• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Health: Fresh | Toughness: Background Ability (10) + Armor (1) [11] | Spell Power: Background Ability (14) + Knowledge (4) + Equipment (1) [19] |Manna: Background Ability (4) + Knowledge (4) [7/8]
Condition: 0 | Roleplay Points: 0


Once she gave Charon a number, the boatman struggled off of the ground and the motion elicited loud cracks from its knees and back. The creature began sibilating at the pain, very similar to the sound of a large lizard, likely recognizable by the denizens of Barad Eithel given the suitable environment for such reptiles, nonetheless turned toward the exit and pushed itself along unsteadily. Swaying precariously from side to side and repeatedly saving itself from falling over with that tall oar in its grip, the boatman tossed a hand up in a dismissive manner behind him at her question, "ssskh, laaaaterr," it hissed loudly. Hunched from its previous crouched position, the creature seemed to be unused to its apparently bad joints. As it tottered, those with view of its back might have seen a lump push up the fabric at the robes just below the small of its back. The lump quickly slid to the side and disappeared, the pale fabric smoothing as it was when the hooded figure entered first.

Before it left the building, the same visual oddity which it presented to the person who found him first, the visual distortion of red water flowing from all the parts of his body moving through the air, returned to him. However, this time it was far stronger, it seemed as though the body of Charon and the very border of it with the world was submerged in blood-red water which did not soak the thing's robes. Strongly, the sound of sourceless whispers saying nothing at all filled the immediate area around him.

But they were cut off momentarily. The ground underneath Charon shook violently and the creature was thrown toward a fallen chunk of rock, which it caught and held onto feebly for a few moments. The sound of grinding rock and metal filled the air. With rasping breaths, the creature picked itself back up and peered around the wall of the tower. A flurry of titanic wings and limbs tangled just outside the city. Charon could see dust kicked up from that direction, and the jagged profiles of destroyed buildings. It could make neither heads nor tails of the action, but even its sinking heart could not persuade the focused mind to turn away from its tasks. The whispers, faded for that moment, returned with strength and finished incanting.

Charon conjured, high above the tower in which these folks were making it work, an illusion.

Knowledge 3: Illusion
You can create a number of 15 ft. cube illusions that can move around and make sounds, but cannot create light. You can use surface illusions to make an object appear half as cheap or twice as expensive, or create illusory script that covers the content of a page making it look blank or with different pictures. In battle you can use a Major Action to make it move.
• Number of Illusions: Knowledge
• Casting Range: 4 Areas
• Control Range: 4 Areas
• Duration (concentration): No. of hours = Knowledge.

Given four 15 ft. cubes to work with, Charon conjured, roughly three areas away from the tower toward the sky, the symbol of Barad Eithel. Though the sigil faced the Metalwork and Glass district, the object was far up and relatively huge, like a big billboard suspended over the city, on display to any district in the city. Mere moments after the symbol appeared, though not shining of its own right, highly reflective, the sound of battle horns would emanate strongly, as loud as Charon could make it, from the crest.

With the first part of his first stage finished, Charon stifled the quivering uneasiness welling up in their chest and hobbled over toward where the first timber from the town appeared on the shoulder of a strapping, dirty and weary man. Charon waved him down and pointed at a wide space behind one of the nearby buildings. The spot was far enough away from the dome that their actions were obscured by solid structures, but the high arc of this counterweight catapult would send their bulky doom to the defenders of the dome over the roofs of the buildings obscuring it. Charon knew the weights and distances well enough, the only guiding principles of a catapult such as this were inertial moments and gravity; not the bread and butter but the wheat and cow of one familiar with the methods of mechromancy.

Health: Fresh | Toughness: 12 | Spell Power: 12 |Manna: 5/5
Condition: 0
Speed: 4​

Artisan | -2
Combat | 4
Charm | 1
Knowledge | 2
Larceny | 4
Survival | 3
Lilith Falciani

"Well that isn't creepy." Lilith remarked as she rolled to a stop in front of the doors, examining the makeshift barricade. To use bodies and petrify them to make a barricade... that was dark. A good use of available resources but seriously twisted. The kind of thing someone who needed a good stabbing might do.

Well, either way her path was blocked and she needed a way around. She gazed around the room, weighing her options. Make-shift explosive from the depot wouldn't be a bad idea if we were talking about anyone but her. While she could put a bomb to good use making one was something she had no talent for. So really not an option. The smelter was also not an option, the metal gate being an obstacle she had no way around. The smelting pit however looked promising. A fun jump across a vat of molten metal and a high vantage point, what wasn't to love? There were a few questions she needed to ask herself though. Did she feel like risking losing Nyx and herself to said vat? No, not really. If she failed would the crashing alert the enemy? Yes, yes it would. Could she get her bike back out afterwards? No clue. Were there safer options? Yes, such as the gap in the wall just past the smelter. It was easy enough to squeeze through and would give her a good view too. But was it faster? No. And Leonid had suggested that speed was of the essence, and there wasn't anything faster than her and Nyx.

Turning her bike around, Lilith carefully lined up the jump, making sure she had enough room to gain enough speed. She kissed the bracelet of orange cat's-eye beads wrapped around her wrist. "Come on Nyx, don't let us down." She prayed, revving the engine and taking a deep breath. Then she kicked the machine into gear and pulled the throttle, hunching over its back as low as she could as they shot towards the gap. Then they met air and Lilith knew immediately that it hadn't been enough, that they weren't clearing it. Coiling her legs she launched off the bike and slammed into the wall, the wind nearly getting knocked out of her but still managing to latch onto the edge. She winced as she heard steel smash into stone and the splash of molten metal. Peering down she sighed in relief to see Nyx laying on the ground and not in the vat, dinged up and slightly melted but not out of commission. "Sorry old girl." She grunted as she pulled herself up and over. It was unfortunate, but maybe the crash could serve as a distraction against whoever was inside. Taking a second to catch her breath, the Half-Persian climbed to her feet and crept forward to the next room.
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- Isa Bianchi -

Everything went by quick for the disguised redhead. From the bright lights that stared back at him to getting jolted as Pelagia tackled Gaius. Avion focusing more on Gaius’ head, holding onto it, and pecked through the glass. Gaius stopped moving. Dread filled Isa’s stomach as he couldn’t hear Moss nor Leonid’s voices anymore. He looked up just in time to see Avion’s bloody beak with Moss’ shirt.

Suddenly, Gaius kicked Pelagia off and lurched forward-!

Isa held onto as tight as he could. Again, the world moved too fast as he wasn’t prepared for what came next-


Silence once more.

Sand plumed everywhere, hiding his body from Avion’s sight but Isa knew where to go first. His legs trembled, untangling himself from the hairs and rope before going over to the melted entrance that used to be where the triangle thingy was. His sides ached from the jolting from side to side as he held on for dear life, he can feel his side slick with blood. A stitch must be open. L is going to murder him. With a good kick down, Isa went inside of Gaius’ head only to freeze, sand trickling off his clothes. His breath hitched. Sickly yellow eyes had veins moving on the curve of his paling cheeks. His feet moved on their own, running towards the two lying figures on the ground, and landed on his knees between the two bodies. Quickly taking in the gruesome details as his mind went overtime in his silent and distressed panic. His heart dropped.

Leonid is bleeding from the head, Isa is assuming that he was knocked away and hit on something. Moss . . . Moss is pinned under Avion’s beak. His left arm and part of his rib cage is pressed down. No doubt bones broke and based on his odd breathing (Isa sighed in relief when he saw the weak rise of his chest), his lungs might have been punctured by his ribs. He looked around and brought their stuff closer to the pair of men before looking at the protruding beak and through the opening it left between it‘s beak and Gaius’ eye. Then he focused on Moss and Leonid, his dark dyed hair veiling his unnatural and dazed yellow eyes. Not caring that he is tired as he used his last bit of manna to teleport everyone away from Gaius’ head and reappeared in the chest cavity. Gently cradling them to the ground as to not agitate their injuries any further.

A gloved hand reached in the bags and he pulled out a vial filled with a ruby red liquid and Leonid’s lantern. Turning on it’s flames to lighten the room. Then he shuffled closer to the merman, gingerly tucking his head on the crook of his sleeved arm as he tilted his head back a bit. He pulled the cork out with his sharp teeth and spat it out. Pouring the liquid inside his mouth. Then he leaned down and tenderly pressed his lips onto Moss’ parted ones. A warm tear dropped on Moss’ cheek and rolled down as Isa leaned up. Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched Moss’ chest and arm fix itself. Relief, guilt, terror, and anger welled up within. He couldn’t protect him...he almost died. He almost visited the Southern lights like his mother . . .

Isa almost lost Moss . . .

With a quiet hiccup and tucking a bloodied strand behind a tanned ear, Isa gently put Moss down and shuffled towards Leonid. Taking out trauma kit and his medic field book . . . The same ones that Moss gave him as a present. His heart stung, he followed the directions carefully and effectively. Wrapping the bandage around Leonid’s head gingerly and made sure he arranged any broken bones in a secured binding. He pulled the softer feeling bags and placed them under their heads and perked up when he heard a quiet noise. At first alarmed, thinking that someone was here until he heard the rustle again. He looked down and saw Moss’ pocket move. He leaned down, planting his face on the floor as he pulled the pocket open and saw two scared tarantulas. Their wide eyes glistening in fear and legs shaking. Isa shuttered out a defeated sigh before weakly smiling. “Hey there~ it’s okay. Everything is going to be . . . O-okay, Froo froo. Pluplu. You’re g-gonna be okay . . . I’m so sorry . . .” He muttered quietly at the end.

