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Fantasy Virtual reality game rp

Yeah kinda like sao . I love the concept of sao (Although they screwed with the damn times skips). And I am not sure which To use I as I have 2 ideas.

1. Being the rp mentioned here. Being stuck in a game

2. That gaming came so important that they took place for sports (Of-course they will be virtual reality) So they made school for gaming. Of-course you can only be invited to this school. You can't apply... It would be alike a web series called video game high school . It would be similar but different in the same time :)

I am okay with both .-. So its your choice I guess
I didn't think it meant something else. I knew what you meant . But I wanted to assure you that it will be just similar not the fandom rp

Anyway Like I stated before I have two ideas .

1. a new virtual reality device is created. But before they send it to the stores they need to try it . 5/6/8 People get chosen to participate in the beta. But the beta testers are now stuck in the game (Either on purpose or accidentally) For them to get out of the game they must get to the last level and destroy the final boss. The only problem is that they only have 1 life and if they die in the game they die in real life .

2. That gaming came so important that they took place for sports (Of-course they will be virtual reality) So they made school for gaming. Of-course you can only be invited to this school. You can't apply... It would be alike a web series called video game high school . It would be similar but different in the same time :)

Anyway tell me if you would be interested and I'll start working on it right away :) ....
Ah~ Virtual Reality RP, surely a hit at home with any story.

Number 2 is certainly an original idea, I like it~!

My only concern on number 1 is the small amount of people. Player-wise the limitation is fine, however it is useful to have a good number of NPC to add some depth if it is within the Virtual World. But the limitation would also give reason as to why the players are banded together, allowing more personality to flourish as they HAD to work together. Hmm, number one is a rather risky double edge sword!

I would enjoy taking part in either or, if you would have me. As well, I wouldn't mind working with you to expand a third option if you wouldn't mind. Even if the 'trapped in a game' piece is pretty much fandom territory (Since people automatically look to SAO as a reference), there are still thousands of ways to make it a nice original. At any rate, I can see you wish to put a new twist in it! For that, I want to join! ^^
Well their are other anime about being trapped in a game but sao is the most recent one lol .- . Well honestly I wish to stick with those 2 ideas .- . Plus The rp isn't created yet .-. I just gave my ideas on the both of them .-. I'll see which of people most want or both if their both wished for. Then I'll create the officially plot and start working on them :) .. Anyway your free to join either ...

Anyway so your interested in both of the ideas then or just one ? Also I love feedback.

So if you have any ideas for them or if you wish to co-create it .-. Your free to do so .- .
I think I actually like Log Horizon a bit more.. But yes, haha, I know that there is a number of anime where they get trapped in a game. SAO is just one of the ones that became overly bloated, and a very easy reference to tell rather than a number of small-medium ones. But nonetheless! It drags in crowds to a beloved RP type!

Hehe, both! Number 2 sounds like a nice twist to the currently frequent types. That, and I am in a lighter mood so it would fit pretty well. But number 1 sounds like a nice double edge sword, and the risk would definitely be worth it if it plays out!

Feedback? Ideas? I could throw out a bunch of random odds and ends to touch my personal preferences, but in the end, it's your ideas that drew me and others' attentions! I was just throwing a random offer because I like being involved in RP that deal with Virtual Reality ^^.

Wait! Hold on, selfish thought O.o .

Back on idea 1, the beta testers getting stuck. What if the selected players are stuck SINCE the beta? New players are coming in capable of leaving, but the Beta Testers can not? You can make the goal realllllly far away! Just random food for thought, feel free to discard. Either way, I am on-board 100% ^^

Edit: Sorry, I am so confusing x.x...
The being trapped in a game sounds neat, the second one could be interesting but depending on what you ended up doing with it I may or may not be interested in it. ( :) )
Well sassy which one or both .- . Your choice. The vote counts as if they get the same votes they be created both. And if one get more votes it i will be created solo .- . Beside the second ideas has noting to end up doings. Its a school for skilled players. In the school they battle/level up/learn and if they finish they will be able to enter the gaming Olympics or tournaments or bla bla .- . Not sure yet....

Abrax... Um... I don't agree with that idea/ Reason is that Nobody will buy the game after knowing people got stuck in it and can't get out .- . Like your asking people to go on train which will explode lol ... Anyway thanks for your ideas. But Its not what I had in mind. But I like you creativity : ). Could you sent me Pm ? I need to speak to you on a private chat as its faster their and We wont fill the post with messages :D

Anyway I will give maybe 24 hours for those who commented on this post to tell me their votes .-. After 24 hours I take it as the Idea died out .- .
I could be interested in the second idea, provided you plan on making it a "detailed" one :) I like it when people write 4+ paragraphs on average and find I get pretty bored with one liners or only one paragraph posts. Definitely keep me in the loop though!
Well I really don't like telling people How much they need to write .So I can't really promise you that everybody will write 4+ Paragraph....

And About the being bored part. Its really counts on The rp. Like if your really like the concept of it. It wont get boring ..

Anyway Like I stated before I have two ideas .

1. a new virtual reality device is created. But before they send it to the stores they need to try it . 5/6/8 People get chosen to participate in the beta. But the beta testers are now stuck in the game (Either on purpose or accidentally) For them to get out of the game they must get to the last level and destroy the final boss. The only problem is that they only have 1 life and if they die in the game they die in real life .

2. That gaming came so important that they took place for sports (Of-course they will be virtual reality) So they made school for gaming. Of-course you can only be invited to this school. You can't apply... It would be alike a web series called video game high school . It would be similar but different in the same time

Anyway tell me if you would be interested and I'll start working on it right away
:) ....

Votes are :

First idea : 1

Second idea : 3

Waiting for you to vote .- .



Ryu kishi




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