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Futuristic VALKYRIE - OOC

Welcome to the OOC Thread for VALKYRIE!
Feel free to hang out, engage in casual discussion, or even just flat out do random posts. Just remember to respect each other, and follow the forum rules. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me.

Please keep all OOC in this thread.
Reinhardt Reinhardt
Question, are all Valkyrie bio cores based on female individuals? Or are there male based etc ones too?

Valkyrie bio cores are not restricted to using only female individuals as sources, since they wipe the mind of its memory and place new ones.

So when the Valkyrie is awakened/activated, they won't recognize themselves as male/female/whatevergenderthereisintheworldrightnow, instead they'll know that they are living tools/weaponry.
Valkyrie bio cores are not restricted to using only female individuals as sources, since they wipe the mind of its memory and place new ones.

So when the Valkyrie is awakened/activated, they won't recognize themselves as male/female/whatevergenderthereisintheworldrightnow, instead they'll know that they are living tools/weaponry.
what if they mistake themselves for a walking talking burrito
Oh, cool.
I thought this concept sounded familiar, then I realized that this gives me huge NieR: Automata vibes, which I greatly approve of :D

-comes late to the party-

Hello everyone! :)

Reinhardt Reinhardt The lore is looking awesome!

Agreed, lovin' dat juiceh lore mahself. Methinks I'mma be playin' a VHEX IR, btw, love the idea of supporting all the peeps kicking ass by being the smert robogoil
btw, much hoype for possible impending Android yuri <3, I mean come on, it's mandatory. Our characters are all female, technically anywho.
I'm thinking of an LC-VAL Type 4. Big booms, big guns, big fun.


an LC-VAL Type 2. I have so many ideas, but so little time!
btw xAlter xAlter bootiful x3. I choose to major in Persona 5. Heck, I think I technically already am because of how glued to that game I've been lol
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