He couldn’t hold back the tears, letting them roll down, and drop on the floor. Oh gosh, this is messed up. If only he planned this better. If only he could use less amount of his manna maybe he could have- but he didn’t know! He couldn’t have known that this would happen-

Yet in battle, as he knows from experience and Moss reminding him before, anything can happen. That includes the oncoming danger that he spotted from the slim hole between Avion’s beak and Gaius’ eye. He spotted a familiar figure coming over here from the distance, like an octopus swimming but fleshy with green eyes everywhere; Theosebia is coming over here.

He can’t mull over his guilt and fear. As much as his heart ached for the world to stop moving and let Moss and Leonid rest, Isa has to move. He has to make a move and he’ll do it in the only way he knew how. So with a sigh and prayer passing his lips, Isa pushed himself off the floor. “I’ll be back.” He sobbed quietly. Grabbed a few things and made his way to the head again. Dazed from the world around him and hyper focused on creating his ultimate traps by the entrance, around the beak, and within the head itself. His eyes glowed in it’s intense color of sickly yellow within the darkness with veins creeping down his tear tracked cheeks.

used healing potion and x1 trauma kit.

Zer0 Zer0
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- Outside the Golden Dome -
" Eastern Roof District, Barad Eithel "

Shaara and the other Purrsians looked at each other. "We'll call you Oar-mage in the meantime!" she added, before going back to the battle at hand.

Later, Charon's battle horns turned heads, including the attention of a flying teal katulu mage, that lifted its staff and pointed at the crest. Their enemies seem to realize that the folks of Barad Eithel are rallying beneath the tower, and sought to stop them before they gathered a large enough force to break through. From his vantage point, Charon could see the north west wing of their foe begin to swing around to flank them.

They'll probably get here before Shaara can assemble her forces.

But the gang members she sent to rally folks arrived, and more people came than expected, they could see too that many from afar are coming of their own volition, drawn by the crest and battle horns. The men and Purrsians chosen to make the catapult worked faster, calling the aid of others to quickly help.

Shaara sent a small squad to delay the flanking enemy, at the same time, they saw the central west force also begin to move forward towards the tower, while the southwest force moved to take its place, thinning and spreading out, then stayed put.

And then her small squad made contact with the enemy. Spells and gunfire filled the night sky. The gang members were skilled, doing hit and run tactics while gradually giving ground. Until finally, with Charon's expert instruction, they finished the catapult.

"Where are we pointing this thing?!" yelled one of the ready catapult squad members, soot-covered but determined.

Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

- Beneath the Golden Dome -

Lilith looked down upon a vast noisy chamber shrouded in dense hot steam. There were at least a hundred drow slaves, blankly lining up on rafters with buckets of water, hammering sheets of metal, and basically trying to hold together a giant engine pulsing and humming with light like a setting sun behind a hastily constructed shell of metal. Steam was hissing from giant vents all bundled up into it's core, where she could just glimpse through the gaps of metal, a bright yellow crystal as big as a wagon wheel floating inside rings of light.

Beneath this machine, and to the side was a platform with what looked like a mix of regal ancient machines, and overlapping modern steel that repaired whatever had been too old, or to broken. There was a dais here with an orb, and one of those tentacle-faced things was behind it, slimy hands waving at an illusion of what looked like stars and magic circles around it.

In fact there were ten of those things inside the chamber, floating over the slaves. She did see though that there were three that had gone over to the mouth of the blockaded chamber to try and listen to the racket his crashed motorbike had made earlier. They were on the alert, expecting an enemy, taking up defensive positions and some of the slaves were looking everywhere. Four other katulus remained floating in front of the machine protectively, two above and two below, all holding staffs with what looked like glowing sickly green soul stones on the head.

Lilith could see that she was six floors up in the chamber with four more floors above her, all with blankly staring slaves, though only a few of those that seemed to be on the look out for foes. There were stairs and ramps leading down, pipes and machinery snaking along the sides towards the great engine. She finally saw where that smelter furrow would have landed. There was a great pot that could be slowly poured down more branching furrows on the floor, where there were a few forges and workshops scattered about, where some of the slaves were hammering on giant sheets of metal.

What would you like to do?

Ian Temero Ian Temero

- Battle of the Goliaths -

Moss coughed, still out of it, but his breathing evened out to one of sleep, as Isa saw his bones regrow, crack, realign into places, and new skin knit over the grave injury, until there was nothing but a light scar. He was alright.

The two scared tarantulas poked out of the pockets and stopped shaking at the sound of Isa's voice. One of the tarantulas climbed up and seemed to fawn over Moss' face, while the second one climbed on to Isa's hand.

Inside the chest cavity was a familiar sight of half-flesh, half-machine lungs above him. It was dusty and smelled of mold here, but it was quiet, with nothing but the muted sounds of working machinery through the stone-bone walls above. Gaius' chest was more compact than Malus, and there were nook and crannies here in the gearworks where Isa could easily hide Moss and Leonid.

In his search for an obelisk chamber earlier, he knew that there were three chambers before the one where he is now that lead to the head: the throat, the middle-way that branched to the lungs, and then the heart. The chamber he was in was a bit lower on the chest, just before the stomach.

Later, when he had finished quickly setting up his traps, he heard movement upstairs in the head, a great shifting, and Avion must have moved.

And then there was the snap of a string and a hiss of gas. Isa suddenly heard the unnatural shriek of many women's voices.

And then L's voice entered his head. 'Isa,' she whispered, 'where are you? Are you okay? Me and Vidya are in the hand! Gaius stopped moving and Theosebia is at the head!'

Katsuya Katsuya
Health: Fresh | Toughness: Background Ability (10) + Armor (1) [11] | Spell Power: Background Ability (14) + Knowledge (4) + Equipment (1) [19] |Manna: Background Ability (4) + Knowledge (4) [6/8]
Condition: 0 | Roleplay Points: 0


Charon gave the catapulteers a ballistics chart and then returned to the tower to conjure the illusion of an army running forward from the streets to attack the defenders in order to confuse them even more. The crest is now gone, as well as another manna point.

The hooded figure stood staring at the construction for a good couple of moments. Marveling both at the efficacy of the desperate workers and how it looked like an affront to Lincoln Logs. Its shoulders bent toward the one asking the question and hissed a reply, "lisssten-khh fooooor the ssssound of belllll; aaaaaaimmmm fffor maaaain-hhhh deeeefen-se," it suggested. Before turning to go, it drew the dome from above and circled some regions around it. It then drew pairs of lines from the points on these regions furthest apart and on those lines drew a small picture of a box rotated in front of the building they were using as cover. Essentially giving those present a ballistics table, the mage continued, "ssssset twoooo, loook out fffffforr-khh, hhhh-ffffflying creaaature; ruuuun iffff spotted," it said. In spite of the gravelly tone and protracted speech, the alien mannerisms of the creature managed to come off as deadly serious, "ifffff-khh, possssssss-ible, maaaaake aa-hh-aanother."

Invigorated by the relative success of the slipshod siege weapon, the creature staggered through the sandy cobbled street of the city toward the dome, attempting to catch glimpses of the fighting underway in the area. However, it spared no time to look, only getting impressions from the noise and light. They would have to win on their own, the boatman reasoned while their staggering form entered the doorway, an oval shadow cast inside by the moonlight. Without reservation, the pale-robed thing tottered up to Shaara and spoke, "catapulllt ffffiiiinishhed, I neeeed foooocusssss, hoold ssssssoooldiersss fro-mmm ssssstorminggg untillllll theeee eeenemyyyyy isss in chaosss," the mage requested, rather blatantly prioritizing something else over her status update. The robed boatman plopped down in place and rested the oar across its knees. It placed its hands into its hood and pressed them over where its ears would be located, bowing its head. After a few moments it seemed to be breathing heavily, as though exerting itself. The creature's raspy breathing was audible to those right near it.

Somewhere behind the rings of buildings, humanoid figures began coalescing out of air. Like the creation of Greek statues, the figures were almost featureless as though freshly cut from the stone. Only a few at first, but many more, many, many more over the course of six seconds. Gradually, these colorless and featureless figures grew hair and clothing, weapons, armor, expressions, the different features of the races found here, dirt, grit, and determination. Given four, 15ft cubes, Charon, spread within 5 areas with the help of his arigami, formed an illusory army. The heights varied, but no soldier stood on top of each other, so it could fill the square with people. The average humanoid was between 1.5 and 3.5 ft wide, and only at most 1 ft deep. In a 225ft2 square, it could have tiled about 75 creatures, not perfectly arranged, taking up about 3 ft2 each, 3 wide x 1 deep, some creatures larger and some smaller, some taller and shorter, many civilians, most with weapons, a few men and women holding gardening tools and trade gear, a couple children in case those annoying beasts hovering in the air had reservations about slaying young humanoids, but mostly soldiers. They began to step, at first noiseless, then with a few dull thuds. Gradually, over another six seconds, Charon added the noises of these soldiers, the dull crunch of sandy stone ground by leather or metal shoes. Their armor, eventually varying in make and degree of wear and stain, came to life and bounced as they moved, their hair tousled in the breeze, more wrinkles, breathing, noise; the clanking of 75 tools sometimes covered in blood, sometimes clean, sometimes stained; their determination, their quest for blood, and 75 faces, desperate, dirty, angry; 75 lifelike ghosts in Barad Eithel. Charon could have done that four times.

So they did.

