: Gomenesigh Gomenesigh
Anabelle Price

mentions: Direct Timing Direct Timing

The weekend was here and Ana couldn’t be more happy. She could escape the house without having to worry about all the pressures that came from school. That didn’t stop her from using that as an excuse for her father, though. He had been gone for most of the day, so she had that at least. She finally felt at least a little at ease. But, she still had to get out. She still had the jacket of the guy she had borrowed it from at the beginning of the week. His name was… Vanden? She thought. But, she had never returned it. But to be fair, she hadn’t tried that hard. She found out he was in football and could have gone and given it to him, but in her mind she was using it as an excuse to get out of the house.

So, she had packed up her bag and grabbed his jacket before heading out. She took her customary route out the window, not wanting to see her father with some guy’s jacket. It was cold and even though she already had two long sleeve shirts on, it really wasn’t cutting it. She wasn’t walking fast enough to generate any kind of heat. So reluctantly, she slipped the jacket back on, wrapping it tight around herself until she got to the school.

She immediately tried the front doors, but of course they were locked. She grimaced and outwardly sighed, looking at the puff of air that rose up in front of her face. She walked around the building, keeping low so she wouldn’t be seen in case any teachers or staff were still there. She tried all the doors, but it didn’t seem like any of them were open. She eventually made it back to the back of the school where the the sports fields are. She thought it was ironic, considering this is where she had gotten the jacket to begin with. But, still she couldn’t find an open door. Maybe she would have luck if she tried the actual changing rooms for the teams.

coding by cychotic

The weekend was here and Ana couldn’t be more happy. She could escape the house without having to worry about all the pressures that came from school. That didn’t stop her from using that as an excuse for her father, though. He had been gone for most of the day, so she had that at least. She finally felt at least a little at ease. But, she still had to get out. She still had the jacket of the guy she had borrowed it from at the beginning of the week. His name was… Vanden? She thought. But, she had never returned it. But to be fair, she hadn’t tried that hard. She found out he was in football and could have gone and given it to him, but in her mind she was using it as an excuse to get out of the house.

So, she had packed up her bag and grabbed his jacket before heading out. She took her customary route out the window, not wanting to see her father with some guy’s jacket. It was cold and even though she already had two long sleeve shirts on, it really wasn’t cutting it. She wasn’t walking fast enough to generate any kind of heat. So reluctantly, she slipped the jacket back on, wrapping it tight around herself until she got to the school.

She immediately tried the front doors, but of course they were locked. She grimaced and outwardly sighed, looking at the puff of air that rose up in front of her face. She walked around the building, keeping low so she wouldn’t be seen in case any teachers or staff were still there. She tried all the doors, but it didn’t seem like any of them were open. She eventually made it back to the back of the school where the the sports fields are. She thought it was ironic, considering this is where she had gotten the jacket to begin with. But, still she couldn’t find an open door. Maybe she would have luck if she tried the actual changing rooms for the teams.
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As Vanden pretended to catch the ball and took off running he saw someone wearing a Letterman jacket. He stopped and watched. The person was heading towards the football building. Wait, did they have long hair. He watched as the person went to the building with the changing room. He started walking that way to see who it was and what was going on. It kind of looked like that girl who he had lent his jacket to, the one who was supposed to return his jacket the next day...Vanden found himself running towards her.

Mentions: Gomenesigh Gomenesigh
Anabelle Price

mentions: Direct Timing Direct Timing

The enjoyment of being away from home and her father was starting to wear off. It was cold and getting colder as the sun descended into the sky. If she didn't find a way in soon, she didn't know what she was going to do. She would end up being stuck out at night in the freezing cold. It was definitely not something she wanted to happen. So, she picked up her pace, turning her walking into a light jog in the hopes it would help warm her up a little bit. But, before she could get to the locker rooms, she heard someone behind her. She instantly stopped and her body tensed. She stood there for a moment, shock holding her in place.

Someone knew she was there, but who? Her first instinct was to run, but that would probably be a bad idea. She wasn't the fastest runner or the most athletic by any means. So, she very slowly and very reluctantly turned around. It was the last person she expected... the guy who's jacket she was currently working. For another moment she stood there frozen in place, eyes opening wide and mouth opening a little. A sudden chill ran through her and snapped her out of it. She immediately dropped her bag to the ground and hurried out of his jacket, holding it out to him , and turning her head downcast.

coding by cychotic

The enjoyment of being away from home and her father was starting to wear off. It was cold and getting colder as the sun descended into the sky. If she didn't find a way in soon, she didn't know what she was going to do. She would end up being stuck out at night in the freezing cold. It was definitely not something she wanted to happen. So, she picked up her pace, turning her walking into a light jog in the hopes it would help warm her up a little bit. But, before she could get to the locker rooms, she heard someone behind her. She instantly stopped and her body tensed. She stood there for a moment, shock holding her in place.

Someone knew she was there, but who? Her first instinct was to run, but that would probably be a bad idea. She wasn't the fastest runner or the most athletic by any means. So, she very slowly and very reluctantly turned around. It was the last person she expected... the guy who's jacket she was currently working. For another moment she stood there frozen in place, eyes opening wide and mouth opening a little. A sudden chill ran through her and snapped her out of it. She immediately dropped her bag to the ground and hurried out of his jacket, holding it out to him , and turning her head downcast.
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As Vanden got closer to the person he saw from behind that she had stopped. He ran up to her and he stopped just short of running into her. When she turned and handed him the jacket with that look on her face, and staring at the ground he almost couldn't be mad. Regardless though he jerked his jacket out of her hand and then quickly put it on, even though she was left without a coat of some kind. "It's about fucking time!" He yelled at her. He was really pissed but then felt bad for yelling at her. "Where have you been Anabelle, I've been looking all over for you...and what the hell are you doing out here anyway?"

Interactions: Gomenesigh Gomenesigh

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