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Fandom Walt Disney University (Casual RP) OOC

Andrei: aint nobody got time for that
Jehan dosent do clubs. he usualy hangs out in his uncle's classroom while he's meeting with students after school.
Elise is in the gsa, she's the presedent
Hey everyone! Clubs and the up to date character list have been added in the extra page! I will be updating them as regularly as I can
tbf I never really thought Yzma was a villain. She would be doing the Empire a favour replacing Kuzco. He was an egomaniac and immature and she was basically already doing his job for him lol

We know you love him 😌

Speaking of loving, hello! <3 I will be taking on the (not-so) challenging task of trying to get my Kuzco (Keaton) to behave 😄
i... i think im gonna make him... we need frollo because we need everyone;s least favorite homophobic racist (at least he wont be ableist this time) ultra-religious dick to be a dick...

i may make him as a communal charictar, so anyone who wants to use him can use him (just because it's weird to be both people in a conversation)
Hey everyone just a little added section for the character sheet. Please provide a short (at least two paragraph) writing sample from an RP you’ve participated in or from the perspective of one of your characters. Doesn’t have to be an epic novel but just something where I can get the gist of your writing styles. Have a great day <3
Hey guys I might have to leave this rp because some things came up. Sorry in advance, I really looked forward to this. 😔
okay! so for mah babes,
penny is a second year - psychology major and she's on the dance team
perci is a third year - criminal law major and her clubs are cheer and rhu nu kappa sorority
oliver is a fourth year - film studies major and he's in football and oozma kappa fraternity
leah is a fourth year - zoology major and she's in martial arts and on the swim team
and amira is an art history professor!

more details to come lmao
Sadly, I'm going to have to drop for the time being.
I realized my schedule for the first half of the month is busy as heck and I don't want you guys waiting on me when I'm at vacation. 😅
Just in case I crash today, PixieDust PixieDust ...

  • Desiree O'Hara: Early Years Education (3 years) & Guidance Counselor (2 years).
  • Keith Jo Mane: History (4 years).
  • Naina Akintola Okafor: Zoology (started)
  • Arielle Fontana: 2nd year: Majoring Biology : Electives Sports and Fitness & Musical Theater : Swim Team Captain, Orchestra.
  • Alara Olsen: 1st year: Majoring Game Design : Electives Theater/Music & Graphic Design: Ro Nu Kappa Sorority, Glee, Study Group.
  • Megan Stavros: 3rd year: Majoring Philosophy : Electives Classical Studies & Geography : Martial Arts, Debate Team.
  • Eugene Fitzpatrick: 4th year: Majoring Criminal Law : Electives Sports and Fitness & E-sports : Oozma Kappa Fraternity, Football Team
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disney bought the princess bride, could i be Inigo? If not, than.... honestly, who do yall need me to be? i genuinely have no idea who to make.... maybe pheobus?

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