From one portion of the ring of buildings surrounding the dome, there came the sound of many boots marching. From behind and out of buildings, over short hills and out of shadows, 300 "fighers" swarmed the outskirts of the battle, placing themselves between a couple of buildings. Their heads turned while they shouted at each other, some looked frightened as their wide eyes found other wide eyes, some steeled themselves with grit, and some appeared enraged. Making sure their advance appeared disorganized, a brave looking human with a great blade charged first, screaming his head off. This was the apparent start signal for this troupe. The illusory horde, their dust and footprints, their cries were like a roar from those 15 ft cubes. A ragtag army flowed from the southeast, roaring and brandishing weapons, full stride kicking up dust. Charon waited until the illusory horde nearly met the defenders before the thunderous sound of a bell tolled from all of the 15ft cubes, the signal for the catapult(s) to begin their assault. With any luck, the defenders would be poorly arranged to receive the real army waiting at the wings.

By the time the ghostly army was fully formed and moving, Charon was huffing as though they ran a mile, rasping loudly. Once the work was finished, it slowly leaned forward to brace itself with its hands pressed against the stony floor of the tower, shaking visibly. Sweat dripped from the hood and fell onto the ground in front of it, sweat or tears. The boatman smelled like a reptile cage. Shaara probably couldn't hear the pounding in Charon's head, but someone snuck a bass drum behind his forehead, he was sure of it. To muster that many forms in such detail was not easy for the mage, but it was done. Slowly, the creature rose, attempting to speak through the ragged breaths, though unsuccessful for a little while.
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Health: Fresh | Toughness: 12 | Spell Power: 12 |Manna: 5/5
Condition: 0
Speed: 2​

Artisan | -2
Combat | 4
Charm | 1
Knowledge | 2
Larceny | 4
Survival | 3
Lilith Falciani
Another thing to add to the list of stuff no one bothered to mention, floating tentacle faced monsters. And they were on alert. Of course they were on alert after the ruckus she made. That wasn't really the problem though. The problem were the numbers. Even ignoring the horde of mindless slaves the odds were ten to one, something she couldn't take on her own so she'd have to switch to stealth. Luckily that's where things started working in her favor. The steam shrouding the room would help hide her from sight while the clanging of the hammers would cover up her footsteps and any other noise she made. She could hardly ask for a better setting.

Now it was just a question of what to do? She could try tipping the vat over and hope that the contents would splash and do damage. Somehow she doubted that it would have much effect other than giving away her position. No, she needed to get to the machine. More specifically to the platform with the dias. With the four katulus guarding the front she needed to make her way around the back. Or climb on top of it. That could be fun. She could take the obvious route down the stairs and ramps, hiding behind machines and in groups of thralls to avoid the minions and overseers looking for her. But it would be slow going. The less orthodox option would be to climb along the pipes and stuff. If she was spotted she'd be a sitting duck, but that was only if. In fact she might be less likely to be noticed since no one would be expecting it. Plus it sounded like a challenge. Probably not something she should be seeking out right now, but what was life if you always took the easy way?

Mind made up, Lilith crept over to the pipes and started shimmying her way across...
- Outside the Golden Dome -
" Eastern Roof District, Barad Eithel "


The catapult wreaked havoc.

The enemy, suddenly caught by surprise at the large allied force, halted their advance and bunkered down densely between two ruins, hoping probably to use the streets as a choke point where the larger numbers of the allies wouldn't help as much, but that was to their demise. The first volley of debris flew over the illusion army after the sound of the bell and shredded the mindless slaves.

The floating katulus' shrieks were lost in the carnage. They and the remnant of their force took cover in the buildings, but the catapults continued to bring it down on them. Shaara and the folks in the tower cheered, looking up at Charon in relief and much hope, like they could rely on him to win them this fight, and invigorated, Shaara ordered a full assault on the western force.

"Good work, they actually fell for that!" she said to Charon, then noticing his huffing, kneeled next to him in concern, never mind that he smelled like a reptile cage. "Friend, are you alright? We're going to be moving up? I can leave two of my best men to guard you while you rest and a mount as well." she signaled to the others, and two Purrsians on giant coyotes approached with a rider-less one.

Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

- Beneath the Golden Dome -

Hot steam and the smell of coal dust and molten iron swirled around Lilith. The large pipes were warm, and quivering with the hum of the gargantuan engine. She passed by moving iron cranes with sheets of metal dangling on heavy chains that ran all the way down from the break-neck height of the sixth floor. The shrouded silhouettes of the searching slaves and the guarded floating katulus moving under lantern and brazier light did not notice her, until finally she reached the hot engine. This was where the steam was most dense, and now, this close, she can hear running water from some of the smaller pipes leading into it.

There were two floating katulus within reach at this height, the closest to her on the left of the engine, the other on the far right. And every now and then, there would be moments where they would be both looking away from each other . . .

Ian Temero Ian Temero

Health: Fresh | Toughness: 12 | Spell Power: 12 |Manna: 5/5
Condition: 0
Speed: 2​

Artisan | -2
Combat | 4
Charm | 1
Knowledge | 2
Larceny | 4
Survival | 3
Lilith Falciani
Lilith's knife flashed out of its sheath and slipped into the gap between the katulu’s spine and skull. Her other hand wrapped around its neck and she pulled it down to the ground, dragging the body back into the cover of the steam. She gave blade a twist, ensuring the creature's death, before sliding it out and flicking the blood off. Her ears were tilted forward as she waited, listening for any reaction. Nothing. It had been a clean kill, quiet, efficient, satisfying. The kind of satisfying that you couldn't help but want seconds of.

Silted eyes locked onto the floating figure of the second guard. He would eventually notice his missing companion. That wouldn't do. He also happened to be in the direction she wanted to go. How convenient. Not that she needed any excuses as she stalked forward, keeping low in the fog. Her tail flicked back and forth as she licked her lips in anticipation, knife poised for another strike. Then she launched forward, grabbing onto the back of its head and yanking it back, opening its neck up for the blade that slid across. Then dragging the body into steam Lilith let out a breath of relief. That took care of them. Now she just needed to climb down the machine, get to the platform, and deal with the creature there.

She took a moment to peer over the edge, putting her target in her sights. This ended up being a mistake. You see when you slit someone's throat they tend to bleed a lot and blood tended to be slick, especially when it's underfoot. Lilith realized this a moment too late though as she felt her foot suddenly lose traction.
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- Isa Bianchi -

Isa had left Moss and Leonid hidden in one of the nooks of the gear works. Making sure they were comfy as he placed their bags around them. Then he placed Pluplu next to Okami, on Moss’ chest. Gently rubbing the both of them with the tip of his finger. “Watch over them, okay?“ He muttered to the tarantulas. “Stay safe too.”

Carrying a few more bombs and strings, the redhead paused and stared at the merman. His brows furrowed. He has to protect him, lure away the danger from his beau and friend. The only way he knew how is to end this . . . End Theosebia somehow. In case they wake up during his fight, Isa gingerly touched his bleeding side and wrote on the floor next to Moss. Writing ‘I’m at lungs. Theosebia is here and went mad from potion.’ and then quietly left. Making his way to the lungs, he heard movement. Stone moving- Avion must have moved his beak, not realizing that it’s about to cause a bunch of explosions. Still, Isa moved. Not wasting time as he walked and tied firecrackers on the floor and ceiling with strings. He heard the gas hissing and a meld of women screaming at once-

the first trap was triggered.

Isa perked up, surprised to hear from L and waited until the explosions’ loud booms covered his growling voice. “I’m inside of Gaius’ throat going to the lung cavity. Moss and Leonid are out of commission-“ More screams of pain, probably from his third trap and he hurried along. “- hidden. I know she is. Hurry and be careful of Avion. It watches.”

Once he was done with his set up with the fireworks, he waited until he could only hear Theosebia’s voice and mimicked Manuel‘s voice. Yelling.

Theosebia! Over here!” Isa ran into the branches that leads to the lungs, ready to go on a surprise attack with firrworks.

Zer0 Zer0
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Health: Fresh | Toughness: Background Ability (10) + Armor (1) [11] | Spell Power: Background Ability (14) + Knowledge (4) + Equipment (1) [19] |Manna: Background Ability (4) + Knowledge (4) [6/8]
Condition: 0 | Roleplay Points: 0


Charon released one long hiss from their position. When they leaned forward, the oar they use clattered to the floor with a hollow 'thunk', barely audible under the cheers and combat. The boatman exhaled once more, quietly this time, and snatched up the oar, pushing themself off of the ground and standing up straight. The robe could be seen moving as it seemed the boatman rolled their shoulders and stretched their neck. A response finally came, "mmmmmmm fffffiiinee; diffffficult, hhhh," it complained. It reached up with its free hand and into the wall of shadow covering its face to gently push on its chin from the right to coax a moderately loud "pop" from its neck. The hooded figure paced to the window, now much safer as a result of the siege weapon, carefully surveying the state of the enemy.

The creature turned around curiously when she offered him guards and a coyote. It twisted its head to the side like a confused -- well, coyote, probably -- and looked down at the restrictive garb covering its body. With something akin to a shrug, Charon reached forward without reservation and allowed the creature to smell their hand until it was satisfied. That pale robe wobbled over to the side of the coyote, the oar in its left hand melting into shadow in a matter of seconds and dissipating. With both hands, Charon gripped the leather, looking curiously at the coat of the coyote while it pulled itself up. The robe did not lend itself well to riding something, but the creature seemed content with side-saddle.

