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we will get past it all

Venus looked up at Shawn as he spoke, he head still resting on his chest just facing him. "Why is that a problem?" she asked smiling at him, sitting up a bit. "Because you also have a bite mark here," pointing on his right shoulder. "A hicky on you neck, most likely scratches on your back, etc. Where I probably have some marks too from you," she pointed out.
"And that's just round one right?" Shawn said, a cheeky smirk creeping onto his face as he continued to stroke her with his left hand while feeling her back, checking for the scratches he thought he had given her.
Venus laid back down, her head finding it's spot on his chest. "Hmmm....maybe,"she said, closing her eyes to relax again. Her arm wrapped around him from under him, while the other just laid on top of him.
"So are we gonna smoke or what?" Shawn said, holding Venus close to his bare chest while still stroking her hair back and forth.
"Babe, you still didn't go out for it, you were going to wait til you got me to fall asleep," Venus said, opening her eyes and looked up at him. "And I can't do that if you are still talking," she teased.
"I don't think I've been kicked out of bed this quick by you." Shawn smirked, a fake look of sadness forming on his eyes and face.
"Shh..." Venus said, reaching a hand up and found his lips, putting a finger across them, while she was looking away with eyes closed. "I am not, I want you to stay, but you have things to do while I am sleeping," she said.
Climbing out of the bed, Shawn pulled the entire blanket from the bed, leaving Venus exposed. Shawn quickly changed back into the clothes he came in ejth and sat down ontthe bed, beside Venus. "I'm getting a bong. You've never used one right?" Shawn said, touching Venus' shoulder as he sat behind her on the bed, almost like a massage.
Venus climbed out of bed quickly, a bit annoyed that he removed the covers. Looking in his suitcase, she pulled out a t-shirt one of his favoite bands, she put on a pair of undergarments and slipped the shirt over it, before climbing back in bed. "Once," she answered.
"And exactly when was that??x Shawm Asked Curiously, as he massaged the back of her back slowly.
Shawn stopped massaging her back and slowly moved down around her waist, dragging her into him. "Aren't you gonna give me more details Vee? "
Venus shook her head and leaned her head back, closing her eyes. "Whatever happened to making me sleep?" she questioned. She figured the faster she went to sleep, the earlier Shawn would come back to have them both calm down and relax a bit, at the same time thinking of ways to find their kids.
"Alright then. I'll leave you. Don't let the bed bugs bite." Shawn said, jumping from the bed, interrupting Venus' massage. Kissing her on the forehead, Shawn quickly moved from the hotel room and out of the hotel,into his car.
Venus pouted. "Okay," Venus said, though she new she wasn't going to sleep if he stayed. She laid back down, and brought the covers over her tired body, watching as Shawn left. Eventually she did fall sleep, mainly out of boredom and the medication she is on.
Her phone loudly buzzed, eruptung ito the sound of her ringtone as it rang beside her.The once silent room was now filled with noise and music coming from her phone.
"Hello Venus. Don't scream or shout or anything." Cassie's cold and haunting voice spoke through the phone.
Venus wasn't really surprised whrn she heard it was the bitch that took her kids. "Don't worry too tired too," she answered back, equally coldly.
"Chris and Stephen wanted to speak to you. I've told them you're at work. I don't want you to scare them because you'll end up hurt, but they want to speak to you."
"Remember our terms, if you say anything, you'll be in a world of pain." Cassie said, passing the phone over to Stephen. "Hi mommy"
Venus ignored her and waiting for one of her sons to come on the phone. When he did, she had a bunch of happiness in her eyes. "Hey, baby. You okay?' she asked.

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