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we will get past it all

"And you are now cock blocking me Venus" Shawn said as an attempt to tease Venys once his belt was completely off and thrown across the room.
"I don't know, am I Shawn?"Venus questioned, moving her head back to his stomach, as her arm moved to lay across the waistband of his jeans. "I am nkt saying I don't want to," she stated.
"Alright then, let's do it then." Shawn said moving his hand from his waist band where it was resting on her head and moved up, quickly removing his shirt.
Venus didn't move, she was going to continue to tease Shawn. she thought it was fun to see him slightly disappointed and sad.
Sitting himself up, Shawn softly grabbed hold of Venus' shoulders and slowly made her move so she was facing him. "Seriously, the quiet treatment?"
Venus moved upas he guided her up, looking up at him she had a face that was trying to hide a smirk. "Maybe," she said. Deciding that he had enough now, she kissed him.
Once Venus had kissed him and he kissed her back, he softly pressed her away from him. "You do know you're not funny Venus. Like, at all."
Venus laid back against the bed, looking up at Shawn, looking disappointed that he push her away. "Why? Because I mess with your emotions?" she questioned, using her fingers to make a walking motion on his chest.
"Yeah it's fucking annoying. and I can't stop loving you for it." Shawn said almost as if a whisper, stroking her fingers on her face slowly.
"Just get it on with it now." Shawn sighed, knowing Venus had won, whatever competition it was she was meant to be doing.
"What do you mean?" Venus asked. But then she shook her head. "Nevermind, don't answer that. You can kiss me now," she told him.
Shawn pulled Venus onto on him, dragging her body so it the two were eye to eye with each other. Shawn slowly kissed Venus, holding Venus tightly
For a minute there, she thought Shawn was going to turn the tables of playing on emotions on her, but was happy he didn't. She was dragged on top of Shawn as she was kissing him, which she thought was okay.
Once Venus was ontop of him, Shawn's hands slowly crept down until it was at the bottom of Venus' vest, slowly taking it off before throwing it across the room.
Venus postioned herself so, she was on her hands and knees and not physically laying, though her hands were more at random places of Shawn's upper body. She pulled away from kissing when he took her tank top off, before going back again.
Shawn continued gropping and kissing Venus, hoping Venus would remove his jeans or his undershirt.
Venus made small soft moans in response to Shawn's actions. Figureing his shirt was closer to come off, she slide her rans down his torso and got Shawn to sit up, so she could take it off. Once it was, she dropped in on the floor and continued kissing.
Hearing Venus moan just made Shawn kiss Venus fast,. Using one of his hands, Shawn slowly removed her shorts and chucked them across the room again before moving his hand back onto her.
After Venus had finished exploring, Shawn quickly removed Venus' undergradments, flipped her onto her backward and quickly returned the favour, going down her body slowly until he was below her waist.
Venus made a sort of smll laugh when she was pushed on her back. She seemed to be taken from reality and into a world where it was just Shawn and her, no one else, which she liked. She responded to his movements, as Shawn continued.

Soon, thing grew more heated and was followed by their "nap" which ended later, with Shawn laying on his back with Ve on her side, resting against sShawn with her head on his chest.
Laying back as they finished their nap, Shawn brought Venus close for a cuddle, pulling the blanket over the two of them. As he stroked her face, he noticed a bite mark on his arm. "Did you seriously fucking bite me babe?" Shawn asked, smiling as he spoke softly to her.

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