"Hhhhn," it rasped uneasily, looking down at the arrangement. The chances of eating sand were not insignificant in this case.
- Beneath the Golden Dome -
"Round 1"


Hoarse screeches echoed around Lilith. "Inavruder! Inavruder! Geav lav-li, proavecav alnej!"

The two guarding katulus, a red and pale blue monster, quickly floated over to the dark robed one on the dais, blocking Lilith from it. Dark Robes' hands hastened over the illusory stars and magic runes, while the other pair's staffs glowed, viridescent arcane winds swirling around a growing green blaze.

Lilith's health reduced to: Bruised, from the fall.

So, battles are composed of Rounds. Each round is 6 seconds long in story time. There is no post order, so anyone can post any time. All the Hp deductions and effects occur at the end of the round, so even if your character has been hit 3 times before you could write your post in, your character can still perform actions, since all the damage takes effect at the end of the round. The deductions and effects are mentioned by the GM, so remember to keep your post open ended.

Back to rounds, each character has 1 Minor Action, and 1 Major Action each round. The basic actions to take is use the minor action "Move" to go to your target, and then use a major action to "Attack". Below is a more extensive list of things you can do, if it is not mentioned here, you can ask me and we can work it into the fight.

*You can also perform any minor action using a major action.
  1. Hide or Find | Make a Larceny roll to conceal yourself. This makes you immune to single target attacks. OR make a Knowledge roll to reveal hidden things, or see through illusions.
  2. Move | Travel up to 1 adjacent area. OR stay in the same area and take cover, giving ranged and area-effect attackers -2 to their rolls against you.
  3. Save | Make a Survival roll to save yourself from 1 affliction. You may spend additional +1 Mp for every extra affliction you wish to get rid of. You can do this for an ally in their stead. OR take an attack you are aware of in a nearby ally's place, protecting them. If the attack was lower than your Toughness, you do not take damage.

  1. Attack | Make a Combat roll to neutralize a target non-lethally or lethally. OR make a Larceny roll from a hidden position. This is a "Sneak Attack" and reveals you to those with a line of sight of your target, but gives you advantage to your roll. When performed at the start of battle, this gives you an "Ambush round" where your opponents don't get a turn.
    1. Afflict | Can be combined with other attacks. -1 hit. Reduce by -2 one of the following: Enemy's rolls, Toughness, or Spell Power OR pick an affliction from the common afflictions list. If you choose to deal damage, make the attack with -2 hit. Reduction can stack twice.
    Duration: 2 rounds
    a. Bleed
    Cannot recover health until this affliction has been cured.
    Resist: Survival
    Cure: Trauma Kit, Short rest
    b. Don't Move
    Cannot move away from place. That includes being stuck on ceilings.
    Resist: Survival
    c. Panicked
    Friendly fire on for area attacks. Missing an opponent with a single target attack has a chance to hit a random ally within range.
    Cure: Ally spends minor action to soothe
    d. Taunted
    You draw the target's aggression on you on the next round. This aggression can be drawn instead towards a willing ally who is in the same area.

    2. Charge
    Mounted/ Driving melee attack. On this round, if you had "Moved" in a straight line to 1 adjacent area before engaging your foes, you can rush them with -3 to hit to strike a number of foes in your path = Combat.

    3. Disarm
    No damage. -1 hit. Send 1 hand-held item flying to a random adjacent area. You may deal damage, but make the disarm roll with -2 hit. You may choose to keep the item instead if you grab it, making the roll with an additional -1 hit.

    4. Grapple
    No damage. Melee attack. -1 hit. Grappled target has -4 to rolls, while attacks against it have +4. Grappled target cannot speak and cannot move away from place, but can be dragged 5 ft. at the moment of grapple. And then dragged at half speed as a minor action. Allies of the grappled target have a chance to hit their friend if they miss the grappler. You may deal damage, but make the grapple roll with -2 accuracy.
    Resist: Survival vs Grappler's last combat roll against grappled target.

    5. Quick
    Can be combined with other attacks. -1 hit. Your attack hits first if you rolled higher than your opponent.

    6. Team Up
    Cannot be combined with other attacks. Give up your major action to grant 1 ally who is in the same area as you advantage to their next roll. Ally rolls 2d20 and picks the best result. This can stack up to 3d20 if a second ally gives up their turn for your friend.
  2. Guard | Go on the defensive, doubling your shield's Toughness and adding the hit bonus of your weapon to your Toughness. You may Guard an ally instead of yourself. Cancelled by "Grapple".
  3. Use Item | Use an item in your inventory, or change 2 equipped items except for armor. Changing only 1 item is a minor action.
This is where I usually post battle stats and locations of enemies according to areas. Since Lilith is already in the same area as the enemies, she doesn't need to spend a minor action to "Move" if you choose to let her attack.

East Upper Engine

East Bottom Engine

  1. Red Katulu ---> minor action: protect black robe---> major action: afflict Lilith with "Don't Move" with damage -2 to hit
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  2. Pale Blue Katulu ---> minor action: protect black robe---> major action: attack Lilith
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  3. Dark Robed Katulu ---> doing something on the dais
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

Central Floor

North Blockaded Door

  1. Green Katulu ---> entire action: moving to bottom engine
  2. Purple Katulu ---> entire action: moving to bottom engine
  3. Orange Katulu ---> entire action: moving to bottom engine
South Wall
  1. Grey Katulu ---> minor action: move to central floor --->major action: putting up barriers to block non-floating access to central floor

West Wall
  1. Brown Katulu --->minor action: move to central floor ---> major action: putting up barriers to block non-floating access to central floor

- Outside the Golden Dome -
" Eastern Roof District, Barad Eithel "

The giant coyote's rust-red fur was dense, soft, and it smelled his hand curiously before giving it a lick and looked at him, bouncing and restless in place, looking eagerly every now and then whenever the sound of battle rose to a clamor, and then looking back at Charon expectantly with big yellow eyes.

"This is Nava, she's a spirited one, but she's fearless." said Shaara, patting the fur affectionately. "This is Ma'Khar and Omir," the two Purrsians nodded at Charon, "they'll be your guard. Let's go everyone!'

Jumping on to her own mount, she left a few defenders in the tower, then joined the forces assaulting the enemy's battered center. They saw debris from the catapult fly over to the other flanking force, but it seemed to be retreating back to fortify the dome. Shaara and the others could either move in to attack them and cut them off, or go straight for the widely dispersed Templars and katulus guarding the dome that were quickly moving to make their formation more compact. The north and southwest sides of the dome was starting to become thinly guarded.

What would you like to do?

Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

- Theosebia -

'Okay, I'm coming over first, Vidya is going to get Magni to safety, she probably won't join us till much later.' said Liliana's huffing voice, she seemed to be running.

Suddenly, hair-raising screams echoed down the tunnel above, and a heavy wet slap fell down, followed by the slithering and slapping of many unnatural limbs. 'WHERE ARE YOU?!' demanded many deranged lady voices. 'I KNOW IT IS YOU, WRETCH! I HAVE SEEN THE MEMORIES OF THAT BLASTED DOG, I KNOW WHO YOU HOLD DEAR. HE WILL SUFFER A THOUSAND AGONIES AND YOU WILL WATCH HELPLESSLY, BEGGING FOR ME TO END IT ALL!' A green glow shone dimly from the dark tunnel, before a writhing mass of wet bleeding green flesh crawled from behind the corner at astonishing speed. Its hundreds of eyes alight with manic rage, waves of arms pulling at the floor and ceiling, as its many formless faces filled the hallways with an endless cacophony of curses.

The wave of flesh burst into Isa's chamber.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Flash and spark of fireworks. For a moment, the thing screeched, eyes un-forming into nothing ---

Isa gets an ambush round where Theosebia does nothing before we go to round 1.

  1. Theosebia
    8/12 Hp | Toughness 18 | Manna 16/16
    +6 to rolls
    Special: Multicast. Can cast multiple spells at once with each extra spell lowering the chance of success by an additional -1.
    Passive (currently blocked due to potion effects): Detect Magic, city radius
Katsuya Katsuya
- Isa Bianchi -

“That’s fine. Get ready to see the crazy demon lady, I’ll distract her when ya come by.” Isa replied back in a whisper as he ducked under a gear and hid, waiting for Theosebia to come in.

The room Isa ran in had moving gears all around, helping the chest to gather air in it’s lungs. Pumps huffing and puffing gases as metal wheels turned with clicks and ticks. As Theosebia screeched, fireworks exploding, a kunai emerged from the gears’ shadows. Hoping to have the knife in the flesh somehow, yet he clicked his tongue when an arm swiped it away by chance. So Isa yanked the chain back to hold onto the kunai and hid to another set of gears, not answering back. Copying what the ninja guard and prince did in the book; staying quiet and calm.

Her threat only empowered his resolve to survive this; to make sure Moss stays safe.

3/3 HP | 16 toughness | Manna 0/10

Major action: ambush
Minor action: hide behind gears

Zer0 Zer0
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Health: Fresh | Toughness: Background Ability (10) + Armor (1) [11] | Spell Power: Background Ability (14) + Knowledge (4) + Equipment (1) [19] |Manna: Background Ability (4) + Knowledge (4) [6/8]
Condition: 0 | Roleplay Points: 0


Charon sighed heavily, weighing their options. Idly, the creature buried its fingers in the Coyote's fur and gently massaged a part on the back of its head. They could feel the tenseness and the readiness of the Coyote for conflict and this moment of connection caused Charon to break the surface of the conflict and a cold pain emerged in its chest. Swallowing hard and clearing its throat, the boatman turned rather lithely to their new companions. The dull green glow which had appeared earlier was quite far gone at that point and nothing of it remained, but it was clearly looking at one, then the other, the fabric of the hood bunching up at the neck while the robed figure twisted around to get a look at them.

"Thhhaaaank youuuu," it breathed first. Turning its head to a more natural position with its shoulders, the creature continued, "weeee - hhhhk - musssst ennter the doooome," it hissed heavily, a rattling growl following its command. The hand which was not fondling the huge coyote reached up to apparently rest on the creature's face, though it was turned away and the two assigned to guard Charon could not see their front. It rested there for a moment before inhaling sharply and quite ably lifting its legs up to swing them over to the other side of the mount, bringing them into a side-saddle position facing their guards fully. They spoke again, "mmmmhh, weeee aarrre innn-hhhh, neeeed ooof eiiiiighhht mmmarksssmennnn," they said hesitantly, "annnd fourrrrr tooower shhhield bearrrers."

With that, the robed figure began looking confusedly toward the harnessing and whatnot on the coyote. It saw a place to hold on to the saddle but couldn't make heads or tails of anything else. With an unsure grunt, Charon gripped the saddle and part of the harnesses around the shoulders of the coyote and leaned down to its ear, pointing ahead of and suggesting gently, "leeet uuussss, gooo... hnnn," it looked toward its new compatriots confusedly.

Health: Bruised (2/3) | Toughness: 12 | Spell Power: 12 |Manna: 4/5
Condition: 0
Speed: 2​

Artisan | -2
Combat | 4
Charm | 1
Knowledge | 2
Larceny | 4
Survival | 3
Lilith Falciani
"Crap." Lilith groaned as she picked herself up off the floor, the shrieks of the katulus echoing around her. Everything ached as she climbed to her feet watching as the room stirred to action. "Crap!" She said again as the the two monsters placed themselves between her and her target. She quickly looked around the room, seeing all paths of retreat being cut off. Ears laid back she returned her attention back to the enemies in front of her and the swirling mass of magic. "Alright, guess I'm doing this the hard way." She muttered readying her dagger.

The Katulus shot their spells and Lilith jumped to the side, spinning around one shot and slashing at the Red creature.

Minor Action: Avoid Pale Blue Katulu's attack (-1 MP)
Major Action: Attack against Red Katulu (+4 Combat)
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- Theosebia -
" Round 1"

Hundreds of agonized things seethed. 'I SEE YOUUUU!'

The mass of bloody flesh gaped open, stretching from floor to ceiling, and unnaturally bent branches of arms rushed for Isa, as the mass billowed forward.


He was covered, gears and all, by grabbing, screaming, glowing green pustulating hands. Nails scratched his face, ripped his hair, gripping his legs and neck, trying to pull him inside, as the mass curled, soon to close the way out forward.

He had a flashback of a pit of slaves being eaten.

Katsuya Katsuya
  1. Theosebia ---> minor: find Isa ---> major: attack Isa
    8/12 Hp | Toughness 18 | Spell Power 20 | Manna 16/16
    +6 to rolls
    Special: Multicast. Can cast multiple spells at once with each extra spell lowering the chance of success by an additional -1.
    Passive (currently blocked due to potion effects): Detect Magic, city radius

- Beneath the Golden Dome -
"Round 2"


Steel clashed against an unseen force in a flash of verdant sparks, as green snake-like flames whipped out of the red katulu's staff, missing Lilith's hair by inches; the sudden burst of green flames from the other passed harmlessly, as she spun evasively, and she saw in that split second the snake-fire strike one of the brass pipe.


The entire floor before the great engine was shrouded in steam, hiding everybody. It was hard to see beyond five feet.

Steam is acting as a smoke screen, immediately putting everyone in bottom engine in "hide" status with a passive Stealth = 10+Larceny, and giving -2 to Find rolls. While "hidden", they are immune to single target attacks. A successful "Find" roll with a DC 14 using Knowledge will reveal all katulus in the current area to Lilith.

East Upper Engine

East Bottom Engine

  1. Red Katulu ---> minor action: protect black robe---> major action: find Lilith, -2 from steam
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  2. Pale Blue Katulu ---> minor action: protect black robe---> major action: find Lilith, -2 from steam
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  3. Dark Robed Katulu --->minor action: protect black robe---> major action: find Lilith, -2 from steam
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls
  4. Green Katulu ---> minor action: find Lilith, -2 from steam---> major action: attack Lilith
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls
  5. Purple Katulu --->minor action: find Lilith, -2 from steam---> major action: attack Lilith
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls
  6. Orange Katulu --->minor action: find Lilith, -2 from steam---> major action: attack Lilith
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls
Central Floor

North Blockaded Door

South Wall

  1. Grey Katulu ---> major action: completing barriers to block non-floating access to central floor.
West Wall
  1. Brown Katulu --->major action: completing barriers to block non-floating access to central floor.

- Outside the Golden Dome -
" Eastern Roof District, Barad Eithel "

"Qa'drashi, Ma'tima, Kesarr get your brother, Dahrassa, and yes, all of you looking at me, come forward!" The rifle wielding Purrsians and what looked like a travelling elf scholar came forward. "You are under oar-mage's command." Shaara turned to Charon. "We do not have tower shields, but we'll make do --- you four, search for whatever can be used as make-shift tower shields, hurry!"

Soon, eight marksmen and four burly folks holding up doors wrapped in rope, debris reinforced with metal scrap, and one with round shields in each hand were ready for Charon's orders.

Then the allied forces regrouped and marched forward.

The Templars and remaining katulus were still reforming their thinned ranks. They were better armored, and more battle hardened than the drow slaves, but right now the allies' outnumbered the ones guarding the closed front door.

What would you like to do?

Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy
Battles are composed of Rounds. Each round is 6 seconds long in story time. There is no post order, so anyone can post any time. All the Hp deductions and effects occur at the end of the round, so even if your character has been hit 3 times before you could write your post in, your character can still perform actions, since all the damage takes effect at the end of the round. The deductions and effects are mentioned by the GM, so remember to keep your post open ended.

Back to rounds, each character has 1 Minor Action, and 1 Major Action each round. The basic actions to take is use the minor action "Move" to go to your target, and then use a major action to "Attack". Below is a more extensive list of things you can do, if it is not mentioned here, you can ask me and we can work it into the fight.

*You can also perform any minor action using a major action.
  1. Hide or Find | Make a Larceny roll to conceal yourself. This makes you immune to single target attacks. OR make a Knowledge roll to reveal hidden things, or see through illusions.
  2. Move | Travel up to 1 adjacent area. OR stay in the same area and take cover, giving ranged and area-effect attackers -2 to their rolls against you.
  3. Save | Make a Survival roll to save yourself from 1 affliction. You may spend additional +1 Mp for every extra affliction you wish to get rid of. You can do this for an ally in their stead. OR take an attack you are aware of in a nearby ally's place, protecting them. If the attack was lower than your Toughness, you do not take damage.

  1. Attack | Make a Combat roll to neutralize a target non-lethally or lethally. OR make a Larceny roll from a hidden position. This is a "Sneak Attack" and reveals you to those with a line of sight of your target, but gives you advantage to your roll. When performed at the start of battle, this gives you an "Ambush round" where your opponents don't get a turn.
    1. Afflict | Can be combined with other attacks. -1 hit. Reduce by -2 one of the following: Enemy's rolls, Toughness, or Spell Power OR pick an affliction from the common afflictions list. If you choose to deal damage, make the attack with -2 hit. Reduction can stack twice.
    Duration: 2 rounds
    a. Bleed
    Cannot recover health until this affliction has been cured.
    Resist: Survival
    Cure: Trauma Kit, Short rest
    b. Don't Move
    Cannot move away from place. That includes being stuck on ceilings.
    Resist: Survival
    c. Panicked
    Friendly fire on for area attacks. Missing an opponent with a single target attack has a chance to hit a random ally within range.
    Cure: Ally spends minor action to soothe
    d. Taunted
    You draw the target's aggression on you on the next round. This aggression can be drawn instead towards a willing ally who is in the same area.

    2. Charge
    Mounted/ Driving melee attack. On this round, if you had "Moved" in a straight line to 1 adjacent area before engaging your foes, you can rush them with -3 to hit to strike a number of foes in your path = Combat.

    3. Disarm
    No damage. -1 hit. Send 1 hand-held item flying to a random adjacent area. You may deal damage, but make the disarm roll with -2 hit. You may choose to keep the item instead if you grab it, making the roll with an additional -1 hit.

    4. Grapple
    No damage. Melee attack. -1 hit. Grappled target has -4 to rolls, while attacks against it have +4. Grappled target cannot speak and cannot move away from place, but can be dragged 5 ft. at the moment of grapple. And then dragged at half speed as a minor action. Allies of the grappled target have a chance to hit their friend if they miss the grappler. You may deal damage, but make the grapple roll with -2 accuracy.
    Resist: Survival vs Grappler's last combat roll against grappled target.

    5. Quick
    Can be combined with other attacks. -1 hit. Your attack hits first if you rolled higher than your opponent.

    6. Team Up
    Cannot be combined with other attacks. Give up your major action to grant 1 ally who is in the same area as you advantage to their next roll. Ally rolls 2d20 and picks the best result. This can stack up to 3d20 if a second ally gives up their turn for your friend.
  2. Guard | Go on the defensive, doubling your shield's Toughness and adding the hit bonus of your weapon to your Toughness. You may Guard an ally instead of yourself. Cancelled by "Grapple".
  3. Use Item | Use an item in your inventory, or change 2 equipped items except for armor. Changing only 1 item is a minor action.
Feel free to control your squad. Charon still has his own separate turn.
  1. Templar Squad
    3/3 Hp | Toughness 16
    Special: Attacks twice

  2. Katulus
    2/2 Hp | Toughness 12
    Special: Spells

  3. Charon's Squad
    5/5 Hp | Toughness 16
    Special: Attacks twice
Health: Fresh | Toughness: Background Ability (10) + Armor (1) [11] | Spell Power: Background Ability (14) + Knowledge (4) + Equipment (1) [19] |Manna: Background Ability (4) + Knowledge (4) [6/8]
Condition: 0 | Roleplay Points: 0


Charon spared no time when they assembled, sliding off of the coyote and tugging at the rope-bound metal on the doors, bobbing its head in tentative satisfaction. The creature's pale-grey robe brushed the sand as it stepped back and addressed them all, both of its bandaged hands gripping the wooden oar while it spoke. Its very slightly bent back tensed with the action of speaking and its shoulders seemed to move. Here, the speech of this creature was somewhat clearer, as though it had become more proficient in the act. Still halting and rife with gravelly growls, largely unabated, and protracted hissing, shorter than before, the creature spoke, "wee m-musst pennnetrate the toower, hhhgh, theeere isss some thinng horrrible gooing ooon," it intoned gravely. By its tone, it seemed to be entreating them.

"Weee musst form a ssshield walll ffor ourr little uunit," it said tersely, inhaling deeply after everything said before continuing with increasing raggedness in its voice and clumsiness in its speech, "twooo mmarksmenn behinnnd one shhield; I will attemmmt to ssstop those creaturessss ffrom theirr magic, we musst advance with aggresssion," it continued, bowing its head toward the ground. During this pause, the boatman's right hand disappeared into the shadow of its hood and probably supported its chin. Another hissing inhale emanated from the creature.

"Once inssside, wee musst mmove caref-ully too the toop, buut quicklyyy," it said, pausing and holding up its finger to make sure he had their attention, "wee movee aloong corridorrss, ssstop aaat cornerss, theee shhields will mmove passt the corrnerrs annd kneel with theirr shhields whilllsst thhe marksssmen will doo the sssamee annnd fiiire upooon annything at aaal, theen retreeat quiickly," it explained, kneeling down and beginning to draw on the floor again.

It drew a hallway running parallel between them and then drew a four-way intersection. He drew the thirteen or fifteen people of his little unit before the section with an arrow pointing down the hall. Then, it drew the same intersection but with his unit right next to the branching paths. Then, he drew two shield bearers placing themselves at the mouth of each branch, two on each side, and the four marksmen moving behind the shield-bearers, four on each side, who would create a firing line. That concluded Charon's storyboard and the mage stood up quickly, surveying each of them for confusion. The formation was reminiscent of a shield wall, though in place of the spears were rifles. A worthy replacement.

"Immporrtant to mmmove sssimultaaneoussly," it added at the end while it let them digest their procedures.
- Isa Bianchi -
“Round 1: Unforgettable night”​

“I wish I didn’t see ya, ya miserable ugly sack of vomit!”

Isa cursed as a mass of weirdly vented arms came for him. Slamming him to the gear behind him. Again with the stitches!! He felt another rip! These arms are scratching him, pulling his hair, and gripping on his legs and neck-

The memory of slaves being eaten flashed, melding into the time when Manuel stabbed him with a knife as tendrils choked him. Pulling on the enchanted tattoos he received from Loki as the curse tried to infect him. No! Not this time! He promised to stay alive and he will, darn it!!


The redhead roared, rage brewing within as he gripped onto his Raven staff that hung on his belt. Struggling against the bent and distorted arms. The obsidian sphere that’s attached to the end of the staff gave off a sheen, activating the materia. He started to move to the side, hoping that the arms will get squished between the gears. Grabbing onto a few wrists with a hand. Next thing he knew, shadowy claws emerged from his staff and did the same. Holding onto more than a few wrists, it held onto many arms.

Isa 2/3HP
Toughness: 16| Spell DC: 14+5 = 21| Manna: 0/10
Condition: Bruised

Main hand: Raven staff |Materia: Shadow Claw|+1 Combat |+2 Spell Power | Attack range: 2 | Spell Casting Range: +2 | One-handed | Weight 1. Your afflictions penalize targets by an additional -1 and last 1 round longer. Mage staff. Enhanced by metal braces to not break easily unless hit by a strong or heavy weapon.

**Shadow Claw:
After every long rest, you can cast "Shadow Claw" a number of times a day = Knowledge. This summons a large claw of shadowy translucent force from the armor with a reach of 2 areas. It moves at your command, mimicking the movements of your own hand. In battle you may use Knowledge instead of combat for attack rolls. The claw aslo allows you to add Knowledge to strength rolls with advantage, and can carry two people. It can also be used defensively, adding Knowledge to Toughness, when wrapped protectively around 2 creatures. This claw can levitate, but cannot move beyond 2 areas of you. This claw has an Hp = 3 and lasts for a number of minutes= Knowledge. Concentration spell.

Off hand: Moss’ obsidian kunai

Major: Fights back. Activates Shadow claw.
Minor: Move

Zer0 Zer0
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Health: Bruised (2/3) | Toughness: 14 | Spell Power: 12 |Manna: 3/5
Condition: 0
Speed: 4​

Artisan | -2
Combat | 4
Charm | 1
Knowledge | 2 (+2 Perception)
Larceny | 4 (+2 Stealth) (Passive 16)
Survival | 3 (+2 Climb)
Lilith Falciani
The steam exploded from the pipe and Lilith grinned at her enemies, stepping back into the fog and vanishing from sight. This was the perfect time to change things up. "Toketsi." She muttered quietly, gathering the manna in her body and willing the change to come. Her fingers darkened as fur started to sprout across her skin, nails elongating into sharp claws. Her jaw stretched as her teeth sharpened. Her equipment vanished as she hunched over, her body shifting into something neither man nor beast. She wanted to roar out, let these creature know what they now faced, but she fought back the urge. Now was not the time to challenge them to a fight. Now was the time to hunt. Ears swiveling about the werejaguar opened her mouth and took a breath, tasting the air for her prey, but the scents of coal dust and iron covered up any traces.

Major Action: Use Beast Aspect (-1 MP)
Minor Action: Search for the Katulus (-2 from steam)
- Beneath the Golden Dome -
"Round 3"

Fiery viridescent snakes lashed after Lilith through the steam, but she was gone. There were disappointed croaks all around her. Tentacled shadows great and small, warped by the brazier lights, floated all around her, hunting her.

Suddenly hazy stars winked through the mist, dimly uncovering the dark silhouettes of that black robed katulu on the dais and its two guards.


Ember beams of light flashed across the steam from the great engine behind her; the ground trembled, as glowing golden lines crisscrossed along the floor from the dais, forming arcane circles, and lighting the power runes running all over the chamber and into the brass and golden-patina walls.

There was distant crashing, great things collapsing, and a wave of heat washed over the chamber, as the gargantuan engine roared.

Ian Temero Ian Temero
Steam is acting as a smoke screen, immediately putting everyone in bottom engine in "hide" status with a passive Stealth = 10+Larceny, and giving -2 to Find rolls. While "hidden", they are immune to single target attacks. A successful "Find" roll with a DC 14 using Knowledge will reveal all katulus in the current area to Lilith.

East Upper Engine

East Bottom Engine
(Shrouded in steam)
  1. Red Katulu (revealed) ---> minor action: protect black robe---> major action: find Lilith, -2 from steam
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  2. Pale Blue Katulu (revealed)---> minor action: protect black robe---> major action: attack Lilith
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  3. Dark Robed Katulu (revealed)--->entire round: Activate engine
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  4. Green Katulu ---> minor action: find Lilith, -2 from steam---> major action: attack Lilith
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  5. Purple Katulu --->minor action: find Lilith, -2 from steam---> major action: attack Lilith
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  6. Orange Katulu --->minor action: find Lilith, -2 from steam---> major action: attack Lilith
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls
Central Floor

North Blockaded Door

South Wall

  1. Grey Katulu ---> major action: ?? Steam prevents sight
West Wall
  1. Brown Katulu --->major action: ?? Steam prevents sight

- Golden Dome -
" Rising"

After a few quick clarifications, everyone nodded at Charon, understanding their role. There were shouts as the shield bearers marched forward followed by the marksmen. They were at the back of the allied formation, reserved to rush in when there was an opportunity to break through.

The allied frontlines struggled forward in the wild dusty night, fighting through the barricaded gates under the explosive fires of the katulus. And then with a fierce battle cry Shaara's company collided with the Templars on the steps before the golden dome.

The air was filled with the noise of clashing steel, and the spray of blood, as the larger allied force began to encompass the Templars in a crescent, cutting off their wings from reinforcing them, but the Templars were more skilled and better armored than Shaara's army of bandit gangs and ordinary folk. There was no clear winner yet, but for just a moment, there was an opportunity to rush around the sides and break through the dome's doors.

Suddenly the ruins shook around them. It grew to an earthquake. All around a strange deafening high rushing whining grew, like wind, but stronger.


The floor split, metal creaked and bent, as behind them, the city . . . the city was sinking. No . . . the golden dome and its surroundings. It was rising!

Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy
Battles are composed of Rounds. Each round is 6 seconds long in story time. There is no post order, so anyone can post any time. All the Hp deductions and effects occur at the end of the round, so even if your character has been hit 3 times before you could write your post in, your character can still perform actions, since all the damage takes effect at the end of the round. The deductions and effects are mentioned by the GM, so remember to keep your post open ended.

Back to rounds, each character has 1 Minor Action, and 1 Major Action each round. The basic actions to take is use the minor action "Move" to go to your target, and then use a major action to "Attack". Below is a more extensive list of things you can do, if it is not mentioned here, you can ask me and we can work it into the fight.

*You can also perform any minor action using a major action.
  1. Hide or Find | Make a Larceny roll to conceal yourself. This makes you immune to single target attacks. OR make a Knowledge roll to reveal hidden things, or see through illusions.
  2. Move | Travel up to 1 adjacent area. OR stay in the same area and take cover, giving ranged and area-effect attackers -2 to their rolls against you.
  3. Save | Make a Survival roll to save yourself from 1 affliction. You may spend additional +1 Mp for every extra affliction you wish to get rid of. You can do this for an ally in their stead. OR take an attack you are aware of in a nearby ally's place, protecting them. If the attack was lower than your Toughness, you do not take damage.

  1. Attack | Make a Combat roll to neutralize a target non-lethally or lethally. OR make a Larceny roll from a hidden position. This is a "Sneak Attack" and reveals you to those with a line of sight of your target, but gives you advantage to your roll. When performed at the start of battle, this gives you an "Ambush round" where your opponents don't get a turn.
    1. Afflict | Can be combined with other attacks. -1 hit. Reduce by -2 one of the following: Enemy's rolls, Toughness, or Spell Power OR pick an affliction from the common afflictions list. If you choose to deal damage, make the attack with -2 hit. Reduction can stack twice.
    Duration: 2 rounds
    a. Bleed
    Cannot recover health until this affliction has been cured.
    Resist: Survival
    Cure: Trauma Kit, Short rest
    b. Don't Move
    Cannot move away from place. That includes being stuck on ceilings.
    Resist: Survival
    c. Panicked
    Friendly fire on for area attacks. Missing an opponent with a single target attack has a chance to hit a random ally within range.
    Cure: Ally spends minor action to soothe
    d. Taunted
    You draw the target's aggression on you on the next round. This aggression can be drawn instead towards a willing ally who is in the same area.

    2. Charge
    Mounted/ Driving melee attack. On this round, if you had "Moved" in a straight line to 1 adjacent area before engaging your foes, you can rush them with -3 to hit to strike a number of foes in your path = Combat.

    3. Disarm
    No damage. -1 hit. Send 1 hand-held item flying to a random adjacent area. You may deal damage, but make the disarm roll with -2 hit. You may choose to keep the item instead if you grab it, making the roll with an additional -1 hit.

    4. Grapple
    No damage. Melee attack. -1 hit. Grappled target has -4 to rolls, while attacks against it have +4. Grappled target cannot speak and cannot move away from place, but can be dragged 5 ft. at the moment of grapple. And then dragged at half speed as a minor action. Allies of the grappled target have a chance to hit their friend if they miss the grappler. You may deal damage, but make the grapple roll with -2 accuracy.
    Resist: Survival vs Grappler's last combat roll against grappled target.

    5. Quick
    Can be combined with other attacks. -1 hit. Your attack hits first if you rolled higher than your opponent.

    6. Team Up
    Cannot be combined with other attacks. Give up your major action to grant 1 ally who is in the same area as you advantage to their next roll. Ally rolls 2d20 and picks the best result. This can stack up to 3d20 if a second ally gives up their turn for your friend.
  2. Guard | Go on the defensive, doubling your shield's Toughness and adding the hit bonus of your weapon to your Toughness. You may Guard an ally instead of yourself. Cancelled by "Grapple".
  3. Use Item | Use an item in your inventory, or change 2 equipped items except for armor. Changing only 1 item is a minor action.
Feel free to control your squad. Charon still has his own separate turn.
  1. Templar Squad
    3/3 Hp | Toughness 16
    +4 to rolls
    Special: Attacks twice

  2. Katulus
    2/2 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls
    Special: Spells

  3. Charon's Squad
    5/5 Hp | Toughness 16
    +3 to rolls
    Special: Attacks twice

- Theosebia -
" Round 2"

Shadow claws pulled and hundreds of faceless women screamed at Isa, as he heard a horrible cracking. Gears whined and clanked unnaturally, as the limbs were caught and pulled into the spinning machinery.

More arms burst from the mass of flesh, trying in agony to pull away from the gears; dark lightning sigils, their magic reeking like the ugliness of crawling things, appeared as the hands drew them across the air, and then a vile sulfurous spray showered Isa.

Metal hissed and melted like snow, but he was still alive!

Katsuya Katsuya
  1. Theosebia ---> major: afflict Isa with -2 Toughness with damage, -2 success
    7/12 Hp | Toughness 18 | Spell Power 20 | Manna 16/16
    +6 to rolls
    Special: Multicast. Can cast multiple spells at once with each extra spell lowering the chance of success by an additional -1.
    Passive (currently blocked due to potion effects): Detect Magic, city radius
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- Isa Bianchi -
“Round 2”

He winced at the screams and that cracking-! In the back of his mind, he was surprised that she even has bones! Isa felt the grabby hands yanked away from his legs and neck, leaving red marks behind; no doubt, those would be dark bruises later. Once he felt like he could move, he ran around the large mass as she focused on getting out of the gears. Shadowy claws following him

Maybe-maybe if he traps her somehow, Isa can-

He swung the chain around and whipped to bar interlocked bars, having the kunai lodge itself on a tight corner, and he pushed himself off. Swinging himself to the right as she spewed gas. As the gases died down, he saw how the metal melted, hissing. However that’s not what caught his yellow eyes. What interests him is behind the melted metal. He can see more gears- there’s more room inside! If he goes in there, would he have a better chance to trap her?

With a jerk of the chain to collect the kunai, Isa landed on his feet and ran inside.

Steam hissed as Isa ran forward. Jumping over and dodging the moving metalworks. He hears Theosebia screeching behind him yet he didn’t look back. He didn’t dare to, not out of fear, but because he needed to be aware of his surroundings. This place is huge and cramped with clockwork. Heat raising in certain parts, causing him sweat, his hair clinging to his brow and temples. He clicked his tongue. He couldn’t find anything he could use to get Theosebia stuck-

With a sudden jump to the left, Isa dodged a blow from the twisted arms. Landing on a knee and foot as he watched the arms crash into a smaller set of gears. Seeing how it struggled to free itself from the jutting teeth of the gears as steam started to pour out-

“That’s it~” Isa muttered to himself. Such a simple plan but the execution . . . Her screeches got louder. He can hear the squishy thuds as she squeezed in the entrance as she managed to move around. Not for long however. With himself as the target, the redhead willingly moved in front of her to catch her attention despite the dim lighting; she can see his lanky figure and his yellow eyes. “Over here, ya overgrown sad sack.” Then he ran, only to stop to make her believe that he didn’t have an exit. Then to jump out of the way and letting her arms crash into the gears. He even used the shadowy claws to drag those arms further in the teeth of the gears, hearing that loud crunch again and again along with her screaming. Pissing her off more and more as he mocked her in his vicious teasing.

”Ohhh~ so close~”

”Missed me~”

”No luck, sweetie~”

”Wanna try again?” He purred before dodging, chuckling as he heard her snarling. “For a creature with this many arms, you’re very clumsy with those~ here-“ That’s when he pulled her arms once more with his shadowy claws, making them be tangled between the harsh metals. “Maybe when ya lose them, you’ll be more graceful~”

Little by little, Isa managed to pin her arms. Forcing her to stay in one spot—a spot where there are searing buffers close by—- and not move. The redhead moved back, keeping himself a safe distance as he watched her struggle. Smiling devilishly as his eyes glowed bright.

Isa 2/3HP
Toughness: 16| Spell DC: 14+5 = 21| Manna: 0/10
Condition: Bruised

Main hand: Raven staff |Materia: Shadow Claw|+1 Combat |+2 Spell Power | Attack range: 2 | Spell Casting Range: +2 | One-handed | Weight 1. Your afflictions penalize targets by an additional -1 and last 1 round longer. Mage staff. Enhanced by metal braces to not break easily unless hit by a strong or heavy weapon.

**Shadow Claw:
After every long rest, you can cast "Shadow Claw" a number of times a day = Knowledge. This summons a large claw of shadowy translucent force from the armor with a reach of 2 areas. It moves at your command, mimicking the movements of your own hand. In battle you may use Knowledge instead of combat for attack rolls. The claw aslo allows you to add Knowledge to strength rolls with advantage, and can carry two people. It can also be used defensively, adding Knowledge to Toughness, when wrapped protectively around 2 creatures. This claw can levitate, but cannot move beyond 2 areas of you. This claw has an Hp = 3 and lasts for a number of minutes= Knowledge. Concentration spell.

Off hand: Moss’ obsidian kunai

Major: Fights back. Activates Shadow claw.
Minor: Move
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Health: Bruised (2/3) | Toughness: 14 | Spell Power: 12 |Manna: 3/5
Condition: 0
Speed: 4

Artisan | -2
Combat | 4
Charm | 1
Knowledge | 2 (+2 Perception)
Larceny | 4 (+2 Stealth) (Passive 16)
Survival | 3 (+2 Climb)
Lilith Falciani
Lilith let out a snarl as the machine powered up, tail thrashing in frustration. This was not going well at all. She was failing her mission and that was something she would not allow. The silhouette of one of the guards turned towards her and she realized that she had been spotted. Crouching down she lunged forward, claws outstretched towards the guarding katulus.

Major Action: Attack Blue (13)
Minor Action: Attack Red (11)
- Victory! -
"Within Gaius"

Screams of frustration.

Thud, thud!

The ugly mass slammed against the walls, chasing after Isa.

" LITTLE WRETCH, WE ARE TEN THOUSAND STRONG!" Gears groaned under the weight, pipes bursting with the shrill whistles of steam, as hundreds of arms flooded after him. "WE DEFIED THE ANCIENTS AND SURVIVED! THEY COULD NOT EVEN TAKE AWAY OUR MEMORIES. DO YOU THINK THAT YOU, A PUNY CHILD, CAN GET AWAY FROM US?!"

Voices screamed, as the hands snatched air and were caught by the gears. With a terrible crack and spray of blood, they wrenched free, manic eyes livid with pain and rage.

"WHEN WE REMAKE THE WORLD BACK TO OUR GLORIOUS AGE, YOU WILL KNOW ENDLESS TORMENT!" The thing stretched open, filling the cramp machinery, and Isa saw the arms blossom like a grotesque flower, opening to a mouth of many faceless heads with scarred gnashing teeth. "YOU WILL KNOW WHAT IT IS TO BE AWAY FROM YOUR LOVE!" They screamed over his taunt. "TO BE TORMENTED BY MEMORIES UNTIL YOU WISH TO FORGET! FOREVER SEARCHING, NEVER FINDING HIM."

She stalked, looming above him, cornering him.


She lunged.

It was the loudest cacophony of screams, ear-splitting whining screech of metal, and the crunch of bones, as Theosebia was grappled, shoved into the clockwork gears by claws of shadow.

Blood overflowed, as the thing was folded, pulled in by the steaming heavy gears, faces and arms, and pustules of eyes reaching out desperately through the gaps of the shadow claws. Like paper being sucked by spinning gears. "NO! NOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOO! ZOSIMOS! ZOSIMOS!"

And for the first time. It sobbed. One voice among the raging screams was sobbing.


The arms trembled and went limp as the last of the thing was eaten by the cogs and gears. The screams lessened, until the last voice to die was the one that was sobbing. One blue eye staring at Isa. Before it went red and it screamed its last dying scream. A curse of anger and hate for Isa.

And then the gears groaned no more, resuming their normal clockwork.

All that was left of the mass was a bloody pulp of squished bits of gooey green flesh.

Katsuya Katsuya

- Beneath the Golden Dome -
"Round 4"

It gave a gutteral croak of panic to see a great big beast leaping out of nowhere.

Spray of red and a flash of green flames, and down went the pale blue Katulu, as a burning pain twisted Lilith's gut.

The black robed one and the red katulu suddenly clutched their heads, shrieking in pain. All the katulus around him were shrieking, falling to their knees.

Their staffs clattered to the ground, as their tentacles writhed in agony.

And then there was another clamor, the rise of elven voices. The silent mindless drows were shouting, some in alarm, some in confusion, some in panic, some in a rallying cry.

What was going on?

Ian Temero Ian Temero
Steam is acting as a smoke screen, immediately putting everyone in bottom engine in "hide" status with a passive Stealth = 10+Larceny, and giving -2 to Find rolls. While "hidden", they are immune to single target attacks. A successful "Find" roll with a DC 14 using Knowledge will reveal all katulus in the current area to Lilith.

East Upper Engine

East Bottom Engine
(Shrouded in steam)
  1. Red Katulu (revealed) ---> ?
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  2. Pale Blue Katulu (revealed)---> minor action: protect black robe---> major action: attack Lilith
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  3. Dark Robed Katulu (revealed)--->?
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  4. Green Katulu ---> ?
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  5. Purple Katulu --->?
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls

  6. Orange Katulu --->?
    1 Hp | Toughness 12
    +4 to rolls
Central Floor

North Blockaded Door

South Wall

  1. Grey Katulu ---> ? Steam prevents sight
West Wall
  1. Brown Katulu --->? Steam prevents sight
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- Isa Bianchi -
“This pain must end”

Isa stared blankly at her, sickly yellow veins creeping back to his eyes as Theosebia screamed in pain. Pushing her back into the gears that’s tearing her flesh apart with his shadowy claws. ”All the more reason to stop ya now, before ya have a chance to touch a single hair on his head.” He growled lowly.

Then he pushed for the final time. . .


By the time L arrived and Moss and Leonid woke up, they would find that inside Gaius to be eerily quiet. A bloody trail on the ground and hand prints on the walls leading them to specific hallways. Markings of explosives—soot and ashen shadows —- hinting that there was traps here and there. Luring whatever danger away from the sleeping pair of men and into a hallway further down, past the stomach.

Then they would hear a man tenderly singing, echoing louder in the hallways the closer they got. His voice sounded unearthly in his calm, almost like he wanted to sooth the aches of one’s exhausted heart. He was accompanied by the hums of a whale and the voice of a woman. There was a soft glow of gold lights, seeping into the last hallway. Streams of light slowly surrounded the room, swirling gently past the gears and pipes as it cradled orbs that floated around. A tiny feathered bird-fairy flew around to sweetly lure the orbs to the streams while a woman with ever growing and dying leaves mindfully tapped on those that needed a small push with leaves. Right in the middle of the clockwork room sat Isa, his hands cupped. Singing his prayer to the ten thousand souls that stayed on the mortal realm for too long with a familiar autumn red haired woman that sang with him; his mother‘s spirit.

His expression stayed peaceful and sleepy as he peeked over his shoulder from hearing their footsteps. His clothing and hair billowing lazily. He smiled kindly, silently asking if they wanted to come in or not before he continued with his ancient cant. Once he stopped singing, the golden glow slowly disappeared along with the spirits, revealing the gruesome scene of Theosebia’s ripped chunks.

”Is everyone feeling okay?” Isa mumbled, his voice sounded scratchy like he was screaming before singing. He shakily stood up, his side bleeding from his stitches reopened. A dark bruise formed around his neck, rivaling the black color of his tattoos. Face turning pale under the lamp’s dim light, yet despite the pain he is feeling, the redhead is concerned for others, not for himself. He started to stumble his way towards them, reaching out to hold Moss’ hand tenderly. Indigo eyes gazed into teal ones before he looked at L and Leonid.

Zer0 Zer0
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Health: Fresh | Toughness: Background Ability (10) + Armor (1) [11] | Spell Power: Background Ability (14) + Knowledge (4) + Equipment (1) [19] |Manna: Background Ability (4) + Knowledge (4) [6/8]
Condition: 0 | Roleplay Points: 0


"Mmmnnnn, buggerrrr," Charon growled, stiffly casting its gaze around at the vibrating sand and loosening cobbles. It quickly swing itself off of the Coyote and surveyed the scene, pale moonlight glinting off of armor and weapons, armor and weapons tangling and throwing up dust. Dirty bandages draped over their hand, the boatman gently pushed their fingers into the fur of the Coyote. An animal may be trained to become excited by battle, but it is unlikely that it may learn to accept the very ground it moves on rising as a result of a mechromantic device -- a grand and powerful one at that. Charon began moving forward at a normal pace, with their hand on an oar, the space from which it was drawn far smaller than itself, its dull wood shining nearly white in the night, and the other hand clutching the coyote. They did not bother to command the squad around them, they could all probably see Charon progressing, a swaying and tottering trot. The mage looked out for any of the flying, tentacled creatures who might have turned their magics on him and his group, ready to attempt to disrupt their fireballs with a counter-spell.

The boatman's gaze stayed fixed on those flying creatures, occasionally glancing at the door. Then, turned up toward the moonlight once more, a faint green glow started in the eyes of Charon which slowly strengthened while it caught and evidently held the light. There were noises and sights all around them. The flashes of steel twinkling like the stars above seemed to flash right to the back of the boatman's skull; a quickness and tightness in its chest began and held as it threw itself across the sand with its compatriots. Though it did not increase in intensity or anything of the sort, the boatman's eyes kept drifting to the fight. Few might have seen the grief cradled by those huge irises, on account to their upward angle and the few people who would be more concerned with their face than the creatures trying to obliterate them and the people trying to annihilate them. In that way, trying to hold focus, the boatman lurched toward the steps and the doors of the dome.

combat actions
Major Action - IF targeted by a spell, cast Dispel Magic.
Minor Action - Move
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Health: Bloodied (1/3) | Toughness: 12 | Spell Power: 12 |Manna: 3/5
Condition: 0
Speed: 2

Artisan | -2
Combat | 4
Charm | 1
Knowledge | 2
Larceny | 4
Survival | 3
Lilith Falciani
Lilith let out a roar of pain as the green flames burned and her claws sunk into flesh. Gritting her teeth she stumbled back, claws ready to strike once more, when the creatures suddenly shrieked and started falling and voices started echoing around her. She stared, wondering what the heck was going on, then shook her head. No it didn't matter what was happening, it was an opportunity.

The black fur faded away as she lurched past the red katulu, clutching at her wound. Reaching the hooded creature she wipped out her dagger and embeded it into the monster's back, giving it a good twist before yanking it back out. Then, shoving the body aside, she leaned against the dais and began examining it, trying to figure out how to set the thing down or just shut it off.

Major Action: Kill the Dark Robed Katulu
Minor Action: Examine the controls

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